Bright's POV
After I'm done with the necessary registration procedure, i reminded my parent about it and told them i will be heading to school very soon and with that they filled my account with a lot of money.
I got myself an apartment five minutes away from the school, then i have it decorated and furnished to my taste.
I made sure everything I'm going to need is in there like foodstuffs, refrigerator, pressing iron and all that even an exercise machine to keep myself fit, and also other things a young boy like me is going to need in the house since i have the money, things like video games, Laptop, iPod, iPad and lots of electronics even CCTV camera for security purpose.
The house is ready and I've brought all my belongings to the house and get the place ready. I don't plan on going to the house frequently like other students will do cause i don't have anyone to go for.
I stayed in the house for 5 days and i got bored even with all the electronics in the house, sometimes i went to the school to check it out and also sometimes I just stroll around the street checking out everywhere.
There are only six apartment in the compound I'm staying and there aren't any kids my age which make it more boring for me. Then the thought of getting myself a roommate came to my mind.
But then i think that what if i got myself a roommate and he turns out bad which can complicate my gentle good life. There aren't no way to know the good or the bad ones.
One evening I was in the compound with my iPad when one old woman was passing by, the woman live alone in the house, all her children lived abroad. She noticed me sitting alone then she came over to me.
" Good evening ma" i greeted as she got to my side.
" How are you?, my child" she said.
" I'm fine ma" i replied.
" What is your name?" She asked.
" It's Bright ma" i answered.
" oh that's good, I have been noticing you all the time, you are always alone.... where are your parent?" She asked and i smiled warmly.
" They are not here with me......cause I'm here as a student" i said.
" Okay.....what about your roommate?" She asked again.
" I live alone ma" i said.
" Really, are you okay like that ..... won't you be bored" she said.
" Maybe.....but i will be fine without a roommate" i said
" There's nothing bad having a roommate you know" the woman said.
" Yes i know....but i love the life I'm living right now except for the boring part and i don't want anything to jeopardize that" i said to her.
" So you're saying you won't have any friends.....cause having friends is more like having a roommate" the woman said.
" No, i will have friends....but good ones" i said.
" Then how would you know the good or bad ones...... you know there's nothing wrong in having a of the things that makes someone successful in the life is friends" the woman said.
" And one of the things that can also destroy someone's life and future is also from friends" i said.
" I agree with you, that's how life is......If you think your good friends will be there for you sometimes it doesn't always be so,. infact your so called good friend might turn on you tomorrow..... that's what makes life a strange place" the woman said.
" Yes you're very right.... which is why even if i want to have friend I'd better be careful the kind I'm going to keep" i said.
" That's very thoughtful of you my dear" she said.
" Thank you " i said.
" I need to get back inside......the breeze out here is too much for my know I'm not as young and strong as you boys" she said standing up.
" alright....thank you for the talk" i said as they left to her room.
Not long after i also went back to my room and thought about what the woman said.
" What if i get myself a roommate and i learnt that he's a smoker or a drunkard or he started bringing ladies to my house, telling me to wait outside for them, and I won't even have access to my own room anymore"
" .Never I'm not having any roommate.....i will bear the boredom alone" i said to myself then start preparing what to eat for dinner.
School finally resume and i started receiving lectures everyday, the only day I'm free is only on the weekend.
As the week goes by i still haven't gotten close to anyone, i looked at all my coursemate to find myself a good friend but just like the old woman in my compound there's no way for you to know the good or the bad ones unless you get closer to them.
Almost Everyone in my department dressed like the people in the world, most especially the girls except for a girl have been noticing for quite a while now.
Her name was Halimat and she's very beautiful, i mean naturally beautiful without any additional form of beauty which make her so different from them all, i noticed some of the Muslim students are the only one that dress descent in the school and i wondered why the christians are the one that dressed worldly.
One day on my way home as I finished receiving lectures, i saw halimat sitting alone so i went to meet her. When i got to her she was surprised i came to her cause she and i never talk before.
" Hi" i said.
