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Chapter 4: Rapist

Chapter Four


Derwin's Point of View

Why did I say that to her? Judgmental bitch. Where the hell did I get that from? Why do I even have to ask? It came from that hypocritical bastard that I call dad. He better not even think of hurting Ms. Hayze or Jazmaine or even Vicky. I can't even imagine transferring again. That would make it the second time this year. School is almost over anyway. But that doesn't make it appropriate to do those things again. He promised he wouldn't make me go through that again. Where is he anyway? I heard the front door make a clicking sound and turned around to face the door.

"Right on cue," I muttered under my breath.

"Hey kid. Why are you up so late?" he asked.

"It's only eight o' clock."

"Isn't that your bed time?" he asked snickering.

"When I was ten. I'm fifteen. Or did you forget that too?"

We are so far apart and yet we live in the same house. Sometimes he doesn't even remember my name. He mostly calls me "kid" when he can't remember Derwin. He sometimes forgets my birthday. Usually when I come home with gifts from friends he says, "What's the occasion?" I then proceed to remind him of my birthday. Do you see what years of alcohol and selfishness does to your brain cells?

"I would never forget how old you are. It's a great way to pick up girls." He laughed and walked into the kitchen. (Probably for more alcohol.) I also noticed he said "girls" and not women.

I followed him into the kitchen and I heard the soft tapping of rain outside.

"Where were you?" I asked in a rush.

"Out. What the hell does that matter to you?" He was definitely already intoxicated. I hope he didn't drive home.

"I heard you met Jazmaine."

"Oh yeah. She's hot." He grinned that evil, disgusting smile of his and my stomach lurched into my throat.

"She's my ex-girlfriend." I replied through clenched teeth.

"I couldn't help but notice the ex in that." He said drinking from a bottle of Chardonnay. It's a wonder how he can afford that on his salary. I made more money last summer than he can make in a month.

"So, it doesn't mean anything," I said more to myself than to him. I'm still in denial over the fact I called her a judgmental bitch.

"So, you mind if I hit that?" he asked with that stupid grin on his face.

"I do and so do the police." I threatened.

"I thought we talked about this," he said while putting down the bottle of Chardonnay.

"You promised you wouldn't do it again. I won't bail you out this time; not that I'm giving you permission to hurt her." I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to look tough.

"I could do whatever the fuck I want. Get the hell out of my face." He said as he carried the Chardonnay and two bottles of beer upstairs. He shoved me to the side with his free arm and glared at me.

"One more thing. Stay out of my damn business kid." He said.

I couldn’t believe he was seriously considering this. He couldn’t be. I don't want to transfer again. My life is here now and if he gets arrested, he can rot in jail. He raped two teenage girls in one year. The first one was 17 and the other was 14. Those poor girls are now in therapy. I bailed him out both times. He apologized to me and said what he did was completely unprofessional and he was ashamed. That's freaking eight thousand dollars out of my college fund. What I can't forget though is he became the town rapist. Even though the police considered him a minor threat, the community didn't. He was known as the rapist and I was the rapist's son. No one wanted their kids near me (not that the kids wanted to be near me in the first place.) I was made fun of and mostly everyone feared me. They were scared I'd turn out like him. I won't ever turn into Ted. I promised my mother before she was killed that I would always respect women and never do what my father does.

My mother was killed by a car. She went for her morning run as usual (she liked staying in shape for Ted) and someone who really hated our family because of Ted ran her over. They saw her and sped up so they could hit her. Worst of all? They don't regret it one bit even though they're in jail for twenty years. This person said on national television, "She deserved what she got. Her husband will get his too so it was only a matter of time she got killed. I don't regret anything." Just thinking about her makes my heart hurt so much. She didn't deserve that. No one deserves to be murdered. It happened though.

"God, why?" I said out loud. A silent tear trickled from my eye as I thought of her. Ted walked back into the kitchen and looked at me.

"Aw did I shove the little pussy boy too hard?" He got in my face and I could smell the alcohol wafting off his breath. I slammed my fist against the counter and covered my face. I started crying now.

"Get over it you little punk. Life isn't all daisies and naked guys like you wish it were." He snickered and went over to the fridge.

"I'm not gay," I said. My voice cracked and that made him laugh harder.

I stood up and wiped my face. I started to walk away but his next comment made me stop.

"Are you going to fuck yourself while staring at a picture of Brad Pitt?" he asked. He seemed to be amusing himself.

"Shut up you bastard." I replied.

