"You gonna be my partner in science project. " She repeated with shaking voice while looking into those Handsome blue eyes which are now red with an anger.
"Oh come on....that's....that's not going to happening" He said looking more than angry.
"You happy enough?" He said folded arms.
"I...I " Anna tried to said something.
He was staring at her from up to down making her even more nervous. Cold breeze was blowing it was November, Her long red bangs were blowing with air covering her bright green eyes. She was medium height, attractive girl. Attractive but unpopular.
He had first time noticed her, He was looking at her deeply, moments of silence
"Listen girl! We got some stupid School Project together"
"Yeah stupid for me at least if this was not for Uncle Carlos I would not have sign it" She thought.
"And After that I don't have to watch your face for any other project" He said while Yawning. This angered her more but she controlled herself not lose her temper to lose control over her magical powers.
"What on the planet he think he is I wish I could break pretty face of his" She thought.
"And now your discussion about me being your partner is over, I can finally leave or in future anything about the project any help you cannot ask me or don't bother me", He said while shrug.
"Hope everything is over now finally" He said, he looked so exhausted maybe because of match. He opened the car door and sit inside and left in his Vossen. leaving car smoke behind. She stood there with tears in her eyes nobody had ever talked to her like this.
"Who the hell he think he is " She kicked the ground in an anger.
"I never asked anyone to be my partner why this always happened to me why everyone bully me? I miss you mom dad, after you I am feeling weak not able to even defend myself". She said with heavy heart and tears in her eyes. There were still marks on her wrist.
"Why did not you have tried on Phoenix Stever Lilli ?I mean He is most handsome guy in the school." asked Sophie.
"Oh I can but you know I really don't like to approach when, they come to me "
"yeah and that's so Lilliana's" Said Sofia.
"And approaching guys that so Jenifer's you know she is recently girlfriend of that Stever guy" Said Sophia.
Anna just entered the home, when she heard Sophia's last sentence.
"Oh hey Ann, you are back, how was your meeting with Stever?" Asked Lilliana.
"This guy is a mess, a huge mistake from his parents I don't know what on the planet he think he is? " Said Anna while sitting on the couch.
"Oh that's juicy tell us everything what happened" Asked Sophia.
"Oh come on nothing so juicy I hate my one part that said I ever had a crush on him when I saw him first. This guy....He is a huge trouble. You know when I told him he is my partner for the project how he react ? He just said "Don't bother me " She mimic Phoenix in the last sentence.
"Ha ha ha ha " Both Liliana and Sophia laughed.
"You know you look terrible when you mimic him, if Phoenix would be here I love to watch his pretty facial expressions" said Sophia.
"Well that's a joke on the year for the first time in a year Sophia Martin Perez called a man pretty" Said Lilliana while taking bite of chocolate.
"He is pretty that's why I said so" Said Sophia.
"I don't deny he is most handsome guy in the school" said Lilliana.
"Whatever I hate him " Said Anna.
"You don't know how to defend yourself that's why you always end up situations like this If I were his partner or he had insulted me trust me I would have break his pretty face long ago" said Sophia.
"If I were than he'd be my boyfriend" said Lilliana. Both Sophia and Anna rolled their eyes.
"You both are impossible, he insulted your sister and you guys are just admiring him" said Anna disappointed.
"Oh okay tell us how can we help you?" asked Lilliana.
"Stupid high school project is ahead if this was not for Uncle Carlos, I would have long quite this school as we are going to Springfield, now I have to take this project and guess what that rude arrogant boy is my partner and he is denying to helping me". said Anna almost cried.
"That's a piece of cake" Said Lilliana.
"Tell us what is your project ?' Asked Sophia.
"It’s a babysitting Project. we have to baby sit some kid to understand child's psychology, for which first we have to find a home for babysitting and then have to work together, but he is not paying attention" Said Anna with one breath.
"Well! There is one way wait for two day he is will approach you" said Sophia.
