Benjamin Opened the door six eyes snapped to my figure weirdo's Have you ever been in a movie and like you are the new girl in high school and when you enter the school everyone looks at you as if you are some creature sent from mars to destroy earth, that's what I am feeling right now
I took a seat at the available space next to a scary man who looked like me but had hazel eyes I looked around there was Daniel, A man who looked like in his late Forties My dad had the green eyes like me, Another man sat next to him my older brother Hazel eyes, next to him a repical of Maddison so he's the father then an identical man Next to him twins but this one had hazel eyes the one I am sitting next to
'' Carina'', My dad snapped me from my thoughts, I stared at him waiting for him to continue
'' This is Vincent, Ryker Maddison's father, you know Daniel and Ryder and me your dad Nicholas '', He said so the man sitting next to me is Ryder and then Maddison's father is Ryker , daniel and the Oldest Vincent and Nicholas My dad, that word feels bitter in my mouth
'' Carina Or Rina whatever you feel comfortable with'', I said and continued playing with my food, one question was bugging me
Where's My mom
Everyone ate in silence except Maddison talking about her day as she misspells word, when you look at them you could see the happy glint and soft
I felt My dad eyes on me as I turned around he averted his gaze making me continue in my own world
But before I knew it the words came out of my mouth without a care
'' Where is my Mother''
Silence pin fucking drop silence I had to open my big mouth
'' Fuck you Carina''