I got home then went to the fridge to get myself a chilled Hollander yoghourt to cool myself, then went to the kitchen to prepared noodles to eat.
In the evening, when I was studying in my room. the thought of calling my parent pop to my mind.
I can't believe I have this kind of people as my parent, ever since i got here non of them called to ask of me.
Only my stepfather called me and i spoke with my halfsiblings.
The only privilege from them is the money they sent to me every month even my account is complaining.
But what's the excess of any of this if there's no love, sometimes it's good to feel parent's love.
The part where all mothers advise their children not to keep bad company when they got to school, or for them not to concentrate on girls but only on their studies.
But my parent missed this, they didn't even care about anything else other than work but i didn't hold it against them.
Only the love of God is what's holding me together, if not i would've gone astray cause all the materials of destruction is within my reach.
So i picked up my phone then put a call through to my mom and after few rings she picked up.
" Hey baby....how are you?" She said.
" Hy mom, I'm doing fine" i replied.
" I'm sorry i didn't call all this while.....i was just so........."
" It's okay Mom........i understand it's work and all that" i said interrupting her.
" I'm glad you understand baby, how's the place you got.....is it okay?" She asked.
" Yes mom...... it is" i answered.
" Okay dear, hmmm do you need money i can tell my secretary to send some to your account" she said.
" No Mom, I'm good...how are my siblings doing?" I asked.
" They are fine.....they missed you" she said.
" Yeah me too....i need to go now...talk to you later" i said.
" Alright dear, take care...bye" she said then ended the call.
I also called my dad and we talked for some time then went back to reading.
i got back to school late the next day but Halimat already secure a seat for me, wow one of the benefit of friends i guess.
Since then she and i have been friends, we study together, went to the cafeteria together even some people in class started thinking we were dating.
I get to know more about her and i also know she has a boyfriend in another university. She also know more about me but not about my screwed up family.
One day as we finish lecture, on our to the cafeteria she said she has something very important to ask me.
" What is it?" I asked.
" Actually it's more like an advice and i needed your own view of it....i needed your answer" she said.
" Okay then...... ask away" i said.
" It's about my boyfriend" she said.
" Your boyfriend... what about him?" I asked.
" He's uhmm...he said he....ah.. I don't know how to say this" she said.
" Maybe you are not ready to say it........and it's okay by me" i said.
" No that's not it.... it's just that it feels weird to talk to you about it" she said.
" More reason for you to be sure before you say it" i said and she took a deep breath.
" Okay the thing is... he's having his birthday party in the next month and he uhm....he wants me to have... to have sex with him" she said a little bit embarrassed.
" It's nothing to be ashamed of Halimat....this is new age... crazy things happen all the time....okay" i said.
" Oh thanks....so what do you think?" She asked.
" Hmmm okay...do you love him?" I asked.
" Yes i love him" she answered.
" Did he love you?" I asked again.
" Of course we both love each other, we even plan to marry each other" she said.
" Then what's the hurry... can't you wait till you both get married" i said.
" I know but he wants me to have it with him on his birthday, even my other friends said i should have it with him"
" Because he deserved it, there's no man that can wait for that long besides he and i promised to marry each other and i don't want to lose him" she said.
" i understand but For him to consider you a birthday present...is something else... I don't doubt the fact that he love you..."
" but he shouldn't request something like that from you especially at that moment...so i will ask you do you want to have it with him" i asked and she became silent.
" I guess your silence means yes...see Halimat, having sex with him doesn't guarantee that you will lose him "
" if he truly loves you he will respect your decision and let him understand you are a rare gem that is very hard to find "
" A diamond that is very hard to find and very costly...sit him down and make him see reason besides you two love each other so you should take one step after the other" i said.
" Look Halimat...Whatever your decision is i will gladly support you cause I'm your friend... it's all for you to decide" i said.
" Thanks so much Bright...you are indeed a good friend" she said.
" You are welcome" i said.
" I just want him to be happy that's all" she said.
" He will be don't worry, did your parent know about him?" I asked.
" Whaaat my parent...no i can't let them know about him yet...they will kill me, my parents are very strick" she said and i smile.
" I don't think they would...if you let them know who you're dating...besides this is 21st century parent know their children's lover" I said.
" I understand but not this one......my boyfriend is a Christian" she said and i was shocked.
" A Christian?...and you are planning of getting married...do you think your parent will ever allow that" i asked.
" he told me he will change to a Muslim even if it means getting married to me" she said.
" Well I don't know what to say... but be careful and think of your decision" I replied.
" Thanks Bright, thanks for listening and the advice..... I'll think about it" she said appreciatively.
" You're welcome...i need to go now" i said.
" Okay.......see you tomorrow bye" she replied then we parted.