Chapter Five
Trapped in the closet
I took out my cell phone and dialed Derwin's number. It rang before I heard his answering machine pick up. He better have a good reason for standing me up. Lesson number one hundred: don't make a promise you can't keep. I might as well go to bed.
That night I tossed and turned. I barely got any sleep (unless you count blinking as sleep). Eventually I just stared at the ceiling until the sun came up. I thought about Derwin the whole night.
Derwin's Point of View
I'm going to die. No one will find me here and I'll die. Okay I just need to calm down and think about how I got in this mess in the first place.
I had to leave early so her mom didn't find my car in her driveway. I got off the bed and left her sleeping at six in the morning. I folded the sheets she gave me and scribbled a quick note to my love and climbed out the window. I drove home and found Ted waiting for me.
"Where were you?" he asked.
"Out. What the hell does that matter to you?" I said repeating what he said to me last night.
He got up from the couch and walked up to me.
"I'm still your father and you'll show me some respect. What you think you're a man cuz you threw a little punch at your dad?"
"I've been the man of this house ever since I've been bailing you out of jail or did you forget?"
He grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into the wall. He punched me in the face repeatedly until I started bleeding. I grabbed the lamp from the table beside me and brought it down on his head. He fell over and I jumped on him. I punched him in the gut a couple times and then moved on to his face. I took a minute to breathe and he threw me off him. Ted dragged me to my room and tied me up. He shoved me into the closet and locked it. I'm not sure what he did with my cell phone.
I don't know what time it is. All I know is I'm freaking out. He didn't tie my feet up. I could kick the door down. I kicked at the door a few times but it wouldn't budge.
"Shit I'm going to die in a freaking closet," I thought to myself.
"Vicky wake up. Time for school," I yawned.
"What time is it?" She groaned and rolled over.
"Six thirty," I replied.
"Ugh I hate Mondays."
"Me too." I went to the bathroom and did the same thing I do everyday. Shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair, and get dressed.
"Your turn," I said at Vicky's door.
"Okay." She replied.
I put on my new outfit I got from the mall yesterday and looked in the mirror. I hope Derwin will be at school today.
"Are you ready yet Vicky?"
"Five more minutes."
I ventured down to the kitchen and found my mom sitting at the table reading the newspaper.
"Hey mom."
"You look great honey. Did you buy that yesterday?"
"Yeah I did."
"How much?"
"Don't worry everything I'm wearing was on sale." I smiled and gave her a hug.
"Good job." She looked at me with a concerned mom look. "Did you sleep well?"
"No. I couldn't sleep."
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah. I guess I just wasn't tired." The only reason I lied was because if I told her about Derwin she'd ask when I saw him and I'd have to tell her he slept in my room last night.
"Alright. Well Ted will be here afterschool. I'm going to a conference two hours away and I asked him to watch you girls."
"Why? We don't need a babysitter. We can take care of ourselves."
"I know honey, but I trust him to make sure you girls don't get into trouble."
"Well I don't trust him."
"He's a good guy okay. Just trust him. He won't bite." She smiled at me and I forced one to appear on my face too.
I took a granola bar off the counter and waited for Vicky in the living room. She came down a minute later.
"How do I look?" she asked.
"Good but something not so good is happening today."
"Ted is babysitting us afterschool because mom is going to some conference thing."
"She can't be serious. We don't need a damn babysitter."
"That's what I said. Let's just get out of here," I said shaking my head.
We got in the car and drove to school. We went our separate ways and promised to meet each other at the entrance when school ended. As usual I met Aisha by Mr. Fargates' classroom and we talked non-stop until the bell rang.
"Want me to come over afterschool?" she asked.
"No, I don't want to put you in danger."
"You obviously don't know me."
"Seriously. This guy might rape you."
"I can't leave you and your sister unprotected. What about Derwin?"
"I haven't seen him. He might be in class so let's hurry."
I entered English and Derwin's seat was empty. I sighed and sat down.
"Everyone settle down please," said our English teacher Mrs. Vars. "We'll be reading Act IV Scene II today."
Our class was reading Romeo and Juliet and translating it into modern day English.
"Take your books from the shelf and I will begin."
Everyone got a paperback Romeo & Juliet and took their seats.
"Enter LORD CAPULET, Mother
and SERVINGMEN, two or three.
So many guests invite as here are writ.
[Exit First Servant.]
Sirrah, go hire me twenty cunning cooks.
Second Servant
You shall have none ill, sir; for I'll try if they
can lick their fingers.
How canst thou try them so?
Second Servant
Marry, sir, 'tis an ill cook that cannot lick his
own fingers; therefore he that cannot lick his
fingers goes not with me." Read Mrs. Vars.
