Arabella's POV
We stepped onto the sandy beach and immediately Ace went running towards the only group of kids who surrounded a blazing bonfire. "Idiot. What if it were a bunch of serial killer, he'd just run right into their hands," Erika chuckled humorlessly as she sashayed towards the group as well.
"She just did exactly what she was scolding him about," I frowned, shaking my head.
I averted eye contact with Tyler, who was currently staring down at me, chuckling from my previous statement, and snapped my head towards the source of the voice. I smiled when Hunter approached me and suddenly engulfed me in a hug. I hugged back in his warm arms and pulled away with a smile.
"Hey you look nice," I smiled as I assessed his outfit. He only wore a pair of beach pants and a plain white t-shirt with white sneakers. Nothing much, but I still felt the need to acknowledge because c'mon I know style. I attend college strictly for fashion.
His eyes left mine for a moment and settled on Tyler, who stood next to me. His body rigid and I could tell even in the darkness that he was sending daggers at Hunter. "Tyler Hart, long time no see." Hunter exclaimed as he moved towards Tyler and did their bro handshake thing that I have yet to fathom.
I decided to ditch them both and move towards the bonfire where a few students I recognize from high school but never actually acknowledged before sat. "Arabella Smith, it's certainly an honor for you to join us!" Aiden chirped loudly. Aiden was Hunter's best friend and frankly, he was more annoying than Ace and Tyler combined together. Every time I was around him, I'd just want to gush my own eyes out.
"Aiden, the pleasure is not mutual."
"Ouch Babe."
I ignored him, plopped down in the circle of students. I recognized a girl named Sasha and Tailor who sat together. They were both glaring at me for some unknown reason and I frowned deeply, averting eye contact with them. Other than Aiden, there was Miles and Ely and some other girl I've never seen before. Hunter sat down next to me and Tyler took a seat next to Tailor, who undressed him with her eyes rather boldly.
"What were you guys doing before we got here?" Erika asked as she leaned onto Ace's shoulder. He wrapped a hand around her shoulder and I smiled at the small gesture. They're cute together, although they don't realize it.
"We were drinking and sharing our most embarrassing stories like one time Hunter and I snuck into this hotel room and ended up walking in on maybe a fifty-year-old couple getting it on, it was the most horrendous and vile thing I've ever endured, having to hear their saggy skins slapping--"
"Okay damn Aiden we didn't ask for those gory details, I couldn't sleep for weeks without hearing that slapping and not you installed it back into my memory." He exclaimed loudly, his hands slapping against ears. Ely passed each of us a drink from the small cooler and I disregarded the fact that he didn't at least ask if we drank anything in there.
"So we waited till enough people were here to change up the game," Miles wiggled his eyebrows mischievously as he flickered his eyes to me then smirked. Miles was an average-looking guy. Blonde shaggy hair and blue eyes. A bit of freckles decorated his face, and he had full pink lips. He looks cute for someone like Erika.
"Oh me likey, what's on your mind?" Erika asked as she took a swig of her beer. "We were thinking we'd play triple dog dare," Hunter grinned as he bumped my shoulder against his and grinned down at me. How old are we? Sixteen? Who even plays this game anymore?
I chuckled softly and shoved him away playfully, "yessss let's play, I'll go first, who has an empty bottle!?" Sasha asked eagerly. "Here you go, Malady," Miles handed her a bottle. She placed it down next to the fire and quickly spun it around. One end landed on Ace and the other on Tyler.
Tyler smirked ominously as Ace huffed out and pumped his chest bravely, "bring it on." Everyone erupted in cheers and me knowing Tyler. He wouldn't give Ace an easy dare. "Hmm Okay. I dare you to strip down to nothing and run around the beach naked screaming I was raped by a fish."
I couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter at how ridiculous and retarded that sounded. For a bunch of grown men, they were obviously childish. "Oh, no Ace don't do it," Erika snorted in response, Ace shrugged nonchalantly as he stood up from the log and suddenly began to unbutton his pants. The guys hooted loudly around us and quickly I snapped my head away as I laughed hysterically in disgust.
"Hey, hey someone help, I was raped by a fish. . . I think it was slimy and long, someone help!"
Oh, my god.
