School, easy enough right? Walking down the corridor is just a constant reminder of why I can't wait to leave and go to college. Not the local college but one preferably far away where they don't even know this town even exists.
Quickly, I scan my arms and pull out my phone to check my face and neck to see my makeup covered everything. Walking from my house to school is a sweat and I don't want any make up running off. The forty five minute walk is not fun for me but I guess it keeps me fit. That's a downside to living on the southside of town. Too bad I don't have a car...
It's fine, I mean my makeup. It's all good and luckily I notice Perri and Tori by my locker.
"Hey guys!" I join then and open my locker to collect my books.
"Hey Aria!" They say in unison and I slam my locker door shut and turn to face them to see they have wide grins on their faces. Totally not weird at all....I take my bag and shove my books in with a struggle and I hear Perri and Tori snicker.
Thank you for the support guys....
I shouldn't be surprised at their twin act. Tori and Perri practically look alike even when they aren't related in any way whatsoever. They both have beach blonde hair that reaches below their shoulder in little blonde curls, the same height, weirdly, the same nose and the same pale skin complexion. You know that theory where somewhere out there someone will look exactly like you? Well, Tori and Perri are very close but there's distinctions between them of course. Its just if you saw them both from behind you could never tell who's who. Just look at their names though!
They have been my best friends since nursery and we have been through everything together and nothing can come between us. It's too bad that once we graduate and leave school I'll be leaving them too. I wish they would leave too but they are home birds. It's fine, just stick with the plan.
"Oh my goodness guess what!?" Perri says excitedly jumping up and down and I can already guess she has gossip to share. I stand back up with my bag on my back and send her an amused smile. Perri likes to stay in the loop. The more she knows, the more happy she will be. Usually, it's not her fault. She will accidentally overhear something or someone will tell her and it kinda just slips out her mouth to us. Perri is a very talkative and bubbly person. Everyone loves her and she loves everyone. She's really a little ball of sunshine. Sometimes it sickens me.
I give Perri a look, raising one off my eyebrows motioning for her to continue. "What now?"
"Alex Flynn is single. Its surprising really since he looks like a freaking God." She says dreamingly, probably picturing him in her mind. "Although, I have to admit his friend Caleb is more my type but you can't deny they are both hot."
Okay...Why should I care about this?
"Im sick to my stomach since I actually agree with you for once." Tori replies with wide eyes, not quite sure what to think.
Perri sends her a glare. "What's that meant to mean?"
"Nothing. It's just agreeing with you makes me want to fork my eyeballs out."
Suddenly, they start arguing about....actually, I don't know what they are arguing about. It's moments like these where you can really tell how different they are in their personalities. Tori is the complete opposite of Perri. She's more laid back and chill, tends to be a bit more quiet and a little intimidating. That's why they seem to clash a lot but these are harmless little arguments. It makes the group a whole lot more interesting though.
Just like any other argument they have I ignore it and turn away, unnoticed and walk to my first class. We usually ignore Perri's daily gossip because it's about people we don't really know. Perri talks to everyone while myself and Tori only talk to each other and Perri. Its the same in this situation because I don't know who Alex even is or Caleb so why stay around. Does he even go to this school? Should I know him? Perri does and even Tori does too.
Am I that anti-social? I wouldn't necessarily call it that. I barely have time for my own two friends and they are enough for me.
I push these thoughts away and enter English class and let the rest of the morning consume me, successfully forgetting about Perri's gossip.
• • •
Water and an orange is all I could afford for lunch.
I gaze down upon the two items that lay in each hand and sigh. It's better than nothing like some other days. Quickly, I glance around the cafeteria to see it packed with students desperately trying to get their lunch or desperately eating it before someone else asks for a piece. It's so primal in here I want to barf. Luckily, my gaze lands on the two people I was looking for who thankfully, found a table in the corner and away from all the noise and commotion.
That's why they are my friends.
"Hey girls!" I say, sitting down and start to peel my orange and place it in a neat pile.
