Chapter Two
I thought about Derwin and our kiss/kisses the whole day until five o' clock. Vicky scattered my thoughts with her constant complaining.
"It's five o' clock already. Where is Aisha?"
"Give her some time. It takes like fifteen minutes to get from the school to here."
I sighed and went back to thinking about my new boyfriend. I can't believe all that happened today. First the Lacey shit and then Ray. Oh and then the whole locker room scene. Wow. Derwin is really amazing. I can't believe he was trippin' so much about Ray.
"Help me pick out an outfit for the party! I want to look hot and conservative at the same time."
Told you she tries to act twenty-two.
"Stop lying. You know you want to be the hottest junior there."
"You are so right."
"Anyways, we're going over to the new girl, Yakira's, house, so just pick out a ton of clothes and let's go." I walked over to my own room and opened the closet. I took out three dresses and a couple of shirts and skinny jeans.
"Why do we have to go over there?" She shouted from her room.
"I invited her to the party, so I told her we'd come over and get ready together. We have four hours to get ready so don't act like we're wasting time going over there."
"She better not be some type of nerd," Vicky warned.
"Far from it. She's a hottie number two and she's athletic."
My sister has numbers for how hot people are. Can you say shallow? It's on a scale from one to Taylor Lautner. Taylor Lautner is a four and we haven't encountered any fours yet...besides Derwin. So Ya-ya is a two on the scale of one to three. I know it's confusing, but I learned it after about a couple months. I'm a little slow.
"Oh okay then. How's this?" She lifted up about 30 different outfits overflowing in her arms.
"That's good," I said.
I threw my clothes into a shopping bag and we went out to the car. I grabbed my cell and called Aisha. It rang twice before she picked up.
"What's up girl?"
"Hey. Vicky and I are heading to the new girl's house. Meet us there okay?"
"Damn thanks for asking how detention was," her voice thick with sarcasm.
"I'm sorry. How was detention?"
"You already know. That fag Mr. Fargates made me scrape gum off the bottom of his nasty ass desks.
Mr. Fargates taught biology. His class is alright, but I'd rather not dissect worms. It is disgusting. He's also the teacher no one wants to get stuck with during detention. He makes you scrape gum off of the bottom of his desks. I haven't experienced it, but those desks are stomach turning to just look at.
"Ew. That sucks for you. We'll be at Yakira's house in five minutes."
"Okay peace."
"And chicken grease."
We hung up and Vicky started our Mini Cooper. It wasn't hard to find Yakira's house. It was the one she was outside playing soccer at.
"Hey," I said as I climbed out of the car.
"Hey," she replied. "Who's that?"
"That is my sister Victoria. You can call her Vicky."
Yakira stopped kicking around the soccer ball and came to shake Vicky's hand. So formal, I thought.
"You were right. She is a two," whispered Vicky.
"Nice to meet you," said Yakira.
"You too. Now let's go get sexy for this kick ass party!"
We all "whooped" in agreement and went into Yakira's house. It looked small on the outside, but it was gigantic on the inside. It was so modern and yet classic at the same time. Her parents were travelers. They had a mini fountain with a mermaid spitting water out into smaller arrays of stone bowls. The living room made me immediately think of New York City. The couches were an iridescent red with white end tables flanking each side. The lamps were pair shaped and symbols on them that made them look like tribal vases. Paintings of Marilyn Monroe and original looking Picasso's decorated the walls. Vicky and I must have looked like lost puppies because Yakira was already halfway up the staircase while we gawked at her house.
"You guys my bedroom is this way," she signaled for us to follow and we closed our mouths and walked up the marble staircase. “I wonder if they take this with them when they move,” I said to myself.
"Here it is."
Yakira's bedroom reminded of a cooler version of mine. While my bedroom walls were a soft pastel pink hers were a vibrant hot pink. Her bed was engraved like a tombstone. It said, "Beloved daughter to Maria and Joshua Daniels. 1994-..." It had an intricate rose under it with the stem swirling around the words. My bed wasn't engraved! She's so cool! She had an LCD plasma television mounted on the wall facing her bed. She had a silver laptop sitting on a desk on the other side of the room. I have a laptop too but hers just seems cooler. She had already laid out a few outfits on her bed to choose from for the party.
