carina's pov
I got out of the car not sparing a glance at Xavier and Xander , stuffing my hands in the jackets pocket and entered the hallway but to my luck i bumped into someone
''You have to stop meeting like this'' , the person said chuckling , i stood up to see Hazel eyes staring at me with amusement while his friends were laughing , Jace
I ignored him and walked past him well tried he held my wrist , making my anger build up
''Get your hands of me Jace'' , i gritted out he raised his hands up like he is surrendering good
I took two steps and feel someone eyes on me ,i look around till my eyes landed on Adrian he was looking at me with unreadable expression , i just shrugged it off and walked to English class
''Okay let's get started'' , Anna said while glaring at me , i copied her actions , i don't care about it she has a thing against me and i i don't give a fuck
''Carina can you repeat what i said'' , Anna said i looked at her totally bored
''Answer my question or Detention '', she screamed , i stood up ad took my bag walking past her not before muttering ''Bitch ''
I walked through the hallways whistling then someone stopped me , i turned around Jace what this jocks problem
'' what the fuck do you want '' , i gritted out tired of his face
'' No need to get angry Babe'' , He smirked , i glared at him
'' Never call me that i am not your Babe '' , i spat and he just continued Smirked
'' Just wait one day one time you will be '' , he said huskily and kissed my cheeks and then run off to his friends and winked at me
The only thought in mind was
I look at the old man who is wasting his time teaching us math , you should quit
'' Do the pg 15 on your textbook due tomorrow '' He grumbled at the right time the lunch time bell rang , phew to long enough
I walked into the cafeteria my brothers were now where in sight i really don't want to sit with them or with those pathetic friends of theirs
I turn to walk to the door but someone dragged me to the table , i looked to see Xavier , i removed his hands from my grasp
''I am not sitting with your pathetic little group of yours'' , i said and walked away tried walking away he pulled me again by my jacket
''Stop wasting my time and lose the bratty attitude'' , he said , i pushed him and walked away thank god he didn't follow me
I walked through the hallways but i felt like i was being watched i turned around only to find