"Hey!" They reply in unison once again making me roll my eyes.
Seriously? Do they have to?
I raise my eyebrow at them holding my orange slice mid way to my mouth and shake my head towards them. "Okay, guys? you seriously need to stop doing that. It freaks me out."
How can two people be so alike but at the same time aren't?
"It's not intentional." Perri teases. "Anyway, change of subject but I sadly seen Jade today and it just reminded me of how much I really dislike her."
Both myself and Tori laugh at this but we both can agree as well. It's all part of her daily gossip. She likes to fill us in on what the 'Popular' people are up to.
"Seriously though! She is such a Bitch!" My eyes widen at her sudden aggression and I can't help but share a look with tori who is equally shocked. What happened to Perri? Being angry is usually Tori's job. "When I saw her She was bullying Travis today. Something about his mum when she knew fine she's sick and in hospital. I couldn't help but get mad so I may have went up to her and my hand may have made contact with her face with a lot of force." Perri mumbles the last part but I hear it as clear as day.
Tori face is shocked but lightens up with amusement and high fives Perri and they both give of wide grins. Perri slapped someone! Not just someone but Jade! I may not know people but I definitely know of Jade.
"What did she do after?" I can't help but question.
"Nothing really. She did that weird thing where she tried to get her words out but nothing was happening so she was just opening and closing her mouth like a fish. She then got more embarrassed and stormed off."
Wow. Perri is amazing! Now that was a shock to the system. Is Tori rubbing off on her?
Jade is the queen bee around here. Can I even call her that? Is it even a thing anymore? I don't really give much attention. What I do know is that she is pretty and tends to get the boys attention a lot which you can't deny she enjoys. She's intimidating I won't lie and I try to avoid her as much as possible. Luckily for me, we never have talked ever. Girls want to be friends with her to avoid being on her bad side. She wears slutty clothes which screams "I'll sleep with anyone." I'm all for girls supporting girls but she's a bully. I don't have time for bullies. Rumour has it (Thanks to Perri of course) that recently her latest boyfriend broke up with her but for what reason I don't know. Can't help but salute him though for getting away but at the same time I can't help but think how desperate and dumb he has to be to go out with her. She likes to act as if she's a local celebrity and will put people down to boost herself up.
Even her appearance couldn't be anymore cliche. She has long wavy blonde hair, green eyes and tanned skin. She's also tall with legs so long that I'm slightly jealous. Her figure small but the places that matter to boys are...let's say eye catching. You can't deny she's pretty though.
I'm glad Perri stepped in and done something. I'm not a fan of violence but you can't change what's been done.
"I'm glad you stepped in." I nod. "I just feel bad for Travis. He is so nice! He doesn't deserve it"
He's a little computer loving genius. I worked with him on a project and I just don't see why Jade has to pick on him. He's possibly the nicest boy I've ever met and this school is full of misogynistic assholes. Maybe, I will go check on him later.
"Ahhh as usual you are always thinking off other people's feelings. You're too nice for you own good, princess." I hear a low voice from behind me which I did not expect.
Are you freaking serious?
Anger soon takes over as a mental image of the boy behind me comes into my mind. A perfect example of the misogynistic assholes I was talking about.
I could recognise his voice from anywhere. I have been hearing it for nearly a year, whispering sweet nothings in my ear, making me feel happy and important. Now, his voice just sets me off on a rampage and i havent even talked to him yet. I look to see Perri's and Tori's face filled with anger and it just makes it real.
Better face the music. It was only a matter of time anyway. I turn around in my seat and stare at him with a death glare. He has a smug, little, smirk planted on his face which just makes the situation worse. How can he be so smug? What an asshole!
Whatever, I can muster up a pretty good glare if I do say so myself.
