Carina's pov
Shit i am late i ran through the streets dodging people , i finally reach the house but to my misery they are home and he is too , shit i walk in the house , to be met with silence , , i walked inside it was quiet , i took step by step creeping i reached my room without them finding them , i entered my room and leaned on the door , i realize a breath that i didn't know i was holding but screamed when i saw who sitting on my bed
''Oh you thought i don't remember'' , he said laughing , my body started shaking violently , that's how much he affects me
''Don't ..... c ome near'' , my voice trembling he just walked closer to me , i was stuck i couldn't move , he reached my and started touching my face , i shiver in disgust , i don't know what i was thinking but i punched him , then ran into the bathroom
He Banged the door , while i was trying to look something , then the banging stop , i realize a breath i was holding , then two gunshots was shot on the door making it have hole , then he kicked the door making it fall
''How long were you going to hide there'' , he said coming closer , i moved back , then till i was trapped between him and the wall
''Pls don't do this pls'' , i trembled , then he slapped me , then started chocking me , i scratched his hand making him stop , but he had a tight grip , black dot appeared
''Stop her she's trying to kill herself '', someone said
''Carina it's me wake up it's dad'', someone was trying to wake me up
''You bitch'' , arthur said and punched me on my stomach
''St....op p..l..s'' , i whispered my voice shaking ,
''Carina wakeup'' , someone shake me
I shot up and looked around , my family looked at me worriedly
''WHAT WAS THAT '', Xavier yelled making me flinch
''It was nothing'' , i said and covered myself , turning looking at the window
''Let's go she will talk when she's ready'' , Papa said , they were grunts of no ,
''Let's go '' , Mom said glancing at me , they nodded and walked out , i realized a breath that i didn't know i was holding
I can't go back to bed , i muttered and stood up removing the blanket from my body , i walked towards the balcony , opening the door making the chilly air tingle my skin
I leaned on the rail and breath the air in satisfaction , since i am wearing a crop top and shorts it's cold but i don't care do i , i look at the sky it was peaceful here , stars shining , i like the stars it gives me some kind of light in my fucked up life
''When will my pain end'' , I whispered and entered inside closing the door
I looked at my outfit in the mirror i look like a bad bitch exactly what i want , black tube top a leather skirt , leather jacket and black combat boots well the boots are from me , i bought them like i have five of them
I took my bag and walked downstairs putting my airpods listening to SAVE ME , By BTS , i am a fan
I walked in the kitchen , Damon , Victor and Ace were seated , i took a seat next to Ace
''You are dressed like a whore'' , Damien commented looking at my outfit , i shot him a glare
''Do i look like a whore to you fuck off Damien'' , i spat and went back to my phone
''No cursing and stop with the attitude'' , Victor said while using his phone i stood up i am tired
''You know what Victor Fuck off i will curse he just called me a whore and the only thing you are telling me to stop cursing maybe you should have your ears check he started it'' , i said and stood up took my bag not waiting for the damn reactions , Xavier and Xander entered
''Let's go'' , i said and walked past them to the garage waiting for them