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Chapter 9

Javier's POV

(Rewind to Saturday night)

Ah why didn't she reply the text, a simple 'Goodnight' would have been perfect. Maybe she didn't get it. I checked my phone and sure the message was sent.

*phone starts ringing*

Oh my maybe she didn't want to text but decided to call.

"Hello, miss me?”I asked jumping on my bed as I answered the phone.

"Javierrr yes I miss you baby” A lady on the other end purred

Wait what? What happened to pretty boy? And baby? This is not Megan.

"Umm who is this?”I asked sitting up.

"Oh come on baby it’s me, Cassandra” The human cat replied.

"Cassandra?” I asked, I don’t know any Cassandra.

"Oh come on Javier, don't you remember me, your Cassy baby” She purred again.

Now I officially hate cats, I somehow remember her, a then beautiful, sexy big boobs and hips girl, a model I met at one horny time of my life.

"Oh yea yea Cassandra” I said.

"Yes baby it's me, your secretary said you didn't want to see me anymore, but I knew she was lying, you should fire her she wants to tear us apart”she cried out.

"She is not tearing us apart because we are not together and she probably told you I didn't want to see you, because I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE YOU.”I said.

"Honey boo, you don't mean that” she said

"Uh yea I do, I really do mean that, now if you will excuse me, my FIANCÉE needs me, and please don't call again she hates me being disturbed” I said then added just for effect, "oh what's that honey, you need me in the shower? Am coming right now” then I cut the line.

Annoying Lady, what the hell? No is No. No matter how much Megan loves Samuel am sure she doesn't pest him like this...does she?

Ah what brought Megan into this...I asked myself as I jumped on my bed and buried my head on my pillow.


She didn't believe me, which made it perfect for me to continue saying it.

I woke up this morning, thinking about Megan and wondering what she was doing. I called her and I don't know how it happened but I told her that I missed her. It felt right and I think I really missed her.

She didn't bore me, her face and attitude was really interesting, I liked being around her and I think that if I don't keep her company, she'll start thinking about Sam and would become sad. I didn't like her sad one bit.

So am staying with her to drive out Sam thoughts and unhappiness.

"Because I miss you” I said for the third time today and I meant it, I've been bored all day and even Clyde couldn't make me smile. She did, not only did I smile, I laughed. I looked at her wondering what makes her so special.

She looked at me as if now she finally believed me, I didn't want to freak her out, It’s not as if am developing feelings for her, I have a runaway fiancée after all and love is not for me.

"So what are you doing?”I asked her, breaking the one minute spell.

"What does it look like” She ask me going back to picking up clothes and putting it carefully in a sack.

"It looks like you are auctioning out 3rd rated clothes” I said looking at the clothes she was selecting out, some of them were pretty good.

"Well this 3rd rated clothes are mine and am not auctioning them am taking them to where they can turn clean in” She spat out, looking at me angrily.

Oh uh

"They are pretty nice for 3rd rated wares” I said picking up a shirt, then a lacy thing caught my attention, I took it out and saw... a bra, a red lacy bra. It hung on my index finger as it dangled my eyes glued to it.

I looked up at Megan and saw her staring at me eye wide.

"Nice one” I said, just before Megan snatched it out of my hand, her cheeks blushing red.

"That's not for you to see, go away from here” she said stuffing the clothes into the sack hurriedly.

I stared at her chest then looked back at her, who knew Megan could be hot? That bra is one of the sexiest things I've ever seen.

I got up from the chair I was seated on, did this place get hot or what?

"Umm I'll go check on Samuel's mother” I said.

"What? Why?”She asked.

I laughed, a fake laugh by the way, am used to faking emotions, especially in front of girls or my father.

"You didn't think I came here just for you right? I came to see my rival’s mother” I said.

She frowned, "OK but please leave Susan out of this, I can't bear seeing her hurt."

"Who said anything about hurting anyone, stop being paranoid and just show me their home” I said, as she pointed at the door that belongs to them.

I climbed the stairs and arrived at the door. I knocked twice and a blond woman opened the door for me. She was looking beautiful unlike other cancer recovering patients, but she could look better.

"Oh ma'am you must be Mrs. Susan Anderson” I said as friendly as possible.

"Yes I am, and you are?”She asked me.

"Oh I am a childhood friend of Samuel. My name is Javier Altamira” I said, with a smile.

"Oh a friend of Sam, come in please” she said welcoming me.

I studied the home, it was not big as all, It wasn't also filled with furniture, just some here and there. But it was homely.

"Please sit, would you like me to offer you anything” she asked.

"Umm no ma, I just wanted to see Samuel and maybe catch up on old stuff” I said sitting down and smiling at her.

"Oh am sorry but Samuel isn't here right now” she said.

I feigned disappointment, "Oh my! What do I do, I came all the way from Mexico."

"Umm did Samuel know you were coming?"

"No, I wanted to surprise him, we were best friends in highschool, we were so close and inseparable, we even had the same interest in girls” I said smiling.

