Megan's POV
So I just found out that pretty boy is filthy rich, more than I thought he was, he is also the famous, handsome Javier Altamira, my ultimate boss.
After the introduction, Conner and the other maids gave me 'an eye' before they left. Pretty boy or 'Javier' left too but not before smirking at me, am so sure he is gonna take advantage of this and frustrate my life. Gotta start looking for a new weekend job.
So here I was in the laundry room doing my laundry and sitting on top of the machine as I vibrated and shook letting my thoughts wondered off.
I haven't seen my mum in two days, I wonder if she is still in Queens. I just hope she isn't sprawled one corner at a club drunk out of her mind. What if she's been kidnapped? What if she's been arrested? What if she got into trouble with a drug lord? What if she's in a garbage truck?
Oh no Meg, stop getting paranoid. Your mum is a big girl and she can take good care of herself. I remembered what happened the last time I was worried about my mum__ I almost got raped.
"Hey Megan!” Pretty boy said making me jump out of my thoughts, literally.
"What do you want?”I said adjusting my butt back on the machine.
"Nothing I was curious as to how you are faring” He said moving closer to me.
"Am faring fine thank you, how else would I be faring after you just humiliated me in front of everybody” I said, not looking at him and recalling the faces everybody gave me a while ago.
"Oh Megan it’s not my fault I tried telling you” He said standing very close to me and putting his elbow on the machine.
"When? In the car? During dinner? Through a text?” I asked, I wasn't really angry just curious and I wanted him to go away, associating with me here will cause gossips and peering eyes.
"You didn't tell me your name yourself, It’s only right you find out my name from another source except me and what's in a name?”He asked leaping up very easily and placing his royal butt on the machine too.
I looked at him surprised, "Did you just quote Shakespeare?"
"Who?” He asked looking at me confusing as he tried to control the vibrations.
"Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet? Juliet saying 'what's in a name?” I asked as I watched him hilariously try to control his vibrating body.
"Oh__ I_I didn't__ know__ I was_ quot__ing Shakespeare_” He said looking at the machine as he moved his body towards the edge and before anyone could say leviosa__ he fell off.
He fell off__ he just fell right off.
I burst out laughing, snorts and all, I couldn't control the laughter coming out of me, I had to jump down least I fall off too from laughing so hard.
Javier freaking Altamira just fell off a washing machine.
"Hey it’s not that funny” He said looking pissed off as he dusted out his clothes. Thank God he was in his blazer anymore and thank God I just mopped this place.
"Hey it isn't my fault you vibrated your way to the ground” I said keeping my laughter under control.
"Well it’s not my fault either that thing is_ is dangerous” He stated.
I laughed, "I did it and I didn't fall right off"
"Whatever” He said walking off.
Uh oh I just bruised his mighty ego, now I feel bad.
"Hey, am sorry” I said lifting up my hands in surrender.
"It’s not your fault, I mean how do you sit and balance on a vibrating washing machine” He said coming back in and staring at the machine like it’s his devilicus.
"I'll teach you, come on, it took me a while to get a hang of it too” I said leading us back to the 'devilicus'.
"So you put your hands firmly like this” I demonstrated turning my palm sideways and placing them firmly on the vibrating machine, he did the same. "And your make sure your butt is rooted squarely and then try to direct your body opposite from the way the machine's vibration is moving” I explained, demonstrating all of it.
He did it and was able to be stable for just two minutes before he lost balance again and jumped off not fall down like my inner devil wished.
"OK this thing is just useless” He said after trying the second time and failing woefully.
I laughed but not as hard as the first time.
"Just admit it pretty boy, you aren't perfect like everyone and even you, think you are” I said.
Then I saw his blue eye glint as if he was just challenged.
"Oh do you want to know things I’m perfect in?” He asked walking in between my dangling legs.
"I bet am more perfect in things than you are” I said liking the look in his eyes, but I, you and heaven knows am far from perfect in anything.
"Ho ho uh Megan you don't want to dare me” He said putting his hands on my waist and pulling me to the edge of the machine.
OK just in case you are wondering, yes! My heart is beating at the rate of 100 miles per hour, not 60, 100.
Yet it’s like his eyes had hypnotizing power in them, looking into them I lost my sense of reasoning and was just driven my pure curiosity.
"Now what kind of perfect things does the great Javier have up his sleeves” I asked, not breaking contact. Yep I’m a pretty brave girl.
