Flash back
"Anna hurry up we have to leave early honey."
A woman with long red hairs, who was wearing emerald gown matching to her emerald eyes came out of kitchen and was now packing edibles.
"Mama I will show this turtle to Grandma she will love this" said a 5 year old boy. Who had dark black hairs and grey eyes.
"Yeah honey she will love this, now I got where you got your interest in animals from, Mother going to favor you now" said a man who just came in from main door.
He had black hairs and brown eyes , he had a dimple while he smile.
"Oh honey you are on time I have packed everything, and I am way too excited we are going back". Woman said while he kissed her.
"You know I can do anything for you". He said and She smiled widely.
"Catalina is expecting child this month I have brought a lot of gifts for the girl" She said. "How you know its a girl". He asked with surprise expression, She gave him a sigh and remained quite.
"Soph?" He said with an amazed smile on his face.
"You know she.....ammm.. her powers" She said while he took deep breath.
"Did you bring something for her? After all we are going back after two year".
He asked. "Yeah I did". She said.
Anna was sitting on the back seat of a car with her younger brother.
"Here we go again brother roll paper seizer" She was playing with her younger brother.
"Oh you lose again you have to give me your teddy". She said while reaching for the teddy which the boy hugged completely making it out of her reach.
"Mom Anna is snatching my teddy". He said almost crying.
"Anna leave your brother alone, Steven stop crying". Said the woman.
"Carl would be so excited to see us there again". Said the man.
"I Really missed Soph lilli and Marry Daddy". Anna said.
"Daddy I will play a new prank on my sisters today" said the boy.
Anna looked at him with angry expressions.
"Daddy he turned my hairs yellow last month" said Anna.
"Steven what I told you not to make your sisters angry specially Soph" Said the man.
"Why daddy?" asked the boy.
"Because". said the man.
They were driving for hours, because their destination was far away from the city they left from. Anna was playing with her Barbie, she was brushing its hairs. Suddenly the weather started getting weird. It was 12 O clock day time but the whole view ahead of them turned like darkest hour of night.
"Daddy what's happening" asked Anna.
"Nothing princess I think its just a storm". Said the man.
But Anna was not satisfied.
"Honey have not we checked upon the weather?" Asked the woman.
"Don't worry Honey sometimes weather predictions are wrong".
But the woman did not either satisfied. He turned on the Headlights and was considering watching on the road. They were on the road in the middle of fields. Thunderstorm started.
"Mommy I am scared". Said the boy.
"Hey little one its nothing mommy is here." She said while looking back. But when she saw ahead, her expression was horrible.
"Andres its them......Andres make car move faster. I am putting protection spell". Said the woman.
"Cantos de thee protecion". She casted a spell, but nothing happened.
"Oh no Andres my spell is not working". She started crying.
"Relax honey I won’t let anything happened to you and the children". He said.
But their car got uncontrolled hitting the nearby tree. but where the fields ended there was a cliff. The car fell of the cliff after hitting the tree. After that anything Anna remembers was darkness. She does not have an idea where she is, how many hour have been passed. If countable there must be 2 to 3 day she has been trapped in that darkness. She could felt the blood, but she was unsure its hers’ or hers’ parents. She thought she is dead, until she passed out. But next when awake she was in hospital with Uncle Carlos in front of her. Until that day she was afraid of darkness. That day when she had lost her parents and brother that day most powerful witch of century Theodora and her husband died while something had bind there powers.
She does not remember how she had been rescued and who rescued her. All she remembered was, she had been given back to her Uncle from hospital. Uncle Carlos says she had been missing for two weeks. But she does no remember her time of those weeks like that memory had been erased or never happened. All she remember was her parents were killed and the only darkness. Since then she was afraid of the darkness.
Hello Readers! I hope you have enjoyed this chapter sorry it was short because it was about flashback of Anna's past.
Bad things happens sometimes, but we have to overcome our greatest fears in order to survive.
I am expecting 8 likes for this chapter!