Chapter Eight
Unwanted Guests
I woke up weak, confused, and afraid. I could barely move my arms and my throat hurt severely. I attempted to call out, hoping someone would hear me, but I was too quiet. A rather annoying beeping sound echoed through my ears as I struggled to recall where I was. The last thing I remembered was being in the tree house with someone and then pain and darkness.
"Glad to see you're awake Jazmaine."
A petite woman in pale yellow scrubs entered the unfamiliar room and smiled at me.
"How are you feeling?" she asked.
"Confused, in pain, and I'm starving," I quietly replied.
The woman wrote down something on the purple clipboard she was carrying then put her hand against my forehead.
"You feel a little warm, would you like me to remove some of these blankets?" she asked kindly.
"Yes please."
She pulled back three thick, wool blankets and folded them up at my feet.
"By the way, my name is Lori. I'll be your nurse for the next few days," said Lori.
With that she un-wrapped a pink stethoscope from around her next and told me to breathe deeply. After she was done listening to my lungs, she
said, "Here's the menu, you can order lunch whenever you're ready." She set down a piece of paper in front of me and continued. "For the pain, I'll have the doctor up your dosage on the pain meds and as for the confusion, what would you like me to clear up?"
She stared at me expectantly.
"I'm in the hospital, right?" I asked.
"Can you tell me what happened?"
"Well you arrived here unconscious with a cut across your neck, quite a bump on your head, and a sniffling family surrounding you," she replied.
My head was suddenly filled with images of what happened. Flashes of Vicky screaming, Derwin crying, and my mother freaking out in an ambulance flooded my mind. I raised my hand to my throat and felt the rough stitches keeping my neck closed.
"How long have I been here?" I asked.
Lori glanced down at her clipboard and said, "A week and a half."
"Oh my God."
"Yeah I know," commented Lori.
"Why so long?"
"You went into a coma 2 hours after you hit your head. It lasted a week. We recently were able to pull you out. Your mom visited six times."
I was speechless. The first thing that came to mind was: "where's my phone?"
"Can you hand me my phone?" I squeaked.
Lori handed me the phone and turned to leave. "Don't stay on too long so you don't strain your throat," she said kindly. She closed the door behind her and I flipped my phone open. I had five texts. Three from last week, one from yesterday, and one form an hour ago. The ones from last week were from Mom and Vicky. The most recent ones were from Derwin.
"It's your fault I'm in here," I muttered to my phone.
I flipped it closed-not bothering to look at the texts- and skimmed through the menu Lori had placed in front of me. I ordered the first thing I liked and decided to take a nap.
As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard a knock at the door. The person let themselves in and I realized it was Yuki. He held a bouquet of balloons and had a big smile plastered on his face.
"Hey," he said softly.
"Yuki, I sliced my neck not stabbed myself in the ear."
He winced at my terminology as he tied the balloons to my bed side.
"How are you feeling?" he asked tenderly.
"Sore but I'm happy you're here." I smiled weakly. "How did you know I was here?" I asked.
He looked into my eyes and brushed a stray hair from my face.
"I missed you at school and Derwin told me everything...well almost everything. I can't believe he would pressure you like that," Yuki said incredulously.
"Did he mention he slept with Ya-ya?"
"Damn. He messed up big time." He was silent for a few moments. "You deserve better."
He gazed into my eyes once more and his lips found mine. We kissed slowly but intensely. When he backed away, I felt my face heat up.
"I can't believe you just did that. Don't do that again," I said. "Do you realize I haven't brushed my teeth in days?" I asked.
Yuki chuckled and kissed me once more.
"I could care less," he whispered.
I smiled and took hold of his hand. There was a knock on the door.
"Come in," I said.
In walks Derwin with-ironically-another bouquet of balloons. I clutched Yuki's hand and they stared each other down.
"I should go," mumbled Yuki. He gave me a quick hug while still staring at Derwin. "I'll call you-or in your case, text you."
He walked by Derwin and chuckled slightly. He abruptly stopped in front of the door and came back to me.
"I almost forgot," he said. He smirked at Derwin and gently kissed me. It was a small series of pecks that left me craving more. "Bye," Yuki said seductively.
"Bye," I replied, smiling.
Yuki left and Derwin still stood there dumbfounded.
"What the hell was that?" he demanded.
"What are you talking about?" I asked innocently.
"Why did you just lay there and let Yuki kiss you like that?"
"Jealous?" I inquired.
"No. I liked seeing some guy kiss my girlfriend," he said sarcastically.
"Um, correction. I broke up with you remember?"
He had this really stupid look on his face, and I started to laugh. I stopped immediately because it hurt my throat.
"Ow," I croaked.
"Don't hurt yourself," Derwin remarked. He tied the balloons to my bed side (in front of Yuki's) and stared at me. "We need to talk," he said.
"Oh yeah? About what?" I asked.
"You don't really want to break up with me do you?"
"Yes, I do."
"No, you don't."
"How are you going to tell me what I want?" I asked.
