This morning I didn't have the best start. I accidentally slept through my alarm which was a huge mistake. Another one? Seriously? At least this time it technically wasn't my fault. However, it's still as bad.
A stinging sensation erupts over my cheek making me awake abruptly. I bolt up from my bed in a state of confusion and delusion. When my mum comes into focus I soon realise what happened. My alarm is going off and won't stop and I turn to see my mum with a furious look on her face and start to put the pieces together.
I'm late. I managed to sleep through my alarm which is shocking to me and what's worse is that it woke my mum up. My stupid alarm woke her up and now she's mad and I'm scared. Great. I just feel like I'm constantly walking on eggshells and it's torture.
"Shut off the damn thing!" She screams throwing her arms around and i flinch everytime they come near me. I scramble for my alarm clock and fiddle with it in my shaky hands until I finally manage to switch it off. Silence consumes us and I'm trying to avoid her gaze but also try to keep an eye on what's she's going to do. I feel like a kid who stole from the sweet cupboard. Right now all I know is that's she's annoyed since she presses her fingers against her forehead and sighs. "Now get the fuck out my house."
With that I get another slap to the face which I wasn't expecting but this time I feel her ring make contact with my face as well which hurts even more. I let out a gasp of pain and cradle my cheek in my hands and watch her leave the room while frozen in place.
At this point soon I'm not going to sleep at all. Caution. That's the most important rule. Everything you do in this house do it with caution. My hand makes contact with my cheek and it's warm so must be pretty red. What I didn't expect to see was blood on my hand when I retracted it. Her ring must have scratched my face. Without wasting any time I'm already out of bed and grabbing clothes from left and right. Knowing she's somewhere in the house seething it's best to get out of here as fast as possible. Im dressed and have brushed my teeth. There's no time for hair and I feel myself frantically running about my room trying to remember everything with my mum still in thought.
I just got to go. I can't be in this house one more minute.
I grab my stuff and go downstairs quietly, avoiding those creaky steps. At least I got one thing right. To further my own luck I notice my mum is not in sight which means she's back in her dump of a room. I'm not even going to risk grabbing breakfast and just head out, shutting the door with caution.
It's fine. The hardest part is over.
Once im breathing in the fresh air of the outside world is when I take a deep breath of relief. I'm successfully out the house without any additional pain to what I already have. That's an achievement in my books.
At times like these I really need a car. I'm so late to school. Once my feet hit the pavement is when I start running. My feet pound on the concrete as I desperately try to make up for lost time. My mind is racing all over the place, recounting my morning and that's when a sudden thought comes into my brain and my feet come to a brief stop.
Shit. I swallow the huge lump in my throat.
There's no makeup on me. I forgot to put my make up on to cover my bruises! My eyes gaze down at my body to see I'm wearing baggy clothes which is really good since I'm mostly covered but I do have that new addition on my cheek.
I'm such an idiot. What is up with me this week?!
I cant go back to my house. I'm already nearly at the school and plus I'm not going to risk bumping into my mum. She's already angry enough. There's still the problem that I can't go to school with my huge scratch and the slight bruising on my neck. Will anyone believe that I was in a fight? Definitely not. Questions will be asked and judgments would be made. I make a desicion and I keep running down the road but make an abrupt left instead of right to go to the shops. Luckily, I always have money on me but only a small amount.
I can't be so careless when it comes to something so important. I can't afford to do this.
As I run, I dig into my pockets to see a ten pound note and thank the Lord.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
I exit the shop bathrooms after putting the concealer on my cheek after I payed for the cheapest one. Usually, I buy the more expensive one to over my bruises but couldn't afford it today. Luckily, I only have to buy it every few months. I also cleaned my scratch since I forgot to this morning. Apparently, I had dried blood on my cheek and didn't even notice. I didn't even get to check my face this morning but luckily, the scratch isn't too bad. It's small and just on my jawline, it's long but you need to be very up close to see it. Thankfully, the bruises on my neck were fading so this concealer will just about do the job. Unfortunately, I begin the run back to school.
If I don't have a six pack after this I'll be very surprised.
Reaching the school as fast as possible, I slow my running to a fast walk and rush into the school as fast as my little legs could take me while I swing my bag in front of me. I try to get my planner out but suddenly, without looking where I was going, My body bumps into a steady figure which was like a freaking brick wall. The ground comes in contact and my stuff flies everywhere around me. Perfect! This day couldn't get any worse!
