Arabella's POV
With my ear phones plugged in my ears. I bopped my head to my favourite song, one kiss by Dua Lipa as I stared down at the work laying on my thighs. My knees were a few feet away from my chest which gave me enough room to place my book between my chest and my thighs whiles I studied for my upcoming test.
I mean I just entered the school for crying out loud and I'm already due to having a freaking test! I'd rather be bombarded with multiple assignments than study for a test.
The universe just doesn't like me.
I was situated in an isolated part of the school, sitting under a huge oak tree with little sunlight to burn my skin and just the right amount of shade to save me from utter humiliation of looking like I just rolled out of a tanning salon.
This area wasn't really isolated, but at least I could hide from people and have complete silence and peacefulness. By people, I meant Tyler Hart.
With a small sigh I continued scanning my eyes over my work and heard the crunching of grass beneath someone's feet as they approached me. I didn't dare look up, in fear that it was Tyler, so I continued acting like I was studying and didn't give the person a bit of my attention.
When whoever it was realized I would not acknowledge their presence they sat down next to me and leaned into my shoulders and nudged me lightly.
"Did you know that Aliens pee with their finger? I mean, how do they even have sex! Do they finger the other alien? oh wait, what if they were actually fingering the alien? Would that be having oral sex and fingering at the same time? Man, that's cool, I wish we could do that."
I stifled in a laugh as I removed my ear plugs from my ears and glanced at the weird guy sitting right next to me who looked lost in his own thoughts on whether or not aliens had oral sex with their finger.
"What brings your lovely presence here, Ace Payne?" I asked warily. He snapped his head towards me and pouted, "nothing really, Tyler and I had a fight and now I'm moving in with you!" He chirped loudly.
I choked on my own saliva which resulted in me gasping for air whilst Ace laughed loudly next to me. I'm dying next to him for crying out loud and he's laughing.
I feel so sorry for his future wife.
"I'm just kidding. Well not really, Tyler and I really had a fight and now I'm afraid he's gonna divorce me and we haven't even filed refugee for our son back in India yet!"
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and coughed out a nervous laugh. He chuckled softly and shook his head at my dumbfounded expression, "I'm just kidding Bella. Tyler and I did have a fight, but it was only because he asked me to ask you to come to this party with us tonight but I said no you can do it yourself, you're a big boy now!"
I groaned and face planted myself as I shook my head lightly, "but you just told me."
He looked confused as to what I meant as he furrowed his eyebrows together, but soon his mouth formed the shape of an O as he nodded his head lightly. "Please, just come! I don't wanna lose Ty!" He exclaimed as he pouted cutely. If it were Tyler who was pouting, he'd look absolutely cute whiles doing it, but I would just want to slap him silly.
"Okay fine. How could I resist such a cute face like that," I groaned as I grabbed a hold of his cheek and squeezed it softly. He beamed brightly and leaned in to plant a sloppy kiss on my cheek. "Thank you!" He chirped as he hopped up from his former position.
"Ew!" I guffawed in amusement as I wiped my cheek clean of his saliva. He flipped me off in response, laughing as he strutted away.
Guess I'm going to a party tonight.
"Nope, you're not wearing that, show Tyler what he's missing and show Nate what he's getting!" Erika exclaimed as she rummaged through my clothes.
Erika was ranting about my choice of outfit for the party tonight. Mostly all my clothes were pretty revealing but tonight I just settled on a silver sequin dress that reached right above my knees and wasn't kinda styled in v neck but instead, chains hung loosely around my neck and attached to the dress that hung loosely over my chest and showed off a lot of cleavage.
As for the dress Erika picked out for me. It was a red see through dress which showed off a bit of cleavage and let me tell you, my breast weren't the only things showing.
And that ladies and gentlemen is how I hooked up with a guy from a club and magically ended up in his penthouse but ran away before he could see me because, well I think he was in his twenties and I was just seventeen so that's that.
Still, I could vividly remember his face and how that night was–wink, wink–but I still can't remember what his name was.
"Erika I'm not going to strip on a pole. I'm going to a college party for crying out loud now go bathe!" I sternly warned as she pouted.
"No buts, now go bathe whiles I do my hair so when you come out I can do yours." She pouted and nodded as she stomped childishly towards the bathroom and slammed the door shut.
"Watch that attitude of yours, young lady!"
After Erika showered, we were both doing our hair and dancing and singing horribly to New Rules by Dua Lipa. Erika settled on wearing a cream-colored dress that hugged her body tightly and showed off a lot of her lady goods, it almost appeared as if she didn't even have a dress on.
