Arabella's POV
We strolled into the building that was currently bustling with life; me being me I wanted to get a closer look at everything before me before proceeding but Erika's excitement over powered my wants as she grabbed a hold on to my arm and dragged me towards the small table I suppose we're supposed to get our schedules from.
"Hi, let's cut to the chase here. I want a dorm room with a guy pronto," she exclaimed in a demanding tone, I mentally slapped myself and shoved her out of the way. Flashing the young girl behind the table a small smile, I motioned towards Erika and sighed.
"Don't mind her, she's just really lonely. Anyway, I'm Arabella Smith and this is Erika Simpson, we came for our class schedules." Erika glared at me for a beat and I kept my gaze locked with the girl, feigning that I couldn't feel her penetrating gaze through my body.
"Hello, Qùe Pasa?" She asked sweetly as she began to furiously type away on her computer. Erika gave her a dumbfounded look like she were offended that she ignored her. She leaned against the table and slammed her hand against it, startling both me and the 'receptionist' if you may call her.
"Lady, we just need to get our schedule and dorm rooms pronto, comprender?" She blurted out in annoyance. I nudged her in the arm and gave the receptionist whose name tag spelt Kayla a smile when she sneered at Erika in response.
"Tone it down, geez," I hissed at her softly.
"Ah hah, yes. Erika and Arabella, you guys are in dorm room two hundred and eight. Here are both of your schedules and have a great and productive year. Except for you, Puta." She glared at Erika, who gasped and dramatically placed her hands over her chest as she feigned hurt.
I thanked her whilst trying my absolute hardest to hold back laughter. Erika snatched her schedule from her as I kindly took mine and shoved it in my bag.
"That bitch called me a puta. Who does she think she is...Queen Latifa!?"
I couldn't hold it in anymore and the second we strolled away from the table I burst into a fit of laughter, shaking my head vigorously. "She was being nice to you at first, but your love for guys got in the way," I gave her a wary look as we made our way out of the lounge and out onto the campus.
I grabbed the map from my bag and located the building with the words big and bold, Students Complex written on it. We both followed the pathway, and I glanced around to stare at a few students who walked by. Some all alone and some in groups.
I even spotted a few students from high school here as well. Great, just what I needed.
We made our way to the student's complex that was currently buzzing with students rushing up and down the lounge. Some making their way to the elevator and others chilling on the couch or in front of the computers. There was a large flat-screen television that sat on the wall right in front of the huge couch that sat in the middle of the lounge.
Computers and chairs littered around the room, students leaned against them, typed away, chatted among themselves, It was a fairly huge lounge but the more students that were there was the more crowded it would be. "Come on, let's go to our room, I'm tired and frankly famished," Erika groaned as she dragged her suit cases lazily behind her and towards the elevator.
"Oh, my god, look who it is!" someone suddenly squealed, halting both Erika and I's footsteps. I spun around on my heels and located the sound of the voice and when I did, lets just say I could feel how loose my jaw was."Oh my god," Erika suddenly huffed out in disbelief as she took in the sight before her. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and clenched my jaw in anger as Ace Payne approached us.
Let me give you a little insight into who this Ace was. He's tall with long blonde hair that stops right on his shoulders. He's about maybe six feet and is absolutely hot considering he's the best friend of the guy who ruined my life. Ace and Tyler were partners in crime. If Ace was here, I'm sure Tyler is here as well. Please, lord, please tell me Tyler isn't here.
"If it isn't Arabella Smith and Erika Ass face," He smirked as he stood in front of us. "I'll replace your face with your ass if you don't shove a sock in it." Erika snapped threateningly as she stepped in front of me, blocking my view from him. Erika and Ace go way back. She had a little crush on him in freshman year but he turned out to be as much of a playboy as Tyler Hart was and all her feelings got flushed down the drain.
At least that's what she tells herself.
"Whoa, take a chill pill babe, I was just kidding," he snickered. I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily in annoyance once again. I'm quite irritable most times, but at this moment my irritability will cause someone extreme pain. "What are you doing here, Ace? Aren't you supposed to have a job or something by now? You're twenty-one for crying out loud."
He chuckled and shoved Erika out of the way. She gasped and stumbled back but quickly regained her posture and nearly flung herself onto him if it weren't for me restraining her. "Hey dick lips, wanna fight me?!" She growled loudly as she thrashed in my grasp.
He blatantly ignored her and let his eyes wander over my body as if assessing me. Today I only wore a pair of short black jeans and a white t-shirt with my black and white vans.
I looked casual, but I didn't like him looking at me like that. It reminded me of Tyler, and that's the last person who needs to be on my mind.
