Arabella's POV
I let out a sigh as I collapsed next to him, my eyes flickering towards the ceiling as I pulled the sheets over my body. He groaned from beside me as his hands wrapped around my waist, pulling my bare body up against his.
"I'm one lucky guy, huh?" He mumbled into my ear as he sighed, his face digging into my neck. "Whatever you say, Hunter," I mumbled nonchalantly as I flipped onto my side to face him. "Too bad I'm going off to college," I said sarcastically, but he didn't catch the memo and pouted almost adorably.
I stretched out my hands and ran it through his silky black hair. He grinned and pulled me closer to him before gripping my leg and draping it over his. "Hmm, that won't be a problem." He hummed as his face etched closer towards mine. Our noses were brushed against one another and his familiar scent filled my nostrils.
"These boys better keep their hands off my sexy girlfriend." He grinned, and I cringed as his lips came in contact with mine. I hummed in response and pushed him away before chuckling humorlessly. "But the only problem is Hunter, I'm not your girlfriend." I reminded him before rolling back onto my side and swinging my legs off the bed, preparing to leave.
"Aw come on, you just had to ruin the moment!" He exclaimed exasperatedly as he sat upright as well and let his eyes travel over my body rather pervertedly. "You just had to ruin it," he whispered more to himself, continually eye raping me.
"Don't act as if you didn't know, booty call." I winked as I slipped on my undergarments, causing him to pout even deeply. I chuckled and stumbled back towards the bed before leaping onto him. I wrapped my hands around his neck and etched my face closer to his before sighing, "You know, you're one of my sexiest booty call right?" I smirked mischievously, although I knew he was my only booty call.
"Why don't we just date again?"
I grasped his chin in my fingers and tilted his head upwards, if you were wondering his eyes weren't interlocked with mine but rather my cleavage. "That's why,"
"You're taunting me!" He growled. I rolled my eyes for maybe the thousandth time today and pecked his lips quickly before rolling off of him and sauntering back towards my clothes.
"Goodbye Hunter, it was nice knowing you while it lasted." I winked as I grabbed my bag and blew him a goodbye kiss. "Whenever you visit just call me and I'll be waiting!" He shouted in response, I ignored him, sashaying out the door and slamming it shut behind me.
You're probably wondering what the heck is happening?
After the day that Tyler Hart –the boy who ruined and in some case made my life slightly better–slept with me, well I was no longer invincible at school.
When Monday rolled by after that Saturday afternoon, I went to school thinking it was just any other ordinary day in my life, although I did fantasize that Tyler would acknowledge me as more than a friend so I went to school with my head held high. Boy was I gullible and dumb to ever think that Tyler Hart would make me his girlfriend.
That day I was bombarded with students penetrating gaze. Some in disgust, some in pure hatred and others in astonishment. Halfway through the day was when I found out that the entire school knew I slept with Tyler.
And who was the source of such information?
Him of course.
I don't know how but guys I've never seen nor spoken to started gaining interest in me, girls wanted to be my friend, they wanted the insight on what it was like to be with a guy like Tyler Hart. I became popular, not the way that I had expected to, but nonetheless I did and I resented him for that.
We never spoke after that day.
Hell, I hardly saw him around school anymore nor outside his house or through his window. After he graduated I became the most popular girl in school. Boys would start rumours about me, claiming that I had slept with them which only stirred in more attention, at first I denied it but no one believed me, they just laughed it off and went along with every story that surfaced so eventually I played along with it a
I joined the cheerleader team which is kind of cliche but it paid off because I became the captain after the former captain transferred to another school. I started dating the quarterback of our school, the only guy who genuinely didn't care if the rumours about me were true or not, he always stuck by my side through our relationship but we broke things off eventually and only called each other when we needed.
All guys wanted me and those who didn't get me made up lies to fill in their sick fantasies just so it could make them slightly popular.
I started changing my wardrobe along the way, I no longer wore those long sweaters and vintage jeans, I went for a more Classy look to suit my status, kind of like a Regina George but less sluttish. I continued to succeed in my grades nonetheless, and I was even elected valedictorian of my school.
I was also voted Prom queen, and Hunter was the prom king. You'd think that because of all my success at school and validity, I'd be ecstatic. Well, I wasn't because despite all my popularity just because Tyler couldn't shut his mouth.
Well, I wasn't happy.
All I ever truly wanted from the beginning was Tyler, and he screwed me over.
After that Saturday I really didn't see him, even after school. I would see him once in a while down the streets but he would only give me a smirk and go about his business.
He never called or texted me. And after a month of that going on and him graduating from high school. Well, he just vanished into thin air. I never saw him again and frankly, it broke me.
I wasn't able to love anyone as I did for him. And him taking my virginity was even worse because that's something all girls cherish the most and we don't forget the person we had our first time with. They stay in our hearts forever, whenever we get asked who did we lose it to at least once in a while, our minds drift back to that incredible or horrible time and we laugh or cry when reminiscing about those stories.
