My mum never came home all weekend and still hasn't. I'm glad I had the whole house to myself, to do as I please and not worry all the damn time but can't help but wonder where she is though. She's fine. She always is. Of course I have no idea where she gets to go. It's not like she remembers she has a daughter to look after so it's all pretty much guess work. It's most likely she found a guy and is off somewhere living with him until one of them gets bored.
I shove thoughts of my mum out my mind and enter the school grounds, slightly out of breath as I weave past groups of students that are conversing with each other, crowding the halls. I head over to my locker to gather my books that I need for the day ahead and shut my locker once I'm done.
Just need to get through another week of school and hope my mother extends her time away. I'm so caught in my thoughts that I didn't even register someone standing behind me and when I turn around I accidentally bump into them. When I see who it is I can feel my heart drop to my stomach.
"Jade." I mutter, confused as hell as to why she is standing there, looking furious and by the looks of things it's directed at me.
Jade and I have never talked to each other before. We never had any problems with each other as far as I know. Yes, I don't like her because she is a bully but if she doesn't bother me, I won't bother her.
So what's got her all fired up? Why me? Why am I on her bad side today?
I notice a sickly, sweet smile on her lips as well as her makeup coating her entire face. Her blonde hair hugs tightly to her face in loose curls making her green eyes small and beady. I take a quick glance at her outfit and regret it immediately since it's barely covering her body. Her short, black, skirt hugs her tightly and barely even covers her butt. Her white blouse hangs loose on her body, showing off her black lace bra straps and you can clearly see her bra past her blouse since it's white and because she has a few of the buttons undone. Jade is also wearing red heels to make her taller and more intimidating to others around her and I roll my eyes.
Hey, at least she's confident in her body. I respect her for that but in school? Really?
"Hi, Aria!" I already want the ground to swallow me up at the sound of her high pitched, very fake, voice. She doesn't even wait for me to talk and is already on her rant. "So, I heard you were hanging out with Alex yesterday? Was that fun? What did you guys get up to?" She says slightly infuriated but tried to hide it. She is acting like we were best friends, causally having a conversation but we were far from it. I know she is faking her interest, she just wants to know if it was more than friends hanging out.
It it's pretty obvious what she is doing.
She is protective over Alex and I know this because I have heard many stories since me and Alex started talking. All she wants from him is sex, sex, and even more sex.
Wait, did I mention sex?
"Well, you heard correctly, Jade." I sigh. "We were just friends hanging out. That's all you need to know so if you could excuse me." I reply with a bored tone, not caring what she thinks. Her eyes starts to twitch and I raise an eyebrow in her direction while her lips are in a tight line in frustration.
Does she have an eye problem?
I try to walk away but she blocks my path and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, gazing up at her to see she decided to drop her nice girl act.
"Okay, listen up, ugly stepsister." Wow, That was uncalled for. "If you think Alex fancies you or will go for you then you must be fucking high." She laughs. "He will be crawling back to me any day now once he realises what he's missing so I would advice you to stay away." She smirks right in my face and I take a step back to give us some distance.
I open my mouth to reply with my usually sarcastic manner but i was stopped by someone else cutting me off and entering the conversation.
"Hey, Sunshine. How are you?" Alex asks causally as he always is. He swings his arm over my shoulder and I notice Jade's eyes widen at the gesture but she immediately puts on a fake smile in front of Alex.
Alex for once, can you not be so flirty?!
Finally, he notices her and I watch his mood falter. He's confused at first but then his expression turns to annoyance. "Whats going on here then? Why are you over here?" Alex questions and turns to face Jade. She puts a frown on her face and sniffs her nose like she has just been crying.
What. Is. Happening. Someone. Please. Explain!
"Aria just came up to me and said to stay away from you. She said she would kill me if I talked to you! She is crazy, Alex. She was making all these threats and it's scaring me. I really think you should stay away from her. I'm saying this for your own good because I care." She fake cries and wipes fake tears from her cheeks with her long, pink nails. My mouth opens in shock while Jade reaches for Alex's arm but he pulls it away before she could even reach him.
She could be an actor with that award winning performance.
"Wow." I mutter, rolling my eyes.
"Jade." Alex begins, clearly annoyed and Jade notices this. "Of all people I should be staying away from, its you. Leave us alone will you?" Jade rolls her eyes as she doesn't even bother with her act anymore and sends us both a glare. She huffs and storms away with her dumb friends following behind her and I turn to face Alex with a smile.