"Yeah, Ty and I decided to take a break one year and work the other than coming to college, isn't that great?!" He chirped loudly with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
"No." I replied bluntly which caused Erika to snicker in response, "now we're gonna be stuck here with an ass and a hole which is you and your bitch by the way!" Erika exclaimed to which I rolled my eyes for maybe the thousandth time today when he feigned hurt and scoffed.
"Oh, is that supposed to mean something to me, ass face?" He taunted and Erika being the impatient and violent person she is parted her lips to spur a string of insults at him but suddenly her body went stiff as her eyes zoned in on the couch in the lounge. "Oh, no." She mumbled breathlessly.
I wasted no time in snapping my head in the direction she was facing, frowning deeply as I desperately searched for what could tame a beast like her. And that's when time stopped, the voices around me simmered down and my body entered a state of shock.
I sucked in a harsh breath when my eyes landed on the brown curly-haired boy. This moment here was like a scene straight out from a movie. I stared at him for a beat, my mind hazy and blank as my eyes trailed over his body. He was dressed the same as he always has, all black, his jeans, his t-shirt and a red letter man jacket slapped over it, the ultimate cliche bad boy outfit.
What really caught my attention though was the girl propped up on his lap. Her fingers tangling through his curly hair and a smile etched on her face as he whispered something into her ear. Her squeaky laughter reverberated off of the walls and pierced through my ears. I scowled deeply and willed myself to look away, and right when I was about to avert my eyes from them, it was almost like he could sense mine as they interlocked with mine.
It felt as if all the air was sucker punched right out of me as we locked gazes. At first he looked like he was lost as if he were trying to figure out who I was and I prayed that he didn't recognize me but when the smirk that left his lips momentarily snuck back into place I knew I was in deep shit.
"Run Bella, Run!" Erika whisper yelled. I spun on my heels to run the hell away, but a hand suddenly grasped mine tightly, halting me in my footsteps. I spun around only to see Ace smiling innocently, his head cocked sideways and his eyes continuously flickering with mischief, "don't run from your fears, babe," He exclaimed.
I yanked my hand away from him, my jaw clenched tightly in anger as I spun around quickly, only for me to bump into a hard chest but not strong enough to throw me off my feet because we weren't doing the cliche shit today.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Arabella Smith and Erika Ass face."
"My face does not resemble an ass you numb nimble nuts!"
"Oh look, it's Justin beaver!" Ace squealed from behind me as he grabbed Erika's hand and dragged her away from me as she bellowed out a string of profanities. I didn't dare gaze up into the devil's eyes but instead took a step back and tried but failed to walk past him as he just barricaded my way.
"Can you get out of my way so I can go settle in?" I snapped. There was a moment of silence before his deep chuckle resonated from his lips and swiftly settled into my head and played itself on repeat. I clenched my jaw tightly and shut my eyes for a moment as I pictured myself shanking him repeatedly.
"You look even hotter than before."
I gasped and finally snapped my head towards his. I was almost knocked off my feet when his pearly white teeth shown on display. His warm brown and inviting eyes stared deep into mine as if he were trying to read my own thoughts. His jaw line was even more chiseled than I remember, and his permanently broad nose and full pink lips complimented his face like I've never seen before.
In essence, he was breathtaking and I made a point to that as I gulped and averted my eyes from his penetrating gaze.
"Bella. Never thought I'd see that pretty face again." He grinned like a fool as he made a point of scratching his chin softly as his tongue ran over his lips rather seductively in the ten seconds of silence. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around my chest, then let it fall to my sides before stuffing it in my jean pocket. I hate this guy so much that it's killing me, "the feeling isn't mutual, now get out of my way." I spat confidently as I tried once again to leave, but he blocked my only view of the freaking elevator.
Why is this happening to me of all days?
Why did I have to meet the one person who ruined my freaking life!
"Ouch, that stung babe. I thought I'd be greeted with 'oh Ty, how much I've missed and craved you." He exclaimed in a falsetto tone as he shut his eyes dramatically and draped his hand over his chest. He turned his lips upwards in a smile and swayed softly as he sighed dreamily, mocking the reaction he thought a girl would possibly have towards him. Well news flash Tyler, that wasn't gonna be me.
"What are you doing here?" I found myself asking curiously because if anything I wanted him gone as soon as possible. "Looking for a new girl to knock up, what do you think?" He deadpanned as he arched his brows questionably and pulled his lips in a thin line. I recoiled in shock, contemplating on whether or not he was being serious.
I parted my lips to reply, but froze when he burst into a fit of laughter.
"I was joking. What else would I be doing here Bella. I came for school, obviously, and now I really don't regret my decision." He smirked as his eyes trailed over my body slowly with those bulging brown fluttering eyes. I shifted on my feet nervously and searched the room for Erika, but she was nowhere to be found. Curses Erika Simpson, curses!
"I thought you'd be here to ruin another persons life but what's new." I muttered to myself, but considering the close proximity to us, he could practically hear me breathing.
