This was the third time in a morning Richard Puked, Phoenix was on the edge of his sanity, while Anna was trying her best to make him feel good.
"Phoenix I think we should take him to the doctor". Said Anna.
"Oh okay now we are not going to pretend that we are babysitters but also that we are his parents". said Phoenix with nasty looks.
Anna blushed, which phoenix did not notice.
"But we have to he is really sick" just then Richard poop in his diapers.
"Oh no he pooped again". Said Anna with worried looks.
"Now that going to make me sick". said Phoenix and turned towards Richard's rooms to bring diapers.
Phoenix entered baby's room for the very first time. He looked around for the diapers but, there was no sign of diapers. He walked towards the baby's drawer. He opened the drawer and found diapers. He quickly turned but stopped on something. He saw someone's photo. His expressions suddenly turned darker. He saw picture of the guy in the room. His expressions were telling that he knew that guy.
"Jack" he whispered.
"What on the planet his photos are doing here". He whispered to himself.
"Phoenix ?? hurry up Richard is crying". Anna was calling him. He quickly moved to the launch where Anna was trying to calm Richard.
"Phoenix I think he is hungry". she said looking worried.
"I am going to make his cereal, could you change him?" She said afraid.
Phoenix was in his own thoughts he did not refused much to Anna's surprise. She went to the kitchen. Phoenix cleaned Richard, but there was something strange he saw on Richard's left arm freezing him.
“The mark” he whispered.
Anna came from the kitchen with a bowl of cereal. she tried to feed him but he was crying and refusing to eat.
"Phoenix we have to take him to the doctor". She said worried.
"Lets go" he said while in a kind of trance he got up and went outside.
"What happened to him suddenly". said Anna while hugging and rocking Richard. Anna grabbed her purse and took Richard outside.
The whole way to the doctor was silent. Anna could feel tension in an environment. She thought it’s because of Phoenix's mood swings. But phoenix's expression was darker than ever.
"You okay phoenix?" she asked him. But he did not replied. Anna started looking outside the window.
"Which doctor are we going to?" she asked again.
"I know A doctor! he is our family doctor, so it’s only way in the condition like this we should take him someone we know, because we both are inexperienced". He replied while Anna nodded.
Phoenix entered the hospital with Anna followed him. he stopped by the Reception. A receptionist who seems to know her, she looked at him, then Anna and then Richard in her arms.
"Mr. Stever how are you? who is this lady? You have been naughty?" She said with wink.
Anna started blushing, her face turned carrot red.
"Martha I am not in the mood and situation to have conversation. where is Uncle Ackley? "said Phoenix with stone expressions over his face.
Woman who was named Martha smiled and said
"He is in his office right now, you are on time he does not have any appointment today".
Phoenix walked towards the left direction, while Anna followed him, Martha gave her a wink, she knew what she mean, she blushed even more. She was thinking Richard was their son.
Phoenix entered a blue door in the middle of hall. This room was big and luxurious. Every kind of comfort was in this office. There was a man on the rocking chair. He got up quickly after seeing Phoenix. The man walked towards Phoenix and now he was hugging him. He was equally tall as Phoenix. He looked like in his mid-twenties. He was handsome just like Phoenix. He got blue eyes and tan complexion. Anna felt strange familiarity in this guy like she had saw him somewhere.
"How is my favorite Nephew". He said warmly.
"Nephew? he is barely 6 to 7 year older than him". Anna thought. But just than she noticed Phoenix and He had same charcoal black hairs.
"What have brought you here". He said while looking at Anna and Richard in her arms.
"Uncle I have told you about our project thing on phone remember?" he said while puzzled Ackley nodded.
"So this baby is our project and now he is sick, his mother is on work, so I don't wanted to take any risk I bring him here, you won't ask question about where are his parents". he explained.
"Bring the kid here". He said.
He checked upon Richard and then he said.
"Just a diarrhea, the cereal he is being eaten does not suited him so this body reacted over it. These are medicine he will be cure soon". He explained.
He gave him some medicine. Richard was now not crying. He started giggling again.
"Look how happy he is now". She said happily, Phoenix gave her a deep looks, which Ackley noticed, he smiled.
"Phoenix won't you introduce me with your friend". he asked while smiling.
"She is my classmate". he replied firmly.
"Okay uncle Ackley we have to go, its his mother's returning time, so we don't want her to be worry". He hugged his uncle and than he went out of the office.
"He is headache, but trust me he is not that bad". He said to Anna, who gave him startled looks.
"You like him don't you?" He added.
"No no he is just my classmate". She replied.
"Hope so till than". He said with singing tone.
Anna could not understood what does he meant by this.
"Will you come or want to stay here, why don't you be a nurse here". Phoenix who just entered the office again, said with an angry tone. She walked towards the door slowly. Uncle Ackley smiled widely.
