I walked to street to streets but all i could see is church but no club and anytime we passed through church the good mind always prompt me.
" Bright,.you see that's a church, let's go the service has started already.....this is a sign for you to turn back"
" Don't mind him Bright, why don't you ask that young boy over there" i looked around and saw a boy resting on the wall then i walked to the boy.
" Hey guy... what's up?" I said trying to sound as a street guy.
" I'm cool, cool" the guy answered.
" I just want to ask if there's any club around this place" i asked.
" Yes, see lemme show you, about four street down, you will see one club there R&B club, that club is blooming and the best in the city, just go there" the guy said.
" Thank you man" I said then went away.
" You see i told you........we will find it"
" You're leading him astray....... stop what you are doing"
" Shut up....you don't know anything..... he's only want to have fun that's all...... there's no harm in that"
When i got to the supposed club and was about to enter but got stopped by the security.
" Where's your card?" The man asked and i was confused.
" What card?" I asked back.
" You need to pay a entrance fee before you enter" he said.
" That's because it's one of the best in town"
" Uh...okay...how much?" I asked.
" Go and meet that lady over there" he said pointing to a lady sitting with a desk before her, so i went to meet her.
" Hi" i greeted.
" hello, entrance fee or you want to buy a card?" She asked.
" Uhh i don't understand" i said.
" The card is for a regular customer, while the fee is for one time comer, so are u a regular" she asked.
" No, it's my first time here?" I replied.
" Obviously, and I can assure you that you will be back here" the lady said.
" I told you.....you will have all the fun here" the bad mind said.
" I hope so..... that's the reason I'm here in this place" I said.
" But there's a little doubt here cause you see this is no ordinary club like all the ones you've been seeing cause there drinks here are expensive...... I'm not even sure if you have the entering fee considering your age" the lady said.
" How much?" I asked.
" Entering fee is 5000" she said and i hissed loudly then counted five one thousand note then handed it to her.
" Wowww, i totally underestimated you" she said surprised.
" Well next time..... don't" i said.
" Okay...... so what's your name?" She asked but I don't want to give out my real name.
" Write Sam, my name is Sam?" I answered.
" Okay " she replied then I made to enter the club.
" Please turn back now.... you can still change your mind" the good mind advised again.
" Don't worry, .let me just try it this once, then i won't come again, lemme just see how it is" i said then entered.
As i entered i was amazed at the large number of people dancing to the song blazing loudly from everywhere.
" Woww, this place is crazy" i said.
" I told ya, now it's time to blend in" the bad mind said.
I looked around and spot the bar so i went to the bartender.
" Yo.....what do you want?" He asked.
" Uhmmm......i need something to drink" i said.
" Just name it... bruh" he said then i spotted a drink from one lady.....so i thought since a gir is drinking that i should be able to.
" Give me what that lady is having" i said pointing to the lady.
" Okay...." he said bring out a bottle with origin written label on it then took the first gulp only for me puke it out.
" Aahh......that taste disgusting" i said irritatingly.
" well you asked for it... it's on you" he said.
" Take it away i don't want...give me something else, i don't want that...i want something more drinkable" i said.
" Okay but are you sure you have the money on you cause i don't want any drama" he said then counted like 10k then handed it to him.
" Here you go" he said bringing out another drink labelled as Smirnoff then i swallow a little. It also tasted somehow but it's a little bit different from the first one. So i settled for that one.
I settled down while i enjoyed my drink then watched as men and women are dancing seductively on the dance floor. I finished the first one then ordered for another, i think I'm starting to get a little bit tipsy.
" Why don't you joined them on the dance floor" the evil mind suggested then i stood up and headed to the dance floor and started dancing.
I moved towards two girls and started dancing along with them, i pull out few notes without counting then throw it at them which they pick up immediately.
I moved to the bartender and pick another drink as I've finished the second bottle.
This made two more girls moved toward us and they all sandwich me between them rocking their body at me seductively.
" Woww....this is fun.... I'm having fun" i thought.
" I told you, all the fun is in here, enjoy all you want..... it's your life enjoy it"the evil one said.
" Looks like your brother is silent now... I'm not hearing him" i thought as I didn't hear the good mind.
" Maybe he finally see that I'm right....he doesn't know anything...he doesn't know fun"
I pull out more cash and throw it at the girls dancing with me, this also made more girl trooping at my side, some left the guys they are with and come to me while some just look at me from afar.
I keep dancing with the girls then i noticed that most of the guys are looking at me, and not just any look it's like a dangerous one.
" Okay....time up....i think i need to go now" i said moving away from them.
" Haha, stay a little longer now"
" For them to kill me?....no thank you" i said staggering out of the club.
As i got outside the club i realised that it has gotten dark, then I started walking on the road looking for a cab or a bike to take me home cause I can barely see anything.
I checked my pocked and got the shocker of my life, my money is all gone... everything is gone.
Since i have no money i guess i don't have any choice than to trek home thank God i still know my way home, so i started my journey immediately.
After a while i got home then i entered only to see my little siblings in the parlour watching TV.
" Brother Bright" they said as they ran to hug me.
" Hey...how are you?" I said.
" We are fine" they replied then I belched out loud.
" Brother..... are you okay?" The older one Timothy asked maybe he noticed the way I'm acting.
" Oh... I'm doing good, where's your mummy?" I Asked.
" She's in the kitchen" he answered.
" Oh good...i will be in my room" i said then went to my room, Immediately i got to my room i collapse on the bed and slept off.
I woke up having a very heavy hang_over that i couldn't remember anything at all. My head is spinning around then it all rushed in, every event every thing that happened all came flooding in.
" Oh God" i muttered.
" This is very bad...this is so not good" i said again.
" I told you not listen to him but you refused" the good mind said.
" Yeah i made a mistake... I'm never going there again" i said.
" I can't believe i did all that..... what am i turning into" i said.
" That is definitely one way to destruction"
" Now i know" i said heading towards the bathroom.
Ever since that incident i started listening to the Good mind then i start going to church. That is the reason i started going to church and I've come to like it, i committed myself to the work of God.