Frustration is all I feel now while frantically try to grab all my papers and organise them together. "Goodness! Watch where you are going would you? I'm even more late now." I sigh still gathering my papers. "Also! Why are you walking in the middle of the path? People entering walk on the right and those exiting walk on the left. Is that a concept too hard to grasp for you?" I know I shouldnt be saying this but I'm irritated by after my morning I can't help it. I don't even bother to look up at them. Instead, I give up on organising everything and just shove it all back in very messily. I will just sort it out later when I have the time.
standing back up, I dust myself off and turn my head up to face my "brick wall" to only see a boy, around my age staring back at me.
I have come to the conclusion he is stupid. Although, that smirk he is wearing is slightly attractive. Actually, I can't help but admire his strong build, messy brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. No wonder I bumped into him, he's basically towering over me. I didn't even realise my mouth fell open.
Quickly, I close my mouth and muster up a hard glare and send it his way.
All he does is chuckle. "Technically, You bumped in to me so its your own fault that you are late. Also, to bump into me you would also have to be walking in the middle of the path." When he says this to me I can see the pride in his face for having one up on me.
Okay, so maybe I was walking in the middle too but class has already started so I didn't expect to meet anyone. I try to think of something else to say but I can't help but notice he picked up my brown sketchbook and my hand itches to have it back.
Stupid boy who also looks like a freaking God!
"No one likes a smartass." I mumble in response. He looks taken back at my words as if no one has ever insulted him in his life but he looks amused at the same time. "Glad we had this chat but could I please have my note book back."
I make a grab for my book but he immediately pulls it away. "Sorry if this sounds very conceited but I have to don't know who I am?" He asks with a questioning look, putting my book behind his back and blocking it from my view and I groan in response.
Well thats great!
"Well it does sound conceited but to answer your question, No. I don't know who you are and quite frankly, I don't really want to get to know you so if you would excuse me and give me my book back it would be great and then we can ignore each other for the rest of our existence." I almost shout and try to reach for it once more. I try to get around him but he stops me. "Are you serious?" I mumble under my breath.
"I'm Alex Flynn. Pretty much everyone here knows me." he says trying to get me to remember him. I give him a confused glare and Shake my head at his conceited comment. "Wow, this is a shock to the system."
Wait but his name does ring a bell....
Wait I think Perri and Tori mentioned him yesterday about him being single. Hey, by the looks of things Im not even surprised. He loves himself so much that he doesn't need a girlfriend. No wonder he is single. He's rude and very in love with himself. Although, he is hot so I guess he has that going for him. Plus, I'm pretty sure he has had his fair share of girls with his conceited ass.
"Well, I don't and I really need to get to class so please give me my book back." I beg, trying to get past him but he blocks me once again.
What is he trying to achieve here?!
I gaze up at him to see a smirk on his face. "Why are you so rude? When someone introduces their self the other person introduces them self back you know? It's called manners." Oh? So he's playing the smartass card? Well, that's infuriating.
What does he know about manners? He's the one being rude. I'm a stranger and he's being a dick.
"First of all, smartass." I hold a finger up while he chuckles at what I said but I ignore him. "You don't have any manners so you don't have the right to say that and two." I hold up a second finger. "If I let you know my name can you please give back my book?" I sigh, giving up. I'll do anything at this point.
He weighs his options and eventually nods. "Okay. Sure, why not." He smirks and I just want to wipe that smirk off his face.
Because It's annoying, and also strangely attractive.
"Fine." I smile sarcastically. "My name is Aria, nice to meet you." I put on a nice act which he sees right though since I can see the amusement on his face. "happy now? Can I please have my book back for goodness sake?" I say holding out my hand flat waiting for him.
"Well then, Aria. Its nice to meet you, too." Alex says. Instead of giving me my book back, however, he decides to open it up and look through my sketches taking his god damn time.
"Did I say you could do that?"
Alex ignores my words but comes to an abrupt stop in my book and gazes down at a sketch. "You are really good." He points to my book. "I quite like this one." He shows me my sketch of a little bird on a branch and I smile.
Okay that maybe got him a few brownie points.
I remember sketching it. My mum was crashing around downstairs and I immediately locked myself in my room in case she decided to... Anyway, I was gazing out the window and I saw it, it was so close since the branch extended to my window. It saw me and wasn't even scared so I quickly grabbed my book and begun sketching.