"That's what your ex-girlfriend won't be doing once I get into those cute little shorts of hers." He said smiling.

Something deep inside that had been waiting to come out finally boiled over. It exploded through my chest and anger washed through me like a tidal wave. I walked over to him by the fridge and punched him square in the nose. He stumbled back and clutched his nose in surprise.

"If you touch her it'll be me to kill you and not regret it. Keep away from her you piece of dirt." I growled.

I turned and grabbed my keys off of the counter. I need to get out of here. I put on my jacket and went out the door without bothering to look back. I got into my vintage '68 Pontiac Firebird Coupe and drove off without a single clue where I was going.

"Shit I have no where to go. Jazmaine might let me stay at her house if I have a good excuse." I thought aloud. I took a right and headed towards Jazmaine's house.


Jazmaine's Point of View

"No what I'm saying is that her boobs don't look as real as yours. I'm not saying yours are fake either." I said to Gabby on the phone.

Gabby and I were discussing the fact that Nicki Minaj's boobs looked really fake. I told her that her boobs looked more real that Nicki Minaj, but she thought I was calling her implants good because they look real. I don't spend the whole day staring at her chest though it was just a comment.

"Okay so you mean her boobs look really fake and don't look natural like my boobs. Right?" said Gabby on the other line.

"Exactly. So what about Heidi Montag? Do you think hers look faker than Nicki Minaj's? The whole world knows her boobs are fake but-

I was cut off by the sound of something hitting my window. It wasn't loud but it sounded like a pebble.

"Hold on a minute Gabby."

"Sure." Said Gabby.

I took a bat out of my closet (for safety purposes and I used to play softball) and cautiously approached the window. I moved the curtains aside and looked out. Derwin was standing under my window.

"What are you doing here? It's almost nine." I asked as I loosened my grip on the bat.

"Can I stay the night?" he asked.

"I'll call you back Gabby." I said into the phone.

"It's cool. Call me tomorrow."

"Okay. Bye." I hung up the phone and turned back to the window.

"You want to stay the night with a judgmental bitch? For what reason? To hurt some more of her feelings?" He cringed at the hate in my voice and I smiled a little.

"I'm having family issues. Please let me stay." He got on his knees and begged me.

"I don't know. I have to consult with my advisor. I'll be back."

Okay I didn’t have an advisor. I'm just going to talk to Vicky. I walked to Vicky's room across the hall and knocked on her door.

"Come in." she sang.

"Vicky I need your help."

"With what?"

"Derwin is outside and he's begging me to let him stay the night. He says he's having family issues."

"Is he at the door?"

"No, my window."

She grabbed a flashlight from her desk and walked past me.

"Let's go." She said and tugged me back to my room.

I went to the window and pointed down at Derwin.

"What the hell do you want?" shouted Vicky out the window.

"Can I stay the night Vicky please?" He looked so messed up. I think he's been crying.

She turned on the flashlight and pointed it directly at his head like a spotlight.

"Tell us how sorry you are and why we should forgive you. Make it good cuz you only get two minutes chance. Your time starts now." Said Vicky.

"Okay um I am sincerely sorry about what I said to Jazmaine. I don't know what came over me and I really didn't mean it. I think I said it because I was afraid I would lose her forever. You should forgive me because it isn't my fault I'm so fucked up. My stupid dad must have rubbed off on me. You know him. He's the guy your mom is dating and-

"She's NOT dating him!" screamed Vicky interrupting him.

"I'm sorry. Well whatever you call what they're doing. He's a messed up guy and I don't want to grow up to be like him. That's the reason why I'm out here in the first place. I couldn't take it anymore. Yes, I'm obviously going to have to go home sometime but just not right now. Please let me stay you guys. Please." He sniffled a little and I instantly forgave him.

"What do you think sis?" asked Vicky.


"It's your room and your decision. If you don't want him to stay, I'll chase him away with a bat." She smiled slightly but her eyes spoke only of business.

"Well he does have a creepy dad. I feel sorry for him. It's only for tonight though."

"Alright get up here jackass." Said Vicky.

"That was rude." I said.

"So. No one calls my sister a judgmental bitch but me." She smiled and gave me a hug.

"Thanks Vicky. I love you."

"Love you too chica." She turned off the flashlight and left my room.

"You heard Vicky, get up here." I said out the window.

"Thank you so much." He said and began walking away.

"Wait where are you going? My mom can't see you. You have to climb up here."

"Oh. Okay."