I tried hard to concentrate to no avail. I was oblivious to her babbling. I was only vaguely aware that I was wondering where Derwin could be. During lunch I sat outside by myself and stared into space. I don't know how I felt. It was a mixture of sadness, confusion, and mostly fear. I feared that my only love might be in trouble and fear that Ted might try something with me or Vicky tonight. I dreaded the end of the day. It came all too quickly.
"You ready to do this?" I asked Vicky as we stepped out of the school building.
"Not really but we can't ditch. He seems like the kind of guy that would snitch if we didn't show."
"I guess we'll have to face it. Do you still have those pepper spray cans?"
"Never leave home without them." She pulled out the small cans of pepper spray and smiled.
"Give me one."
"Here. Try not to spray it in your eyes." She teased.
"Oh I won't. I'll aim at yours instead." I pushed her gently and we shared a quick laugh. I know it's weird we can laugh in a situation like this, but we've been really close these past few days. Vicky let me drive us home for like the first time ever and she said I did great. When we pulled up in the driveway Ted's car was already parked.
"Looks like he got here early," I said.
We slowly made our way to the front door pausing to take a deep breath before opening it. At first we didn't see Ted so we were relatively calm. I went to my room and Vicky went to hers. Suddenly I heard a scream. I ran to Vicky's room and found her standing at the door clutching her chest.
"What happened? Are you okay?" I said.
That's when I noticed Ted was sitting on her bed reading her diary.
"What the hell? You scared me!" she screamed.
"You shouldn't use that type of language Vicky. From what I read here you seem to use more that just that word," said Ted coolly.
"Give me that! Have you never heard of privacy?" said Vicky snatching the diary from his hands.
"Privacy is a privilege which you so have not earned because of the risqué language you use in that diary," he replied standing up.
"It's none of your damn business what she writes in her diary," I said finally speaking up.
"OMG Ray is so fucking hot. I would so not mind riding him even if he's a sophomore. Damn I just want to tear that ass up," said Ted quoting what was in Vicky's diary.
"You son of a bitch!" I screamed.
"Ah I see you picked up Vicky's use of provocative language," he said to me.
"I hope you know provocative means tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate. Are you saying what's in my diary excites you?" said Vicky.
"Deeply," said Ted. His eyes full of malevolence.
He stepped closer to us and we backed out of the room. We walked briskly to my room and locked the door behind us.
"There's a bat in my closet. If he grabs me first get the bat and beat the crap out of him and if he grabs you I'll do it," I whispered as moved towards my window.
"In case we can't take him on we'll go out the window okay," she said.
God please tell me Derwin is on his way.
Derwin's Point of View
I resorted to banging my head against the wall to keep myself from going insane although it seems like I've already gone insane. Kicking the door did nothing but make me weak and tired. I haven't eaten the whole day and I'm starting to see flashes of light. A voice inside me reminded me that the love of my life is waiting for me and that I must go on. I returned to kicking the door furiously until I heard a slight crack. It wasn't my foot so it must have been the door. I thrashed wildly at the door just waiting for it to fall open. I heard the sound of wood snapping and it gave me a rush. I kicked feverishly until the wooden door snapped in half. I silently thanked God that the door was made of wood. I squeezed through the space and walked on my knees towards my phone. Ted made a huge mistake leaving it on the bed. I poked the buttons with my nose and pressed call. It rang twice.
"Derwin? Oh my God where are you?" yelled Jazmaine. Just hearing her voice made me feel suddenly better.
"Help me please. Call the police."
"I can't understand you. What's going on?"
Crap I forgot my mouth was tied up. The only words that came out were muffled and sounded like a bunch of nothing. I began seeing those flashes of light in larger clusters. I yelled as loud as possible but nothing that made sense came out.
"Derwin I can't hear what you're saying. Tell me where you are."
It's no use. She can't understand what I'm saying. I'm going to die. The edges of my vision began to darken and I welcomed it as if it were an old friend. I sighed and slumped over letting the darkness consume me.
"Derwin!" screamed Jazmaine.
"Derwin!" I screamed. I didn't hear anything anymore.
"Vicky there's something wrong with Derwin. He called but everything he said was muffled and I couldn't understand."
"Call the police."
"Girls open the door," said Ted sounding extremely disturbing.
"Like hell we will," grumbled Vicky.
I quickly dialed nine, one, one and an operator came on.
"Nine, one, one what's your emergency?"
"There's something wrong with my boyfriend. He called me sounding really scared but I couldn't understand what he was saying. His words were muffled and then he stopped and I couldn't hear anything anymore. Please help," I cried into the phone.
"Do you know what's happening and what's the address of the house?"
"734 Ridgewood Terrace and no I have no idea. He wasn't in school today."
"We'll send dispatchers right away ma'am please remain calm."
"Thank you."
A loud banging on my door made Vicky and I scream and move closer to the window.
"Is everything alright ma'am?" asked the dispatcher.