"Uh you guys are doing that thing where you have your mouths hanging open and you're staring at all my stuff," commented Yakira.
"Yakira you are freaking rich!" Vicky screamed.
"Call me Ya-ya and yeah my parents are pretty well paid I guess." She shrugged.
"Well let's get started on these outfits," I said.
I dumped my bag of clothes onto her bed and we immediately began switching clothes.
"Oh that shirt would look hot with that skirt," said Ya-ya.
"Add this hat too," said Vicky.
"It's perfect. Now we have to decide who would rock it the best."
We stared at each other for about five seconds before we all lunged for the outfit.
"It's mine!" growled Vicky. She snatched the outfit and hugged it possessively to her chest. "I added the hat and I am a mature adult so it's mine. Oh and if you happen to have a pair of Louis Vuitton heels I'll take those too Ya-ya."
"Vicky, I said my parents were well paid not millionaires! I have some knock-offs that would go good with that though."
Ya-ya laughed and went over to her giant walk-in closet and fished around for the heels.
"Damn I realized I didn't bring shoes to trade," I said.
"It's cool. I've got plenty to share. What size are you?" called Ya-ya from inside the closet.
"Seven," me and Vicky said at the same time.
"You're in luck. I am too!"
This chick was so much like us it's freaky. I like it. Now, I had someone to trade clothes with whenever I get tired of mine. I mean her closet is like a mini mall. The doorbell rang from downstairs and I went to go see who it was. I looked through the peep hole and it was Aisha with her hair and make-up stuff. I opened the door and she hugged me like she hadn't seen me in years.
"Hey, hey, hey!" she said.
"Come on in. Vicky has already begun to hog the Louis Vuitton heels so none for you."
"This girl has Louis Vuitton's?" Aisha asked in shock.
"No, I was just kidding. But she does have some great knock-offs."
I led her up the staircase as she looked around the massive house. We walked into the room and she screamed, "Party, party, party let's all get wasted!" Ya-ya and I "whoop whooped" in agreement but Vicky didn't.
"Hey, no one is getting wasted here except me! I am the responsible adult!" Vicky is such a party pooper.
"I guess I shouldn't have this bottle of Vodka hidden in my purse then, huh?" whispered Aisha.
She pulled out half the bottle and showed me then tucked it safely back in. My eyes went wide in amazement.
"Dude, where did you get that from?" I asked.
"I got it from one of those snooty kids over at Crestwood High."
Crestwood High was our rival school. They beat us in almost all the football games and they always think they're better than us. It's too bad their parents don't know that it's a school full of pot heads that get straight C's and seduce their teachers into giving them an A. I wonder how Aisha managed to have a conversation with them with their constant screaming "Crestwood!" Ugh, snobs .
"How'd you manage that?"
"I told them I was transferring to Crestwood in a few days. They were stupid enough to buy it."
"Nice one," I said.
"So where's the shower at in this mansion?" asked Aisha.
"Down the hall to the right," replied Yakira.
We all showered (separately of course) and got our outfits together. We looked fierce. Aisha started on Ya-ya's hair since she was new to our styling routine and moved on to mine. She did Vicky's next and then her own. Ya-ya wanted her straightened and I wanted mine curly. Vicky didn't know what she wanted (as usual) so Aisha did hers up all special. She made a crown of braids around Vicky's head with curls falling gently on the side of her face.
"Damn I can't wear that hat now! My hair looks too nice."
"You'll get over it," I said.
Aisha's hair was simple but pretty. She did big curls which she eventually brushed out into wavy strands that framed her face nicely. Make-up time!
"Okay new girl. What kind-of make-up do you want?" Aisha asked.
"Um, I don't really wear make-up so surprise me."
Aisha brushed a light bronzer on Ya-ya's face and neck and then went over it with a peachy powder. She then used a light pink for blush and smudged a glittery eye shadow on her eyelids. Using my favorite mascara, she lengthened Ya-ya's eyelashes. On to the lip gloss. Aisha used a rosy colored gloss on Ya-ya's lips and went over it with a clear shiny gloss.
"Check it out," said Aisha.
She stepped back and admired her work.
"What do you guys think?"
"You look stunning Ya-ya."
"She's a freaking 3 and a half now!" whispered Vicky.
Jealous much?