I sketch because it passes time. I don't have anything else but I like it. It also helps me forget or express things or whatever.
"Thanks." I mumble, grabbing it back and ignoring the blush that has appeared on my cheeks and try to hide it from his view. I'm not very good with compliments. All I have hurled at me is insults so I'm kind of used to those.
His smirk turns into a smile and with that he steps aside. I start to walk quickly away with my little feet but he soons stops me and grabs my arm. However, he accidentally presses on my bruises and involuntarily I flinch.
Alex sees that and immediately retracts his hand. He's curious but also I can see he's sorry. "Are you okay? Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't even realised I grabbed you that hard."
"You didn't." I quickly mumble out. "I-I I'm just sensitive."
God, really? That was seriously the first thing that popped into my head? Even Alex looks a little skeptical but accepts it well because I'm a stranger.
Usually, I'm a good liar. I have been doing it for years. I'm sensitive? Ugh that couldn't be further from the truth.
"Are you sure?-"
"Yes!" I cut him off. "Now, I really need to get to class Mr popular Alex Flynn so I'll be going now. Hopefully, we will never have to see each other again."
I expect him to be offended which was my aim but surprisingly he chuckles. "Well Aria, I seriously Hope we get to see each other again."
I scoff, not even bothering to react and walk away and definitely don't look back even if I feel his gaze on me.
Who does he think he is? God! This school really is full of assholes. It doesn't even matter. It may have been a very weird encounter but I definitely won't be seeing him again so really I have nothing to worry about. This was just a fluke meeting I'm sure. I have gone this long with seeing him. Who even I introduces them self like that? Everything about his just screams asshole!
It's fine! I'm not even going to waste another thought on him. We will forget about eachother after first period.
I'm sure of it.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
"So this weekend I was thinking we could..."
I zone out of Perri and Tori's conversation since I'm more concentrated on the Apple I'm eating but also since there isn't a point. I won't be able to come out with them anyway so I'll make up an excuse last minute.
Instead, my eyes gaze around the cafeteria, watching people laughing and talking to one another and the noise bursting my ear drums. Sometimes I wish we could sit outside but Perri and Tori always complain. My thoughts however aren't straying away from Alex Flynn. I know what I said but it's hard to forget someone so infuriating who ruined my morning. I may also be thinking about how he is kind of attractive and find myself agreeing with Tori and Perri who were talking about him yesterday. Although, that's only a fraction. I'm mostly thinking about why he hopes to see me again while I Hope I never have to see him again.
One of us will get their way.
Of course it's not me.
My eyes catch him coming towards our table and my brain delays a little in realising the situation. Instincts tell me to quickly look away, acting as if I didn't see him. An idea pops into my head once I look over at Tori. This will be embarrassing but I have no other choice. Quickly, I stand up and hide behind Her to which she gives me a questioning look.
This is probably weird but I will do anything to get out this situation. I really don't want to talk to Alex.
"Uhh guys." Perri calls, glancing to her left and back at us. "Why is Alex and the rest of the guys coming over here? Aria, do you know anything about this? You know, since you are hiding like a manic?" She questions me, slightly nervous.
I shake my head. "I don't but on a completely different topic, could you please hide me and pretend I'm not here?"
They share a look of confusion between them but nod.
"Aria." I hear his voice ring out. "We know you are there. Clearly, hide and seek isn't your forte so come on out. I can assure you we don't bite." He says like he is talking to a five year old and I can't help but roll my eyes.
Maybe if I stay here he will go away? No, I'm the idiot here. Why the hell did I do that?
Slowly, I come out of hiding and look up to see them all standing in a line, side my side. I shake my head and sit in my chair, avoiding eye contact with any of the boys, like they aren't even there.
What the hell are they doing here? Daringly, I gaze over to see Alex who looks so happy to be here.
"What do you want, Flynn?" I ask annoyed. Picking up my Apple, I juggle it in my hands and concentrate on that instead of the boys.
What happened to ignoring each other's existence? Did I not say that?
"Ah. I see. We are on surname base right now. Well then, Woods." My eyes widen. How did he know that? Has he been asking about me? He gives me a knowing look and continues. "I just wanted to come and say hi as we never had a proper conversation this morning and you seem....what's the word? interesting."
Why? Why is he taking note of my existence now? I didn't even notice he existed until this morning as well but do you see me looking for him in crowds like he's doing to me? No.
"Well, you said hi. You can go now" I mumble.
