Megan's POV
I packed my motorcycle and removed my helmet, as the different lights of the restaurant attacked my now exposed eyes.
This place was very fancy and beautiful especially now that it dark, the lights from the restaurant brightened everywhere.
They had seats situated outside under a canopy!
I searched the people seated there hoping to see the pretty boy, but luck was not on my side because I didn't see him. Now I had to go to this fancy restaurant dressed like a homeless person.
I prepared myself and fueled me with a lot of courage as I entered inside. Immediately a waiter approached me.
"French or English?”He asked.
"English please” I said not paying attention to him as I studied my environment.
"Do you have a reservation?”He asked again, this time I looked at him as I shook my head indicating a no.
"I am here to see someone” I said.
"Who?”He asked.
Oh oh, I have no idea what his name is.
"A pretty blond man with blue eyes” I tried to describe pretty boy. But the waiter looked confused.
God, the last thing I needed is to be thrown out of this fancy restaurant.
"He is this tall” I described raising my hand over my head, "He looks wealthy and has an ego the size of this restaurant."
The waiter realizes that am a hopeless case and decides to check his notepad.
"Abigail Rice?”He asked.
"Megan Hart?”
"Yes, that's me” I said, happy that I won't be kicked out.
"Come with me please” he said leading me inside.
I followed him feeling very uncomfortable. I am not one to be self-conscious or to care about what people think, but I found myself pulling at the hem of my sweater and running my fingers through my hair.
It didn't take long before I spotted pretty boy, he looked bored sipping water from a glass.
The waiter and I approached him after he nodded to the waiter I sat down on the only seat near him, he smirked at me, I frowned.
He honestly had a fantastic set of blue eyes, but he couldn't be bluey, from the little I know about bluey he wasn't from Queens, then he was just visiting, which made him a perfect prey for the night: someone I won't see again and who won't recognize me.
"You came” he declared.
"Of course I did you cheeky beast” I said talking lower than I wanted to.
"Hmm, what's got your tail on fire?”He asked looking at me like am some strange biology specimen.
"Blackmailing an innocent girl like me, you are worst than I thought” I said through my gritted teeth.
"I don't understand why you are upset. I invited you to a fancy restaurant and am willing to feed you; shouldn't you be happy?”He asked.
"I didn't ask for you to feed me. I am fine thank you, and I would be happy if not that I look like something the cat dragged in, as I am not dressed for such a place! Couldn't you have picked a local restaurant?”I asked
"Oh, you want a dress! We could go shop and come back, but personally I think you look great” he said.
I face palmed; this pretty boy is entirely clueless.
"I am sure you tell that to every girl” I said, deciding to forget about the topic.
"Oh, you have no idea. Only a few privileged girls are lucky to hear that from me” he said smirking.
I smiled, "Lucky me then! But I am sure you'll say that to the lady over there” I said pointing to a lady in red. She caught my attention the moment I entered here. She wore a strapless red dress that stuck to her like a second skin, and her brown hair curled in rich locks falling to her side.
"Her? Are you daft? Her lips look like an overripe tomato; I hate over ripe tomatoes” He said sporting a disgusted face.
I burst out laughing, attracting unwanted attention. I thought the pretty boy would be embarrassed by me. But instead, he burst out laughing too diverting the attention from me. I smiled, who knew I was self-conscious?
"You should laugh more, suIt’s you better than frowning” he said calling the waiter.
I smiled again; Samuel once said the same thing to me.
"So, what would you like to eat?”He said as the waiter handed me the menu.
I looked at the menu. I didn't recognize a thing; I only eat fancy foods during Thanksgiving, Christmas or a lavish birthday party.
"Umm, you choose” I said giving the menu back.
"My pleasure, mademoiselle” he said smirking as he took over.
I zoned out, my head was throbbing, and I felt sleepy. I looked around seeing everyone's faces; I laughed again when I saw the woman in red.
I sweet aroma brought me back to reality, I watched the waiter set the beautiful food on our table. I involuntarily licked my lips.
"So this is the Hachis Parmentier and magret de canard” He said smiling, pointing at the beautiful dishes.
"Topped off with the best red wine, 'Alsacian pinot noir' and for dessert, we will be getting 'A crème brulée,' “He finished off smiling.
"Okay, I have no idea what all that meant but I like what I see, so if you'll allow me” I said as I picked up the fork and took a nice bite. I almost moaned but resisted the urge; I don't need any attention.