I settled on curling my hair right above my shoulders, and Erika let her blonde hair cascade down her back and hover over her bum. We were both done with our makeup and frankly we looked like models. Psht as if.
"Come on, let's go, the party isn't waiting for us!" Erika exclaimed excitedly as she grabbed my hand and hurried to the door. "Wait, my purse!"
I stumbled back inside and grabbed my silver purse that matched both my dress and stilettos. I shoved my phone inside and walked out of the room with an eager Erika. "Is Nate going to be there?" I asked out of curiosity. I didn't really care if he was there or not, but By Erika's reaction, I think she thought otherwise.
"Yes, yes, and you look hot, don't worry he already loves you!"
I parted my lips to say that I didn't really worry about anything but she shushed me by placing her finger on my lips as she shook her head like she was scolding me "don't deny it sweetie, you feel the sparks."
I rolled my eyes and swatted her finger away. We made our way down the hallway with a few curious and thirsty glances from the guys and a few jealous ones from girls.
Are we that hot!?
I rolled my eyes and stepped into the elevator. I paid no attention to the guy behind me up until a hand rested on my butt and someone firmly gripped it. I spun around in sheer shock to slap the asshole who dared violate me this bravely, but stopped when I realized it was Tyler.
Wait, why was I stopping! Slap him silly bitch!
A grin was plastered on his face as he arched his brows and cocked his head to the side as if daring me to say something. "I'll kill you, Tyler Hart," I gritted out angrily through my clenched teeth. Erika spun around and recoiled in shock when she realized it was Tyler standing there all along.
"I can't help but realize how absolutely ravishing you look, darling. Couldn't help myself," He winked.
"Can't say the same for you," I retorted, but my eyes betrayed me and I couldn't help but admire his attire. He wore a pair of black jeans as usual with black combat boots and a black dress shirt which was tucked in his pants and was unbuttoned from the neck down and stopped right in the middle of his chest.
He looks like a narcissistic pimp.
"Where are you going to, a funeral?" Erika snorted from beside me as she glared at his fit. I stifled in a laugh, but I couldn't deny and admire how absolutely hot he looked in all black.
I never understood why boys dressed in all black, though. Is it like a trend or a fetish?
"We'll be going to yours when I'm done with you." He grinned and winked at me, but it took a few beats for me to register what he meant as Erika snorted unladylike once again. Before I could fully understand his words the elevator came to a stop and Tyler was the first to move forward.
"See you at the party, beautiful." He whispered into my ear as he strutted by, I growled lowly and stared at his back that rippled as he walked away and disappeared in the crowd of students who looked like they were attending the party as well.
"He's such a tease. Don't worry about him, I'll get Nate for you!" Erika chirped as she wrapped her hand around my waist and pulled me towards her.
I groaned deeply as we began walking out of the lounge with no idea where we were heading. We decided to follow a few students who we suspected were going to the party, and that resulted in us walking a few miles away till we reached a huge frat house that sat a few blocks away from the campus.
From outside, students were scattered all around the lawn. Music was booming from inside and lightened up the oh so quiet neighborhood.
We walked up the pathway whilst bumping into a few people here and there. Erika firmly knocked on the door that soon flung open by a tall guy with jet black hair and blue piercing eyes.
Whoa. Blue eyed, black-haired guy? That's kinda hot. "Ladies, beautiful, beautiful ladies. Welcome to me Casa!" He exclaimed.
Erika shoved past him and rushed inside excitedly, "I'm so sorry about my friend. This is her first college party, unfortunately." I chuckled. And I was not lying. This wasn't her first party, but it was her first college party.
I've gone to many college parties but mainly with Hunter and his friends and some girls from the cheer team, but Erika has never been because her parents wouldn't allow her. But my parents, or should I say my mom, allowed it because frankly she doesn't care about me. Dad on the other hand lives hours away from here, so I don't blame him.
"You can make it up to me by promising me a dance throughout the night," He purred. I grinned and stepped inside the house as he let a few more people in until he finally settle on shutting the door.
His hand encircled my back as he walked rounded my body and stood in front of me. He didn't seem drunk, hell he didn't sound drunk so where was the harm in this guy.
"What do you say sexy?" He smirked mischievously. I smirked in return and flickered my eyes to his mouth in which he licked his lips in response and made no attempt at hiding the way he assessed my appearance. A hungry look was etched on his face and any second now he looked like he would prance at me.
"I say we dance till we can't feel our body."