Bright's POV
Now that you've all know my background, you can only imagine how life is for me. Even though my stepmom didn't like me that much i didn't take it out on her children which are my half-siblings, instead i showed them love and they like me too.
Also at my mom's place everyone like me there, i try my best to be there for my other half-siblings because i know their parent can only do little cause of their Job especially my mom, so i go there often for them not to pass through what i went through.
I was so happy when my name came out on the admission list at the school I applied for which mean I get to leave this place soon.
After seeing my name i started with everything i needed to do on my own without needing my parent. The only thing they did is transfer money into my account every month and it's not a small money, so you can only imagine how much will swimming in my account by now.
I did everything the school required and it's remaining just a month later before the freshers can resume lecture.
I started making preparation for everything i will be needing in school.
I just can't wait to leave for school, i hate seeing the same place around my street Everytime, i need to experience new things, i want to get out of this house cause i don't feel anything, it's like I don't belong in this house.
The only people I'm going to miss are my halfsiblings, and also the people in my church. Ever since i joined the church i've come to love it, from the choir to the workers infact i like everything about it, so as i started showing up like almost Everytime, i never missed any service.
My parent don't care about God, they haven't even stepped into church before ever since i know them. All they value is work and money and everything else are less to worry about.
I think they both deserve each other cause they so much have alot in common but the Only different is that my dad give a little bit of concern for us but my mom I don't know what to call her, i can't believe people like them actually exist....people that doesn't care about anything, to them money is everything.
But i refused to be like them, i don't want to live the life they are living, one thing they don't know is that those that dedicated all their life and living to the things of this world will blame themselves in the end.
Just like my pastor use to say " If you don't leave your Job and give your time for God, one day your Job will leave you". Ever since I heard that in church i held onto it, i wish my parent are there to hear that maybe they will change.
Many times my pastor and everyone else asked about my parent, they also want them to be coming but all i could say is that they can't.
I would've tried to convince them to start going to church but how will i when I don't even see them frequently,.....even if i wanted to talk to them they don't have my time.
I don't even remember the last time we have a conversation.
The reason i started going to church is that I experienced a bad side of life leading to destruction and if i don't do something about it i might get caught up in it.
It all happened when i have my own bank account and my parent started transferring fund in it every months then this bad mind started bothering me.
I've heard before that human being has two set of controlling spirit which is the Good and the Bad spirit. From what i heard the one you listen to the most is the one that has the louder voice in you.
All my life I've always wanted to be the Gentle good boy, so i always do the right things and not the worldly things which silence the bad spirit from manifesting.
Not until i opened an account and after my parent started sending money, one day in the evening sitting in my room bored and tired of sitting alone.....then a silent mind in me told me to go out for some fun, after reasoning for a moment i decided it's time for me to started living my life now that i have money, lots of money. I started thinking of where i could go.
" why don't you go to church..... there's a evening service today" the good mind in me said.
" church?..... that's so lame...... there's no fun in going to church.......i think you should go to a club..... besides you are 18 now you're old enough" the bad one also said.
" Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about, why would you tell him to go to club are you trying to corrupt his good mind" the good one disagreed.
" Now name the fun you have when you go to church" the bad one said.
" You will dance, you will sing, you will read the bible and most importantly you will hear the word of God, those are good things" the good one listed.
" Wait,.you call that fun, that sounds boring, listen Bright, lemme tell you the real fun in club, you will drink, you will eat, .you jump and dance with beautiful ladies, you will meet with alot of people like you enjoying their life" the bad one said.
" Wow, seriously I don't think it's that bad" i said agreeing with the bad spirit as he gains the upper hand cause that did sounds like fun.
" Don't listen to him...... he's saying rubbish" the good one advised.
" You're the one that doesn't know anything, there's nothing wrong to go to a club.....that way he can experience and also know many things going in the world"
I think the second mind have a point, going to club will indeed make me experience and know lots of things just like he said so i decided to go a club.
I got dressed and ready to go out then i stopped cause i don't actually know any club.
" You see... that's what I'm talking about you are not supposed to be going there.... you've never go there before....... there's a church around the can go there"
" Shut up, he haven't been to any church too before remember so stop saying nonsense,. don't mind him, don't listen to all the crap he's saying,. there's first time for everything remember and about the club you can always ask people around this is Lagos even if you don't asked there are lots of them around" then i decided to head out and look for a club.
But before i did that i first branched at the Atm machine then withdraw an amount of 100k before heading out to look for a club.
" Please don't go, .please" the good one advised but I ignored and left instead.