"What how did you?" Said Anna and on the other side Lilliana was staring at Sophia.
"You used your magic ? What the hell Sophia Daddy had forbidden us to do so". Said Lilliana while folding her arms.
"I used my magic to know about her project and don't worry I never have gone to much ahead I have just watched what will happened after two days, he will ask her what to do in project" Said Sophia.
"I wish I could able to see his future but I.....my magic is not so strong yet". said Sophia awkwardly.
"Its okay Soph you did your best you saved my day by telling me this". Said Anna.
"Where is Marry? And Uncle?" asked Anna.
"I never saw them home when we arrived may be they went for market" said Lilliana.
"Have you thought about....you know...." Said Anna Awkwardly.
"Ritual?" Said Sophia normally. This topic was normal to her.
"I am not that much afraid". Said Sophia.
"Me neither" Said Lilliana.
"But I am " Said Anna afraid.
"Hey listen nothing going to happened buddy". Said Lilliana to Anna.
"Yeah its just a special day for us witches to recognize our inner powers, look Sophia have already discover her's, I asked Daddy once is possible to discover special powers before ritual, for which he said its rare in our family as we are descendant of long line which witches and wizards very few in our generation were turned dark, they created a new magical spell that could able to make witches and wizards know about their special power before ritual which should be happened after their 16 before that it could be harmful and dangerous to non magical beings, as the young teen could turn dark due to that spell, for which witches and wizards bind those dark wizards to perform any magic, and they forbid this new magical dark spell to perform on anyone, but another dark wizard who was twin brother of that wizard have cast that spell on our generation, technically failed as not everyone in our generations has became victim of that dangerous spell but few very few, rarely, the last in our generation who was victim of this curse was our great great great great grand aunt Savanah, who was born almost five generations prior to us, Daddy said she turned dark when she was only 14, and after losing control she killed 1400 non magical beings. She even killed her lover, after which her soul was completely destroyed, she was later killed by her own father. So every time when someone get their special power before ritual they, are consider a thread"
"But our Soph is not a thread to anyone Lilli". Said Anna.
"Of course she is not, that's why he forbid all of us to use magic, he does not want Soph to get any negative impact of magic" said Lilliana.
"I am sorry Soph, I knew it since our 14 birthday, Father said not to tell you". Apologized Lilliana. Sofia who was sitting Apathetic did not give any reaction on it.
"Dear twin sister, I am sorry I never had hidden anything from you but that day I was there" Said Sofia. Lilliana was jaw dropped, while Anna laughed.
"Have you forgot how I was keen to use magic remember?" said Sophia, it was first time in a year that she was talking about the past to both girls were listening to her with an special interest.
"That day I remember it was our birthday and Christmas. I decided to play a prank on you so I was there, I cast an invisibility spell on myself, so both daddy and you were unable to see me and yeah I have heard everything". Said Sophia.
"O M G You are telling us you are able to use invisibility spell already?" Said Lilliana in a shock, while Anna was looking at her like she was watching horror movie.
"Tell me Soph you will never gonna turn dark on us " said Anna.
"Hey wait you guys are thinking I am going to turn dark for powers I have ? and then will go on killing innocents without any reasons? What is this game of thrones? Who I am? Daenerys Targaryen ? and who you guys are Sansa Stark, Arya Stark? This is the living nightmare than! "Said Sophia disappointed.
"Whoa where you have learned that sarcasm?" asked Anna.
"Whatever girls but I am bit a nervous for the ritual". Said Lilliana.
"Me too cause you know....you know about my mum she...was..." said Anna awkwardly.
"Yeah we know Aunt Theodora was most powerful witch of the century" Said Sophia.
"She was my favorite aunt remember she cook best kebab in the world I miss those kebab". said Lilliana.
"I am afraid about my powers guys what if I have my mom's power how would I manage to control over them". Said Anna.
"You know what they say Every magical being is born with the capacity to control their special powers" said Lilliana apathetically .
