The whole placed turned into darkness more than before Anna felt same as she did when that accident happened. She started crying just than she heard a vibration just nearby her left leg. She startled.
"Where on the planet do you think you phone is ?" asked Dylan. Who was now more than annoyed.
"What business do you have with my phone". said Phoenix with crossed arms.
"Listen brother I need it right now I have save a picture in it last night.
"You... did what? " He asked angrily.
"I did save picture in your phone last night why don't people use their brains now a days". Said Dylan with an angry tone.
"How did you get inside my phone I have put a security". Asked Phoenix while crossing his arms.
"This is shame on my talent". said Dylan while shrug.
"You nerd you break into my phone again" He said with angry expression.
"I did not have choice, My kind of sick ex was getting on my nerve so I gave her your picture of kissing your girlfriend". Dylan said shrug.
"You did what I feel terrible that you are my brother". He said disappointed.
"She was not giving up on me you know so I made her see that I am having a girlfriend btw you looked somehow like me in that photo so she did not suspect". He said while crossing his arms.
Phoenix put his hand in his pocket for his phone, but it was not there.
"What the hell..." said phoenix panic. "You have stolen my phone". He said with dead stare.
"I did not whoa whoa calm down, if I did what for I will ask you for the phone". Dylan said.
"If I lost it trust me I will burn down your booty". Phoenix said.
"Call on my phone, lets see where it is". He said.
"What I get in return?". Asked Dylan with smirk.
"Will you agree on my middle finger?" said Phoenix with same gesture. Dylan rolled his eyes and starts dialing.
Anna suddenly looked in the direction where the voice came from. It was phone. First she thought it was her phone. But then she watched over the phone screen which was showing the name stinky poo. Without wasting any time she picks the call.
"Its ringing but no one is picking it yet brother" said Dylan.
"I want my phone back or I will burn this place" said Phoenix.
"Whoa Whoa not our home brother I was a lot of technological inventions in the house, so keep your hands off my lab". Said Dylan.
"Dylan for a while will you please shut up?" He said looking at him with deadly expression.
"Hello!....if this is my stupid brother's phone please give it back or else he will burn your ass....and...".
The phone was picked up from the other side. But the voice from other side gave him a huge shock someone was crying from the other side.
"Hello mam are you okay? why crying" he said suddenly, Phoenix got alert.
"Phoenix I think its your girlfriend she is crying". He said with mischievous looks on his face.
"Just shut up and give to me" He grabbed the phone .
"Hello" He said with concern.
"who is it". He asked.
Hearing Phoenix voice Anna felt a relieve. "Hello Phoenix is that you.....Please help me Please phoenix I will be dead in this darkness please help me" she said while crying.
"Anna? what happened why are you crying, where are you?" He asked furiously.
"Phoenix I am in school". She said with hiccup.
"What are you doing at school at this time of night it already 9”
"I....I don't know Phoenix I am in girls bathroom someone had...." She told everything to Phoenix, with every words of her, his expressions got changed.
"Hello Phoenix? Hello are you there". Anna checked the phone the battery was dead by now.
"I need your help jerk". He said to Dylan, who was staring at her with mischievous expressions.
"Hmm let me think, what I will get in return". He said with smile.
"Listen I don't have a time for your games, you are coming with me any way willingly or forcefully.
"Whoa Whoa Whoa boy I never have seen you with this anger before I am just joking come on lets go". He said. Phoenix rolled his eyes.
"Go and sit in the car I will be there in few minutes.
He was driving rashly.
"Easy boy Is that phone is this much important that today we going to be killed?" Dylan said.
"Killed?" He repeated with a smirk.
"Or that girl is important".
Phoenix still remain quite there was dark expression on his face. He was driving faster as he could. He stopped the car in front of the school entrance.
"School? what are we here for ? you know they have code machine outside, they won’t let us if we don't have a password....only teachers have the password to enter school in middle of night". Dylan said while crossing his arms.
"That's why you are here". Said Phoenix calmly.
"No you want me to break in to school how.." Phoenix cut him out in middle. "How shame on your talent". Phoenix said in Dylan's tone.
"Listen I need you to help me, my friend is in danger" Phoenix said calmly. But something echoed in his head "Friend?". Dylan nodded.
They got out of the car and went to the main door. Dylan started trying to hack the machine. Phoenix was continuously dialing his number on Dylan's Phone. How much it will take Dylan, I think phone is out of battery, that's why its unreachable".
“Almost done brother”.
"Did she tell you where she is ?" Asked Mr. Carlos.
"Yeah She said she is going to finish her project". Said Lilliana.
"I asked Olivia, she said both had left her house during afternoon". Said Olivia.
"Both?" Asked Mr. Carlos.
"Yeah she and Her classmate Phoenix". Sophia replied.
"Why don't we call Phoenix, maybe he knows" said Mariana calmly.
"We can but the problem is We don't have his number". Said Lilliana.
