It's been a month since Cynthia left the kingdom. These foolish people are still mourning over their dead rulers. I have already convinced her to be the ruler of Zariya and mate with Victor, it's about time when I will kill both of them and claim myself as the new Queen of Zariya but before that I should make sure that Cynthia never steps back in the kingdom ever again.
After one of the most peaceful sleep I had in a month I decided to explore my beautiful prison well you can even call it a castle but who cares a prison is a prison whether made of gold or metal.
I started with the kitchen. It was all white in colour with brown marble countertops and looked elegant and classy. A bit different from the kitchen in the Zariyan castle.
A bit different from the kitchen in the Zariyan castle
Oh how much I miss my home. I didn't practice my moon powers since forever and how much I can see I guess I am really accustomed to this human life but I know I can't stay here forever. I need to find a way to contact Aurora as soon as possible. As I didn't feel any shift in my crystal I believe Anna has still not claimed the throne but it won't take long before she does so I have to be quick.
This castle was very huge and was divided into many wings. The one at the northern is for the main family which I believe is Brian's family and the left wing is for guests. The right wing is for organizing balls and ceremonies but I highly doubt anyone will attend a ceremony in middle of a forest. And the left wing is for soldiers and warriors to stay and train.
After the kitchen I went in the living room. The living room is quite cozy. Even this is in white colour and the side has a round edge window which gives a beautiful view of the garden.
I started heading towards the main entrance and let me tell you anyone who is here without a tour guide can get lost
I started heading towards the main entrance and let me tell you anyone who is here without a tour guide can get lost. This place was freaking huge AND beautiful.
"I don't think so I gave you the permission to roam around." A startled yelp left my throat when the sound came out of nowhere.
"Notify me next time when you are about to pop out of nowhere." I was still trying to calm my heartbeat.
"Yeah sorry for that. Now mind telling me what you are doing?" well if I am kept trapped in a room which is in a castle and plus when I am kept here without my permission I don't see another option better than exploring the beautiful prison.
"Well I am exploring my priso... I mean I am exploring the castle."
"Well I thought you are alone and might be getting bored so I brought someone.." he wasn't able to complete his sentence when a loud squeal interrupted him,
"Oh my God so it's true, there is a girl in this castle and I don't even have any idea about it." It was girl who looked maybe a year or two older than me. She was not too tall but a bit taller than me in height and her features where really beautiful.
"I am really stupid I should have introduced myself first well, hello I am Christina, Marcus's mat.. I mean girlfriend." Well one she is super energetic, two her accent is amazing and three she was about to say something else and changed it to girlfriend.
"Hello I am Amber. By the way what did you mean by there is a girl in this castle?"
"Oh well you see no girl accept me lives here and Alex and Marcus's mothers come sometimes in a few months so I stay alone in this castle. But not anymore we both will have unlimited some trust me." Ok she has already made all the plans.
"Wait who is Alex?" I asked with a confused look on my face.
"Oh this guy here is Alexander, Alex for short" she pointed at Brian I mean Alex. Wow I know I shouldn't be hurt that he told me his fake name but ouch it still does.
"Yeah well Alexander is my first name and Brian is my second name." he said while scratching the back of his neck and honestly he looked so cute right now.
"No problem, no need to explain yourself to me." Right now I was feeling really guilty for lying to them but I couldn't do anything.
"Ok then I have some work to do you guys can catch up but don't go out of the castle." With that he left me with Christina.
"So let's start the girls day." Ahoh why do I feel I am in trouble?