Arabella's POV
"Are you sure about this?" Erika asked as she nudged me in the arm to get my attention. \
"Erika I dated Hunter before and plus a lot of our friends are going to be there so what's the big deal?" I asked, shrugging lightly as I kept my focus on my phone between my fingertips. Erika sighed deeply from beside me, but I ignored her, too engrossed in my game to pay any attention to her worries.
I was currently playing geometry dash and trying my best to beat this ridiculously difficult level that I've been trying to accomplish for the past few hours. "Well, the big deal is, he's your ex and let me just say he was your booty call buddy just before you came here!"
Erika failed to understand that I don't really have strong feelings for him anymore, and I really think that his feelings are mutual. I'm not saying that I lost all my feelings for him, I mean we did break up not long ago so there is still a tiny bit of feelings there... somewhere. "Don't get your panties in a twist Erika. You shouldn't be worrying about me and instead you should worry about yourself. Any guy in particular? Perhaps Ace." I taunted, ripping my gaze from my phone so that I could annoy her even more as I repeatedly winked.
Her eyes widened, and she suddenly began giggling hysterically. Not that she totally appeared ballistic or anything, just pointing out that she couldn't lie to me, her best friend of years. "What, me and Ace? psht, do you think that lowly of me!" She squealed in falsetto. I knew she was lying because her voice would always rise an octave higher and the giggling? Erika never giggles.
"Yeah, and Harry Styles isn't a tad bit gay." I scoffed, averting my gaze from hers and refocusing on my phone. "Shut up." She snapped, huffing exasperatedly as she flopped down onto her bed. "So you and Tyler, huh. I'm partly disappointed in you, but the other part of me is screaming for you to go get it." She exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes and spun around on the chair, still making a point of ignoring whatever she was saying. "You're just lucky Nate got back together with Britany or else I'd kill you for hurting him." I paused my game and peered up to see her curiously glancing my way. A small smile etched on my face and I think it caught her off guard because she recoiled in shock.
What did she expect me to throw a hissy fit? I was disappointed in Nate for getting back together with someone so toxic, but I lost feelings for him like three years ago. "I'm happy for him," I lied. She obviously didn't believe me because she's still convinced that I have feelings for him, but she could believe whatever makes her happy.
"Yep, And Kendall Jenner isn't dull," She snorted unladylike. I flipped her off and gasped when a pillow slammed against my head unexpectedly and landed on the floor. I peered up once again, only to see her grinning widely with another pillow swinging in her hand.
"Oh, it's on!"
She smirked and flung the second pillow but I skillfully caught it midair and pelted it back, laughing hysterically when it slapped her across the face, sending her careering onto the bed.
"No, please don't invite Tyler and Ace. Please don't Erika, I will never forgive you!" She cackled mischievously, ignoring me as she slammed her hands against their door, screaming for them to wake up. I dreaded the shuffling on the other side of the door, knowing that someone was approaching and soon the door flew open by no other than Ace. "Oh sexy ladies, I thought the strippers were supposed to be here at eight," he exclaimed.
Erika face-palmed him with a disgusted groan. He stumbled back into the room as we pushed past him and entered. Tyler had just slipped on a T-Shirt and I couldn't help but admire his toned skin that peeked out from the bottom of his shirt.
"How May I help you beautiful ladies who aren't the strippers we ordered but we wouldn't mind having you here, anyway?" Tyler smirked as he flopped down onto his bed. I bit down onto my lips to prevent myself from cursing him out and averted eye contact as he kept his eyes focused on me. Tonight I wore a pair of denim jeans and a sweater since it's going to be cold outside.
I had on a blue beanie to match my jeans and a pair of white sneakers. "Well, Arabella here wanted to tell you guys something." Erika nudged me in the arm as she motioned towards them, I narrowed my eyes at her and pleaded silently that I didn't want to do this but with a threatening glare I gave in.
"If you wanted to have sex, then you could have just told me," Ace shrugged nonchalantly. Erika grunted and suddenly strutted towards the bed. She grabbed a pillow and launched it towards Ace, who screamed at the top of his lungs. "We just wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to come down to the beach with us and a few friends," I grumbled.
Tyler smirked per usual as he hopped off his bed, "Sure I'm down!" Ace shouted as he screamed at Erika who continued beating him with the pillow.
Ah, young love.
"Sure, sounds cool" Tyler exclaimed as he slipped his phone into his pocket. I shrugged and averted eye contact. Why can't he stop looking at me!? "Come on, let's go," Erika called out. "We need to walk a few blocks to actually get to the beach."
"As long as I'm walking next to Bella here. I'm fine," Tyler mumbled as he slung one hand over my shoulder. I brushed it away and scowled deeply as we made our way out of the room and towards the elevator. I scooted farther away from him as Erika perched herself in the middle whilst yapping her mouth away per usual. Deciding that I didn't want to hear what anyone was saying or also ignoring Tyler's stares–I pulled out my phone just as a message popped up on my screen.
Hunter247: You Guys still coming?
Cindabella: Yes we are, Tyler and Ace are coming along if that's okay?
Hunter247: Tyler Hart??
Cindabella: Yep, you guessed right.
"Who are you texting?" A voice snapped me out of my train of thoughts. I snapped my upwards, my gaze locking with a familiar pair of brown eyes. He smiled sweetly, and I scowled in response, "no one," I mumbled as I shoved my phone into my pocket. So now because we made out I'm his plus he needs to know who I'm texting, that's certainly hilarious.
He arched his brows and gave me a suspicious glance as he tsk'd lightly and ran his tongue over his lips. Nodding his head in understanding, he averted eye contact with me and sighed. "Okay then." I gave him a tight-lipped smile and motioned towards the elevator that opened up. We all stumbled out and walked out of the student's complex and out onto the campus.
"Why couldn't we just take the car?" Ace whined. "Because dumb ass, The beach is right there and you're already too fat so let's get some exercise, yeah!?" Erika chirped sarcastically.
Someone just kill me now.