"Yeah, if I can recall from our time being together its something you don't do. You never think off others, Charlie, do you? It's all about you all the god damn time." I say harshly standing up to face him. I cross my arms over my chest and try to look intimidating but it fails. He is much more bigger and taller than I am but I stand my ground. He snickers as well as his friends that stand behind him which I roll my eyes at. It's hard to believe he told me he loved me at some point. I'm so glad I never said it back.
I also notice everyone in the cafeteria starting to turn since unfortunately, Charlie is well known, one of the popular crowd. Everyone begins to poke their nose into our business which just fills my annoyance even more.
Don't they have anything else to do? It's already known why we broke up. I'm still humiliated even if it happened a month ago. Who cares right? I am well and truly over him. I don't think I even loved him. We were heading to break up anyway but I did like him so I was hoping we could make it to graduation. He was someone I was prepared to make room for in my plan. I'm so glad I never did.
"Aww princess, that's in the past." Charlie begins in a husky voice. I watch him brush a hand through is curly brown hair, an eyebrow raised above his brown eyes. He is an attractive boy I'll give him that. He caught my eye a year ago and i thought maybe I deserve someone. I just need to not look at his muscles that are flexing right in front of me.
"I'll be honest here and say I was bored okay? It got repetitive. We would always hang at mine and it would only be for an hour. The only other time we would see each other is school and I can't exactly make out with you in class. Just give me another chance, baby?" He says smirking, running his fingers through my hair as he inches ever so closer. He's trying to be all sexy and cool but I'm really not interested. I swat his hand away and wrinkle my nose in disgust while I look him up and down in a judgemental way.
"First of all, Don't ever call me pet names again. They were never cute and honestly made me a little sick. Second of all, you were bored?! Even if I gave you another chance which I never ever will, how can I make sure you won't get 'bored' again and get into bed with another girl?! Huh? You are a sex driven manic you know that!?" I shout and shove him away from me. Now more than just a few people stare at me but I ignore it.
If I even see his face again it will be too soon. He didn't even try to talk to me after I dumped him. He was already making his way all around the girls in school. I guess I'm the last stop.
I walk past Charlie and his group of shitty friends and make my way to my next class In rush. Perri and Tori obviously want to catch up with me but I slightly shake my head and they understand.
I wish he would just leave me alone!
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
It's the end of the day and I have been in the worst mood since lunch. We all know who's fault that is. Can't he get it through his head that I am done with him? He won't stop trying!
We broke it off a month ago. Or well I did when I found out what he did. The worst part was that I went over to his house to surprise him and that's when I caught him and a naked red head in his bed.
Cheating idiot!
But.. I can't deny he was good to me. He was part of the good crowd when we started dating but towards the end become one of the assholes but he wasn't one to me. Well, you know doesn't matter anymore. He's in the past. He'll give up soon enough and find some other girl to trick into bed. I hate the fact that he was my first boyfriend. He was a good distraction from my home life and I really liked him. It's all over now.
My head is all over the place because of Charlie and that makes my walk from school back home shorter. I'm just so upset. Reaching my house in record time, I make my way in to my house and slam the front door behind me which I soon realise is a huge mistake.
My eyes widen at my action. I'm in so much trouble now. Fear soon washes over me and I frantically look around and unfortunately my gaze falls on to my mother. She stands at the kitchen door and I wince in fear. I was hoping she would be passed out in bed. She usually is.
I soon see the furious expression on my mother's face and I back away from her to escape but my back collides against the door. Panic rises up in me and my heart thumps against my chest while my mouth hangs open in shock.
I can't believe I did that. How could it have slipped my mind? Never slam the doors! How could I forget my own rule!
Over my time living here with my mum I have adjusted a routine around hers to successfully avoid her at all costs. I wake up an hour earlier before her but that's not really hard since she's crashing down from her night out with random men and booze. There's simple things to remember like what time she goes out and comes back in although sometimes she will surprise me. Also, what floorboards and steps creak to avoid them when sneaking out the house and that the living room and her room are the most dangerous points of bumping into her.
Also, always leaving the doors slightly ajar or slowly closing the front door so I never make too much noise to wake her up and get her mad.