He grabbed hold of the ladder from the tree house my dad made for Vicky and me and swung it towards my window. I stepped away from the window and went into the bathroom to make sure I don't look like crap.

I had on a black spaghetti strap shirt and "Hello Kitty" pajama shorts. My hair was straight and brushed my shoulders. I was barefoot and had on my toe ring. (I thought the toe ring was a cute accessory for wearing sandals.) I look alright. I came back into my room and found Derwin sitting on the floor. He looked like a lost puppy.

"You'll be sleeping here." I said pointing at the corner farthest from my bed.

I walked to my closet and got him a pillow and some sheets. I threw them in the corner and said, "Make yourself at home." He scuttled into his corner without a word.

"The bathroom is the second door on the right. The first door is my mom's room and the third is Vicky's." I said.

I picked a book out of my small bookshelf and plopped down onto my bed. It was Betrayed by P.C. Cast Kristin Cast. I flipped to the chapter I stopped at and continued reading. I put my earphones in my ears and pressed play on my IPod. Unbreakable by Fireflight began playing. I hummed along with the words until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and pressed pause.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Um I didn't really eat anything after leaving Jeremiah's house and I didn't eat when I got home so can I have um maybe a sandwich?" asked Derwin tentatively. He made it seem like he was asking the devil for his soul back.

"Sure, I'll make you one. Do you want anything to drink?" I tried to smile but all that came was a facial twitch. I don't want him to starve to death.

"Whatever you bring is fine." He said and sat back in his corner. I noticed he arranged the sheets and pillow into a little bed.

"Okay." I went downstairs to the kitchen and got out stuff to put on his sandwich. I am kind-of hungry too. I'll make one for myself too, I thought.

"Lettuce, mayo, bologna, cheese, mustard, ham, and bread. I think I have everything," I said to no one in particular. No tomatoes cuz I hate tomatoes. They're disgusting and definitely don't taste like fruit.

I built sandwiches fit for a king, or queen in my case, and grabbed two sodas from the fridge. I juggled everything in my hands as I walked up the stairs to my room.

"Here you go." I said as I stretched out the plastic plate with his sandwich on it. He took it and the soda and sat in his corner.

"Thank you." He said.

"No problem." I sat at my desk and pushed my laptop to the side. I set down my sandwich and soda and began eating.

We sat in silence as we ate only occasionally glancing at each other. When he finished I took both our empty plates and soda cans and threw them away. I came back and decided to strike up a conversation with him.

"So why did you run away?"

"I didn't run away. I just left for a while."

"Well why did you leave?"

"My dad is drunk."

"Oh. He didn't hit you did he?" I asked.

"No. But I hit him."

"Oh my gosh why?" I asked.

He told me everything that happened at his house and I didn't notice I lowered myself to the floor and sat in front of him.

"That scum bag! He said he was going to rape me?" I said with a quivering voice. I admit I was terrified. I've never been raped and I don't want to be. I don't even want to think of losing my virginity until I'm married.

"I won't let him." Said Derwin. He sounded determined. Although I'm not sure how he would stop his father if he tried to hurt me.

I hadn't realized I was crying until a teardrop dripped onto my arm. Derwin lifted his hand but hesitated, mentally asking me if it was okay. I nodded and he wiped away my tears. I inched closer to him until his hand was on my cheek. He put his other arm around me and pulled me onto his lap. I stared into his eyes and he leaned forward and touched his lips to mine. I kissed him back gently and laid my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and closed my eyes drifting into a deep sleep.


Derwin's Point of View

I leaned forward and kissed her gently. I was relieved when she kissed me back.

"I'm sorry." She whispered before she drifted off.

"I'm sorry too." I replied.

I looked at the clock. It's ten o' clock. I guess I should sleep too. I tenderly picked her up, careful not to wake her, and laid her on her bed. She looks so peaceful. I softly swept her hair away from her face and kissed her on the forehead.

"Goodnight. I love you." I whispered. I turned off the light and went to my corner bed and laid down.

I slept soundly for about three hours before I heard the sound of soft crying. I looked over to Jazmaine and she seemed asleep. I got up and looked closer. She's crying in her sleep. No doubt she's having a nightmare about my dad.

"Jazmaine, wake up babe." I said as I gently shook her.

Her eyes fluttered and she woke up. She touched her face and looked shocked to find tears.

"It was just a dream okay." I said comforting her.

"But I thought.... It looked so real." Sobs shook her body and I couldn't help but feel useless. I didn't know how to make her feel better.

She wrapped her arms around me and cried.

