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Fall in love with somebody who doesn't make love seem hard.
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Megan's POV
Why didn't I wear those things filled with cotton called hand gloves? Agh, it feels as my fingers are freezing up and in any moment now, all ten of them would break off on their own accord.
I am finding it difficult to hold onto my bike now. It was a 6°C out here, OK, I know am exaggerating but am serious feeling cold right now, but thank God I wore a sweater, boots, and a beanie. If not, I would have become a human snowman or woman by now.
I let go of my bike, rubbed my hands together, letting the friction create a little heat before I stop and continue driving.
There wasn't anybody on the road; well it's just 5 am, so that's explainable. I have only seen a few cars go now and then. But seriously, who would go to work at 5 am in the morning? I swear these rich people don't have sense. If I were rich like them, I would ban being awake before 8 am. Unfortunately, I am not rich. Tch, I am not even in the middle class. I was just one arm away from being named Poverty. That name has already been taken by someone somewhere. Yep, even I admit I'm better than some people.
So, for someone who loves sleep a lot, like me, and wants to be awake before 8 am to be banned, you are probably wondering what am doing out here by 5 am this cold morning. Well, I am proud to say that I am working, as I am currently doing one out of my five jobs which is delivering newspapers to the wealthy neighborhood.
Not again, I am now at Jumpy Hollows. There is this particular building that doesn't let me throw my paper in like others because the fence is too high. There is a massive tree at the entrance, so in other to avoid getting the news stuck in the tree or fall back to me, I have to jump and jump while throwing it to get the right angle. Perks of having a short arm, huh?
I hurried up with the rest of my delivery and came home as fast as I could. I entered into my house; it was a one bedroom, one sitting room, a kitchen and a bathroom, I shared it with my Mum.
Speaking of my mom, I entered the room and saw her lying on the bed like a sprawled lizard. The room reeked of alcohol, and she still had her party dress on, I didn't even know when she got home last night.
I picked up her shoes and kept them in the right place. Then I covered her up with a blanket.
"Don't touch me, all you want is my body, go away” My mom mumbled, pushing me away.
"Mum, shut up. It's just me” I replied, irritated as I tried to cover her again. Her clothes were skimpy; she could get sick.
"That's what they all say... Sick people, leave me alone” She drawled, pushing me away again.
I removed the blanket and threw it from above, it landed on her body, and she quickly cuddled it up. I smiled as I went to the walk and knocked three times.
"Yea Meg?”I heard Rita answer back. I looked back at my mom I didn't want to wake her up.
"Are you ready?”I asked slowly.
"Yep, meet you outside” she said as I heard her footsteps go out of her room.
Yea, our walls are so thin that we can communicate with them.
I went to the kitchen, carried an apple and removed the leftover chicken soup from the refrigerator, all mom has to do when she wakes up is to microwave it.
I came out and saw Rita walking to Samuel's house; I ran up to her as we entered into the cozy apartment. We perceived an aroma and immediately knew that Susan is at work.
We both entered the kitchen and met her. I gave her a hug from behind as her warm motherly scent surrounded us.
God, I love this woman.
"Hi Angel” she said popping a piece of salad into our mouths.
"Susan, why are you up?”I asked eating the delicacy in my lips.
"Because I have to cook”she stated matter of fact.
"I am sure Sam left you something to eat before he left?”Rita looking around
"Yea of course he did, he never forgets that boy, “she said smiling.
"So, who are you cooking for?”I asked sitting on the counter, Susan was on medication and was supposed to sleep for as long as possible, but it's as if the woman hated sleep.
"For my darlings since I can't cook for Sam anymore because I barely see him anymore, I have to cook for someone, and as God has made it so I have four mouths that I can cook for” Susan said smiling and revealing four lunch boxes.
Rita and I opened our mouth as our jaw threatened to fall off.
"No you didn't” Rita said.
"Yes, I did Red. Yes, I did."
We enveloped her into a hug.
"Thanks, Susan” we said together. My mom would never do this, the last time she cooked something for me was when I had diarrhea at age 10, now am 23.
"Meg, stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, sometimes it's better to let go, be free and eat healthily” she said to me, making my eyes almost water.
"Rita is attending an affluent school; she'll need all the strength she can get” she said to Rita, and I saw a part of her melt.
"Have I told you, how much I loved you Susan?”Rita asked.
She smiled, she seemed to be doing that a lot lately, "Nope, but you can tell me after school, now hurry up or you'll be late."
We grabbed the lunch boxes and ran out. We handed two to the Twins, who looked as dumbstruck as we were, then Rita got on my bike as I drove her to school and went to my workplace.
Today was one hell of a stressful day and if was if Paul and his disturbances got worst today. Paul is the idiot I work with at the chicken shop, who thinks he has a shot at dating me, I've tried all I can to let him know that no means no, but he is too stupid to get it.
My night job at the petrol station went well, and now I was finally at home. As usual, Mum was not around, and the room was as scattered as usual. I arranged everything and brought out the little groceries I was able to buy with today's pay at the petrol station and some other savings.
I threw in some ingredients as I made Steak with mashed potatoes and corn, I was feeling happy now, because I saw the Sullivan's Mercedes-Benz car outside, it only means that Samuel was at home.
I didn't even bother to eat as I packed some and headed to his house, I rarely see him, he is always working, I just hope he is still awake now.
As I approached their door, I felt something different as a knot formed in my stomach, I didn't know what it was yet but some of the joy I had earlier seeped out of me, I just hope Susan is alright.
My worst fears came to pass when I noticed that the door was locked, the door was never locked, why was it locked now? I became hysteric as I banged on the door repeatedly.
Susan, please be okay.
The food almost dropped out of my grasp when I saw who opened the door.
She was the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on; her brown hair was in luxurious curls that fell on her back, her blue-gray eyes shone with her flawless skin, Wow, I never knew denim jean pants, and a sweater could look so good on someone.
I've seen this perfect face before...
Yes, I have.
In the Magazines and Newspapers.
Kristen Sullivan?
What's she doing here?
Why is she dressed like this?
And most importantly,
Why is she the one answering Samuel's door?