No matter if Tyler screwed me over, deep down in my heart I still liked him and it will never go away because those feelings grew stronger after that night. They'll never subside until I get closure, until I see him again.
But now as I speak, it was time to move on and forget about the asshole who ruined me and my good reputation.
Now I was moving to college with my best friend Erika.
This should be fun.
"Can you pass me that luggage, please?" I mumbled as I motioned to my second suitcase sitting on the stairs. "Shit, where the hell do you think you're going!?" Daniel huffed out as he dragged the luggage towards me.
"College," I stuck my tongue out playfully as I pushed it into the trunk of my car. "You seem like you're travelling," he laughed as he helped me shut the trunk and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"Shut up you little putz, your time will come." I smiled as I ruffled his hair. He swatted my hands away and groaned deeply, smoothing down his hair that stuck out in awkward angles. "Don't patronize me," he grumbled as he stroked his hair back into place.
I pulled him into a bear hug, sighing as I batted the tears out of my eyes. "Take care Daniel, and take care of Mom for me, I'm gonna miss her." I sighed into his shoulder.
He hugged back, and after a while of embracing each other, I pulled away with teary eyes. "Don't cry Bella, I'm sure you'll see her when you visit and plus my mom will be here as well and you love her!" I shook my head vigorously and wiped my tears away furiously, "Yeah because her job is more important than her daughter going to college, what a mom!" I squealed.
He rolled his eyes and gave me a tiny slap across the face. My mouth widened as I stared at him in shock and suddenly burst into a fit of laughter.
"Go to college Bella and have fun, text me when you get there, oh and don't get boned!" He pointed warily. I nodded my head and flipped him off with a chuckle as I walked towards my car before slipping in and buckling my seat belt.
Waving goodbye one last time. I started the ignition and pulled out of the driveway I grew up in.
This is it.
No more high school life.
No more being the popular girl and running an entire damn school.
Now it's time to face the music, Like the quote, I always preached to myself when I was younger, even if I knew it wasn't true.
Now It was.
I'm a big girl now.
After picking up Erika on the way, we were currently on our way to the fine big ole college that we've been rambling on about our entire life. We couldn't help but stop for pizza and drinks on the way. Well, Erika would eat the pizza and I'd just watch her from the sidelines and be tempted to eat.
If I ate any fat foods, I'd be afraid that I'd blow up like a fish. "So you ready for this? We're gonna meet so many hot guys and sigh, I just can't wait!" Erika chirped from beside me. I rolled my eyes with a chuckle and kept my eyes locked on the rigid road before me. This might come as a shocker to you, but I really don't care about boys right now.
Okay, maybe I might hook up with one, but it's not the first thing on my agenda. "Oh, shush Erika. You haven't gotten laid in a very, very long time," I guffawed. She shoved me lightly, and I burst into a fit of laughter as she crossed her hands over her chest and pouted.
I leaned in carefully and planted a kiss on her cheek before pulling back and speeding up my driving, "I like it when you kiss me." She beamed as she happily clapped her hands like a seal. I'm going to discard the fact that that sounded extremely gay.
"Yeah because you have no guy to do it for you!" I laughed out. She shoved me again and this time it caused the car to swerve and go out of control for a moment before I grasped the steering wheel and stepped onto the breaks.
She jolted forward and after seconds, crashed back down into the seat with a huff, "what the hell!"
"You caused it not me," I shrugged nonchalantly as I bit down on the insides of my cheeks to refrain myself from laughing out loud. We drove in complete silence for the next thirty seconds until she burst into a fit of laughter, which obviously was soon followed by me.
I wiped away a tear that trickled down my cheek and sighed, "I'm so glad we're doing this together. I'd die without you," I pouted. She huffed out and lightly patted my shoulder. "I would have left you if I had a boyfriend, but oh well," she shrugged. I shot her a stern and baffled look before giggling and shoving her shoulders.
Soon the building came into view and I sighed nervously. I didn't want to do this–grow up, that is. I wanted to stay a kid forever, but I knew that it couldn't happen and sooner or later I'd have to let all that high school crap go and be a big girl.
Or as we all like to call it–a woman.
"We're here, Bella. We're finally here!" She squealed as she continuously patted my shoulder anxiously. I swatted her hands away and drove onto the campus and towards the parking lot. I pulled up in my now claimed designated spot and pulled my key out of the ignition. With one last shaky breath, I grasped the handle of the door and pulled it until a pop echoed around the car and the door swung open.
I let my feet plant flat on the rough surface and the other before I was fully standing outside. I shut the door and watched as Erika mimicked my actions in a dramatic slow-motion way to which I stared at her in a peculiar way. "What the hell are you doing?" I snickered.
She shut the door and adjusted her aviator glasses on her face, "I'm showing off." She shrugged. I rolled my eyes and strutted towards the trunk of my car.
I popped it open and watched as it ascended and revealed our four luggage bags. I took a quick glance at Erika, who looked as nervous as I did. "You ready for this?" She asked after my eyes never left her.
I sighed and ran my hands through my hair before giving a firm nod.
"I am so ready."