"I'm scared Derwin." She whimpered.

"I know. Everything will be fine. I'm here."

"Stay with me." She pleaded as she cried onto my shoulder.

It took twenty minutes to calm her down, but she finally did. She wanted me to lay down with her, so I did. I got behind her in the bed and she turned to face me. She rubbed her thumb against my cheek and stared into my eyes. It's like she was trying to see into my soul. She eventually fell asleep again. I held her against me and listened to her heartbeat. It killed me to see her so horrified. I love her. I know it seems early, but Romeo and Juliet were willing to kill themselves for each other after two days. I know with all my heart I love her. Nothing will ever change that.


Jazmaine's Point of View

I awoke in the morning to Derwin gone. He put his sheets and pillow in a neat pile and left a note on top of it.


I'm sorry I had to leave you without saying goodbye. I had to leave before your mom found my car in your driveway. I'll come see you later today. I promise. I love you.



I smiled and folded his note and placed it in a drawer. I couldn't wait to see him later. I got dressed and skipped down to the kitchen for breakfast. Maybe Vicky and I could do some shopping today.

"Hello wonderful sister of mine." I said smiling.

"Had a nice night I see." Replied Vicky.

"It wasn't that nice but it wasn't awful."

"So did you make up with Derwin?"

"Actually yes."

"That's good but he better watch it this time. This is his last chance." Said Vicky.

"I know but I have a feeling it'll work. He promised to come see me later."

"Aw how cute."

"I know."

While we sat gushing about Derwin our mom came in the kitchen.

"Happy to see you girls getting along for once." She said.

"So are we," answered Vicky.

Our good mood was ruined when she told us Ted would be hanging out with us the whole day.

"Oh. Great!" I said trying to sound happy. "Vicky can you come help me with something?" I said as I dragged her from the table.

I told her everything Derwin told me.

"Oh no we cannot hang out with him the whole day. Even if she forces us, I won't leave your side. Nothing will tear me away." Said Vicky her eyes filled with rage.

"Thanks. Just watch out for yourself too. He has his eye on you too. Age doesn't matter to him."

"How about you watch me and I'll watch you?"


"You know I love you right?" asked Vicky.

"Of course. You know I love you too?"

"Of course." She said. She hugged me tightly and we went back downstairs.

We returned to the table and the front door opened. It was Ted.

"Who the hell said he could let himself in?" murmured Vicky.

"Hey girls, how are you?" asked Ted.

Repeating the same thing we did when we first met him, we avoided all eye contact and stared at our cereal.

"Fine." We mumbled in unison.

"Hello Ted. Nice to see you again." Said our mom.

"Wonderful to be in your presence as well Michelle." He hugged her and it sent shivers up my spine. I don't want him touching her ever again.

I got up from the table and went up to my room. Vicky came up two minutes later. Mom probably tried to include Vicky in their small talk.

"Knock, knock." Said Vicky letting herself in. It's different when she lets herself in because we're related and I liked her. Ted on the other hand most definitely will never be related to us and I don't like him at all.

"Want to get some shopping done today?" I asked her.

"I'm always down for shopping. I need a new outfit anyway."

"Awesome. Let's do it."

I hooked my arm through hers and we walked dorkily down the stairs concentrating on not falling.

"Where are you girls going?" asked mom who was now in the living room with Ted.

"To the mall."

"You should take Ted."


"Well there's something I need to talk to you two about. Come sit down."

We tentatively sat down quickly exchanging glances of worry.

"Ted and I are sort-of dating now, so I want to give you guys a chance to bond and get to know each other." She smiled but we didn't return the smile.

"Mom, can we talk to you in the kitchen?" I asked.

"Sure honey."

We walked mom to the farthest corner in the kitchen and began our argument.

"I don't like him. You guys shouldn't date," I said.

"Honey you haven't even given him a chance."

"We don't want to give him a chance." said Vicky.

"That's enough. You don't need to be rude."

"Sorry but we just don't like him. He's weird."

"He's a gentleman," said mom.

"Mom, can we at least go to the mall by ourselves?"

"No. You are taking Ted and that's final." She stormed out of the kitchen and we followed plastering fake smiles onto our faces.

She told Ted he can go to the mall with us and we unhappily agreed.

"Shotgun!" I said quickly and ran to the passengers' side. I was not about to let Vicky sit next to that creeper.

Vicky got into the drivers' side and started the car. She threw it into reverse but she couldn't leave fast enough. Ted hurried out of the house and caught up with us. We drove to the mall and tried our hardest to ditch Ted.