"Things that could have you screaming in his bed out of pure ecstasy forgetting about Samuel in an instant” he said leaning in closer and closer until__
The washing machine vibrated loudly letting out a beeping sound.
Oh my saved by the beep.
Pretty boy smiled as he retreated from whatever it is he was about to do and then he helped me get down in one swift motion.
I bent down to retrieve my clothes and he walked away leaning on the wall instead of walking out. I tried concentrating on the task in front of me but that was difficult to do given the fact that my heart was still beating like that of a of a rat and that I could feel Javier staring at me.
"What?”I finally turned around and asked him as I saw him massaging him chiseled jaw and staring at me intently as if I was a puzzle he was trying to place.
"Nothing, carry on. I see you later” He said walking out.
I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
Megan you can't be distracted, this is just a business, blue eyed or not pretty boy is just a business partner.
Unfortunately I didn't see pretty boy again. After work I was tempted to go knock on his door and inform him of my departure but I didn't do it, why should I? He said he would see me soon and he didn't come, and It’s not as if I expect him to drive me back home, we are not even friends so what the hell!
With that I left and I trekked home in the blissful snow, God I need gloves.
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Monday mornings, the worst; I was out as usual to deliver newspaper to every Tom, Dick and Harry home. Jumping hollows again was as usual__ jumpy. What's the need of going to the gym when jumping hollows can get rid of any fat I have? Seeing that I have no fat I wonder what It’s getting rid of every time I'm there, oh yes now I remember__ my strength.
I came home and started getting ready for my other day activities; it’s too cold outside so am not going to take a bath, I took a bath yesterday so am clean, it’s not as if I rolled in mud. I put on my black skinny jeans, a red Alvin and the chipmunks T-shirt; a milky colored knitted (slightly bigger than me) sweater and black worn out ankle boots. All set.
"Rita get your ass out now or walk to school!”I shouted while banging on the wall. I took an Apple and locked the door.
Rita came out all set but her head was looking at feet as her fingers wrestled.
"What?” I asked taking a large bite of my apple.
"I can't go with you because I promised a friend I'll let him pick me up today” she blunted out really fast.
I smiled, "Rita no problem, tell your boyfriend I said hi"
"He is not my boyfriend stop it Meg” she said her white cheeks turning bright red like my apple.
See that's the problem with my red hair friend over here she can't hide a blush, anger or any feeling at all. It’s always written on her face or in her fiercely green eyes.
"OK OK but I'd like to meet him maybe if I wait a little longer he'll show up, I mean if he is giving you a ride, It’s just right I meet him, right?”I asked I was teasing her. Rita has always been the quite, shy nerdy girl, she hardly makes friends and was determined not to make any while attending her new school, It’s good to see someone penetrated her through the fence she built around herself.
"Meg you have work now go away”she said pushing me.
"Ok just tell me his name and I'll be out of here"
She groaned loudly but saw that I wasn't going to give up "Wade, his name is Wade Sullivan"
"Sullivan as in Kristen Sullivan?”I asked confused.
"Yea I think so” She said
I thought about it, I have nothing against the Sullivans just one of them so it’s OK. "OK don't forget to say hi for me, bye, I love you"
I ran off, no need to see Susan. I was feeling guilty anytime I saw her, the more I avoided her, the safer my conscious.
*phone ringing*
Ah who is calling me so early, unknown number. Oh Christ let it not be who I think it is.
"Hi Megan, you are late"
It’s him! It’s who I thought it was, pretty boy.
"For What?” I asked getting on my bike.
"For work other maids have arrived, why haven't you arrived yet? Is this how you work?"
"Nope, am not arriving at the hotel today” I answered back starting the bike.
"Why?”He asked scaring me with his loudness.
"Because am a part-time worker, I only work there in the weekends” I said contemplating whether to wear my helmet or not.
"So you are not coming today?"
"Yes dummy I just said that. Why do you care? And can you please leave me now” I said already feeling late for my work today.
"OK am a bit disappointed, I wanted us to work on something together, where are you now?"
"On my bike, about going to work”I said as I noticed a stain on my helmet.
"Kens Chicken”I replied absentminded as I scrubbed at the dirt with my palm.
"OK see you soon”and the line went dead.
Wait_ what just happened? I shrugged it doesn't matter, I would get fired if I don't make it to work in 10 minutes. I put on my helmet and super raced to work but not before I saw a Rita enter into a mega mustang.