"I am trying but she is underage witch but due to family curse she is way too powerful". said Mariana.
The shield was almost cracked.
"Oh no " said Mariana.
Sophia's red spell was almost hit the both girls.
"Enough" a voice Echoed in the room.
It was Uncle Carlos who raised his hand and enchanted "entos inacantas rimo".
Sophia fainted within seconds and her hairs went back to normal blond.
"What happened here? who is responsible for this mess". Asked Uncle Carlos.
Mariana gave disappointed looks to Lilliana.
"I was just teas...." Uncle Carlos cut Lilliana off in middle.
"I told you everything lilli that Sophie is sensitive since your mother's demise but you....I am really disappoint in you.....Marry dear could you help me in gravitude incantation to help Soph to bring her on bed?" said Uncle Carlos ignoring Lilliana who left for her room with sad expressions.
"If it was not for daddy, I and marry would be toast by Soph" thought Lilliana.
"oh gosh I hope Soph is fine I stopped feeling my twin bond I am trying to contact Anna where the hell she is?" she started dialing her again but she was not picking up.
Anna entered the home and it was quite dark, she understood something wrong because she felt some tender energy. When there is some tender energy in a witch or wizard's house that mean something wrong happened.
"Hello, Lilli? Soph? Marry? Uncle Carlos anyone home? " Anna called out.
Her phone started ringing again, it was Lilli.
"hello Lilli I am home where are you ? Where is everyone? Everything is okay? I am feeling tender energy ? what's wrong?" Asked Anna in terrified tone.
"Come in my room". said Lilliana from other side.
Anna rushed towards lilli' room. She entered her room. Lilliana was sitting on the floor beside her bed with crossed leg.
"Lilli what happened everything is okay?" Said Anna with terrified tone.
Lilli got up and hugged Anna.
"Anna I made a mess I I made Sophia to lose control over her powers". said Lilliana.
"Oh Gosh what? Is she okay? Omg what you have done lilli? " Lilliana told everything about the event.
"Where is she now ?" Asked Anna.
"In Mary's room, Uncle Put an incantation over her after which she got faint". Said Lilliana.
"What on the planet you guys were fight on?" Asked Anna.
"We just came out of school, today again I got into trouble because she refused to help me in prank".
Anna gave her disappointed looks. "Lilli grow up please".
She said to her and went towards Mary's room.
She entered the Mary's room, Sophia was lying on the bed unconsciously, Uncle Carlos seems very angry while Mariana was trying to cool him down.
"I told you guys so many time that you guys are underage, did not have your ritual yet, you have to control your powers, but you guys are impossible". He said to Anna.
It was first time she saw him this much angry. "Uncle Carlos please calm down, it was just an accident, Lilly is worry sick". Said Anna awkwardly.
"You know it is very much difficult for me to handle you guys since she is gone" for the first time in year he was referring to her dead wife.
"I want three of you in a meeting room within 10 minutes". He said while turning away.
"I never saw him this much angry". Said Anna.
"You know after mother he is like that "said Mariana.
Anna gave sad look to Sophia.
"What you think when will she awake." Asked Anna.
"Its just a simple incantation she will awake in few hours". Replied Mariana.
The room was fill with tender silence. Anna was sitting with Mariana. Lilliana was sitting in front of Mr. Carlos, she was head down. Anna gave her sadden looks like she was understanding her feeling of guilt.
"Lilliana Martin Perez! 10 times in a day I had reminded you on Sophia's birthday that her magical abilities are much stronger and advance of her age and we are afraid if she lose her control she will also lost her mind, but you did not hear us and today you were about to be killed by your own sister". said Mr Carlos angrily.
"Daddy I was just...I was just doing normal fight it was nothing". Said Lilliana without looking up.
"My dear child I know....you love her you are concern about your twin that she is not same but, did not you knew about our family curse? Did not you know she is changing not because of that curse but also for your mother's death for which she thinks she is responsible for". Said Mr. Carlos while looking on the painting over the wall.
"I think I have to tell you guys about her condition. "He said while getting up.
Mr. Carlos walked towards the painting over the wall and started staring at it.
"The curse was dark, When Sophia was born, Her hairs were blond just like your mother's but, they also have red strips over them, first we thought its because if she is elemental, but when she started showing sign of magic when she was only few months, that made us concern, so we went to the witches council from where after some research, we recognize it was family curse, which was half failed but half succeeded, The curse was for every person in our generation will turn dark, but it backfired and it succeeded to skip generation, some become full dark and some become half dark half white. I researched over it again and again, but no cure. Nothing can break this curse. And I am afraid, if I did not look close over Soph, she would turn dark". Said Mr. Carlos with dark looks.
"Yeah I saw it Daddy, today when I was protecting us with my shield. She was...She was not Soph it was like she was somebody else, her eyes where bright red". Said Mariana.
"Daddy When it all happened. I lost my twin psychic connection with her....I was not feeling her anymore. " said Lilliana while concerning about it.
"It never happened before, we fight before but this time, this all happened". She added. "It’s because the ritual is near and her powers are effecting" He said.
"Daddy I am sorry, for the next time I will take good care of her". Said Lilliana.
"Oh dear I am not completely blaming you, you are my girl like she is I love you all equally, but being a father I don't want my any girl to be hurt". Said Mr. Carlos.
