Javier's POV
I was angry, not even a bottle of my favorite Scotch could calm me down. If I don't calm down soon, my room and all the priceless artifacts inside will become dust.
Someone knocked on my door; I Ignored it, I didn't want to see anyone, not even my mom, I am not in my right mind now, and could do or say things I would regret later.
But apparently, the person knocking didn't get the hint, and kept on disturbing me. I knew it wasn't my mom she always respected my privacy.
Oh, this person has a death wish.
I threw another vase at the wall as I stomped to the door and opened it. I met a little white maid standing or more like squirming there.
"What is it, what the hell is it?”I bellowed angrily at her.
"Sir... Mr. Mon-tenegro is here” She managed to stutter out.
"What?-”I asked barely hearing what she just said.
"Come on man; do you want her to tell?”A bold voice boomed. As I looked up, I saw a gelled dark haired man with striking gray eyes staring at me. His hands were in his pocket, and he had a shit-eating grin on his face. "I mean, look at her! She already looks like she is one step away from a bloody heart attack!”He continued as he placed his hand on the little maid shoulder. She shivered at his touch, and I could see he was struggling not to laugh.
I immediately retreated to the room, leaving the door open for him to come in. I had even forgotten that I asked Clyde over.
"You were enjoying that, weren't you?”I asked as I poured us a drink from the half empty Scotch glass bottle.
He threw his head back as he gave out a hearty laugh. Clyde always does that whenever he is genuinely amused or happy. He always throws his head back and gave out a good booming laugh. It always embarrassed me back in high school; the guy couldn't just chuckle. It's either that or nothing.
"You are quite a handful you know, soon you would be called Hades” He said taking the Scotch out my hand, and sipping it.
"I don't care” I say truthfully, I didn't care what anybody thought about me, there are only two people that their opinion about me matters; my mom and my dad. I am always trying to measure up to me dad standards and not be a disappointment to him, while my mom is like my best friend; she loves me for me and understands me as much as Clyde over here.
"OK, so am I supposed to be panicking about the fact that you called me out of my home at 9 am or that your room looks like a place where two squirrels battled over who gets the to mate with the lady squirrel?”He said seriously as he sat in my armchair and crossed his legs.
I gave a light chuckle which disappeared almost immediately it surfaced; Yeah, Clyde had a twisted sense of humor.
"Clyde there is a problem” I said as all the anger that I had managed to calm, came rising to the surface again, I mean, come on! My dad fucking slapped me!
"Yea, I figured, and I know Dad got involved, so what happened?”He asked in a full on serious face. He is like a brother and son to this family and me, he knows about everything that goes on with me and our household. He has been my best friend for 19 years.
"Kristen” I said pacing up and down, I didn't like that name now, I just wanted to--
"Kristen?”Clyde asked a bit retaken, "Ah, the beautiful sexy princess, A.K.A your fiancée, what's up with her and what has she got to do with this?”He said, motioning to my scattered room.
"She- She canceled the engagement Clyde, the stupid princess called off our engagement!”I roared, failing miserably at my attempt to hold in my anger.
"Ouch!”Clyde said, now realizing the cause of my temporary madness.
"And to make matters worse, she ran away from home with her chauffeur; she left me for a chauffeur!”I stated, boiling with anger as I slammed my fist on a table, making the things on it bounce up.
I saw Clyde put his fist into his mouth as his eyes glistened in a way I know too well.
"Okay, I know the gravity of this situation and all--”he started saying, but I cut him off.
"Clyde, do not laugh” I ordered as I knew what was coming next. If he laughed, I might just lose it, but he did the exact opposite. He laughed, and he laughed hard.
I thought I would lose it and go all kangaroo on him but his laugh is more infectious than I gave it credit for and soon I too was laughing.
"A chauffeur- you- Oh my God-”He couldn't even form a sentence as he doubled over in laughter. Then he got up as he patted my back and managed to say "Take heart man” Before laughing again.
After we've laughed out all the tension and anger, we became serious again. I was no longer angry, that's why I called Clyde; he always had the remedy.
"Clyde, Dad's mad, and he blames me for everything! You know how much this marriage union means to him, and also the press” I said.
"Yea, I can only imagine, we wouldn't want your 'every girl dream man' image to be ruined” He said, I was about to tell him to stop joking and get serious, but I saw that he was staring into the distance as he spoke with a straight face. He was thinking and no more jokes.
"What do I do now? Dad insists I win her back” I asked both myself and Clyde.
Anytime I had a problem, Clyde was always Papa bear while I'm the baby bear, anytime he had a problem, I became Papa Bear and him baby bear. It's complicated.
"There is only one thing you can do. You have to go and win Kristen back, remind her the importance of this agreement, shred all your bad boy attitude and be the perfect fiancé” he said.
I thought about it "You think that will work?"
He shrugged, “It's the only thing we've got, Dad has to see you doing something about it, and this is all you can do about it, you could also meet the famous chauffeur and work something out” He said while relaxing on the chair.
I sighed, yes, I have to do this.
"Though I don't think it would work, I've read a lot and had my share at real love, and for your princess to be able to run away from home, it seems she's hooked on the spell of true love” he said.
"I don't believe in that crap, she's a naive little girl, the chauffeur is probably the first man to promise her of great false things, and she fell for it” I said picking up my room telephone from the ground.
Clyde smirked, “those who don't believe in love are the one that falls hardest.”
Have I told you, Clyde is a helpless romantic? He believes in love and all and is hooked on an Italian model that he met last year.
"Something tells me, this trip would be your turning point” He added.
Oh, and also he is the maniac who reads cards.
"Altamira holdings on the line, how can I help you?”The voice of my secretary Regina comes out through the phone.
"Regina, it's me, Javier, I need to be on the next available flight to Queens."
Megan's POV
My head felt heavy; my limbs were numb, I didn't even know how I made it to my home, I couldn't see through the tears threatening to fall out of my eyes anytime soon. I just locked the room door as I slumped on the ground resting my head and back on the wall.
"Meg, meet Kristen Sullivan; the love of my life”
"Wow, you must be Meg! I've heard a lot about you."
"She's gonna be living with me now 'til we sort out things with her family."
I felt my cheeks warm as the tears fall freely on their own. I heard a knock on the wall.
"Meg, are you okay?”Rita asked me through the wall.
No, I am not okay! The love of my life just introduced the love of his life to me!
"Meg? Meg talk to me, I am scared. Meg?”Rita said again; she was becoming paranoid, I had to assure her that I was still alive.
"Ri_Rita...”I choked out, I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth before I broke into heart-wrenching sobs that shook my whole body violently.
It felt as if my whole world was crashing beneath me.
Samuel... Samuel...