Derwin sighed and shook his head at me like I was some stubborn child.
"You want to tell me how long this thing between you and Yuki has been going on?" he inquired.
"We don't have a thing and I don't have to explain anything to you." I attempted to roll over but failed. "If you're going to stay why don't you make yourself useful and call the nurse?" I snapped.
"Okay I'll be back," he said. He quickly kissed my cheek and said, "Don't miss me too much."
"I won't."
Derwin disappeared down the hall and my phone chimed, indicating I had a text. It was from Yuki. I smiled and read it. It said: Text me as soon as you get rid of that loser. I'll be waiting. Aishite imasu. I'll tell you what that means when you get back to me. :]
"Or I can just look it up," I said sneakily.
Derwin returned with Lori and I sighed and shut the phone. Lori put her arms under my back and told me to move my legs so I could roll over.
"You aren't doing anything," Lori grunted.
"I'm trying," I whined.
"Jazmaine you're not moving at all," remarked Lori.
"Yes I am!" I insisted.
Lori put me down and uncovered my legs. She poked me in the leg and I didn't even flinch.
"Did you feel that?" she asked.
"No... I can't feel my legs!" I cried.
"Okay calm down, they're probably just stiff from not moving in a long time," said Lori.
Lori unhooked all my wires and what not then helped me up. She made sure my feet were planted on the ground before making me stand up. She clutched my arm securely and told me to move my feet. When I didn't move at all Lori let me go and I fell forwards. I would've fell flat on my face if Derwin wasn't standing in front of me.
"You're going to have to leave," said Lori to Derwin after they laid me back on the bed.
"Why?" asked Derwin.
"Please don't argue or I'll have to get security," sighed Lori.
"What's wrong with my legs?" I asked frantically.
"I wish I could tell you," Lori said genuinely. "I'm going to go get the doctor. Make sure your friend is gone when we get back."
She quickly disappeared out the door and I began to panic. My palms began to sweat and my head was spinning. What was wrong with me? My heart rate picked up as I tried to convince myself I would be fine.
"You'll be fine," Derwin reassured me.
He quickly gathered his things and walked out the door as Lori and the doctor returned. I was poked and prodded before I was told what happened.
"Hello Jazmaine. I am Dr. Odyssey." He shook my hand before continuing. "I bet you're wondering what's happening," he said.
"No shit, Sherlock!" I croaked.
"Excuse me?"
"Continue please," I said kindly.
"Well when you hit your head, you hit the nerve that controls your mobility," he paused for a minute. "I'll spare you the details until your mother arrives but long
story short, you are paralyzed from the waist down. It's only temporary though. Your nerve will heal in about two months max. So you will be confined to a wheelchair for the time being," said Dr. Odyssey.
"Tell me I'm dreaming," I pleaded.
"I'm sorry," said Dr. Odyssey. "Your surgery will begin in a few hours. You should rest until then."
Hours later my mother arrived with Vicky in tow. While preparations for my surgery began, my mother sat and held my hand like I was a little girl.
"Mom I don't need bubblegum scented anesthesia! I'm not a baby anymore," I whined.
"I just want you to be comfortable."
"I'm fine with regular anesthesia," I said.
"Alright, well it looks like they're about ready to start," she sighed. "I can't be in the operating room. I already asked. Vicky and I will be right out here when you
get out okay?" said Mom.
"Okay," I said.
The nurses wheeled me away as I caught my last glimpse of my mother's face. I hoped that wouldn't be the last time I saw her. Bright lights blinded me while I was laid out on the operating table.
"Are you ready?" asked the surgeon.
"Mhm," I mumbled.
"Just breathe evenly. It'll all be over soon," she said as she placed the mask over my face.
I fought against the anesthesia because I was scared but that was definitely a fight I wouldn't win. My head felt heavy and my eyelids drooped slowly. Finally, my eyes shut completely and I was in a trance.
A dim white light shone behind my eyelids and I was suddenly in my backyard along with two people I couldn't see. It was dark and a cold breeze brushed across my skin. Leaves rustled around me as I walked towards the unknown people.
"She's completely helpless," one of them said. His voice was deep yet oddly comforting. "I don't care what you do from this point on," he continued. "I'm done helping you out."
"Good to know," said the other person. His voice was alarming. I recognized it from somewhere but couldn't figure out why his voice scared me. "I think I'll go pay her a visit. You may go," he said.
"Where's my money?" asked the first man.
"I was hoping you forgot but oh well." He reached into his coat pocket and revealed a small stack of hundred dollar bills. "Money well spent," he mumbled.
"Pleasure working for you," said the first man.
He took off down my driveway and into the stark night. I crept closer to the man remaining but he disappeared. I sat alone on the soft grass for what seemed like days thinking of those strange men and who they could possibly be talking about. Maybe they were drug dealers but that doesn't explain the person they were talking about.
"She's completely helpless."
The man's voice echoed in my head. I struggled to figure out who he was and who he was talking about. Maybe they were pimps and they were pimping out a prostitute or something. That explains the girl and the money. So now the only question that remains is: who is this poor girl they were selling?