"Let's walk really fast and get to the entrance. From there we can lose him," said Vicky in my ear.

"Good idea." I picked up the pace and kept my focus on the door trying to look excited to be at the mall instead of scared out of my mind.

We hurried into the mall and ran for the food court. I looked back and saw Ted go through the entrance.

"Stop running so it doesn't seem like we're trying to lose him," I said.

Vicky nodded and slowed to a walk. We took a left and headed towards Wet Seal. I looked back and saw Ted looking for us in the food court. Yes!

"He's looking for us in the food court," I said to Vicky.

"Don't look back. Just keep walking. He hopefully won't recognize us."

We walked into Wet Seal and immediately went to the jeans rack. I was checking out a pair of bleach splattered jeans when I saw my sister tense up.

"Oh crap." She said.

"What?" I turned in time to see Ted walking towards us. Damn I can't believe he saw us. I turned back to the jeans and pretended to be concentrated on reading the price tag.

"You girls are serious about your shopping. I almost lost you," said Ted.

"Yeah. We wanted to get to the sales before the crowds," replied Vicky.

"Oh ok," said Ted.

"I'm going to try these on," I said to Vicky.

I walked into the dressing room and changed into the bleached jeans.

"How do I look?" I said walking out.

"Those look really nice on you," said Ted.

"Thanks." Ew. "Vicky?"

"I don't like them. Here let me bring you some others," she walked to the rack and picked a random bunch.

I turned and went into the dressing room with Vicky on my heels.

"I lied. Those jeans are hot on you but I don't like them because he does and he was totally staring at your butt when you turned around."

"Okay that's gross. So, I shouldn't get the jeans?"

"No way. You have to get them. They're on sale! You can't pass up an opportunity like that."

"Okay. Let's go check out some tops." I said trying to be cheerful.

I walked out with my regular jeans on and went over to the tank tops. There was this completely gorgeous newspaper print lace tunic that I wanted so badly until Ted said it would "capture my beauty perfectly". Why is he ruining shopping for me also?

"Get the top. He's just trying to psyche you out," said Vicky. She gave Ted a dirty look but he pretended not to notice.

Vicky and I paid for our clothes and left the store, not bothering to tell Ted we're done. We walked through some of the most girly stores but he followed us anyway. We even went into Victoria's Secret and walked through the bras and panties but that seemed to just excite him. We looked at swimwear, but I didn't dare try any on with him around. I saw a cute bright blue halter dress and knew I had to have it.

"Vicky look at this dress!" I squealed.

"So cute! Try it on." She said.

I went to the dressing room and put on the dress. I hugged me in all the right places and brought out some curves I didn't even know I had. I should wear it when Derwin comes to see me.

"Well?" I asked Vicky.

"Damn girl! Looking very hot. If you don't buy it I will." She grinned and motioned for me to turn around. I did a little twirl and heard a whistle.

"You look stunning," said Ted. "I think you might be giving your mom a run for her money."

"Uh thank you?" Ew. Time to take this off.

I came back and rummaged around for a new outfit to wear to school Monday. I found these cute cut-off shorts with suspenders. I know your shaking your head saying "Ew suspenders are so ten minutes ago" but I can make it work. I found an adorable graphic tee with a rose in the middle of it. I paired it together and it looked almost like an outfit I saw Selena Gomez wearing. As for shoes I bought a pair of two-toned Santa Fe wedges. They were black and white.

"You are going to look uh-mazing on Monday!" said Vicky exaggerating the word amazing.

We got home at around three in the afternoon (with Ted following us the whole time.) All together Vicky and I spent a nice chunk of change at the mall but it was worth it. I even got some things for Aisha and Yakira. I even got Derwin a special something. I didn't want it to be too girly so I got us matching basketball jerseys with the words "Derwin & Jazmaine Forever" on the back. I decided to start getting ready at seven so that I looked fresh when he comes.

"Vicky it's seven. Can you help me with my hair?"

"Sure. What do you want to do with it?"

"I don't know. Side bun or a curly bob?"

"Ooh tough one." She walked in a circle around me and lifted my hair every which way.

"Curly bob definitely," She said after a few moments.

She helped me do my hair and I got into the bright blue halter dress I bought. I even wore heels! Time went by but Derwin didn't show up. I sat at my window with his gift in my lap hoping I would see his car pull up. I looked over at the clock and it said ten thirty. I sighed and left my post at the window.

"Where could he be? I hope he's okay."

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