I'm late. This never happens I'm never late.
Usually, im counting down the minutes until my work shift but today I just lost track of time. I was too busy sketching. Rushing around my room as quietly as possible, I throw on my work clothes which are black tights with black shorts, a white blouse with black flats and little black bows. My hair goes into a ponytail and of course this time I don't forget my makeup. I even do a natural look on my face. If I'm late it's not really the end of the world. I doubt my boss would fire me since he is a long family friend.
Unlike most people, I love my job and going to work. It's a great environment and it also gets me out the house and away from my mum most days. You can always catch me asking for extra shifts and covering for people a lot.
Once I'm done, I'm sweaty and out of breath but I take a sigh of relief once I notice its quater too twelve. I'm gonna make it in time. Thank goodness the diner is closer to my house than school.
I sneak out of the house without my mum noticing. Her bedroom door is locked meaning she is in there with either drugs, alcohol or even a drunk man. Or all at the same time.
I really don't want to know and I really couldn't care. Honestly, I don't even know what her bedroom looks like. I don't dare to go in there and haven't for years. Just like me, her bedroom is her safe place and she can do whatever she likes. Sometimes, when she doesn't know I'm home I hear her cry. She tends to do it a lot. I don't know why, maybe she just hates her life so much.
I work at a diner which isn't all that bad. Greg, the boss, gave me the job when my dad and brother left a couple years ago. They thought it would be a distraction and the money was just a bonus. Of course to me, both were very welcome in my life.
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Elliot greets me as soon as I walk in the door just like usual. I actually think he just waits by the door for me. He is my best friend from work. He has a huge personality and is always so damn positive which I love. We have been friends since we were little. Once he knows I'm here he quickly delivers some food to a nearby table and I laugh at the fact he has once again ditched the uniform for a plain old hoodie. He can't stand to wear a button down shirt. He lives in hoodies. I take in his appearance and to no surprise he has dyed his hair yet again. It's no longer blue and has now turned green but he some how manages to pull it off as always. He's also very tall and very muscular. He's ripped underneath that hoodie but yet doesn't show it off. He should because I swear he would have a trail off guys all over him.
He runs over to me and I am pulled into a bone crushing hug just like every single day. I let out a chuckle. "Hi to you too, Elliot." I say gasping for air as I hug him back.
"It's always great to see you! it's been a whole two days!" Elliot jokes. He ruffles my hair while he says this and I send him a wide grin but I was soon going to reply until someone cuts me off.
"Okay! Enough chit chat and get to work, sweethearts!" Wendy walks out the kitchen clapping her hands together. She politely smiles at us and I nod with a grin.
"Yes, Wendy." I mock salute.
"Yes, mum." Elliot mumbles at the same time and salutes her as well.
Elliots mum and dad own the diner. His family and my family grew up together. Its a family business that will be passed down to Elliot and then to his children and then to their children....You get the point. But yes, Elliot's dad is the boss so I guess that's why he can get away with wearing his hoodie although his mother does give him a disapproving look.
I put my bag through the back and Clip on my name badge and collect a notepad and pen and get to work straight away. Elliot has covered mostly everything so I take the food out to the awaiting customers with a huge smile on my face.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Time flies and it's late afternoon and Im currently taking an order from a little family. It's been a busy day but finally the diner is a little more quiet now so I have room to breathe. Of course Elliot has given up and is now sitting at the counter reading a magazine and ignoring his mums protest for him to do something. In his defence there is really nothing to do. Once I am finished writing down their order, I walk away heading towards the kitchen to give Greg the order when the bell chimes signalling new customers have come in. Well, it's only fair Elliot gets this order
I look around to welcome the customers but once I actually see who it is my heart drops a little.
Shit. It's Alex and the rest of the boys. Although, I can't help the two new additional members, Tori and Perri. This shouldn't be a big deal but to me it is because they sort of don't know I have a job and I have been lying to them. Whoops?
They can't know I'm here. Of course I'm not ashamed of the job but when my best friends don't have jobs because their families are rich enough to afford everything leaves me feeling a little out of place.
Today, Perri and Tori wanted to hang out but I said that I was busy with family stuff and couldn't come. The only downside to having this job is that I rarely get to see my friends outside of school. Well, until now apparently. I swear they have never been here before. Maybe, one of the boys have and I didn't even notice.