He suddenly outstretched his hands and before I could stop him, he brushed it against my shoulder and licked his lips once again. Damn if he licked his lips that often I could just recommend some chap stick. The area his fingers brushed on my skin- as cliché as it may sound- sent off a frenzy of sparks through my body and I couldn't help but lean into his touch. "Ruin a life? Babe, don't think so low of me, I'm the greatest in everything. You would know," He suddenly whispered.
As his words registered in my mind, I snapped back into reality and realized that there was limited space between us and I was beginning to grow uncomfortable. "I would tell you to F off but there aren't any more fucks to give." I spat venomously and in his moment of pure astonishment I brushed him out of the way and sashayed away from him without looking back.
It's time I learnt to walk away from situations like these or else I'll get myself in dilemmas that I wouldn't know how to free myself from.
I fought the urge to roll my eyes and quickly scurried towards the elevator just in time for the doors to slide open. I stepped inside and Tyler Hart appeared before me, that lingering smirk still plastered on his lips as he settled between me and the door. "So what's your dorm room number?" He asked.
I ignored him and punched in my floor number. No matter how hard I tried, I could feel the nerves creeping in my body because of the close proximity to us. If only I could slap him. I hesitantly glanced up at him, only to see that his eyes were already fixated on me as he grinned like a fool. "The fifth floor, huh, interesting?"
"Tyler aren't you tired of ruining my life. First high school and now college. Why don't you get a life!" I groaned into my hand, desperate for me to flee this elevator right at this moment. Why was it that he had to attend the exact same college I enrolled for? Out of all the colleges in this town, he just so happens to go to this one. He chuckled in response from beside me, and I flinched when his warm fingertips trailed on my arm ever so softly.
I gazed upwards and parted my lips to curse him off, but before a word could even leave my lips; he gripped onto my arm tightly and shoved me against the wall. I gasped in response, my eyes growing wide as I tried to fathom what the hell was currently happening, but before I could his other hand came up next to my head and he leaned forward, his face inches away from mine.
His finger grazed my cheek softly, and I gulped as I tried making more space between us, but there was nowhere else to run. I was trapped in the arms of a freaking narcissistic asshole. "I missed you, you know," he mumbled softly as he flickered his eyes to mine and arched his brows, his warm pools of brown eyes gazed deep into mine just like before and once again it felt as if he were trying to read my mind.
"Let go of me, Tyler." I spat as I held his gaze long enough to show him that I wasn't affected by the intimate position between us, but deep down we both knew I was. He tilted his head sideways and leaned closer towards me, I shook my head vigorously and turned my head away, shutting my eyes tightly as I sucked in a harsh breath. There was no way in hell I could let Tyler Hart seduce me again, make me fall under his trap, I was too smart for this now.
"If you don't get away from me right now. I'll kick you in the groin." I threatened, but he didn't budge. Maybe it's because of the way my voice shuddered as I spoke and how it came out less threatening than I expected it to. Instead of cowering away, he closed the gap between us and suddenly pressed his lips against my neck ever so softly.
I gasped, my eyes flickering open as it dawned on me what he was trying to do. But I couldn't in that moment, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't break free of his grasp because I failed and fell right under his trap.
His warm lips settled against my skin and he suddenly latched onto it, I could feel him smirk against my skin and I fought the urge to just lean against the wall and let him have his way but I mentally slapped myself after a mini battle with my brain and my heart. I couldn't give in, not now and not ever.
I can't fall for him again, not after what happened between us. Not after I gave my most precious asset to him only for the scumbag to discard me like I was trash. Like I was nothing but another random hookup.
"Tyler, I'm not one of your many conquests!" I shoved him off me, watching as he tumbled backwards before almost missing his footing and plummeting onto the floor. He grabbed my hip to steady himself, and the force of his weight on me caused our bodies to collide. I sucked in a harsh breath and ripped his hands off of me, scowling in his direction.
The audacity that he had to get so upfront and personal to me on the first day we meet after two years of him ruining my life is undeniably aggravating. I desperately wanted to rip his tongue out of his mouth and shove it down his throat.
"Don't tell it to me. Tell that to your neck." He smirked victoriously as he motioned towards my neck, which slightly burnt. Before I could answer, a small ding echoed around the elevator and the doors slid open. A few students curiously glanced at my flustered state and a smirking Tyler as we stumbled out.
I grumbled some incoherent words under my breath and looked down at the number on my schedule. I glanced at a few doors and read each of them till my eyes landed on mine. I knew Tyler was right behind me, but I didn't give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his presence.
I pushed my key in the lock and twisted it. Only to hear a chuckle coming from Tyler's lips. What the hell is he still doing here?
I spun around and my heart dropped to my feet from the next words that left his lips.
"Guess we're neighbors."