Carina's pov
We reached the restaurant with the two cars following us , and i noticed they were black cars too ,
''OK let's go'' , Dad said , we all walked inside everybody kept quiet , fear flashed in their eyes , why is everybody scared of them , we were led to a VIP room , when we entered the room three families were seated there
''Melissa and Alessandro welcome '', a manly voice said , i looked up to see a similar Hazel eyes i saw some where
''You too Benjamin meet my daughter Carina this Benjamin Martin '' , Dad said , he smiled at me and put his hand for me to shake , i looked at it then him , the right my phone rang , i took it out it was Kara , i switched it off and nodded at him , then another young woman stood infront of me
''Sunshine this Zarahhis wife and his son Jace ,'' when Mom finished the jock came out , so this Jace wow
''This is Dimitri Ivanov, his two son Adrian and Vincent , lastly that's Franco , his wife Lisa his kids Isabella , Jessie and Austin ''
''Okay let's seat '', Benjamin said , i took a seat next to Xander , then my phone rang again , everybody was looking at me , i stood up
''Excuse me'' , i said and walked out of the room, i answered it Knowing is Kara
''Yes Kara '', i asked but when the next thing i heard made me panic
''Kitten it's not Kara it's me '', Arthur said
''What do you want'' , i whispered yelled , i am scared
''You and i will kill anyone who will protect you '', he said and started laughing , this man is Psychopath like joker
''Arthur i swear if you hurt my family i will kill you you broke me enough don't you dare go to family'' , i said through gritted teeth , and that fucker just laughed
''Your threat won't do anything to me just like those time that you threat never got you anywhere '', he said laughing , it's true my threats will do nothing to him
''Till later dare tell them anything i will kill you'' , he said and end the call , agh why me God why me
I walked inside and took a seat , we started eating , they were chatting and eating , well me my mind was somewhere else more like someone , i will sure get a nightmare tonight
''Carina did you think about joining the team '', Isabella asked , for God sake didn't i tell you i don't want to join , i looked at her bored
''I . said . i . am . not . joining . your. team ,'' i said through gritted teeth , i am tired of her dramas and to add to my moods Arthur
''Why you look like you know how to cheer '', Lisa asked curiously , i looked at her , do i look like cheering then Isabella spoke
''Mom now i know why she doesn't like to join the team she likes to sing you should join the music competition'' , when she said that i froze only Kara knows i sing only her , i looked at her my anger building up , my hand in a fist
''How do you know i sing '', i asked impatiently , i don't like people invading my privacy
''You are trending in social media '', she said and showed me her phone , i took it there was a video of me playing earlier in the music room , some people wrote Mute girl can sing , oh she has a nice voice , and so on
''I am not joining your music competition i don't know how to sing this is a mistake'' , i said lying
''Oh come on just join or just join cheer '', she asked
''Enough Isabella i am not joining your pathetic little group neither the music group '', that made her shut up , the rest of the night ,my parents and theirs were talking business while me i was listening to music and the others chatting ,
I went back to my phone , but i felt someone gaze on me , i looked up to see a pair of green eyes staring at me , Black hair green eyes pink lips , sharp jawline , he had a perfect body , i ignored the butterflies in my stomach and went back to my phone , then a message popped
''you are trending in social media Rina'' , K
''I know just saw it everybody knows i sing i am very happy '',[ Note the sarcasm ] C
''I know you don't like attention just at least be happy you are viral '', K
''Happy Kara in my dictionary there is no happy you know it'' , C
''I know there is something bothering you that's why you are like this , pls tell me i can help'' ,k
''Bye Kara'' , C i sent it and put my phone on the table , i don't like talking about what happened
Finally the dinner was over , we were outside i look at the sky , the stars looked peaceful why can't i be like them , the breeze was tickling my skin , why the hell did i wear a short sleeve , then suddenly a coat was put on me , i looked to see victor next to me looking at the stars but he had a sad look but before i could ask papa called us
''Nice making a deal with you again'' , Dimitri said shaking dad's hand , we can go home ,
we entered our cars and left