"Okay its to perform tracking spell" Said Carlos.
"But it will take time daddy we don't have proper ingredients" said Mariana.
"So what we can do right now ?" Asked Lilliana.
"I think we should wait till morning, I had put protection spell on you sisters, if she was hurt or in mortal danger the spell would have broken, but it did not which mean she is fine". said Mr. Carlos. Lilliana took deep breath.
With a voice of click the main door have been opened. "It was not that easy but done" said Dylan.
Phoenix had grabbed the bag he had bring with him and walked inside the school.
"What's in the bag?" asked Dylan.
"Few things she might needed ". He replied.
The both boys walked towards the girl's bathroom. The main door of the bathroom was locked. Something got under his shoes, he bend to pick it up. It was earring, a golden triangle shaped earring. He had a feeling he saw it somewhere before. He unlocked the door Dylan was standing behind him, he turned on the light from Dylan's phone. The whole bathroom was too much dark.
"Its eerie " Said Dylan who walking behind him.
He walked slowly towards the main mirror than a bench, and then there she was. Watching her in such condition made Phoenix's blood boiled. Anna was lying on the floor, nothing on her body but just a towel. The whole room was cold. Cold enough to freeze. Phoenix run forward where Anna was laying,
"Anna? wake up Anna? open your eyes". Anna was not responding her whole body was cold.
Phoenix hugged her to warm her up it was not working.
"Ah Phoenix ? I think she needs some clothes, and we have to take her out of here". said Dylan who also was worried on Anna's condition.
"Dylan give me that bag" Phoenix pointed at the nearby bag. There were few clothes in the bag. After dressing her up properly, he lifted her up, and started walking out the school.
"Are those your clothes". asked Dylan.
"Open up the car's door" He said to Dylan. He laid her on the backseat.
"Where are we taking her". Asked Dylan. "Home". He replied. Dylan jaw dropped.
"Our home?" He asked again.
"Yep" Phoenix replied. Dylan took deep breath while Phoenix started driving.
"She is alright just a bit cold". Said Mr. Ackley.
Phoenix called his Uncle after laying Anna on bed, she was still not responding.
"I still wonder what she was doing in school brother in that cold dark room". Dylan said while thinking.
"Someone had played a deadly prank on her" Said Phoenix.
"But who?" asked Uncle Ackley.
"Desperate to know " He replied. There was anger in his eyes. He walked forward towards Anna's left side. There was peace on her face. Her long wavy red hairs were spread out on the bed making her more attractive. Phoenix felt his heart started beating strangely. She was now taking breath very slowly and Longley. He could hear her breath.
"You like her brother don't you" said Dylan, with mischievous smile.
"I think you don't like your pretty face don't you?" said Phoenix, this was sign he is at edge of annoyance due to his younger brother which mean he will lose his temper.
"That's not a good way to say thank you" He said and turned away but stopped.
"By the way brother she is hot". He said while smirking. Phoenix reached to approach him but he was gone.
"She will stable by morning" said Uncle Ackley, who was now checking upon her nerves. Phoenix gave her a deep sigh, which uncle Ackley noticed.
"You like her don't you" He asked.
"You know I can't". He replied.
"You recognized her did not you?" asked Mr. Ackley.
"Uncle! This will never going to happened you know that, even if I found her, but still it is impossible, forbidden you know". said Phoenix with deep breath.
“Rules are meant to be broken don't they?' said Mr. Ackley.
But Phoenix did not replied.
"Anyhow have a good goodnight Nephew, if anything suspicious you find, you can find me in my room, you are staying here after all are not you?" He said while winking Phoenix. Who smiled in return. Mr. Ackley left.
Phoenix walked towards the bed and now he sat on the chair near the bed. He hold her hand in his, it was cold.
"She is still cold". He whispered.
He put another blanket on her.
"Anna I am sorry I have been very rude to you, because I had a reason, a reason I will not able to tell you right now".
He thought while moving his finger in her red hairs.
"But soon I will tell you everything". He said looking at her deeply.
He put his hand in his pocket and dragged out that earring he took from outside of bathroom.
"I saw it somewhere". He thought hardly and than he realized where he saw it. He tightened his fists.
She got up, first she was trying to understand where she is. She got up and after opening her eyes properly, she realize she is in some Alien place. She got up to her feet and now she looked around. It was huge room, huge but beautifully decorated.
"What is this" She went ahead and there was huge mirror. She saw herself in it
"What I am wearing" she asked to herself. She was wearing black jacket with white T shirt which was so much over size for her.
"Where on the planet I am ?" she say dismayed. Just than a door behind her opened with a click. She had gone startled because the place was new to her.
Hello Readers! I hope you enjoyed the Enjoy the Chemistry between Phoenix and Anna
Why Phoenix is cold to Anna and cares about her when she is not noticing? find in next chapters.
Do comments and tell me what you feel
My expectation for this Chapter is 15 stars