Anna turned suddenly, it was Phoenix unknowingly to her she felt inner relieve after seeing him. Anna looked at him with deeply. He was wearing his usual black color, his fair complexion was usually highlighted in his black jacket. He was wearing T shirt written bad boy on it. His blue eyes were glittering, there have been always strange shine and mystery in his eyes. His spikes styled hairs were fall on forehead. Anna did not understood is those were her feelings for him or he actually was look more handsome today.
"You awake ?" He asked her.
"Phoenix how I am here what happened?" She asked him.
"Oh she forgot again". He thought.
"Have you remember when you called me last time? " He asked.
"Yeah I do remember but just than after phone's battery died I got pass out". She explained.
"Oh this time she remembered". He thought.
He explained her everything. "you did what?" she said startled.
"You have dressed me up?" She said.
"Yeah I did". He said mischievously while Anna blushed.
He was enjoying making nervous, but right now he had other thing to do.
"Anna! My brother will take you home soon" He said calmly.
"His brother?" She thought.
"I have to catch other thing in school". He said while crossing his arms.
"I called Olivia and asked for off today, she agreed. She told me your cousin is worried sick about you, they are looking for you, so I asked for number of your cousin and informed her everything, she was coming to get you, but I told her you are sleeping, you will going home with Dylan". He explained.
"Dylan?" she repeated.
"My younger brother". He said while taking deep breath.
"Hi I am Dylan! Dylan Stever" said Dylan who standing in the car porch.
"Hi Dylan My name Anna". Dylan's expressions suddenly changed and smiled widely.
He move forward his hand to shake hand with Anna.
"Its nice to meet you Anna finally" He said.
“Finally what do you mean by finally? She asked startled.
“Ahm nothing” he said sheepish while Phoenix had gave him deadly looks.
"Dylan drop her home I have to look after some business". There was something in Phoenix's tone, Dylan had never watched him this much serious in his life.
Phoenix ridded up on his heavy bike and started it
"Thanks Phoenix" said Anna but he did not replied. He was gone.
Anna was staring his back while he moved away.
"Na don't mind him he is always like this at least since I know him" Said Dylan who felt her silence and disappointment when phoenix did not replied.
She did not said anything and sat inside the car.
"So you are his classmate?" He asked her.
"Yeah" She replied shortly. Just than her stomach rumbled aloud. She felt a bit nervous.
"Oh My brother he is always being a jerk, he did not asked you for a breakfast, actually it’s not his fault we usually do breakfast as he used to go early because of his football trainings, and I have to go for my girlfriends". He said firmly.
"Girlfriends? How old are you". She asked while looking at him.
Dylan had a lot characteristics like Phoenix he has cute face , but still he does not look as old enough to have a girlfriend somehow he look in between 13 to fifteen.
"15 year old I am a year younger than phoenix". He said while looking outside of car.
"How you got driving license than?" Said Anna.
"Oh this it’s not mine I do not drive this much phoenix does. I use his license you know to fool police we look quite familiar don't we?" He was right he had a lot of Phoenix in him except he smile a lot.
"So you are hungry ? lets get eat something". He said while stopping his car in front of café.
"No Dylan trust me I am okay". She tried to deny.
"Nope no Anna let’s eat I am also feeling hungry". He got out of car.
After five minutes he came back with pastries and Empanadas.
"How you know I like those?" She said while taking Empanadas.
"A fair guess because I love them". He said while smiling. She remained quite.
"By the way you don't look bad in my brother's clothes" He said while taking bite on empanada.
She looked her jacket and T shirt. "Like seriously ? I look like I have wore an elephant's skin" She said while rolling her eyes.
He laughed hard. "And that's where you are different from you brother he never laughs". She said.
"Yeah I know he barely laugh, last night I saw him this much worried for the first time". He said.
"You were there?" She asked.
"Yeah I broke into school without me how would he know". He said Proudly.
"What?" She said.
