Megan's POV
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.
Oh God, who is calling me now?
I peeked through one eye and saw that the time was 9 am. Well, 9 am on Sunday morning is pretty early to me.
I reached for my phone and saw that it was an unknown number; I ignored it, it's too early to answer any unknown number.
I pulled the covers over my head, but the ringing didn't stop, the caller kept calling over and over again.
I picked up.
"What is it?!”I shouted at the poor person on the other line.
"Whoa whoa whoa! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today!”the person said, and I could tell he, by the voice, was smiling.
"Please, who is this?”I asked yawning; I am NOT supposed to be awake now.
"I'm hurt, you know. Did you not save my number? Or are you too drunk to know it's me?”He asked with an amused voice.
I didn't say anything as I gradually lay my head back on the bed, prepared to go back to see and let whoever is on the other line keep talking.
"Megan? Are you there?"
Megan? Oh no, Pretty Boy?
I got up again. "Pretty Boy?” I asked.
"Yup, the one and only!” He replied.
I groaned loudly, loud enough for him to hear. "Why on Earth are you calling me now?"
"Because I missed you!” he stated.
"Yeah right! Why are you calling me? Because if it's not important, I swear to God-"
"Okay okay! I surrender! Quick question, how do you spend your Sundays?”He asked.
"Sleeping! Now leave me be” I grunted, tempted to cut the call. But, I didn't want to be rude.
"Really? All day?”He asked again.
"Of course not, you bonehead!”I responded, getting out of bed. Because of Pretty Boy, I'm not sleepy anymore. "I sleep, do some chores and then go to work."
"Who goes to work on Sunday?"
"Me! Sunday or not, people need to work in hotels.”I retorted, putting on my fluffy dinosaur slippers and going to the bathroom.
"Wow, I wished you work in my hotel. The maid there is boring with tiny boobs” he said.
I smirked, remembering Bianca, "Unfortunately I don't, now leave me alone. I need to wash up.”I said.
"Okay, see you soon” he said cutting the call.
See me soon? How? I remembered his text message in the night, that pretty boy is quite funny when he wants to be.
I brushed my teeth, took a bath, and wore jeans; a button down red checkered shirt and a black jacket. I packed my hair into a ponytail as I went next door.
The lovely scent of bacon filled my nostrils the moment I stepped in. No doubt Susan was involved.
"Good morning Meg” the twins said at the same time, as soon as they saw me. That didn't freak me out at all; I'm used to it.
"Morning D's” I said removing my jacket, hanging it and moving to the kitchen.
"Good morning pa Jethro” I greeted the only father figure I knew.
"Morning Meg, how was your night?”He asked putting his slightly rough palms on my cheeks while smiling.
I shrugged, he smiled and left. The whole place was busy, everyone doing something or another, Susan is undoubtedly behind this.
I entered the kitchen that smelled divine.
Rita handed me a cup of coffee after hugging me.
"Glad to see you are alive, Meg” she said.
I sipped the hot juicy coffee, "Of course; I can't die now."
"Also, don't think I'm letting you off the hook, you still have to tell me about the Lamborghini guy who escorted you last night” She said cheekily, winking as she carried a tray of breakfast out.
Lamborghini guy? I shrugged again. She must be confused. I drove myself home yesterday with no escort.
"Good morning Susan” I said giving her a back hug.
"Oh Meg, how are you? I've been worried about you. Are you still angry at me?”She asked giving me puppy eyes.
"No Susan, I was never angry at you, how can I?”I said to her.
She touched her chest and sighed dramatically, "Thanks, don't mind Sam. It's his loss for losing you.”
I knew she was just saying that to make me feel better. But, I seriously didn't want to think about Sam now.
I nodded, and stole a piece of grilled bacon, "Yummy.”
Susan understood that I was trying to change the topic, and she didn't say anything more.
"So, take this to the table and don't eat it!”She said handing me a tray of bacon cinnamon rolls.
"Where did we get all the bacon from?”I asked knowing we couldn't afford to eat this much bacon in one breakfast.
"Some old friend of Jethro sent them to us, as a gift, apparently he just came back from Amsterdam” Susan explained.
"He brought bacon?”I questioned. Susan shrugged.