"Thanks Flynn but I could have handled that on my own you know." I say to him but I was still genuinely thankful to him.
He did stick up for me.
"No worries, sunshine." His arm tightens around my shoulders and I forgot it was even felt natural. "And I know you could've handled that on your own but I wasn't going to drop the chance of being your knight in shining armour." He smirks down at me. Our bodies are side by side and I can feel my heart beat at a faster pace. I'm grinning up at him and let out a laugh.
"Next time I'm a damsel in distress, I'll give you a call."
Alex grins even wider at this and unhooks his arm from my shoulder but holds it out for me to loop my arm through. "Shall we go to class?"
"What a gentleman." I loop my arm through anyway. "Is this part of being my friend?"
"Only if it's working."
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Have I got something on my face?
Are my clothes on backwards?
The reasons I'm asking myself this is that almost every student is staring at me as I walk down the hall. I watch as they glance over at me and quickly away when I catch them. They also turn to their friends and whisper after so I feel a little paranoid.
I check Myself over and I look fine, normal even. Once I enter the cafeteria my question is answered automatically. You can't miss it when you enter the doors. My eyes widen at what's in front of me and they even begin to water as I stand frozen in shock. People continue to stare but I ignore them and continue to stare at the wall and what it painted red on it.
Aria fucked Alex. SLUT.
Jade is such a bitch. She did this because she can't have Alex?! I never asked for this when I associated with Alex! Heck I didn't even want to hang around with him but now people think I'm sleeping with him?! It's not my fault! He carried on talking to me! Why am I being punished for making a friend?!
"Isn't Alex still with Jade?"
"Aria is the other woman!"
"Did they not break up?"
"Still! She snatched him up pretty quick. The wall isn't wrong."
I glare at everyone gossiping around me but the words on the wall are bright and red, standing out for everyone to see. My eyes are trained on the word 'slut' in capital letters and it makes me fists clench.
I shake my head at everything. This is not happening. I liked being non existent but now I'm known as the school slut! Over one boy? God!
I knew getting involved with Alex was a bad idea but I did it anyway! This is karma for not sticking to my plan.
"So you put out for him straight away but not me?"
I turn to the new voice to see Charlie standing next to me, gazing up at the wall, a little smirk on his face. Put out?! Do I look like a car engine? Just because I waited a few months to sleep with him he's mad? What an asshole.
This couldn't get any worse.
"Go to hell." I scoff. With that I turn away and storm out the cafeteria, away from that stupid wall and all the stupid judgments.
Although, the stares and judgments follow me all through the school since everyone has probably seen it by now. I'm not sticking around. I just reach the front door of the school when I'm pulled back by a hand and I wince because whoever grabbed me touched my bruises, applying a heavy force on accident. I blink back the tears as pain shoots through my arm but I try to ignore it. I'm not going to cry over this. Considering everything else this is nothing.
I turn around slowly and I am met with a suspicious Alex once again and I swallow the huge lump in my throat. I close my eyes for a few Seconds and re-open them. I was kind of hoping he would have vanished. Isn't this a little care of Deja Vu?
reluctantly, I look back up at Alex to see his eyebrow raised suspiciously towards me and his eyes hold worry and concern.
"Are you hurt? Because I barely grabbed you." he questions me.
"Umm...I...I just got a fright, that's all. Nothing major." I smile but it's very fake. Usually, even if it sounds terrible, I'm okay with lying. It gets easier over time and I'm not scared in case I'm caught out because I doubt I will be.
Although, the way Alex is looking at me makes me feel as if he can read my mind. I'm not even sure if I even know what I mean but there's just something about it that makes me nervous.
"Uh okay...." Alex says but I don't think he believes me one bit since he furrows his eyebrows in confusion but thankfully let's that subject go but unfortunately picks a new one. "Are you okay? I seen the Uhh wall. Want me to give you a ride home?" He questions frantically, trying to take care of me. I try to calm my breathing but it's not working out at all. I just want to leave and now I feel as if I'm getting smothered by Alex. Even Perri and Tori wouldn't do this.
It also doesn't help that he said 'home.' I don't want to go home. It's not even a home. A home is where you feel safe and welcomed and loved By your family and friends, But my home is the complete opposite. I don't feel safe and I don't feel welcomed and I'm definitely not loved by my supposed mother.