Wait hold on the boys? since when does Perri and Tori hang out with them? Well, at least I was first choice. It's understandable. I couldn't hang out but the best thing about my friends is that I still get an invite no matter what so I know I'm wanted. Although. I didn't know these guys were so friendly with each other...
I push the thought aside because I have a huge dilemma on my hands right now.
What do I do?
I notice that they are looking around for a table and that's when I realise I am in plain sight. My eyes widen and I begin to freak out. Quickly, I rush to the kitchen knocking over the knives, forks and spoon tray on the counter by accident and leaving a huge clatter behind me and head into the kitchen and hand the order to Greg. At least from here I can spy on Alex and everyone from the safe comfort of the kitchen.
I watch as they all converse with each other and it actually looks like they are all having fun. Suddenly, Perri looks around and looks towards the kitchen. My eyes widen and I freak out and the first thing I do is pick up An empty frying pan and put it out in front of me to hide my face.
I make very rash decisions during my moments of panic. I'd rather not let my friends know I have been lying to them. That's the part I'm most ashamed about. I wish I just told them about my job as soon as I got it because I know they will be hurt by the lies I have told.
"Aria? what are you doing?" I hear a deep voice say next to my ear with amusement in his voice. I weakly smile and slowly bring the pan down past my eyes but keep my nose and mouth covered.
Turning around, I see Greg looking at me funny with a questioning look as he points to the pan and continues to cook the bacon in front of him.
"Sorry, Greg." I chuckle. "Its just My friends are here and they don't know I work. I lied saying I was doing something else. They don't have jobs so I guess I'm a little nervous on what they will think." My voice gets quieter towards the end of my words. Greg pulls me in to a quick hug and I sigh in relief and hide my face away.
"Don't worry kiddo, everything will be fine. If they think differently of you then they were not friends in the first place, but I'm sure it will be okay. Just go talk to them and I'm sure they will understand." Greg pats me on the back and takes the pan from my hands and puts it down. I send Greg a frown once we pull away from the hug.
"Can I at least keep the pan please?" I ask sheepishly and Greg chuckles shaking his head at my words resulting on me letting out a groan of annoyance.
"That's would be a no." greg says and I smile with a small chuckle.
"Ugh fine" I say amused. Greg turns away to get back to cooking while I take a deep breath In and out, preparing myself to go out there.
Why am I even over reacting? They are my friends. Well Tori and Perri are. The boys? Pfft I barely know them so why should I care what they think. Im just dreading how awkward it's going to be.
I exit the kitchen and quickly tidy up the knives forks and spoons I dropped and shove them in the washing tray. Elliot just casually watches me with a smirk.
I send him a glare. "Want to take that table since you are doing absolutely nothing."
He holds his hands up in surrender. "Not really. That's one of your tables and also," he holds up the broomstick. "If I don't tidy, my mum threatened to take my phone away."
I roll my eyes but grab a notepad and pen from the counter anyway and head towards their table that's situated at the corner of the diner. They are deeply engrossed in their conversation so I let out a fake cough to get their attention and swallow the lump in my throat and take a deep breath In and out. "Hey, welcome! What would you like today?"
They all look at me with surprised faces and shock. It was like they couldn't believe their eyes at he sight of me which makes me feel worse. I knew I should have stayed hidden and maybe they would have left!
"You work here?" Perri questions me, looking around while I try to calm my breathing as I watch everyone stare at me.
I nod slightly not knowing what to Say. The words wouldn't come out of my mouth.
"How come you have a job and we didn't even know?" Tori asks. Before I could reply she's talking once more. "Why didn't you tell us? Why did you lie about having a job? We don't lie to each other." Tori is the next one to speak up. She looks a little hurt and now I feel guilty.
"I just got it recently!" I quickly lie even though I knew I shouldn't have. "I just wanted to get used to it. Plus, you guys don't have jobs and I felt like if you guys knew you would leave me out on more things. I'm sorry for lying to you guys." I say quietly looking down at my notepad. At least I told some truths.
Tori scoffs. "That's stupid. Of course we wouldn't."
"Yeah. Why would you ever think that?" Perri speaks up. "We would never leave you out. Just because you got a job doesn't mean we will leave you out. We will just make plans after your shift. Just please, don't feel like you have to lie to us. We are your best friends."