"Daddy is there is any way to break this curse?" asked Mariana.
"I am afraid my dear I don't know, I and your mother tried to find a way, but always we failed, but I am sure there is a way". He said calmly.
"Daddy but we know its normal to lose control over power, before ritual. " Said Lilliana.
"Yeah it normal but in her case it is not". He replied.
"When She started showed her powers during her childhood, It was Theodora who concealed her powers, but her spell remained till her life, at the same day, when she died, this is how I and Isabella came to realized that what has happened, the spell was broken indicated that she is gone". He added.
"You miss her don't you daddy". Asked Mariana, who was just standing behind Mr. Carlos.
"Yeah I do miss her, She and I used to be best friends at school despite, she was in junior years and I was in in senior year". He replied sadly.
"When she died it was greatest lost of my life after your mother". He said. "So we have to find a way to break this curse on Soph". Said Anna. "
If we are successful, she won't turn dark". Said Lilliana.
"No matter what daddy we all together, no more losses daddy, no more pain". said Mariana and than she walked ahead and hugged Mr. Carlos, which later joined by Lilliana and Anna.
"Always together". "There was snow falling outside the window.
Unknown to everyone Sophia was standing outside the door was listening, there was indefinable expression on her face.
It was foggy morning; the whole town was white due to snow.
"I hate snow you know" said Lilliana.
Anna was buttering her toast; Mr. Carlos was reading newspaper gave her a smile. "Your Uncle Andres used to hate snow". Lilliana returned smile.
"You always says I have a lot like my Uncle". She said while sipping coffee.
"Yeah his own daughter Anna is not like him not even a 1% but you are a lot like your Uncle, she is a lot of her mom especially those red hairs of hers". Said Uncle Carlos.
"I really miss Theodora, you know she helped me to propose to your mother" He said while going deep down in the memories.
Uncle Carlos was in his end 30s, still he was tall and handsome, with hazel eyes and light brown hairs. He had a dimple when he smiles. His only child who got that dimple was Mariana. Sophia and Lilliana were Identical twins and they have more looks of their mother, tall, blondes and deep blue eyes.
"Daddy tell us about your days in Springfield". Asked Lillian.
"They were fun, I used to be infamous both in junior and senior years, I met your mother Isabell Robinwood when we were in our first year, yeah we were classmates. I used to be basketball captain and off course infamous due to that, I developed feeling for your mother, when she scolded me, for breaking heart of her friend". He said while smiling.
"You did? what" said the three girls together.
"Daddy I can't believe it" Said Mariana.
"No wonder where Lilli got her characteristics" Said Anna while biting over her toast.
"Hey I don't break hearts". Said Lilliana.
"Girls Girls its not like what you guys are thinking, Her friend Carmen used to like me, She had crush on me, but she was not like my type, I mean I had a different taste in girls, so when I won my first match she proposed to me for which I refused, I used to be infamous among girls, having a lot of girlfriends, your mother never liked me at that time due to my popularity of being of playboy so, when I refused Carmen, she went ahead and started crying, she was your mother's roommate and when she came to know what I have done she grabbed her hand and came to me and said
"Carlos Martin Perez, who do you think you are on the planet leaching on girls every time sucking their emotions I think school authorities have no clue in reality you are not a wizard you are incubus, you have broke my friend's heart now consider me your mortal enemy" I never had heard my full name like this before even in school, people liked to call me Carl instead Carlos, only your Grandma took my full name and that was time when I noticed her first time, those deep blue eyes of hers’ and the angry expression she had, but was unable to confess, because she was so much angry with me, she hated me, in the whole school I was the man she hated most and she was the only girl I was hated by. So I kept it secret that I like her, even from her. Until Theodora became my friend, due to Andres who was dating her at that time" said Mr. Carlos.
"Those were Golden times of my life. He said
"You miss mother don't you? "It was Sophia who just came in the Kitchen.
"Soph? you awake you are okay ?" Asked Mariana.
"Yeah better now". She replied. "I I am sorry Soph I did not meant to" said Lilliana.
"No No Lilli it was not your fault at all, it was me who became threat to you, it was me who should be sorry I am a big trouble in a family, Mother died just because of me it was all me, it all happened because of me". She said with sad tone.
Mr. Carlos was looking at her with jaw drop. "No honey its not you, never its have been you, it was an accident your mother died, you were only 15, we don't blame you, you were just like a child, it was my fault I should check up on you that day". Said Mr. Carlos while hugging Sophia.
"You are my little princess and you always will be". He said while Soph had sobbed. "How you are feeling now Soph?" asked Anna.
"Fine I heard you guys last night and I know I am a thread" she said.
"No you are not " said everyone together.
"I Promise we will find a way to break this curse". Said Anna.
"You will our sister no mater what we will never let you be on dark sight". Said Mariana.
"Always remember there is nothing stronger than family and a witch's sister's bond" Said Lilliana.
The whole club was full of crowd. Ariana was drinking Mojito, while Jenifer was thinking something with dangerous expression over her face.
"What do you think? Jenifer, we have to act on this mater" said Junita, who was drinking Martini.
"That bitch's blondy took her hands over my boyfriend the other day" said Arianna with Toxicity on her face.
"I am thinking to do something big for that bitch Anna" said Jenifer.
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