Dylan rolled his eyes and said. "Its a shame on my talent, I am a computer geek and a hacker, I completely know every technology in the world he said while taking his final bite.
"I am amazed I never met someone like that, in school people used to call me nerd but, here I met another" She said.
"Naa I am not nerd but you will meet a nerd soon" he said. Anna was about ask something but he said "now let’s take you home your cousin might be worried sick about you". He said, Phoenix already had informed him about the cousins.
He dropped her at home.
"Thanks Dylan" she said. "Anytime Captain". He saluted her, she laugh widely and then he drives away.
Anna entered the home, everyone was sitting in the launch and Mr. Carlos and the girls hugged her.
"You are okay thank God where have you been what happened". Asked Mariana.
They took her toward nearby sofa, she told them everything that happened.
"I will complain about this to dean, I will find that bitch and curse her " said Mariana.
"I will go and check upon the matter" said Carlos.
"No one will go to that school any of my daughter". He said Angrily.
"Its okay Uncle Carlos it’s just a one more week you know we have to cover this don't worry I will be careful next time and I will never stay alone in school" Said Anna
"Lets get fresh you look like penguin in this dress". said Lilliana. Everyone started laughing.
"I have prepared everything we will go to our ancestral home for ritual and will live there after that permanently". said Mr. Carlos.
But Anna felt a strange pain when heard of leaving this town.
"Is this is because of phoenix?" asked a voice inside her. But she ignored it. Does she developed something for him ?
Phoenix entered the school and was searching for someone, than he found the required person. He walked forward, where she was standing.
"I have to play along". He thought.
"Hey darling how are you?" Asked Jenifer. She was wearing pink short skirt, with short yellow top on it. She was wearing high pony tail. But she was disgusting Phoenix right now.
"Should we go somewhere and make out". She said shamelessly.
"Bitch the whole school knows, Phoenix Stever have never make out with her she is just a trophy girlfriend to him, he's the football captain while she is cheer leader" thought Claire who stood just right back to her.
She took his hand and tried to drag him, but he stood stand.
"Jenifer I will ask for once, where have you been last evening". He said stonily.
"What. What are you talking about". she said startled she was not expecting this at all.
"Darling you knew I went home I had an headache". She said terrified.
"I said I only want to hear truth". He said while looking inside her eyes.
"The truth". He said hardly while grabbing her shoulders.
"I was outside the girls bathroom Anna was taking bath, so I turned off the lights and locked her up. I did this because Phoenix is mine. He is mine". She said in trance.
It was big show for who were Jenifer's haters they turned their phone camera on and started filming the whole show. Phoenix put his hand in his pocket and let out an earring with triangle shape.
"Is that yours?" He asked while raising his one eyebrow.
"Yeah its mine, it fell off when I was locking the door, I was not able to find it as it was dark". She said again in trance.
Phoenix smiled. Jenifer came out of trance
"What happened?" she saw around everyone was filming her.
"Why you guys are filming me". She asked aphetically.
"I am here standing in the school's lobby, there is Jenifer Ashley the most popular girl in school and a cheer leader, she just confessed that she assaulted her classmate last evening". It was Daniela, school blogger.
"What hey you shut up I did not". She said angrily.
"You guys can see Miss Ashley is denying the claim but the truth is she did this, you have heard her confession a minute ago" said Daniela while capturing Jenifer.
"Now Jenifer from me I don't want to live with someone who has murderous tendencies we are over" said Phoenix Calmly.
"Anyway I don't need her now, it was all a plan". He thought.
"What? No you can’t leave me for that bitch no" Said Jenifer.
But Phoenix had already turned his back and was now walking away with his usual attitude.
"He can’t leave me, he is mine, He is mine" said Jenifer who was now shouting like a mad woman
Hello Wonder Readers I hope you enjoyed the Chapter!
Question of the Chapter How did Phoenix forced Jenifer to say the truth? ;) "Mystery" Who he is?
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