I looked at the pretty boy and saw his satisfied smirk.
"This is good!”I said chewing.
"Of course it is, I chose it” he said.
I just eyed him. I was occupied with this Hatch- whatever.
I ate this Hatch- thing to my satisfaction and then focused on the red wine; it felt so good.
"Hey, easy on the wine there Megan” Pretty Boy stated.
"Can you believe Samuel, falling for an engaged girl?”I said voicing out my thoughts.
"I am going to accept your proposal because I don't want Samuel with Miss Richy. He is supposed to be MINE!”I sputtered out- Wait-What's happening to me? I am feeling very emotional, and I feel like talking, but I am also sleepy.
"Megan, you are getting drunk” Pretty Boy voiced, taking away the wine bottle from me.
"Yeah yeah, you brought me here and gave me red wine! What did you expect?”I slurred while hiccupping.
"That's my name, and it's Meg. Are you dumb or is that head just filled with your ego and prettiness?”I sassed, finishing the glass.
"Megan, let's go” he said.
"No no, please let's stay! The chair is as comfortable as cotton, the place is beautiful, and although you act like a beast, I like your eyes. They are so blue; bluer than the sky.”I said smiling a little.
"Megan, do you go to clubs?”He asked all of a sudden.
I looked at him confused, "No, I have what you call club phobia” I said, my eyes finally closing.
"I'm tired you know; Bianca has been a bitch all day” I voiced, resting my head on the table.
• • •
Javier's POV
She's isn't the person I think; she has club phobia after all. And she dresses nothing like the sexy girl I saw in the club.
I watched her sleep, her breathing hitching up and coming down again as her lips opened and closed.
I picked up a cloth and put close to her lips as her breath moved the fabric to and fro. I laughed, this is so childish.
"Sir, can-”
"Shush” I hissed at the loud waiter. "Can't you see she's asleep?"
"Sorry, sir” The waiter whispered.
"Whatever it is you have to offer, I am not interested, please leave” I said as I handed over my credit card to him.
I decided to film the precious moment.
I took my phone and recorded the sleeping Megan; priceless video.
It was almost midnight. What do I do with Megan now? Should I take her to my hotel room or her home?
What if her parents freak out? I'll text them and tell them that's she's spending the night at a friend's home.
I decided to look for her phone, and I saw it in her jean pocket, I was about to take it out when I felt a hand grab mine. I looked up and saw Megan clutching my hand tightly as her eyes fluttered open.
"Are you robbing me?”She asked with a husky voice.
"Nope” I replied, feeling surprised.
"Then what are doing?”She asked again, lifting her head up and yawning, raising her arms over her head.
I tried to free my hand, but it was impossible. Damn, this girl had a grip of steel.
"I'm- I'm-”what exactly was I doing?
"Ah! Pretty Boy!” She exclaimed now thoroughly awaked, freeing my hand at last.
"Bad, bad boy, if you didn't just give me a nice, let alone free, meal, I would have given you a piece of my mind” She spoke, standing up and stumbling a bit. I caught her, again.
"I am fine; I have to go now” She said as she freed herself and walked away. I followed her.
"Let me drive you home, Megan” I said
"Sorry Pretty Boy, I can transport myself very well. I don't want to owe you anymore” She stated firmly as we exited the building.
"What's your name?”She asked turning to look at me, with her helmet in hand.
"Let me drive you, and I'll tell you” I bargained.
"Okay, never mind. Bye, I hope I don't see you again. But since the universe does not listen to me, I guess it's 'til we meet again, Pretty Boy” she declared, putting on her helmet and expertly getting on the motorcycle. She drove off, her motorcycle engines groaning.
I entered into my Lamborghini, and against my better judgment, I followed her.
This girl makes me worried, curious, happy and sad at the same time.
I left after she got home safely.
Maybe I felt this way because I wanted to know more about Samuel and getting close to her might give me the information I need.
Yeah, that's got to be it.
Or maybe it’s because she looked a lot like my mystery club girl.
Well, I won't know until I find out and I plan on finding out.
I dug my hand into my pocket and grasped my phone. Unlocking it, I typed a quick message to Megan.
/-To Megan-
Don't forget your phone tomorrow. Keep it with you. You never know who might need your voice to survive.
Goodnight, see you soon./
I sent the text and closed my phone.
See you soon Megan.