Chapter Nine
Dirty Bubble Bath
After three more weeks in the hospital I was allowed to go home. I have my very own wheelchair now. The doctor thought it would make me more comfortable if I got it customized. It doesn't make me more comfortable. I now get looks from people. They think I don't see them pressing their faces to their windows but I do. I hate having all these people coming over and saying how sorry they are and then gluing their eyes to the scar on my neck.
Recently I've just been in my room listening to music and avoiding any type of encounter with my friends. I can't go swimming with Aisha, I can't play paintball with Jeremiah, I can't play volleyball with Gabby, and I won't go shopping with Vicky. I won't subject myself to all the sympathetic stares. Unfortunately Mom is forced me to go to school today.
I arrived at school and after struggling to not fall on my face while rolling out of our new van, I rolled towards the front doors of the school. It's funny how it's usually really loud outside and when I come to school I hear tons of whispers and get stared at.
"Why me?" I mumbled to myself.
I got to my locker and realized I couldn't reach anything. Yuki came up to me and helped me out.
"Glad to see you're back. I'm not too glad that you didn't text me though," he said.
He took down my books for my first three classes and handed them to me.
"Thanks and yeah I'm sorry about that. I've been...busy," I lied.
"Do you want to come over after school?" he asked.
"I can't."
"Why not?" he inquired. His smoldering amber eyes stared me down.
He can totally see right through me, I thought to myself.
"I-." I was cut off by the bell. "I'm going to be late," I said quickly and wheeled myself away from him.
I got to class on time and unfortunately so did everyone else. As soon as I entered the room everyone grew silent. Luckily this class didn't stare;
they acted like they couldn't see me.
"Oh no," I whispered as I realized Derwin is in my first period class.
I kept my head down and rolled to my seat. I felt really relieved when he didn't say anything to me. The class continued and no one looked my
way. I felt Derwin's gaze on the back of my head but I ignored it. He tapped on my shoulder and I turned my head.
"What?" I whispered loudly.
"Can I borrow a pen?" he asked.
I know he was only using this as an excuse to talk to me. I reached into my bag and grabbed an extra pen.
"Here," I said as I handed it to him.
"Thank you," he said.
I didn't reply and turned back to the three page essay we were assigned. It had to be about something in our life that really had an impact on us. I
could think of a few things but it felt awkward to write it down.
The bell rang twenty minutes later and I noticed all I had on my paper was my name and the date. Yay extra homework!
"Here's your pen," said Derwin.
"Keep it," I said and rolled past him.
"Wait up," he said.
At that moment, I wished I could sprint down the hall to my next class and escape from him.
"What?!" I shouted.
"I can still live with you right?" he asked.
"Of course," I said politely. "You are my brother after all."
That obviously wasn't what he wanted to hear.
"You can't be serious."
"I am positively serious."
"Well would you mind if I brought a friend over?" he asked.
"I'm not your mom okay? I could care less what you do because I won't be home today. I'm going out," I replied.
"With who?"
"None of your damn business," I said sweetly. I rolled away and made it to class just as the bell rang.
School was utter torture, more than it usually is. People either ignored me or stared at me. I'm so positive Aisha was avoiding me and Ya-ya and
Lacey shot me dirty looks all day.
Mom finally drove up to the school.
"What took you so long?" I asked.
"I had to find someone to look after you because I have another business trip and Vicky has this ski trip to go on," she replied.
"I didn't hear about any ski trip," I said skeptically.
"It's only for the dance team."
"Oh I forgot she was on the dance team."
For a moment I completely forgot she said she found someone to "look after me."
"Wait who did you find to look after me?"
"Okay well I guess I had to tell you sooner or later," she said. She loaded me into the car before continuing. "Ted."
"What about Ted?" I asked.
"He's going to be watching you," she said slowly.
"I guess you better send me off to military school because there is no way in hell I am gonna have Ted watching me," I said.
She glared at me from the rearview mirror and sighed.
"He isn't that bad!"
