Kali Ambrosia
"O-okay okay time out!!"
As the words come out of my mouth I fell hard on the ground not caring whether it may cause more pain, since my body is all exhausted and numb. "I-i... Just... Let's-... Let's just take a break! Sound good? Yeah it is!" I said desperately closing my eyes and trying to even my breathing.
3 weeks of training and I tell you it's tiring and not just tiring very tiring! Especially if a man name Aragorn Beorhtwulf is your trainer, he's a monster I tell you!! At first I was very excited but when we started I immediately regret getting giddy over it, no offense. But this training seems really effective as I feel myself getting stronger each day and each day I tried to caught him off guard and just kill him. Unfortunately, I always fail and in exchange he gave me punishments which are very horrible! One time he put a knife in my leg where I tried to attack him before and it freaking hurts. He even twisted it! No wonder all the beings that I tortured are all squirming and begging to stop. I'm not weak I know that but this Aragorn... Hell he looks like the kind who is easy to beat yet I can't see an opening at all! I looked at him laying under a tree as if asleep involuntarily I stand up hardly and take a closer look at his figure staring at him more. His raven black hair flow down his half face covering it giving him the mysterious look he also has long eyelashes which I very envy definite features fair skin all in all he's a handsome guy if only he's not the one who caused all of this then I would have try flirting with him and wa-. Geez stop it Kali! Why am I even thinking about it?! Get a hold of yourself!
"You'll already be dead if that's your new method of killing." He suddenly spoke getting me startled and immediately retaliate.
"Tsk! I'm not trying anyway! I just- just saw you and you look like hell." I said honestly as I see dark circles under his eyes he looks pretty exhausted than I am since I could sleep in the night but I don't think he can. He immediately snorted and started leaving me.
"Training is dismissed." I shook my head at his attitude and walked near the lake jumping in. It was cold but felt really good that I go much deeper in the lake, I always done this after training it was refreshing. After I'm done I look at the moon shining above. Another night I can't believe I could act like a normal girl again and eat food like everyone else all because of Aragorn Beorhtwulf. I'm still taking the pills and yes I do look for information about it, it was true and very rare since the ingredient for it can only be find once in a year and witches sells this at a great fortune I wonder how he get it. But then thinking about it he could obviously do whatever he wanted and he'll immediately have it in his hands.
It's just strange that if he's the cause of this chaos why didn't kill me right when he first saw me? why hadn't he kill all those people in the hidden village? I don't get it there are some thoughts that maybe he's not the one and maybe he just scary that everyone think its him. However when I tried asking him about it he keeps saying it's his fault and that he deserves to get whatever punishment the Goddess give him but not until he's done with his goal which is to kill someone whom I don't know, in conclusion he confused the shit out of me.
Thinking that it would get me nothing I just let it be and just trained with him.
With one last look at the moon, I walked back to the cabin and immediately smelled such a sweet aroma bacon! I quickly runned to the kitchen and looked at Aragorn expextantly. When he finally noticed me he gave me a plate of our dinner and some utensils. The moment I had it in my hand I devoured all the food fast and asked for a second which he returned with an amused expression. Over the time we spent together I could say we're acquaintance nowand I know I shouldn't have but I do trust him. He gave me a medicine that helped me be normal like going out in the sun, eating and not sucking blood which I truly I appreciate. Though somehow I don't think that he's the reason why the hell loose, not anymore after what he doned to me which I truly hope so because I don't think he deserves whatever he thinks he deserve.
After I'm done eating I washed our plates and proceed to my room to have a good night sleep until an hour passed I heard someone gasping yelling in another room. I stand up sensing where the noise comes from when I heard that familiar voice again... Aragorn.
I made my way to his room getting on my defense move ready to fight back to whoeverhas the nerve to pick a fight with him, when I saw him all alone hugging himself then pulling his hair screaming in pain that get me more nervous and worried.
"Aragorn! Oh my-Ahhhhh!!" I screamed surprised at him as he swiftly pulled me down and held my throat choking as if I'm his nightmare, realizing that it's me he quickly pulled away breathing heavily as I am. "The heck's wrong with you?!" I asked half scared and angry at how he quickly over-powered me. He was just staring at the ground not saying anything making me curious of what was it all about and confronted him.
"What really happened Aragorn Beorhtwulf?" I asked seriously staring straight at him making contact with dark grey eyes.
"I'm sorry."