Kali Ambrosia
"I'm sorry."
"What?" I asked confused at his strange actions and helped him sit up properly in his bed. Ignoring what he said I quickly make my way in the kitchen and take one glass of water. I runned back to his room with a glass of water in my hand I handed it over to him which he takes and drink immediately. I stared at his state as he drinks desperately and combed his long raven hair with his hand as if frustrated of whatever he just dreamed about or more like a nightmare. No wonder he always look tired... He must be having this nightmare every single night that keeps him to sleep and face the reality he so wanted to escape. Although I know nothing of him, I do know that he been through a lot if I could compare I'll tell he've been hell and back.
"What happened?" I asked curiously especially when he's the most coldest and strong man that I have ever seen yet have such nightmares that brings fear in his entire system. The moment it leaved my mouth he just stared at me intensely and cold, I tried to read his expression but still no I can't even tell what he's thinking right now.
"It doesn't matter, now sleep we'll continue training tomorrow." He dismissed me and turn his back on me to avoid my stubbornness which he succeeded. I sighed and left the room, he could just said thanks before pushing me off. But then it's still strange to me that if he is the reason of the deaths of others then why isn't he ruling or rampaging somewhere? and from what I know the vampires followed him everywhere to cause more havoc. And from the time I've been with him, he doesn't have anyone at his side except for me of course and mine is also a different story so I don't get it... I tried thinking of any logical reason to this hurting my head in the process. I sighed for the last time stopping myself from thinking much more and sleep in my bed.
Next morning I wake up and immediately warm up outside as he said to be always early and prepared for everything. As I make my way outside I already saw his tall built figure next to a tree where he's standing and waiting for me to start my routine and I did. I was stretching my arm when I steal a glance at him he looked like he hadn't sleep at all which is I assumed since what happened last night nevertheless he still looks handsome. Aragorn must have noticed me and embarrassed me again as always.
"Quit eyeing me like some food and focus on your warm up." I blushed furiously at his statement and quickly glared at him.
"I am so not! Tsk! As if! It's just you're standing there doing nothing when you should be training me now!" I yelled at him angry and still a little embarrassed from before.
"I am training you that's all I did from the start and you should have probably know how I do the training." he said in a matter of factly and smirked at me making me more flushed.
"Whatever." I said trying to avoid his gaze and returned to stretching when he cleared his throat catching my attention. He gestured to follow him through the woods and saw a well, it was old and all green when we reached it he said the most stupidest thing that I have ever heard.
"What? I mustn't have heard it right haha... What did you said again? A little clearer please." I asked politely as possible while hiding my uneasiness.
"Get. In. The. Well." He stated like I was just a little girl making me more frightened at the idea.
"Are you insane?! Wait you must be kidding me right?" He just stared at me blankly proving my fear correctly.
"There is no way I am getting in that well! Are you going to kill me by starving me to death or kill me by-"
"Shut up!" He yelled at me making me tremble and feel a shiver run down my spine. He's really going to kill me I have to kill him first I wont let him take my life without any fight!
"I'm not going to kill you so stop your whining and over exaggerated mind." He said calmly making me snap my attention back to him.
"You're not going to?" I asked again just to make sure and he nodded reassuring me making me sigh in relief. But still remembering what he said I glared at him bravely and asked again.
"You're not going to kill me yet you wanted me to get down in that old well? Stop making fun of me cause it's not!" I said angrily and surprised thanking myself of how brave I talk to him like that.
"Training." He shortly reply making me furrowed my eye brows and squinted at him.
He sighed and impatiently said, "No questions remember? Just do what I say and I'll explain it on the way." I gulped and hmmped in annoyance looking down at the well. It was deep but not too much, there's also a little paddle of dirty water but I think I could manage it whatever this training is. He tied a rope in a nearby tree and into the well which serves as my way in and out. I took the rope and started climbing down the well.
"Uhh... Now's a perfect time for the explanation sir." I said feeling like regretting this idea.
"Easy, you just have to climb back up." He said as I finally step put in the wet floor of the well. Well that was easy as I gaze at the rope, wanting to get this over with I tried climbing back up using the rope again when I suddenly fall back first in the bottom of the well.
"Damn! What the hell?!" I cursed in pain as I try to look at the rope that was now cut off and the other half is at the top edge. He freaking cut it off!! I felt so much mad at his so called training and sit up looking at his peeking figure.
"You!! What's your problem? Why did you cut the rope?! I was climbing up just like you said!" I yelled at him staring daggers at him. He just give me the same cold look that he always gave to me and stated.
"Who said using a rope?" I stared at him blankly feeling my anger rising much more than it already have.
"Then how am I supposed to climb back up? huh!" I said looking at him as if he grown two heads.
"Not my problem." He said making me more furious.
"You're just going to leave me here? I haven't even eaten breakfast yet!"
"Like I said... Not my problem." And that was the last thing I heard from him.