I snapped my head towards the sound of his voice and guffawed as I witnessed him running toward a group of girls farther down the beach. I wheezed, rolled, toppled over. The scene before me was comical, and I was tempted to whip out my phone and record, but I wasn't as half cruel as everyone around me.
"I am so going to blackmail him with this," Erika tsk'd her tongue softly in disappointment softly as she filmed him.
Why did I decide to come here? I have no idea.
"okay Ely, I dare you to kiss Miles for ten seconds. No homo!" Erika chirped loudly as she gestured towards Ely with her third bottle of beer. We've been here for approximately an hour and the dares kept getting worse every time someone would open their mouths and speak.
"No, no, I ain't doing no gay shit!" Ely exclaimed as he shook his head vigorously. "Come on, baby don't be shy!" Miles guffawed as he crawled on top of Ely slowly who screamed loudly, his hands flailing before him frantically.
I buried my face into Hunter's neck and laughed hysterically once again. The guys ended up kissing on the lips and Ely made a point of gargling his mouth with water right after. Tailor grabbed the bottle and spun it around. As if the world despised me one end of the bottle landed on her and the other on me, "Oh? Arabella. I dare you to make out with Hunter for a minute."
A minute? In front of everyone? In front of Tyler?
My eyes widened in astonishment as the guys began hooting and patting Hunter's back excitedly. Sasha and Tailor both high fived one another, confirming that this was their plan all along. They know about Tyler and I.
I tilted my head towards Tyler who arched his brows questionably and pursed his lips in a thin line. Annoyance slipped over his features and he folded his arms over one another, then leaned forward, his gaze penetrating through mine. It was as if he was daring me to actually do it, and I did.
Just to make a point to him that I don't belong to him and I never will.
I grabbed Hunters cheeks in my palms and stared into his brown eyes longingly, contemplating whether or not I should do it. Silence enveloped all of us and I made the split decision to smash my lips down onto his, my eyes fluttering shut. "Whoop whoop, get it on, girl!" The girl I didn't recognize shouted from behind us. I suspected it was her because I didn't recognize the voice.
Hunters tongue delved into my mouth without a second thought and intertwined with mine. There was little to no sparks in the kiss like I would feel whenever kissing Tyler, but I pushed that to the back of my mind as I listened to everyone laughing and hooting around us. His hands gripped my waist tightly, and he closed the little space between us, deepening the kiss.
After the minute was up we both pulled away, but I could see the resistance in his eyes. "Wow, that was...Wow! I haven't seen you guys kissed in a long time and now I wanna kiss both of you!" Aiden exclaimed loudly as he attempted to clap along as if this were a performance.
"Kissed in a long time?" Tyler murmured softly, I turned towards him hesitantly and our gazes locked. I squirmed under his intense gaze, feeling as if it were penetrating my body like a lazer, I averted eye contact with him and cleared my throat. I know I'm in deep shit, but it was just a dare. If I didn't do it, then maybe they'd make me do some other crazy shit to make up for it.
"Bella, spin."
I spun the bottle around and anticipation got the best of me when it landed on Erika and Tyler. A smirk etched on Erika's face as she spared me a glance, then back at Tyler. What is she planning?
"Tyler, I dare you to kiss the most beautiful girl here tonight. The most pretty and absolutely ravishing girl. The girl that means the–"
"We get it!" Hunter and Miles shouted simultaneously. She giggled softly and murmured a quick sorry as she sank in her seat. Everyone erupted in another round of cheers and I curiously stared at him. He locked gazes with me for a mere second with that stupid smirk of his lingering on his lips.
I don't know why I thought he'd ever kiss me and I knew he wouldn't just to make a point, but when it actually happened it hurt more than I'd like to admit. It felt as though someone ripped my heart out of my chest, stomped and spat on it like it was nothing, and the excited remarks from everyone didn't make it any better.
Tyler Hart was currently making out with Tailor, and I fought the urge to continue glaring at them. Unable to bear it anymore I snapped my head towards Erika who looked as equally dumbfounded as I did. She glanced at me for a mere second and mouthed sorry.
"Hey, you okay?" Hunter whispered into my ear when he realized my body stiffened. "Yeah," I mumbled in response as I flickered my eyes towards them, still going at it. A smirk still on his face as though he knew I was watching. "I'm perfectly fine."