Olivia came home early because it was Sophia's over shift today. Anna told her about Richard health and everything.
"Oh God he was sick? thank you so much guys " She almost cried.
Phoenix who was standing silently was now deeply looking at Olivia. Anna noticed that since Olivia came, phoenix was still looking at her. She felt a little jolt of jealousy. She started looking away.
"Olivia if you don't mind can I asked you something". He asked while folding his arms around his chest.
"Yeah sure Phoenix, you saved my Richard's life, I will always remember this" she said while rocking Richard.
"Who is Richard's father?" he asked firmly. Suddenly Olivia's expression turned dark and panic, as someone have took her heart in hands. The environment was now tensed and upset. Olivia who was holding herself strongly, now suddenly she looked so much broken.
"Olivia its its okay if you don't want to tell, please" said Anna who was afraid of Olivia's behavior.
"No its okay Anna. I usually don't talk on this topic". She said.
"I never had took his name. My mother asked me so many times. My mother is from India while my father was from Mexico. It is consider disgraceful to be a single mother, who does not get married in her culture. but yes Richard is my precious mistake". she said with tears in her eyes.
"I I don't want take his name, I know If I did it will ruin his career". She added.
"Did he know?". He asked her. "No" she said firmly.
Phoenix gave her dark looks.
"How could he do something like this". He thought.
"I think its enough for the day Phoenix please no more questions".
Anna said. Phoenix stared at her and took a deep breath. "Olivia I am sorry if I hurt, I did not meant to hurt you" he said seriously.
"No Phoenix you did not, but this the topic which is tender in my life". She said.
"Let this topic be on some other day". Anna said but inside she was also curious about Olivia's tale.
Phoenix had a work to do so he drop Anna in front of school.
"Thank you Phoenix". Said Anna while getting out of car.
"Don't get use to it even if you enjoy it" he said with stone expressions.
He derived away. "Jerk".
She walked inside the school. Unknown to her Jenifer was looking at her with evil smile on her face. She entered the school it was 12:00 pm. She went on a run, because she had barely time for workout during this week due to project so she decided to run in the school field.
After that she got exhausted and she decided to take bath before a heading to home. at that time only school's football team member and cheerleaders were in field practicing. Almost half of school was empty. She went to girl's gym bathroom. She was feeling exhausted so she decided to take bath. She put her favorite peach shampoo on her hairs; she turned on the tab to wash away the shampoo. She had done her hairs. The light went off. She had gone crazy because she had phobia with darkness. She grabbed the towel and said aloud.
"Hello? anyone is here?"
Suddenly she heard footsteps and an evil laughter.
"Hello?" she asked again.
She was sure there was someone in the room so she decided not create light with magic, in exception to she does not knows the illuminate spell.
"Hello who is there?" she saw a shadow near the wall.
This was school's public bathroom, where players used to take bath. It was huge. Right now it was empty; Anna could hear her own voice echoing. She heard someone was running just behind her, she turned but nobody was there.
"Is it some kind of sick joke it won't affect me". She said aloud. Then the whole bathroom illuminated. Anna walked towards the main mirror and she saw, it was written on it with lipstick.
"He is mine bitch stay away from him". Just than the light went off again. Anna run, but she slipped injuring her left ankle. There were tears in her eyes due to pain.
"Help! Someone Help". She cried aloud but no one was there except she heard a voice behind her.
"Bitch no one will help you today...You will suffer for tonight. The whole school is empty by now and you will spend this night like this weak, injured and naked" said a voice, a very eerie of a woman.
Anna saw that shadow run towards the door, Anna tried to got up but her injured Ankle was now numb with pain. She slipped again. The shadow was now standing near to her belongings.
"No " Anna cried aloud, but the shadow took her bag and a phone.
It was dark Anna heard something fell on the floor. The shadow went toward the door opened it and closed it probably locked it, much to Anna's horror they took her clothes too. Main heaters were now off causing low temperature in the bathroom.
"Help someone " Anna said aloud again.
But she was unable to hear any voice from outside.
Anna dragged herself to the sink pipe for support to get up on her legs. She tried but her ankle was so much injured, she fell again. She dragged herself towards the door. The bench was empty where her belongings used to be.
"I I could not do magic, I am nervous how will I help myself". she said to herself.
Anna started search for something useful, a piece of clothes. to cover herself up because she was wearing only towel. She found another towel, she wrapped it around her. She sits while supporting her back with bench and started examining her ankle barely able to see because it was dark. She started crying because It have been her fear to be in darkness. It brings a lot of bad memories.
Hello Wonderful Readers!
I hope you have Enjoyed the story!
Anna is in trouble will our lover will take an action? ;)
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