"Wow I look awesome. Thank you so much Aisha." Said Ya-ya. She got up from her chair and hugged Aisha. Aisha seemed to be glowing with pride.
"Okay me next! Make me look as beautiful as Ya-ya!" I said.
Half an hour went by as our make-up was being finished off by Aisha. I know for a fact we are going to be the hottest girls at Derwin's party. It was almost nine thirty when we were dressed and ready to head out for the party. We checked ourselves out in a full-length mirror before heading out.
"Do you guys want to drive separately or do you wanna take my car?" asked Ya-ya.
"Maybe we should take our car. Yours does have a camera in it after all." I said.
"Don't worry I found out the off-switch years ago."
"Well then it's settled! Let's take the big black car!" yelled Aisha.
Ya-ya drove us to Derwin's house (which was half packed with people already) and we stepped out of the car. We posed for a camera man real quick and began walking up his massive driveway.
"Wait. One quick picture for memories," said Aisha as she pulled out a small digital camera from her purse.
We all posed once again and she snapped the picture.
"Now let's get our party on!"
A big man wearing all black stopped us at the front door and asked us our names. I told him our names and he checked two lists. He found all of us except Ya-ya. Shit! I didn't tell Derwin I invited her.
"I could just go home Jazmaine." Said Ya-ya.
This girl was way too nice for me to let her go like this.
"Wait. I'll call Derwin."
I got my cell phone out and dialed Derwin's number.
"Hello?!" he shouted over the thump of music in the background.
"Derwin it's Jazmaine. Your security guard won't let Ya-ya in."
"What?" he shouted.
"I said your security guard wont let Ya-ya in!" I screamed into the phone.
I heard a door close and the music quieted enough for him to hear me.
"Who's Ya-ya?" he asked.
"She's one of my new best friends. She's awesome so let her in."
"Okay. Let me talk to the guard."
I handed the phone to the guard and he spoke to Derwin for about two seconds before handing the phone back and letting us in.
"Thank you!" I said sarcastically at the guard and we walked in.
"Whoo hoo!" Aisha screamed and she was on her way. She danced through the forming crowd of people toward the snack table. No doubt she would spike the punch.
Vicky danced after her without a word and it was just me and Ya-ya.
"Thanks for getting everything straightened out back there. I thought I would have to punch the guard in the nuts and run in."
"Ha. No way was I about to leave you out there while we had fun. You're one of us now so don't trip. Wherever we go, so do you." I smiled confidently and she returned the smile. "Now let's go get our freak on!"
We made our way to the middle of the crowd that grew larger each minute that passed and began dancing to Party at a rich dude's house by Ke$ha. Ironic isn't it? I spotted Derwin greeting guests by the door and gestured for him to come dance with me. He effortlessly made his way through and got to me in no time. It was like the crowd parted just for him to walk through. Well it is his party after all. He pulled me close and said, "Hey baby."
"Hey to you too." I turned around and kissed him quickly. "Ya-ya this is Derwin, my boyfriend. Derwin this is Ya-ya," I said pointing to each of them.
"Oh so you're the 'awesome' Ya-ya." He said quoting my words.
"Yeah and you must be the rich dude Derwin with his big security guards checking lists and what not." Said Ya-ya.
Derwin laughed and Ya-ya smiled.
"It's nice to meet you. I think I'm going to like you." Said Derwin.
"It's nice to meet you too." I couldn't help but notice she didn't say she would like him also. Oh well.
"Let's dance." I said and with that conversation time was over. Derwin pulled me close and I automatically started grinding on him.
Grinding is like the signature dance for all girls. You just have to know how to do it. You didn't have to do it at all parties just know how to do it. If you didn't then you were officially labeled a bad dancer. I'm not sure why but that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
We danced through about five songs, switching partners occasionally, and I began feeling a bit worn out. I walked over to the snack table trying to find something to drink that Aisha didn't spike. Unfortunately, there were no cans of soda. Beer bottles? Yes. Mountain Dew? No. I grabbed a plastic cup and poured some of the Vodka infested punch into it. I drank it and it was surprisingly good. I even helped myself to a second cup. I probably drank a little too fast because I felt the tiniest bit dizzy. I stumbled back onto the dance floor and saw Ya-ya grinding on Aaron Griffin; the guy that about a week and a half ago hooked up with Nicky Radview. I spotted Nicky in a corner making out with....Ray!? Wow parties do a lot to people, especially when alcohol is involved.