How could I forget? I have been memorising this for years.
"I'm so-" I begin to say but I'm cut off by her almost straight away.
"Why the hell did you slam that door?! I have a headache and you made it ten times worst!" She shouts angrily, rubbing her forehead and inching ever so closer to me.
It's your own fault you are always hungover!
She makes her way to me and I just stand there frozen. I couldn't run away. I felt like i was paralysed and glued against the door. Running away just makes it ten times worse. She follows right behind me until she lets her anger out in some way. Sometimes I think she would stop and realise "what am I doing to my daughter." And she would cry and apologise and we would hug.
I can be so childish and naive sometimes.
My mother eventually stands in front of me, looking down apon me. I know what's coming but I shake with fear anyway. I try to find some way to get away but my mind is clouded with anxiety. I am quite short for my age so my mum towers over me and intimidates me more. This would be a great time for my dad to make a surprise visit.
The sad truth is I haven't seen him for nearly two years, alongside my brother.
"Please." I beg, hoping anything would work. "Im sorry." I say softly. My mother shakes her head, smiling sickly as she seems to enjoy my fear of her.
I know she has always loved having the upper hand. When she had her old job, she was boss and that's the way she liked it. She knows she has full control over me so that's her enjoyment. She loves having power whether that at work or now at home.
Looking down at the ground, I wait for the blow which comes almost immediately. There's a sharp pain in my stomach indicating she punched me and I muffle my scream. I clutch my stomach as a burning sensation takes over and bend over from the blow. My mother soon takes advantage of my state and slaps me across the face and I let out a tiny wince. The pain is unbearable. I stumble to the ground a little but get back up again just for her to tightly grab my arm and twist it.
"Get out of my sight before I do something I won't regret." She shouts in my ear. I'm terrified of her and what else she would do next since I know she won't hesitate to do anything. There's no hesitation as I do what she says and run to my room and lock the door behind me making sure she couldn't get in. I even put a chair against it just to be extra safe.
I stand in the silence, my hand against the door breathing heavily and trying to hear if she followed me. A couple minutes pass and I think it's safe to say she's passed out on the couch again. My gaze catches my arm to see that she manages to rub my makeup off and now a giant purple bruise starts to show. In the mirror beside me I notice how red my cheek is from where she slapped me and I take a deep breath in and out.
I don't cry. I never cry. Instead, I pull myself together and ignore the pain. It's only temporary, it will go away. Isn't that what my mum says when she's slightly sober? It's very rare though.
I pull myself together and take a shower and I carefully avoid touching very painful areas. Luckily, old bruises are fading but I feel as though new ones will appear. It appears to be an endless cycle.
The plan is too make it through the rest of my education. I only have a year. Then, once I'm eighteen I'm out of here and getting help for my mum. Right now I can't afford to do that or I'll be taken away and it messes everything up. I just need to lay low, stick to my routine and I'll get there. I have a job, it helps to pay bills alongside my mums benefits. Luckily, at the diner I work at are family friends so extra hours aren't hard to get if I need them. That's mostly where all my time goes so maybe it's best if I stick to two friends and no boyfriend. Charlie was right I barely had time for him but it's not an excuse for him to cheat on me. He's just one less problem now. It's a mark off my checklist. Break up with Charlie. It was just sooner than expected.
I had a chance to leave with dad and my brother. It was before my mum turned violent so back then I thought I was doing the right thing. I didn't want her to be alone after the divorce. Now, it's too late. I can't go to him. He can't find out what Mum turned into. It's not like we speak much anyway. He moved quite far and it seems like they forgotten me. I'm lucky to even get one call a month. My life is here anyway. It's not much of one but I have commitments here.
For the next few hours I stay in my room and skip dinner. I'm not risking going downstairs although all I ate today was an orange at lunch. Usually, I skip breakfast. Luckily, I have a few books to pass the time. I've read them multiple times but it's better than nothing.
A year. Only a year left.