The answer was on the tip of my tongue. Just as I was about to say it my body began drifting away-up towards the star filled sky. A bright fluorescent light stung my eyes during my ascent towards the heavens. I opened my eyes and blinked furiously, upset that this light interrupted my thinking. I rolled my head around and realized I heard people whispering.
"I hate secrets so stop whispering," I grumbled.
I blinked a few more times until my vision cleared up. I found my mom and Vicky sitting beside me, staring with wide eyes.
"She's awake!" squealed Vicky.
"The surgery was a success. She'll be a little cranky so try to disregard any rude things she says," said a cheery female voice.
"Okay thank you," said my mom. She smiled brightly and gazed at me like she hasn't seen me in years. "How are you feeling?"
"You know I'm getting tired of people asking me how I'm feeling," I griped.
"You are so lucky you're in the hospital right now because I would've smacked you a long time ago," threatened Vicky.
"A hospital shouldn't be holding you back," I spat. "If you wanna fight then let's go bitch." I snapped.
My mom gaped at me while I glared at Vicky.
"Mom calm down. Remember the doctor said to disregard all the rude things she says," Vicky said through clenched teeth.
I rolled my eyes and turned my head towards the only window. I observed the remaining autumn leaves change color and float gently to the ground below. The hospital overlooked a spacious park with grand oak trees and clean benches. Little children jumped in piles of leaves, people walked their rambunctious dogs, and chatted peacefully. I longed to be out there enjoying the mild weather and having fun with my friends.
"Not gonna happen," teased a voice in my head. "You're useless now," it taunted. "You can't do any of the things you used to. You are nothing."
The voice was silent. It angered me that the voice could just throw around such hurtful words. It infuriated me that I couldn't do anything about it. It saddened me because deep down I knew that voice was right.
Vicky and mom had left two hours ago. It's seven-thirty. I'm alone and the worst part is I don't know when I need to use the bathroom anymore. I pressed the call button and a nurse appeared two minutes later. This was the fourth time I wet myself. I felt so stupid. I'm sixteen and pissing myself.
"Again huh?" she asked tenderly.
I said nothing and just stared down. A single tear dripped out of my eye but I quickly rubbed my face before anymore revealed themselves.
"It'll get easier to time it as you get used to this change," she said. She put on her gloves and began the process of changing my sheets and my pants.
"I hate this," I squeaked.
"Don't worry honey it's only temporary."
I remained silent for the next ten minutes while everything was changed. I felt like absolute crap. I wish I'd never met Derwin. It was all his fault. If I didn't meet him I wouldn't have fallen for him and I wouldn't be a sixteen year old pissing herself every thirty minutes!
"There you go," said the nurse gleefully. "Are you hungry?" she asked.
I skipped out on dinner and just sulked for a few hours.
"Yeah a little," I admitted.
Damn I sound like a baby!
"Order anything you want okay? I'll make sure it gets up here in less than twenty minutes."
"You're welcome." She smiled and added, "You have a visitor also. I'll send her in."
I hoped it wasn't Aisha. I couldn't bear to let her see me like this. I pretended to be asleep so that way she would just leave. The door creaked open and soft footsteps rang through the room.
"Wake up sleepy head," said a bright voice.
I couldn't resist peeking, so I opened one eye and instantly regretted it. "What do you want?" I said.
"I wanted to come see you," said none other than Ya-ya.
"Get out," I shouted as loud as I could.
"What?" She seemed momentarily confused. "Why?"
"This is entirely your fault!" I said filled with rage. "If you didn't sleep with Derwin I wouldn't have accidently said anything about it and he wouldn't have smacked me across my freaking face and I wouldn't have accidently sliced my damn throat!" I screeched in my hoarse voice. I was out of breath and growing more and more upset by the minute.
"Maybe if your stupid ass didn't have such a big mouth to match, you wouldn't have said a word like I told you not to," she snapped.
"You know what? You can kiss my paralyzed ass and get the hell out of my hospital room you hoe," I yelled.
My throat was burning wildly but I ignored it because I was too heated from this argument. Ya-ya stared at me in disbelief and then threw a bouquet of lilies in my face.
"Enjoy your flowers," she spat.
She stormed out of the room and slammed the door on her way out. I tossed the flowers onto the floor and scowled at the door. It opened once more and in stepped the last person I would ever want to see.
"What is this? Piss me off day?" I said.
"Nice to see you too," he said.
"Get out."
"Make me. Oh wait that's right. You can't walk," Ted replied.
"I can still press the call button," I said.
I snatched the remote off the table beside me and pressed the little red button repeatedly until someone appeared.
"Make him leave," I growled.
The nurse ushered Ted out the door as he said, "I'll see you later Jazmaine." The way he said it: so casually, sent shivers across my skin. It was only a matter of time before he gets locked up. He won't last long. Deep inside I knew as long as my mother stood by him, Ted wasn't going anywhere.