I found Vicky and Aisha downing bottles of beer with a circle of guys cheering them on. There were five strewn on the floor by Aisha's feet and eight by Vicky's. I'm guessing Vicky was winning.
"Chug, chug, chug!" chanted the circle of guys.
"Finished!" shrieked Vicky. She got up and took a bow which ultimately caused her to stumble and few feet and lose her balance. She giggled like an idiot and a few guys helped her up.
Aisha took baby steps towards me with the biggest grin on her face.
"Do.. you, um, know how much...I, um, I loveeee you?" she asked. Her words were slurred so much I barely understood what she said. She laid her head against my shoulder and an instant later shot right back up.
"I love this song!!!" she yelled and stumbled her way into the crowd.
I decided that since everyone else was busy with what they're doing I should look for Derwin. I walked all around the house and heard voices coming from a room. I walked down the hall and looked through the door that was slightly opened. I saw Derwin lying on a bed with his eyes closed. His legs were dangling over the edge and he trembled a little. Is he alright? I wondered. I moved a little closer and saw a girl on her knees. I squinted and saw that the girl was... Lacey! She was smiling up at him and rubbing his thighs. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. We just start going out and he let's Lacey give him head?! What the hell is this?
I began to back out of the room and she spoke.
"I can treat you so much better than that ugly little girlfriend of yours Derwin. I can make you feel good." She giggled and put her hand up to his zipper.
I didn't want to see this so I walked quietly back towards the party-goers as the tears sprang up to my eyes. I found a couch not occupied by people who were practically having sex with clothes on and curled up into a ball. I didn't ever want to see Derwin's face again.
Derwin's Point of View
This Lacey chick just never gives up. Why can't she just understand I don't want her?
"Come on Derwin, dance with me!" she whined.
"I've gotta go do something," I said and she followed me.
"I'll come help you."
"No this is something I need to do alone but thanks for the offer." I pulled her hands off of me and walked to my bedroom. I went into the bathroom and when I came out she was sitting on my bed.
"What the hell are you doing here? You scared the shit out of me."
"I came to help you."
"I said I didn't need your help."
"I mean help you get away from that stupid girlfriend of yours."
"What girlfriend?" How does she know about Jazmaine? We only started going out today.
"Don't play dumb with me." She got up and walked over to me. "I'm talking about Jazmaine." She said as she traced her finger up and down my chest.
"How do you know about that?" I asked.
"I saw your little scene in the locker room. I was getting something I forgot when you came in."
Shit so she does know. Lacey needs to get over me and move on.
"Well you should leave now. I've gotta lock this room back up." I started pushing her towards the door but she grabbed onto the bed and held on tight.
"I want to stay. And you have to stay with me." She closed the door and moved towards me. She pushed me onto the bed and got on her knees.
"What the hell are you doing Lacey?"
This girl wasn't seriously about to give me head right now. I need to get some kind of restraining order or something.
"I can treat you so much better than that ugly little girlfriend of yours Derwin. I can make you feel good."
I closed my eyes to keep down the bile that rose to my throat. Think about Jazmaine. I chanted to myself. She put her hand up to my zipper and my eyes flew open.
"Stop," I said and pushed her hand away. I sat up and tried to get past her.
"You don't have to fight it Derwin. I know you want me as much as I want you." She tried to sound all sexy but instead she only sounded like one of the dudes on the basketball team.
"Get off me Lacey. I don't want you and I never will. The only girl I want is Jazmaine and you are so not her."
I went around her and left her alone and dumbfounded on the floor. She creeps the shit out of me and I don't want her anywhere near my zipper again. She is such a fucking whore. I need to go find Jazmaine and get this fiasco behind me.
I cried for about ten minutes before someone tapped on my shoulder. I looked up to see Derwin standing over me. I wiped my eyes and stood up trying to walk away.
"Hey what's wrong?" he asked.
As if he didn't already know. He just came back from his little blow job session and he asks me what's wrong. I should slap him.
"Like you don't know." I said and shoved past him.
"I really don't know. Tell me what happened. I'll make it better." He pleaded.
I don't think anything could make this better unless he brought my dad back to life.
"I saw what you did. I would like to inform you that we are over. I never want to see your cheating face ever again so if you'll excuse me I'm leaving now."