"No. There's a crazy rapist guy at my house and my sister and I are locked in my room. He's trying to get in."
"Could you describe the man please?"
"His name is Ted. He's about six foot two. He's a teacher at Crestwood high school. He has brown eyes," I said.
"Okay ma'am remain calm. Do you have any way out of your house right now?"
"My sister and I are by a window."
"Listen carefully okay. Climb out the window and get to safety. Do you have a car?"
"Yes, we do."
Another eardrum shattering bang on the door made us scream and we immediately began following directions. I let Vicky get out the window first. I began to follow when the door burst open and Ted ran to the window and pulled me in. I dropped the phone and screamed a blood curdling scream that hurt even my own ears. I dropped to the floor and closed my eyes. I was terrified beyond words.
"You stupid girls aren't going to get away that easily," roared Ted as he stood over me pinning me to the wall.
"Jazmaine!" My sister screamed frantically from out the window.
"Just go!" I yelled back.
"No! I won't leave you." I could hear her crying.
"Go! I'll be fine."
"Shut up," shouted Ted as he slapped me across my face.
He picked me up and threw me on the bed. I landed with a thud and a pain began crawling up my spine. I gasped for air but somehow it wasn't enough for my lungs. If this was an iPod moment the song Russian Roulette by Rihanna would be playing. I'm just waiting for my life to start flashing before my eyes. I searched wildly for the pepper spray I hid in my pocket and as he towered over me I sprayed it into his evil eyes. He shrieked in pain and I got off the bed. I ran to my desk and grabbed the car keys. I tried to run to the window, but he grabbed me by the ankle. I fell with a thump. I couldn't see for a quick second and he flipped me onto my back. He straddled me and unzipped his pants.
"No!" I screamed and swung at him but it was no use. He pulled my arms up above my head and I couldn't move. That's the moment my life started flashing before my eyes.
Vicky's Point of View
Jazmaine told me to go first and I obeyed. This was no time for arguing. She started crawling out after me and I heard a deafening crash. I looked up in time to see Ted dragging Jazmaine back through the window.
"Jazmaine!" I screamed.
"Just go!" she cried out. I can't believe she wants me to leave her.
"No I won't leave you." I could feel the hot tears running down my face.
"Go I'll be fine!"
"Shut up!" I heard Ted say. I then heard a cracking sound. I think he hit her. Oh it is so on.
I picked her cell phone off the floor and hid in the tree house.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" I whispered.
"Ma'am what's going on?" asked the dispatcher.
"The rapist got my sister. When I climbed out the window she started to go out too but he broke down the door and pulled her back in." More like ripped her off the windowsill.
"Police and an ambulance are on their way. Do not go back in that house. Go somewhere safe and we'll get your sister."
"Please hurry."
I heard a scream and peeked out the tree house door slightly. Jazmaine was on the floor and Ted was on top of her. I grabbed the extra bat we kept in the tree house and climbed back through the window. I wacked him right in his head and kept hitting him until he got off of Jazmaine.
"Get out!" I screamed to Jazmaine.
She scurried out the window and with one last whack on Ted's head I climbed back out. She was standing outside the window and when I came down we ran for our lives to the car. She realized she didn't take any money or some form of I.D. I told her I had twenty dollars on me and my license.
"That should be enough. And even if it's not the dispatcher said to stay out of the house and go somewhere safe." I said.
"Okay then let's get the hell out of here before he gets to the front door."
I put the car in drive and peeled out. Luckily Jazmaine parked backwards. We decided the safest place that was far enough away was Gabby's house. We headed towards her house with our hearts still racing.
"Wait what about Derwin? We can't leave him." I could feel a lump forming in my throat.
"Jazmaine we can't go to that house. What if Ted shows up there?"
"So, we're going to let him die in the hands of that son of a bitch?" I said furiously.
"He won't die. We also have no choice."
"Promise me he won't die." I willed her to promise me. I wanted to be sure Derwin would be safe. I don't think I could live without him.
"You know I can't promise you that," she looked at me with sad eyes for a fraction of a second before returning her eyes to the road.
"I know I'm sorry. I just want to hear someone reassure me that no harm will come to my love."
"Your love?"
"Yes. I love Derwin and he loves me. I don't know what would become of me if anything at all were to happen to him."
I could hear the honesty ring through my voice as I said every word. I knew with all my heart Derwin was the person I would want to spend the rest of my life with.
"I've never heard you say that about anyone ever. You must really mean it."
"I do. I love him very much."
"That's wonderful. I'm glad you have someone that I'm sure will treat you right."
We pulled up to Gabby's house sniffling and crying. Our eyes red with all the tears we've shed and she immediately ushered us into the house.
"Oh Lord what happened? You guys look awful." She said.
"Ted happened." With that we burst into tears all over again.