OK just in case anyone is confused. In our compound apartments, it's my mum and me who are the Hart's. Rita, the twins (Dylan and Darlene), and Pa Jethro, who is the Hernandez's; Sam and his Mum, the Anderson's, are like family; we practically sleep in each other houses. We always eat together on Sundays and all festive periods, no matter how small.
Oh, am I forgetting someone- Oh yeah! Elvis, the odd one.
As if on cue, he just came in.
"Sorry everyone, I'm a bit late, hope you guys didn't start without me” he apologized, coming in.
"ELVIS, REMOVE YOUR SHOES!”Susan, Rita, Darlene and I reminded him loudly at once.
We looked at each other and looked at Elvis' spooked face then we burst out laughing. That was so hilarious. Elvis always forgets to remove his shoes when coming into a house and his boots aren't the cleanest.
We all sat down at the wooden rectangular dining table, all seven of us. There was one empty seat which belonged to Sam; I kept throwing glances at the chair now and then.
Everybody was trying to be polite and not talk about Sam, but it was starting to get on my nerves. I wouldn't die if I heard his name for God's sake.
"Okay, can you guys stop? I know everyone is itching to talk about Sam, and I'm okay. I'm not over him yet, but I will be someday- eventually. I won't die if we talk about him, I'm curious and worried too, y'know?”I scolded. Pa Jethro gave a smile that had 'that's my girl' written all over it.
"Yeah- so first of all, how is he Susan and where the hell is he?”I asked with two purposes in mind. First; to satisfy my curiosity, and second: this information could be used for me and pretty boy's mission.
"He is fine Meg. He is delighted with Kristen. He got a job on the outskirts of Queens, and a small apartment for him and Kristen.”She replied.
"Aren't they going to get married first before living together?”I asked, I need enough information as I can get.
"Well according to Sam, they will but, Kristen needs her parents' blessings before taking that huge step” Susan said.
Well, she is not going to get it away from home.
"Right!” I said thinking of another question to ask.
"Kristen is currently looking for a job anyway so that they will be coming closer to home sometimes, we might get to see them again” Susan said with a smile.
Just the information I needed.
Breakfast ended shortly after and I went to do my laundry after washing the dishes with Darlene.
I was going through my thoughts while picking out my dirty laundry and putting it into a sack. We didn't have a laundry machine, and I didn't want to pay money for someone to do it for me. So I always took my clothes to the hotel. One of the privileges of working there at the hotel; I get to use their laundry machine for free.
My thoughts were occupied with Sam; I just hope he wasn't suffering and I just hope he doesn't get Kristen pregnant.
I suddenly heard car horns and car unlocking sounds.
I looked at the direction of the sound and saw a gorgeous white Ferrari car. Out of it stepped out Pretty Boy looking prettier than ever.
His blond hair was gelled back correctly, and he wore a fitted black button up shirt, dark blue jeans with a black blazer. I froze for a minute as I took on his appearance. Not only was he overdressed for this neighborhood, but he also looked strikingly gorgeous.
"Should I lend you my phone?”He asked.
It took me a second to realize that he was now standing near me, I looked up at him.
"What?”I asked trying to get back my bearings.
He crouched down and now I could see his smiling face and get a good whiff of his perfume.
"I said, should I lend you my phone?” He teased, stressing every word.
"No, why would you do that?” I asked, trying as much as possible to distract myself from the glowing blue eyes.
"So you could take a picture of me and look at it every time you feel horny” he jived at me.
I frowned. Pretty face, ugly person.
"Oh, I missed you, Megan” he taunted, smiling like a child and ruffling my hair, all just to annoy me.
"Leave me alone; I would rather look at a hairless dog than look at you” I said.
"Oh, so you admit you do get horny?”He asked.
"No, I didn't say that."
"I said to look at me when you get horny, and you said you'd rather look at a hairless dog, so you are saying you'll rather look at a hairless dog when you get horny” he smirked at me.
My cheeks were already heating up; I don't blush easily, why am I blushing now?
"Oh Megan, I can be anything for you, even a hairless animal; all I need is the attitude and a shave” he said.
Oh, God. I quickly hid my burning cheeks in my legs as I heard him vibrate with laughter. I hate this man.
"Why are you here Pretty Boy?”I asked finally raising my head up and seeing him already seated on a chair.
"Because, I missed you” he stated staring at me, blue eyes piercing into mine.
Somehow that statement that I knew was a total lie he just said to mess with me.
Somehow just those words and his stare made my heart shoot out fireworks.