He grabbed my arm and stared into my eyes like he had no idea what was going on.
"Have you been drinking?" he asked.
"That's not the damn point!" I yelled. "I saw you and Lacey in that room together!"
"We didn't do anything, I swear."
"Oh, so I suppose she was tying your shoes for you then?"
How could he lie through his teeth when I saw what was going on with my own freaking eyes?
"No Jazmaine listen. I went to the bathroom and she came too-"
"So, you let her see your pee-pee before she sucked on it! Great thanks for sharing." I gave him the phoniest smile and stomped away.
He ran after me and tried to reason with me but I didn't listen. I'd only been at this party for an hour and it was already the worst party of the year. I just want to go home. I found Ya-ya (thankfully sober), Aisha (ditsy as hell), and Vicky (passed out on a couch) and left the party. We dropped Aisha off at her house and made sure she puked and got in bed before we left. She would so feel like crap the next morning if she didn't puke. I let Ya-ya go at her house and I drove the Mini Cooper home.
I carried the passed-out mess named Vicky into the house and set her down on the couch. No way was I carrying her up the stairs. I changed clothes, brushed my teeth, and got into bed. I silently cried myself to sleep as my cell phone vibrated uselessly with text messages from Derwin.
The next morning, I went through my daily routine robotically. I took a shower, combed my hair, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and went downstairs. I sat at the kitchen table eating my breakfast and listening to Vicky complain.
"Where's my breakfast?" Vicky mumbled.
"I told you I'm not getting you anything."
I walked over to the sink and washed my plate. Vicky was hung-over and being a total jerk about it. She's also still complaining.
"Why are you so loud?!" She yelled.
"Maybe if you weren't so hung-over I wouldn't seem so loud."
"I am an adult okay! I can drink if I want too." She's still trying to convince herself that she's twenty-two. "Jazmaine. Jazmaine! I don't feel too hot."
I looked through the doorway just in time to see her roll over and vomit on the living room floor. Gross. It's hard enough looking at it but now I'll have to clean it up and mom will be home in an hour. I brought her a glass of water and stood in front of her as she drank half of it.
"Take this away from me!" she screamed as she shoved it in my hands. "It tastes horrible."
"Maybe if I spit in it, it would taste better. Would you like that?"
"You are so mean. How could you be so rude to me in my time of need?" Tears began rolling down her cheeks and she hiccupped. I think she's still drunk. I can't help but feel sorry for her.
"Ugh. I'll be right back," I said as I disappeared into the kitchen.
"Bring a bucket!" she hollered.
I grabbed a bucket (make that two buckets), a rag, Lysol, and a pair of gloves. I half filled one of the buckets with water and brought the other one to Vicky.
"Here," I handed her the bucket and got to work on the floor. I cleaned up her puke and she turned over once again and puked half into the bucket. She missed and got most of it on the floor.
"Damn it Vicky! I gave you the bucket for a reason."
"Sorry." She looked so helpless.
I re-cleaned the floor and sprayed Lysol on it hoping it will cover the smell.
"My head hurts," said Vicky.
"Come on let's go get some medicine," I said after putting away the cleaning supplies.
I helped her as she stumbled up the stairs. She completely lost her balance about three times and I luckily caught her. I handed her two Advil and some water right before the bell rang. Oh no please don't be mom. We are so screwed. I went downstairs and opened the front door. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Aisha with Ya-ya.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"We came to help you out with Vicky." Aisha held up her make-up bags and smiled.
"I love you guys so much. Come on in." I closed the door behind them and led them up to Vicky's room. When we got there Vicky was hunched over the bucket with her hair dangling in front of her face.
"Ew she puked in her hair," said Aisha.
"We need to clean her up. She reeks of Vodka and puke." Commented Ya-ya.
By now Vicky was too weak to walk so we carried her. After much debate, Aisha was reluctantly at Vicky's head and arms, Ya-ya carried her legs, and I carried everything in between. We carefully placed her in the tub and took off her clothes. (We left on her undergarments. She could handle that later on by herself.) I turned on the water and Aisha poured in some bubble bath and we scrubbed her from head to toe.
"Where's the shampoo?" asked Ya-ya.
"In the cabinet thing above the sink," replied Aisha. She's slept over plenty of times so she knows where everything is.