"I'm not letting him in," I said defiantly.
"Give him a chance," Mom replied.
I ignored her and stared out the window the rest of the way home. I didn't speak to her for hours. She was so lucky tomorrow was Friday but I
wasn't as lucky. That meant I'd have to spend the whole weekend with Ted.
"How long are you going to be gone?" I asked sourly.
"A week and so will Vicky," she replied.
"FML," I grumbled.
"FML?" mom inquired.
"It's nothing."
After carting me up the stairs and into my room, my mom left to go pack her bags. I sat in front of my computer screen wondering what I could do
to pass the time. I turned on my webcam and waited for someone to call me. My computer chimed and a message appeared. Yuki wanted to chat with me! I
quickly accepted and smiled when he appeared.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey. So you never told me why you can't come over."
"You can come visit me."
"Really?" he asked excitedly.
"Yeah. I'd like that." I smiled at him.
"I'll be there in fifteen minutes," he said.
I was cut-off by Derwin walking into my room. I quickly closed the chat window and put my hand over the webcam.
"What?" I asked.
"I thought you said you weren't going to be here," he replied.
"Actually I changed my mind. That person is coming over here."
"Yeah I am!" shouted Yuki from the computer.
I hadn't noticed when he re-opened the chat window. I uncovered the webcam and said, "I thought you were leaving."
"I couldn't help listening to your conversation," Yuki replied.
"That's called eavesdropping dumbass," said Derwin.
"Hey!" I shouted. "Enough."
"Yeah enough," said Yuki.
"You too," I said, glaring at the computer. "Derwin I don't care where you go but you just can't be in my room. Yuki if you're coming then get a move on," I
Yuki sighed and turned off his webcam. Derwin shook his head and left the room.
Yuki's Point-of-View
"I hate that guy," I mumbled to myself as I got ready to head over to Jazmaine's.
I hoped that he wouldn't be there when I came over. I have enough to think about.
I put on something nice but not too nice and headed out. I walked down the street and some guy came around the corner.
"What's up?" he said.
"Nothin'," I replied and kept walking. He stepped in front of me and blocked my way. "Dude, I kind-of need to be somewhere," I said.
"My bad," he said and stepped to the side.
I passed him and picked up the pace a little. I heard something behind me and I turned around just in time for something to crash into my head. I
was momentarily blinded and someone was taking stuff out of my pockets. My head was pounding and I just laid there and got robbed.
"Have a nice nap," someone said.
I received another blow to the head and I was down for the count.
Jazmaine's Point-of-View
I was sitting in that wheelchair so long that if I could feel my butt, it would be numb. I wondered where Yuki could be. His house was only about
half an hour away. I called his cell but there was no answer.
There was a knock at my door.
"What?" I yelled.
"Guess who?"
"Oh no," I groaned.
I quickly wheeled myself over to the door but didn't get to it in time.
"Told you I'd see you later," said Ted.
"Why are you here?" I asked as I wheeled myself away from the door.
"Didn't your mom inform you? I'll be your guardian for a week." He smiled eerily and continued. "This is going to be a blast!" he said enthusiastically.
I decided not to give him a reason to turn into a murderer and played it safe.
"Well Mr. Guardian, I'm hungry. Get me a sandwich," I said.
"What do you want on it?"
He almost seemed normal but I was definitely not falling into his trap.
"Hmm, surprise me. No wait I take that back. I want ham, Swiss cheese, lettuce, mayo, and tomato, all on whole wheat bread."
"Alright," he said.
"Don't forget the mustard!" I called after him.
After a little while he returned with my sandwich and two drinks.
"I didn't know what you wanted to drink so I brought you two different things," he said. He set down the plate with my sandwich on it and I eyed it
suspiciously. "Here you are," he said. He set down a can of Dr. Pepper and another can of Sprite.
"Thanks," I said cautiously. I tentatively took a bite of the sandwich, ready to spit it out at even the slightest indication of poison. I chewed slowly and he looked
at me expectantly. "It's pretty good but I don't like wheat bread with mayo." I said like a true spoiled brat.
