Some minutes later we reached there and we are allowed to enter without much resistance.
" You guys come here all the time?" I asked.
" Yes...we never missed any friday night" Lanre said as we entered and my eardrum almost busted due loudness in there.
I looked around and see people dancing and jumping to the song played by the DJ.
" Let's go to our regular spot" Segun shouted and we all went there and sit. Then Segun signalled the bartender and he came to our seat.
" Give us four trophy and four big Stout" Segun said.
" Okay give me a minute" he said and was about to leave.
" Wait....hope mine is not among it" i asked.
" Haha.. you're funny, there's four of us... So yes yours is among...Don't worry since it's your first time here i will pay" Segun said.
" No no no...I'm not taking alcohol remember you told me no one will force me" i said.
" what do you want?" He asked then i turned to the bartender.
" I want some good...i don't want gin, Beer, or any alcoholic drink...just a normal stuff " i said.
" that all?" He asked.
" And also get us some beef" Segun said.
" Okay " the bartender went to get our orders.
Few minutes later we are having out drinks and eating as well then we noticed four Ladies entered dress in a slutty dress not different from a prostitute.
As they make their way around the crowd people are busy checking them out especially the men, Then they sat a few feet away from us.
I noticed some guys went to them one after the other and they dismissed them which make them turn back.
" Who are those girls?" I asked pointing to the girls.
" You see those girls, they are called the Gaga Princesses,they are from a very rich background they have fun a lot, they spend money lavishly all the time"
" You see the one in yellow gown is their leader, her father is one of the Minister" Segun explained.
" They enjoyed their life to the fullest without worrying about anybody" Matthew added.
" Before they leave this place they always take one guys each with them home, that's why those guys are going go to meet them" Lanre explained.
" But wait...what are they doing with the guys...are they using them for ritual?" I asked confusedly and they Burst into laughter.
" What else should they have more fun of course and spend the night together on the bed" Matthew said and i was shocked.
" mean they have sex with them,...with strangers" i said surprised.
" Yes..... that's the way they live their lives and everyone here loves them" Segun said.
" What if they contacted disease from any of the guys?" I asked.
" C'mon do you think they are that stupid not to use condom" Lanre said.
" Woww some people are so weird and unpredictable" i said then the bartender came to our seat.
" We didn't call for you" Segun said.
" Yes sir... But the Gaga Princesses has invited you guys to their table" he said and we all got shocked.
" No we're fine, don't worry...tell them that we are okay" i Said and they all turned their attention to me in surprise.
" Brighty... Are you crazy" Segun cursed.
" Are you out of your mind? you have any idea how long I've been praying for a day like this?" Lanre said and they stood up and went over to their seat leaving me alone.
" This guys are really because they want to have their way with them they abandoned me here" i said then i continue enjoying myself.
After a while i noticed one of the girls coming to my side, the one that Segun said is their leader and she sat beside me without permission.
" Hi you doing?" She said.
" I'm fine" i said looking at her weirdly.
" My name is Clara Benson" she said gesturing her hand for a handshake which i respond to.
" I'm Bright" i said.
" Good, why did you refused our invitation your friends are over there why don't you join us" she said.
" No i think I'm good" i said.
" That's strange........ you are the only person that will ever refused our invitation" she said.
" Well I'm glad i broke the record" i said.
" C'mon don't do this...we are here to have fun so are you.....why are you drawing yourself back" she said.
" Having too much fun become a problem for me....i will end up regretting it, so it's better i just watch myself" i said.
" Whatever, you are acting like a baby while your friends are over there having fun, are you sure you're even a man"
" you're just too boring, I can't believe i wasted my energy preaching to you" she said a little bit angry then she went back to her seat.
" Bright.....i swear you be can you reject her......fine girl like that" the evil mind said.
" Don't mind him did the right thing besides you shouldn't be here in the first place" the good one said otherwise.
" But you are holding yourself very well there's nothing to be scared of, remember they can't make you do things you don't want to"
" do you realize you just make that beautiful and sexy girl sad all because you want to be a good boy" the evil one said.
" I didn't mean to make her angry, I don't like the way she dress and her appearance that's all" i said to myself.
" There's nothing wrong with her, just go there and make things right, it's not good to make a woman sad" the evil one said.
After thinking it through for some minutes i stood up and went to their seat.
When i got there she was surprised and happy but she didn't show it so she told her friend beside her to shift for me to sit beside her.
" Lord lead me not into temptation, deliver from evil" i muttered within.
I hope I'm not turning to a bad boy cause this feels strange, me sitting close to a lady that all her cleavage is out for all to see, and her short dress showing too much of her thigh.
I just pray and hope i go back home as a good boy.