Ya-ya returned with shampoo and conditioner and began washing Vicky's hair. Vicky just laid there with her mouth half open and drooled on herself. When she seemed clean we lifted her out of the tub and set her down on the bathroom floor.
"How much time until your mom gets home?" asked Aisha.
"Half an hour," I replied nervously.
"Okay we need a towel."
"Got it," I said and jogged to Vicky's room to grab a fresh towel from her closet.
I brought it back and found the girls frantically brushing and drying Vicky's hair. I dried the water off of her. I almost forgot the bucket in her room and ran back to get it. I cleaned out it's contents and we took her back to her room.
"Go get dressed Vicky. We'll be right out here okay?" I said to her and we closed the door.
It was a whole fifteen minutes before we began getting impatient.
"She needs to hurry up," said Ya-ya.
"We're gonna run out of time," said Aisha.
Ya-ya began banging on the door and yelling for Vicky to hurry up. Vicky eventually opened the door and came out fully dressed.
"Do you think your mom will notice?" asked Aisha.
"No! Her eyes look like she's been staring underwater for two hours." Said Ya-ya.
"She has sunglasses. I don't think my mom will notice if she puts them on." I said.
Speaking of my mom, my phone began ringing.
"It's my mom. Be quiet." I said. "Hello?"
"Hi honey. How are you?"
"Mom!" I said trying to sound excited. "I'm great mom. When are you coming home?" That wasn't a total lie. I do want to know when she's coming home.
Aisha and Ya-ya silently went past me and down the stairs with Vicky.
"That's good. I'm in a bit of traffic so I'll be maybe another five minutes late."
"Aw. Okay." I tried my best to sound disappointed. "I'll see you when you get here then."
"Okay. I love you."
"Love you too."
I hung up the phone relieved and when down the steps two at a time. Aisha was working her magic on Vicky once again.
"Where's Ya-ya?" I asked.
"In the kitchen," called Ya-ya.
I walked in and saw her at the stove making breakfast.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Cooking. It'll help cover up the smell of puke cuz that Lysol is so not working honey."
How'd she know about the Lysol? She flipped pancakes in one pan and made omelets in the other.
"Need any help?"
"You could pour juice into those glasses over there." She said as she started frying bacon in another pan. I didn't know we had so many pans.
I grabbed five glasses, one for each of us and my mother, and began pouring equal amounts of orange juice into them. Aisha came in with Vicky (finally walking straight) and she looked pretty normal.
"She looks awesome." I said.
"Thank you. I try." Aisha bowed and blew kisses at her invisible fans.
A key jiggled in the lock of my front door and we all fell silent.
"Okay act normal." I said. I ran to the front door and pulled it open.
"Mom!" I yelled and gave her a big hug.
"What did you do?" she asked suspiciously.
"Nothing. I just missed you." She stared at me for a few seconds before hugging me back.
"I missed you too honey."
She walked in and I noticed a man yanking her bags out of a cab. I probably should have helped him but instead I closed the door.
"It smells wonderful in here." Exclaimed my mom.
I believe the smell she is inhaling is freshly made breakfast covering up freshly made puke. Yum!
"Oh mom I invited Aisha and the new girl over for breakfast."
I caught up with her and she turned into mommy mode.
"You know you shouldn't invite people over before telling me who they are and why they're here."
I hate when she uses her "serious" tone because you have to look her straight in the eyes and listen while she lectures.
"I have to know when people are coming over so I don't look a total mess when they arrive. I can't have people thinking I'm a slob at home and the cleanliness thing is just a work façade."
"Sorry mom. It won't happen again."
"Okay. I'm going to change. Save me some breakfast. Oh and hi Vicky, I didn't think you'd be awake so early." Mom turned and went up the stairs.
We all let out the breath we were holding in and laughed.
"We did it." I whispered.
"Hell yeah!" Aisha gave me a high-five and we sat at the table.
Ya-ya already had plates piled with food for each of us.
"Alright people. Let's toast to the fact that we made it through the morning!" She lifted her glass of orange juice and we clanked all our glasses together.
Just then the man that was carrying my mother's bags came through the door struggling with the multiple suitcases. Our mouths dropped in shock as Aisha and I recognized who it was.
"Oh shit." Said Aisha.