Gabby sat us down and went to get her mother. She returned with two glasses of water and her mother.
"Oh dear, girls what happened?" asked her mother in panic. Gabby handed us each a glass of water and we took long drinks before trying to explain.
The cool water coursed through my body and calmed me slightly but in the back of my mind I knew Derwin was still alone and in danger.
"Our mom is dating a rapist!" blurted out Vicky.
"He tried to rape us, and our mom wasn't home." I said.
"He did something to Derwin and he's in trouble," said Vicky.
"We called the police and they told us to go somewhere safe." I said.
Gabby and her mother stared gaping at us but quickly composed themselves.
"Surely your mother knows this man is a rapist," said Gabby's mother.
"No. She told us to trust him but we had a bad feeling about him. Our mom is currently two hours away at a conference," replied Vicky.
"Oh my. Please make yourselves at home girls. You look hungry. I'll make you something," said Mrs. Waters.
Ted's Point of View
Damn the little bitch sprayed me with pepper spray. That shit stings like hell. No worries though. I'll make sure she gets taken care of. I dialed my source and gave him the details.
"She got away but I know you'll make sure she pays for this. I might be getting questioned by the police so I'll be keeping a low profile." I said into the phone.
"How am I supposed to do that?"
"You're transferring first thing tomorrow. I already pre-signed the papers just in case."
"I have to go to that poor excuse for a school?"
"As long as you want to get paid. Now shut the hell up and listen." I yelled at him.
"Tell me what to do."
Mrs. Waters decided that after an hour it was probably safe to drive by the house and see if the police arrived. She drove us in her car just so if Ted was still there he wouldn't recognize the car. Police cars and an ambulance surrounded the house. Nosey neighbors stood around the scene.
Ted's car was gone. We got out of the car and talked to the nearest officer.
"Excuse me. We're the people that live here. We called about the rapist." I said nervously.
"Glad to see you girls are safe. Would you mind describing the man again please?" he asked.
"His name is Ted. He works as a teacher at Crestwood high school. He has brown eyes and is about six foot two." I said repeating what I told the dispatcher.
"I would like to question your sister separately so please step over to the ambulance."
I did as I was told and the ambulance people checked to make sure I didn't have any injuries. They gave me some medicine for my back pain and told me I wouldn't be able to sleep in the house tonight. They said they would call our mom and Mrs. Waters said we could sleep at Gabby's for the night. After she was questioned, Vicky went over to the ambulance and the checked her for injuries also. No broken bones thankfully.
"Thank you, Mrs. Waters. We really appreciate it."
"No problem dear. If you girls ever need anything after this don't hesitate to ask."
"Thank you again." I said.
We got some clothes out of our house to wear to school and left. Mrs. Waters drove us back to her house. My cell rang and I looked at the Caller ID. It was Derwin.
"Derwin are you okay?"
"Yes? What is it?" I asked.
"I'm in the hospital."
I think my heart stopped working when he told me that. I dropped to my knees and started crying uncontrollably. I thought this was the end.
"Calm down baby. I'll be fine." He said.
"I'm coming to see you," I said.
With that I hung up the phone and stared at the ground. It took me a minute to get off the floor.
"Is Derwin alright?" asked Vicky.
"He's in the hospital."
"Say no more." Vicky helped me off the floor and we told Mrs. Waters we were going to see Derwin. She told us to be careful and we said we will.
The drive to the hospital was horrific. I was at war with my own heart. My heart told me I had to go see Derwin and yet my head said I didn't want to see him this way. I was too busy fighting myself to comprehend that the car had stopped and we were in front of the hospital.
"Jazmaine we're here," said Vicky.
I told the woman at the reception desk who I was here to see and she told me his room number and what floor. I broke into a run and didn't even look at the elevators. They were too slow at this moment. I took the stairs two at a time up to the fourth floor. I sprinted down the hall even with nurses telling me there was no running. I ignored it all until I saw the room I was looking for. I stopped and opened the door. I walked in and saw Derwin lying in the hospital bed looking sick and helpless. He was asleep. Various tubes and wires were hooked in his arms. His breathing was shallow and he looked thinner. I couldn't take it and bent down at his bedside crying. I stared at his scratched up face and sobbed heavily. I was afraid to touch him. I don't know why. I hesitantly lifted my hand but I put it back down. I repeated this about five times before I gave up and sat in a chair across the room. I buried my face in my hands.
"Jazmaine?" I looked up to find Derwin staring at me. I walked back to his side.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
"Better now that you're here."
"What did the doctor say?"
"He says I don't have any major injuries, so I'll be able to go home Wednesday. I was just dehydrated and under nourished. I'll be fine by then."
"Thank God. I can't imagine losing you."
"You won't lose me. The thing is if no one comes to get me when I'm discharged, I'll be turned over to foster care."