"Oh you are funny Aria, but sarcasm is not a good quality to have." He chuckles.
I'm not even trying to be funny. I'm just very confused about what was so interesting about our conversation this morning for him to come and bug me.
"Yeah but at least I have some unlike other people."
"What was that Aria?" He smirks motioning me to repeat what I said but I shake my head.
Just be kind and he'll go away.
"Nothing." I was going to stay quiet that is until I notice all the boys staring at me. I glance over at Perri and Tori to see them with their mouths wide open and questioning the fact that I am talking to them. I'm questioning the same thing too. "Can you explain why they are staring at me?" I ask nervously, looking at all the boys he came over here with and shift uncomfortably on my seat.
"Shit. I forgot to introduce everybody!" He exclaims but I know he doesn't mean it. "Aria, these are my friends, Caleb, Tyler, Ryder and Alfie. I think they are staring at you because I was telling them all about you so naturally they are curious just like me." He grins. "And you are one of the rare tens in this school." He quickly adds.
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "One of the rare tens?"
"Yeah, they have a scale of how hot girls are. Perri and Tori are also tens."
I roll my eyes and scoff while Perri blushes and Tori ignores them. "The testosterone is choking me."
Alex lets out a hearty laugh at my words and I try my best to stop myself from smiling too. Instead, I glance over at the boys to see them shifting uncomfortably. I would say something but I don't know who's who. I'm guessing they feel awkward too since they haven't talked to myself, Perri and Tori before. It's pretty awkward.
I look at all off them but one of them catches my eye. I think it's Ryder? While the rest are avoiding eye contact he's very interested in me.
Although, It's more curious and suspicion. It's like he's...assessing me? He's just staring directly at my...
He is staring directly at my neck. Now, unless he's a vampire which I highly doubt I think my makeup is not doing its job.
I bring my hair around my face and quickly introduce Perri and Tori to the boys as politely as I could then excuse myself. I make up the excuse of needing the bathroom and bring my bag along with me, not waiting for a response. This is what I get for buying cheap concealer.
Luckily, i think only Ryder noticed which is fine. We don't know each other so he knows it's not his business. Even though Alex is shaking sudden interest he will get bored and they will all disappear...I hope.
Luckily, the bathroom is completely empty when I walk in so I set my bag down and grab the concealer and start to apply it to my neck. It was fading a little but barely even noticeable. Ryder must just have a sharp eye. I try to make it look as natural as possible while also checking out my scratch. It's gotten redder but it's still not quite visible.
Once that is done, I take a sigh of relief and walk back outside only to bump into someone else.
"Ugh not again!" I mumble, mostly to myself.
Twice in one day.
Making sure I didn't drop anything, I look up but when I see who's in front of me is a shock. My mouth drops open to see Ryder standing before me with a look on his face that I couldn't decipher.
It's my lucky day isn't it? Did he seriously..?
I gaze at his tall, muscular figure. He has dirty blonde hair and piercing green eyes that appear to hold nothing but innocence. For some reason I believe that's false. He hangs around with Alex for gods sake, he can't be innocent. He also has a defined jawline and even little freckles that scatter across his cheeks and nose.
"Oh...hi Ryder isn't it?" He nods. "I'm just going to go to class, you know education" I say teasingly, trying to get past him but he blocks me from even stepping a foot away from him. "Sorry, I would talk more but I don't want to be late."
Ugh just like Alex! No wonder they are friends!
"Wait." He holds a hand up. "I know this might be a personal question but I couldn't help notice a bruise on your neck?" He questions me. "Just making sure you are okay because it looks pretty fresh..." My heart beats faster at his words and his suspicious look on his face. It's like he's analysing me.
"What bruise? You made a mistake. I don't have a bruise." I deflect.
"Really? I swear I saw-"
I cut him off. "Easy mistake! It was probably just the lighting in the cafeteria but see?" I show him my neck. "Completely fine."
He nods although still very confused at my clean neck. "Sorry, you must be freaked. We don't even know each other."
"It's okay. You are just being a kind person." I smile. I feel kind of bad for lying to him. "Maybe, just don't follow a girl to the bathroom again."
His eyes widen and he immediately nods. "Oh man I'm sorry. That was stupid of me. Its just when I was-" he cuts himself off. "Sorry, we don't know each other. I shouldn't poke in your business."
"It's okay. Bye, Ryder." I don't wait for his reply and immediately head to my next class.
Now that was a weird lunch.