"I could make you another one," he said, clearly un-phased by my bratty attitude.
"No I'm fine," I replied. I popped open the can of Dr. Pepper and chugged it all down without removing the can from my lips.
"You must have been pretty thirsty," he commented.
"Mhm," I mumbled against the can as I continued chugging down the soda. When the can no longer supplied a drop of calorie packed liquid, I set it down
and burped as obnoxiously as possible.
Ted cleared his throat and said, "You full now?"
"Yeah," I replied while trying to conjure up another belch. It came willingly and I'd never been so happy to be so utterly disgusting. Ted seemed completely
grossed out.
"Well you've gotten what you want, now it's my turn," he said sinisterly.
"What do you want?" I asked carefully.
"It's not so much as want but need. See I haven't been with a girl in quite some time-."
"No surprise there," I interrupted.
He continued as if I hadn't spoken.
"And so I can no longer stifle my urges." He paused and looked me up and down.
Wait did he say girl and not woman? I thought to myself.
"A man can only spend a certain amount of time without some type of sexual stimulation and I think my time is up," he said. He explained it as if he were
teaching a class about sexual urges. "I've chosen you to be my stimulant, if that makes sense."
"Actually what you're saying makes absolutely no sense to me. I don't speak psycho teacher," I replied.
"Then let me dumb it down for you. You are my bitch starting now," he yelled. He sounded like a drill sergeant. "You give me what I want except I don't pay
"Good because you're probably too broke anyways," I said rudely. I tried not to let him intimidate me but I was getting scared. He blocked the only exit route I
had and even if I successfully passed him, what would I do? Throw myself down the stairs and drag my body to the nearest police station? "On your salary
I'm surprised you can afford to breathe and that's free!" I laughed.
"Shut up," he demanded. "It would be wise of you not to test my patience right now. I got you your damn sandwich and stood here while you ordered me
around like a damn slave and I didn't say anything when you sat there and belched like a freaking truck driver!" said Ted through clenched teeth. His eyes
gleamed with anger.
"I'm not testing anything. I'm just stating facts, like the fact you earn so little that a five-year-old can make what you make spending an hour at a lemonade stand!"
I know I sounded brave but deep inside there was a voice saying, "You dumbass this isn't comedy night at the Apollo. Shut up!" I ignored it because my stubbornness said I couldn't let Ted intimidate me.
Ted raised his hand as if to strike at me but put it down once he saw all traces off laughter wiped clean off my face. "Now that you've gotten that out of your system, I suppose it's onto my amusement," he said.
He plucked me out of the wheelchair and let me tumble to the ground. He laughed as I groaned in pain.
"Jerk!" I screeched.
He then picked me up and tossed me onto my bed like a pillow. I was face down and didn't notice when he creeped up behind me. Ted turned
me onto my back and just smiled at me for a moment.
"Well enough teasing you, let's get down to business," he said.
"You know I won't feel anything, right?" I said matter-of-factly.
"You won't but I will," Ted replied.
I thought for a second that maybe I could reason with him. Big mistake. "You know I haven't showered yet. I probably don't smell too attractive," I said sniffing
my armpits.
"We can fix that."
Ted carried me off to the bathroom and set me down on the edge of the sink like a little girl. I held onto the wall so I didn't fall and hit my face. He
turned on the faucet in the bathtub and closed the drain.
"Do you like warm vanilla or lavender bliss?" he asked holding up two bottles of bubble bath.
"Neither," I said sourly.
"Well what about cherry blossom dream?" When I remained silent he said, "I'll pick for you." He squirted a little of each into the bathtub and said, "Now you
don't have to pick." He smiled.
"Kiss my ass," I said.
"Gladly," said Ted and he began removing my clothes.
"Stop it right now!" I screamed. At that moment I wished I could kick but sadly all I could do was scream and swing with one hand.
"Don't be shy; it's only me and you."