Everyone nods their head in agreement and what surprises me more is that even the boys agree.
I smirk and raise an eyebrow. "So I guess I should be getting used to you guys being around more often."
The boys all grin, especially Alex.
"Hey, we didn't want to at first." Caleb speaks up.
"Yeah, Alex was forcing us but then we got to know you guys." Ryder continues on.
"And we kind of like you." Alfie finishes and I smile. "I guess that's because you hated us and that's something these guys aren't used to."
I turn to face Alex Who is glaring at the boys for outing him. "I'm flattered."
Alex turns at the sound of my voice and leans back causally on his chair and changes the subject. "Since you work here and all, do we get a discount and maybe a few free meals?" Alex questions with a smirk. I shake my head in amusement while everyone else smiles.
I glare at him but a smile creeps on my face in the end which Alex sees but I try to cover it up and replace it with a cough.
"Don't push your luck." I roll my eyes.
Alex smiles at me and it's even a genuine smile for once but he quickly covers it up.
Alex really meant it when he said he was interested. Him and the boys haven't left us at lunches, breaks and class. We sort have gotten used to them clinging onto our backs. Now they are hanging with Perri and Tori our side of school? Even if I don't want I think I'm going to have to start accepting they aren't going anywhere...although you can never be quite sure.
I smile and I take their orders one by one and write it down in my little notepad.
Before I leave I ask Tori and Perri a question that I have been dying to know since they arrived in the diner and has been at the back of my head since.
"Since when are you hanging with these guys outside of school?" I ask curiously, raising an eyebrow towards them while they chuckle.
"Honestly?" Perri begins. "There are not that bad. They are actually quite fun." Perri says play fully rolling her eyes. I hear Tori snicker as the boys smile proudly at her words.
I glance around the booth to see Caleb grinning widely and hide my smirk. I guess the boys are going having fun too.
"I guess but wouldn't you guys have more fun with your own kind? The popular people?" I ask.
Alex shakes his head. "They aren't as interesting as you, Sunshine. They are all the same but there's one of you."
I ignore the blush on my cheeks. "So I guess I will be seeing more of you guys?"
"You can count on it." Caleb smirks. "Say hello to your new best friends."
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Once they are done, I clear up their dishes and take them to the kitchen To be washed and I go back out and head over to the cashier. My friends all pay for their meal one by one.
"You still look unconvinced."
Alex appears out of no where as I notice everyone else walking out the door. "You should catch up with them."
"You know, if you gave us a chance like Perri and Tori did you would have fun." He smirks. I nod, wiping down the counter.
"Maybe." I mumble. "Can't help but be slightly suspicious though. You guys are very popular while us girls are basically non-existent. Why notice us now?"
Alex nods, understanding where I'm coming from. "Everyone was so fake. I wanted to get out and when I met you, you were the only one to say it how it is."
"What? Because I called you conceited? That's why you won't leave me alone."
"Partly, also because you girls are fit as fuck." Alex leans on the counter.
Abruptly, I stop wiping the counter and look up at him with wide eyes and a blush. Alex tries so hard not to burst out laughing at my reaction and I quickly go back to wiping the counter for a distraction.
That was VERY out the blue.
"Wow." I mumble under my breath.
"Okay, but seriously. Would it be that bad to be friends with us?" Alex stops his laughing fit and I slowly gaze up at him to see he is mostly serious. "Hanging out with you guys was actually fun. Most people in school don't even know what that is."
I sigh and cross my arms over my chest. "Whatever my answer is, it won't matter. You will still cling onto us."
"Probably." He smirks. "But mostly you."
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
It's eight o'clock and its the end of my shift and I go to collect my pay from Wendy and head home after saying my goodbyes to Elliot and his mum and dad.
Today was.....different? Once again I have Alex imprinted in my brain. He's all I can think about again. All of a sudden him and the others and bffs with Perri and Tori? Yes, we all have been hanging out, but that was mostly forced since they wouldn't leave us alone. Now, they are voluntarily hanging out. Although, I would be lying if I said hanging out with them wasn't fun.
I'm so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realise my mother was standing in the living room waiting for me. "Where is your money from your stupid little job you have!?" She shouts at me holding her Hand out flat for the money and I slightly flinch from her raised voice and her hand in my direction. "I ran out and I need to buy more drink."