"Yeah maybe lets see". said Anna.
The school was full of crowd, Anna was walking through the crowd when she heard cheering sounds, she turned and the next thing she saw was enough for to be offend not because was jealous or something, it was phoenix and Jenifer, who were kissing each other like they gonna eat up their lips. "Pathetic" she muttered.
Anna entered the class and sat over her usual place. "Its been two days since Soph predicted about phoenix gonna agree to help me in Project". She thought to herself.
It was almost a class time everyone was in class, just then, Phoenix had entered, followed by Jenifer. Jenifer gave her a tough look, and Anna knew it was a warning, Jenifer had find out about her phoenix and project thing.
"Perfect! now today I have to deal with this either". She thought to herself.
Phoenix had walked to last seat by passing Anna.
"Oh no not on my back side why he is sitting here". Anna thought.
"Listen girl!" Said Phoenix.
"Is he is talking to me? Soph's prediction is coming this way" Anna thought.
"My name is Anna. Anna Martin Perez". She said apathetically.
Phoenix clenches his teeth "Listen whatever your name is.....Just finish this stupid project with me, than I don't want to see your face again". Said Phoenix.
Anna did not believe on her ears "so Anna was right he is asking for the Project luckiest day" She thought.
"Okay first we have to find a baby to do babysitting" Anna said.
"Oh this shit is going to be boring okay Inform me later about this" Said Phoenix while giving his number to her on a small piece of paper
"Here's my number, ring me after you found a family". said Phoenix.
"What I have to find a family, and what he is going to do okay calm down Anna at least he is agree" thought Anna.
"Okay I will" said Anna while taking the parchment.
"He is so bossy" She thought.
She put her phone from the desk side and started typing to Sophia and Lilliana. "I need your favor could you meet me over cafeteria?"
The reply appeared on the screen from Lilliana.
"Oh hey I am not in the school I have a date with James everything okay? Is it about those bitches?"
Anna rolled her eyes. "No its not about them its about a favor I need from you its okay see ya meet you at home" she typed to Lilliana.
"No worries girl by the way Soph is still at school". Typed Lilliana.
There was message from Sophia "Hey Ann I am on the way just reach over there in café".
She grabbed her things, there was still five minutes for Professor to appear in the class so she can skip class without her notice, she left the class. Phoenix was staring at her back when she was leaving.
"Hey baby where you have lost ?" Asked Jennifer to Phoenix. Phoenix rolled his eyes.
"Hey I hope I am here in time" Asked Sophia who just entered the cafeteria.
"Yeah You are Soph I need a favor from you, You know I have a Project and your predictions have came to true, he asked about the projects, but need a favor either, can you find me a baby sitting home " Anna said awkwardly.
"Yeah sure I have a girl she is my best friend we work together, she is teen mom, the woman who use to work as babysitter in her home, has left for a week, so yeah this perfect place for your project” explained Sophia.
"Wow Sophia you are great, what I am going do without you guys?" Said Anna.
"Yeah we know you'd be doom for sure" Said Sophia while laughing.
"Well that true" Said Anna Awkwardly.
"How was he today with you". Asked Sophie.
"Usual" Said Anna while rolling her eyes.
"That's your detention without any trouble you cause". Said Sophia.
"Okay talk to that girl I will be there with this school jerk" Said Anna while biting Pizza.
"You know what, if there was another girl in the school who were his partner she must have gone crazy at this time". said Sophia.
"Where is the girl who had a crush over phoenix last year". Said Sophia.
"That crush is long gone Soph, since he leached over that crazy bitch Jennifer, anyhow I am leaving, there is no mean of crush, he is human I am Witch". Said Anna.
"You still have no boyfriend Anna" Said Sophia while crossing arms.
"Yeah I don't have cause I don't want any trouble in my life". Said Anna. Sophia took deep breath.
"Yeah yeah!" Sophia rolled her eyes.
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