I am soon brought back to reality as Alex places a hand on my shoulder and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion at his words and gesture.
Something just snaps then inside me.
"What? And fuel that damn rumour more? People will think we are off to your house for a fucking quickie. But this is all fine for you though isn't it, Alex? You will be fucking praised for tempting another girl into your bed because you are a guy. For me? I'm just a fucking slut because that's the default for girls." Once I start I can't really stop. "You can't take no as an answer. I don't want to be your friend. You can't fit into my life and I know there's a part of you that believes that too so Don't even pretend to care, okay? We all know this will just help your popularity more." I can't help but get angry. This whole situation is so frustrating and I take it out on Alex all because he is at the wrong place at the wrong time. I realise what I said and take a step back, feeling guilty for the things I said.
I didn't meant any of that...I'm just angry. god, I'm such an idiot. All my anger just tumbled out. My anger aimed at jade for the stupid writing, my mother running away again and my own dad and brother not even bothering to call me as much anymore. I was just looking for things to hurt him even if they aren't true. It would have been the same for anyone else.
I see Alex's expression turn from worry and concern to shock and even a little bit of irritation.
"Is that really what you think of me?" He questions and I can already feel my heart drop to my stomach. "All im doing is trying to help but you are acting like I wrote that stupid thing on that fucking wall. Do you think I want this? To be known as some whore, going through girls like shirts? You know, I wanted to be friends with you because I thought you were someone who would make my life so much more interesting but you are just like everyone else. I'm sorry this happened, I really am but what's done is done. Don't blame me for something someone else did." He's angry but I can tell he's more hurt than anything.
"Alex-" I try to apologise but I don't think this is the right time. We are both so wired up that we should really give each other space.
"It's fine, Aria." He holds his hand up, cutting me off. "I'll just go find some girl to sleep with now shall I?"
With that being said, he walks off back into school leaving me standing alone, feeling guilty and like a idiot.
He called me Aria... he never called me woods or shorty or even sunshine or any other nickname.
He was just trying to help and I was the bitch of the century. he didn't even do anything wrong! He's just as much of a victim as I am. I should have never of said those things because I didn't mean them. I was just so heated about that damn rumour and Charlie making that comment was the icing on the cake. I can't help but get weird and angry when people try to help. I find it weird since I'm so used to doing things on my own, I have been doing things on my own for five years. If people try to help they always have an ulterior motive just like all those sleazy men my mum brings back. They give her money then they expect her to easily sleep with them which she does. It also doesn't help that they think I'm part of the deal too. Luckily, nothings happened. I didn't mean to get to angry at Alex.
I know I need to apologise but I can't do it now. Alex obviously won't speak to me and I can't go back into school....
I just need to leave. Now.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
I walk into Greg's diner, the only place where I feel welcome. Im tired and upset but I haven't cried. That's a bonus but I still probably look a mess. All i want to do is sleep. The bell goes of once I open the door and immediately Wendy looks over. Shen she sees the state of me and rushes over.
"Oh my goodness, sweetheart! What's wrong, honey?" She questions me worriedly.
"Stupid school, stupid Jade! Everything is wrong." I just want to kick the wall I'm so angry and upset.
Everything is ruined.
"Elliot, honey. Can you shut the diner up please" Wendy asks Elliot politely pointing over to the door. My eyes widen and I immediately shake my head at her words.
"Sure mum but wh-" Elliot was about to question her but stops when he sees me. "Aria! What's wrong?" He comes over to me as soon as he shuts the door and gives me a bone crushing hug which I dont mind. I needed it. I hug him back just as tight, enjoying the comfort that I barely received anymore.
Elliot is the best at hugs. He's so much taller than me just he just towers over me, making me feel safe.
"Guys! You don't need to shut the diner." I tell them frantically looking around the diner once I pull away from Elliot.
I don't want them to lose customers because of me.
"If you haven't noticed. There is no one here and plus, you come first, always" Elliot reassures me, rubbing my back. That's when I do notice that the only people here are Elliot, Wendy, Greg, and I.
That's a relief.
"Thank you, Elliot but are you sure? what if someone wants to come in?" I ask tiredly. I just want to sleep and forget this ever happened. I want to forget the humiliation.