Shakily, I take the money from my back pocket of my shorts and hand it over to her as she grunts. Sometimes, I can get away with keeping my money. It's not even for me, it's actually to help keep a roof over our heads. Giving it to my mum just leads to more drink on the house. Sometimes, its luck like right now where she will bump into me after my shift and demand for my money. It's rare but it happens.
"It's all I got from today." My voice is weak and my heart beats out of my chest. I swallow the lump in my throat while she nods grimly, looking down at the money since she isn't paying attention to me. She counts it all and her face becomes more red with anger as she grits her teeth slowly looking up at me. My breath hitches in my throat and my hands begin to shake in fear at the expression on her face. She's obviously ran out of drink. I can tell by the shaking of her hands and the frantic way she's pacing. This isn't good.
"What's this meant to get me huh? There's barely anything there!" She shouts, spit flying everywhere and With that being said, she grabs my hair and pushes me to the ground. I feel dizzy for a short moment until I feel sharp kicks over my body. Out of reflex, I cover my head and muffle my yelps of pain.
"Next time I want more! Okay." She shouts. "At times like these I really wish your father would have taken you away." She mumbles. I am too afraid to look up at her so I keep my head hidden in my arms. With that being Said I hear her walk away and a door being slammed shut and I flinch at the noise.
Without sparing a second, I get up and rush to my room afraid of her coming back with something worse. I try to ignore the pain to the best of my abilities as I barricade my bed room door. It's only the evening but I'm trapped in my room for the rest of the night. Thank god, I ate something at the diner.
I hop into the shower and I stay in there for a while thinking about everything and I mean everything that comes to mind. I allow the warm water to run over my body and relax, soothing the pain. This is the only time I get to myself.
After stepping out, I put my fluffy pyjamas on and I was just about to get into bed to read a book when my phone rings out. Who the hell is calling me? I grab my phone and look at the name on screen and smile, answering the phone.
"Hey, Cam. Its been a while. I miss you." I answer.
He chuckles on the other side of the line. "Hey there, Aria. I miss you too! Sorry, I couldn't talk the last couple weeks. Dad and I have been really busy with a lot of stuff. We are currently having a spring clean and guess what I found!?" He rambles.
I can feel the grin spreading on my face. The only moments where I'm truly happy, beside Tori and Perri, is when my brother calls. When he first moved with dad he used to call everyday since he lives quite far away so visits aren't really possible which is actually a good thing. Although, those calls started to decrease since now we are both so busy with our own lives. We are lucky to get a call every few weeks.
"Your dignity?" I say sarcastically with a smile on my face.
"Ha ha very funny." He says dryly and I giggle. "But no. I found a video of me, you and Mason performing "we are family" in our Halloween costumes with fake microphones when we were young!" He says happily and As soon as he says Mason's name my mood falters but I don't let Cameron know.
I don't want to put a downer on our talk.
"No way!" I say shocked as I hear him laugh in return. "It was fun! I remember that day so well."
"I know. I watched it back with dad and he loved it! So did I to be honest. But we never speak of it outside the family, okay? Or I will make you regret it." He says seriously. I roll my eyes since I know its an empty threat.
I just laugh it off.
"Fine but I'm happy to know I can use it as leverage." I tease. "That reminds me! When are you coming to visit? I know it's quite far but a weekend trip?." I cross my fingers on my lap hoping that he won't turn me down again.
Although, mother is...well, I'm sure one weekend she can try to be sober.
I hear him sigh which isn't good. "I know and I'm sorry but school is important. I'm on my final year too you know but don't worry. I'm coming soon but, Aria I have to go now okay? bye! I love you." He say excitedly and my smile falters at his words.
I should have expected that by now.He has been doing it for a year.
"Okay." I say, acting just as happy. "Bye cam. I love you too." I say to him smiling and fall back on my bed in a slump.
With that being said I hung up.
Cameron always seems to cheer me up when I'm down. Sometimes, I wish I could confide in him about mum but I obviously can't do that. Plus, he's so oblivious anyway since he acts like mine and Mason's relationship is fine but its not and it never will be after what he did.
I have two brothers but I like to act that I only have one. Mason...well, I try so hard to forgive him but I can't because what he did just comes flooding back and all the lives he hurt.
My family is pretty dysfunctional.