She smiled too, "maybe you should wait while I call him, he doesn't come here often; he lives in the outskirts of Queens."

"Oh, really why? He loves you so much, he barely survives a day without his beautiful mother, although now I can see why, if I had a mother like you, I won't leave for a second."

She laughed, I could tell I was charming her over, "well he has to live there now, because... oh it’s a secret"

"A secret huh, am sure it's because of a woman” we both laughed.

"Yea I guess so” she said, I could tell she didn't want to divulge more information.

"Oh well no need to call him, I'll do so myself, I will be leaving now, send my regards to him and his new conquest” I said standing up and walking out.

"OK thanks for dropping by” She said as she walked me to the door.

"It my pleasure” I said while kissing her hand and then I left.

I could see that Megan was done packing her clothes and was already starting to leave. I rushed down and met her.

"Hey” I said now walking by her side.

"Hey too, how did it go?”She asked.

"Fine. My plan was successful, tomorrow the game begins” I said.

She smiled, "you must really love Kristen, going through all these stress, just for her."

I didn't say anything, am doing this for my father’s approval, not for love, but she doesn't need to know that.

"Let me drive you to your place of work” I offered.

"No thank you, I have my ride” she said.

"Then why aren't you taking it?”I asked knowing that her motorcycle was safely packed in, while we were already walking out.

"By baby works all day, Sunday is It’s resting day” she said.

"Shouldn't you do the same for yourself; you are treating that bike better than you treat yourself."

"None of your business pretty boy” she said again.

"Megan come on, let me give you a ride to work” I said or pleaded with her.

She looked at me contemplating the offer, "OK yes, you could be of some use to me anyway."

With that, we hit the road.

"So what hotel do you work for?”I asked her, for some reason she was quite.

"Altamira” she said, making me halt.

"What did you say?”I asked again.

"What? Don't tell me you don't know the famous Altamira hotel” she asked.

"I know it, you work there?”I asked back to driving and suppressing the urge to smile.

"Yes dummy. But not as a major staff, they only hire graduates for that, I work part time in the maid service” she said.

I didn't care if she worked part time or full time, in the maid service or the staff service, or that matters was that she worked in my hotel.


• • •

Megan's POV

When pretty boy went to see Susan, I focused back on my work and started contemplating the idea of the mission and business we had together.

I just hoped nobody got hurt in the process, if anything happens to Susan or Sam, I won't be able to live with myself. Maybe I should just quit this project 'get Sam who wasn't ever mine back'.

But if I quit pretty boy might do something stupid, he loves Kristen after all and is willing to get her back no matter the cause, Even if it means killing Sam. Though personally I don't think he is capable of killing anybody. He might be rich, bad, cocky and egotistic but I don't think he is a murderer, anyway I've only known him for two days, he could have sides I don't know about.

Wow I've only known him for two days yet it feels like forever, pretty boy has a way of rubbing off on someone. I liked it.

Well like they say: it takes a minute to know someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone and years to forget someone, right?

Though there is nothing like love or like between us, lucky Kristen, she has two awesome men in love with her, she has money fame and wonderful parents, I have... Nothing.

So It’s with this moody attitude that pretty boy meets me with when he comes out and offers me a ride, I agreed, I didn't feel like arguing with him.

We stopped at the hotel soon and I could see that pretty boy wanted to smile, laugh or cry I didn't know which, but I knew he was suppressing an emotion.

"What?”I asked poking his ribs.

"Me? Um Nothing, we are here.” He said getting out of the car.

I squeezed my face, he was probably laughing at me because I worked as a maid in this big international hotel.

I got out too and carried my sack along with me.

He was following me, even when I got in he was still following me.

"What is it pretty boy?! WHAT IS THE MATTER?”I shouted at him.

"Whoa whoa what did I do now?”He asked looking innocent.

"Why are you following me in? You've given me the ride now go away” I said, he wanted to get me in trouble, I just know it.

"Am hurt Megan, I just... “I cut him off as I dropped my sack on the floor.

"You can't follow me in, my boss Conner hates it when I come to work with visitors, just go.”I said pushing him out, or at least trying to.

"Meg!” Conner shouted my name; I looked up and saw her and some other maids staring at me jaw slaking. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

Oh no now she thinks pretty boy is costumer I’m pushing out. I looked at pretty boy and saw him smiling; cheeky beast.

"Ma, no he is not a costumer; he was just leaving, right pretty boy?”I asked but he didn't say anything.

Conner rushed to me and pushed me aside, "am so sorry Mr. Altamira, Meg just has some...medical issues."

Mr. Altamira? What's going on?

"Meg let me introduce you, this is Mr. Javier Altamira, junior president and manager of all things Altamira” Conner said.

I looked at pretty boy and he just had a poker face on, I was surprised but not shocked.

OK pause from the whole surprise hullabaloo...

Isn't Javier the sexiest name ever?


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