"Well they can wait all they want. We don't care, we only care about you right now so come in and sit down and tell us everything." Wendy doesn't leave me much choice as she guides me to a booth with her, Elliot, and Greg and we all sit together.
They are the little family that I don't have anymore.
They have been there for me more than my real family and I don't know what I would do without them. They know about my dad and brothers leaving and my mom's drinking problem but they think it's just "a wine a night." They don't know the full extent of it and I would like it to stay that way.
"Well." I begin. "There's this girl at school and she's called Jade. She is popular and a bitch," I inform them
Elliot scoffs and rolls his eyes "You got that right."
"Elliot, let Aria finish!" Greg says and taps Elliot on the head. Elliot nods and I send them a small smile and continue once more.
"Anyway. She apparently hates me now because I became friends with Alex. The boy I brought to the diner a few days ago." They nod, remembering. "Well she confronted me about it today which I blew off and Alex basically chose me over her which she hated. Next thing I knew Im looking at the cafeteria wall which said I was sleeping with Alex, and I'm a slut for that even though it's not true." I can feel my fists clench at the memory and all I want to do is hide away forever. I can't face school....ever now.
Wendy gasps. "Oh honey! Do you want me to go to the school? Because I'll go to that school and give them a good talking to and that girl." She shouts determined. I lift my head up to look at her and shake my head immediately.
"No, Wendy its fine. Thank you though but I'll get over it. I'm more upset that when one of my friends tried to help me, I said things I definitely shouldn't have said or even meant."
I can tell by the looks on their faces that they know exactly who it is.
"Oh, I'm sure he will get over it. It happened to him too so he will understand where you are coming from. As long as you didn't mean the things you said." Greg says to me reassuringly but it kind of just makes me feel worse.
I was so selfish. All I thought about was me. I didn't even take time to register that Alex is also getting accused of something he didn't do.
"Of course, I didn't mean any word of it. I was just hurt and confused. I accidentally let all my anger out on him." I inform them.
"It's Alex, he will forgive her because he like likes her." Elliot changes the subject and I'm so thankful for it but the topic? Not so much.
"Elliot!" I shout, blushing.
"Oh quit it! You two are perfect for each other! I can't wait till you guys get together!" Elliot screams excitedly and I lift my head up to see him clapping his hands together but I scoff at his words.
"Elliot, we are just friends! Nothing more!" I hate how my cheeks betray me.
These guys always manage to cheer me up somehow. I suppose this is what it feels like to have a family, some thing I havent had for over five years. Last time my mum cared for me was five years ago, she was the best mum ever back then. I can't even remember the last time I saw my dad or brothers.
"Whatever, but trust me, you will be a couple some day!" Elliot says with a smirk And with that he walks away and i chuckle at his antics.
"Thanks guys but I should really get going now." I say thankful and with that I stand up and make my way out the booth along with everyone else.
"Everything will be okay you know. People will forget everything that's happened today by next week." Wendy smiles.
"I hope so."
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
My mum is still not home from her drinking escapades and I'm not sure if I should start to get worried. She has done this many times before and she was fine but I still worry for her even if she doesn't worry for me.
I will give her one more day. I just don't want to get phone call that she "had an accident."
I change into my pyjamas and get into bed, to hide from the world just for a little while. Although, my phone doesn't get the memo.
Group chat:
Tori: omg Aria! Are you okay? Everything is sorted, the teachers found out and she is suspended for two weeks!
Perri: yeah it was hilarious seeing her face when the headteacher told her! But hope you are okay!
Me: yeah guys I'm fine! But me and Alex had a fall out and it was my fault. He tried to help but i shouted at him and said some pretty mean stuff. He was so upset and angry.
Perri: This might be a bad time to tell you and make you feel even worse but when you left I saw Alex. He was in such a bad mood and I thought it was the rumour but clearly not. Anyway, he skipped all his afternoon classes just to get rid of the writing on the wall. He didn't stop for anyone or anything until it was all gone. I told him that the janitor would do it but he was so determined to get rid of it in case you decided to come back.
I feel even worse now. of course he would do something like that. As much as I don't want to admit it he's slowly becoming a friend. Someone who clearly is there for me.
Me: I really wish you didn't tell me that.
Tori: it will be okay! Trust me. You guys will be back on track before you know it. Night.
Perri: night guys:)