" Hello" she replied.
" How was today's lecture?" I asked sitting down.
" Hmm....same as the rest but a lil bit different" she said.
" Yeah....i figures" i said.
" You know it's weird you being here cause you and i don't usually talk........why don't you just say what you came here for and i will give you your answer straight away" she said firmly like she knew that i have something to say.
" You sounded like you knew what I'm going to say" i said.
" Well that's because this is not the first time a boy will walk up to me, and what say crap about what's bothering them and my answer is always the same" she said and i smiled.
" oh now i get it..... but I'm not like most guys" i said.
" Oh really.....cause that's exactly what they all say" she replied.
" Well you are clearly wrong on that.... don't get me wrong, I'm not here to woo you or toast you whatever they call it" i said.
" Ok then what are you here for?" She asked.
" Well the thing is, whenever i see a beautiful girl, i mean a naturally beautiful girl without any form of make-up or wig or any fake when i see girls like this i went to them and appreciate them for their beauty......which is why I'm here tell you that you are beautiful" i said and she smiled.
" is this a new mode style of wooing a Lady" she said.
" Like i said earlier I'm not here to woo you" i replied.
" So tell me is this how you go around telling Ladies that they are beautiful" she asked.
" Actually this is my second time i will be telling that to a lady, the first was one of the candidate at an examinationcenter" i said then continue.
" The thing is that you girls are very rare, maybe they are many but how will you know, they all have copied the world and remake themselve into something else all in the name of make-up, sometimes when i see most of them i see masquerade" i said then she smiled so i continue.
" i love natural beauty, God has created everyone perfect and you should be grateful to for that but most people think they aren't attractive enough, which led them to put on make-up, Wig , cream , and exposing dress just to gain attention" i said.
" So you're saying it's not good to look good in others eyes" she said.
" Oh don't get me wrong,..... it's good to look nice but you doing all that is like you don't trust your trust yourself to be beautiful, it's like deceiving people for them not to know what you really look like, which cause most fuss in married home nowadays, when a husband thought he married a beautiful lady and when they are alone in the house he gets to see the real face to his woman, he will lose interest in her which make most men to cheat on their wifes" i said.
" clearly right on that" she said.
" Even in church, Ladies in church today dressed half naked to church all in the name of fashion, they turned church to a fashion show where they got to show their sexy body or their sexy clothes.
I overheard someone telling her friend that " there's a dress i just bought and I'm going to wear it to church on Sunday and I'm very sure all eyes will be on me"..... imagine people like that.....some women started spoiling their children with make-up and all that stuff....... can't you see how this world is going" i said.
" Sometimes i think the world is falling apart, if people in the church that are supposed to change people in church are now the one coping the world....... can't you see that" i said.
" Alright Bright... I've heard all that you said and thank you but i can't date you" she said and I opened my mouth in shock.
" Seriously, didn't you hear all i said before...i didn't tell you all that to woo you.....i told you because you deserve it and to encourage you to keep your beauty that's all" i said and she smiled.
" Thank you" she said.
" And also for something else" i said.
" What?" She asked glaring at me.
" Friends.....for us to be friends that's all" i said.
" Really?... okay then....but why did you come to me, there are lots of people in our department, why me?" She asked.
" Ever since I've been in this school, I've been noticing everyone around especially in our department, and i don't really see any well behaved person to become friends with"
" if you notice me very well you will realized that i don't associate myself with anyone that much... My life is on the brink, my decision now is going to define what I'm going to be and I don't want to be like the people in our department or people in the world" i said.
" I understand...i wished all the guys are like you" she said.
" So let's start from the name is Bright Wealth" i said gesturing my hand for a handshake.
" Nice meeting you Bright, my name is Halimat Yusuf" she said.
" Nice meeting you too Halimat,....Friends" i said.
" Friends" she replied.
" Thanks...... I have to go now.....see you tomorrow" i said standing up.
" Okah bye..... tomorrow " she said then i left and smiled to myself
' I just made a new friend'.