I mustered up all the saliva in my mouth and spit right in his face.
He took a few steps back and wiped his face carefully. In one swift movement he grabbed me by the neck and applied steady pressure. "Don't ever do that
again," he threatened as I gasped for air. "Do you understand?" I nodded slightly and he released his hold on me. "Now let's try this again."
I allowed Ted to strip me of my clothes and dignity and once he was done he said, "Thank you." I failed at trying to cover myself up with my arms.
Ted placed me in the tub, now filled with warm water and scented bubbles, and just stared for a moment like he was considering what to do next. A look
flashed in his eyes that I recognized immediately.
"Don't even think about it," I warned.
"And what are you going to do cripple?" He laughed his stomach-turning laugh and began stripping his own clothes.
I silently prayed to the so-called God that someone would save me and hoped that He listened.
Ted was down to his boxers and I was down to my last prayer. He began removing his boxers and I shut my eyes tightly. I definitely did not want to see one of those again. I heard the sloshing of water as he climbed into the tub with me. I heard him put his hands on either side of me and tentatively
opened my eyes. He grinned widely at me and I scowled back at him.
"You're so cute when you're mad," he remarked.
He began kissing me and I released the rail I'd been clinging too. I shoved his face away from me and grasped the rail once more. If I let go I would drown but if I didn't let go Ted would have his way with me. I chose to keep one hand on the rail and keep the other outstretched so Ted would be farther away from my face.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way; either way it will still be my way," Ted said.
I tried to focus on not choking on bubbles instead of his voice. He waved his hand in front of my face. "Hello? I'm speaking to you," he said
"Shut up you pedophile," I said menacingly.
He laughed as if he were laughing at some unheard joke and said, "Cute. Now listen here honey. I'd really don't want to hurt you but if I must-," he paused and snatched my hand off the rail and slowly pushed my head below the surface of the water. "- I will," he finished. He lifted my head back above the water
and I gasped for air. I wiped furiously at the bubbles stinging my eyes.
"Fine," I replied. I wouldn't be able to win so I gave in. "Do whatever you want. I don't care."
"That's a good girl," he said smugly.
He resumed kissing me but I stubbornly refused to kiss back. Nothing could make me kiss back. Not even if he held a gun to my head. His
hands roamed the contours of my body while I refused to make eye contact. He licked my chest and squeezed my butt. Obviously, I couldn't feel him squeezing my butt but by judging where his hands were through the disappearing bubbles I could tell what he was doing. He rubbed me all over repeatedly stuck his tongue down my throat in the process. After I was violated thoroughly, he got out of the tub and took me with him.
"Where are we going?" I asked like a scared child.
Ted ignored my question and took me back to my room where he plopped me onto the bed and closed the door behind him.
"All clean, right?" he asked.
"You made it worse. Now I smell like you," I griped.
"Watch your mouth," he scolded.
"You're not my daddy!" I yelled defiantly.
"But I'm about to show you who that is," Ted replied. "You have two choices as far as I'm concerned; either you moan in pleasure or you lay there and take it."
I opened my mouth ready to give a smart ass reply but instead I closed it and glared at his ugly face. His eyes may have been the color of chocolate but there was definitely nothing sweet about him.
He got on top of me and proceeded to show me "who my daddy is". Tears rolled down my cheeks but he ignored them. He was too engulfed in what he called pleasure and what I called torture. Ted groaned in his sick pleasure and touched me places Derwin would never touch or see for the rest of his pathetic life. That supposed God that people worshiped so much was dead to me. He let this happen and didn't send someone to help me. God ignored my prayers and went about His merry life while I suffered in Ted's grasp.
When Ted finished he dressed me and left me laying there in my tears. It may have only been an hour but it felt like an eternity had gone by while he had his way with me. Before he left he said, "If you tell anyone, you will surely regret it." He didn't say it threateningly but it sounded like a threat to me and I had a pretty vivid imagination so I could only imagine what he would do if I told. I decided that keeping my mouth shut would be the best decision I've made all day.