I awaken to a quiet house, dead silence consuming me and you could probably hear a pin drop from downstairs. Due to this unfamiliar occurrence I bolt up from my bed, narrowing my eyes in suspicion and gaze around my room. This is unusual. Every morning I can hear my mother drunk off her ass, or just coming home, or she has a...let's say visitor. It is never quiet is what I'm trying to say.
I get up from my bed and stretch my arms and let out a little yawn due to the sleepy state I am still in. I make my way over to my wardrobe and put on black leggings and a top that covers my bruises and scars so it's all hidden from view and also slip on shoes and brush my hair. Shortly after, I quickly apply my makeup and but also do a subtle look on my face. As I finish up, my gaze travels to the window and notice my mothers car is gone from her usual parking space. It's gone? She's gone? The grin that makes its way to my lips is unstoppable.
She's out! I'm alone!
I let out a sigh, a wave of relief washes over me making me want to even laugh I'm that happy,
I have no clue where she is, or what she's up to but as long as she isn't here I'll be just fine. Getting ready is a breeze, I'm not in a rush and can take my time getting dressed and putting my makeup on. I may not see anyone today but I'd rather not have to look at the scars and bruises.
For once I have no anxiety or fear as I walk downstairs and head into the kitchen to actually make myself food for once. I don't need to grab something and sneak out. My stomach is growling in appreciation and in this moment in time I feel normal. Right now I can pretend I'm just heading downstairs to eat some breakfast in the kitchen. It's something I haven't been able to do so of course I try to treat myself as much as I can. When my mum does take off there's no telling when she will be back. It could be a couple days to a couple weeks so when she is gone I can be someone I'm not. For breakfast today I decide on some toast and fruit on the side and scoff in disbelief as I actually sit down at the breakfast bar to eat it.
Just when I was eating my toast the doorbell goes and interrupts which is very surprising. Who the hell? I take the toast away from my mouth and shove it back onto my plate to see I have barely ate any of it making me groan at the interruption. Really? Today? Reluctantly, I get up to answer the door with a sigh but I'm surprised once I open the door to see someone standing in front of me with that familiar smirk on his face.
My mouth opens a little in shock. "Wh-y?" I stutter out. "What do you want Flynn?" I groan giving him a glare and rest my head on the door. Alex scoffs in return but I really couldn't care since all I'm thinking about is my toast.
It's probably cold by now.
Although, I'm a little freaked out that Alex came here out the blue. What if my mum was home? I'm already starting to think ever talking to him was a bad idea. That familiar feeling of anxiety is back. Of course it won't go away for long.
Wait...How could I have been such an idiot! This is my fault for accepting that ride home. Now he knows where I live and clearly it's a terrible idea if he's going to appear out the blue. That needs to stop before it truly starts.
"Oh, im sorry sunshine to torture you with my presence" Alex says sarcastically, rolling his eyes at me. I roll my eyes in return to mock him and to also show my lack of caring to his words and hear him chuckle.
"Just get to the point on why you are here and why you are interrupting my gourmet breakfast that is plain toast, which is probably cold." I say dryly. Alex shakes his head in amusement at my words but still keeps a smirk on his face. I'd actually rather he tell me quickly so I can send him away as soon as possible and tell him to never come back.
"Well, since you are still skeptical of being friends with me I thought I would show you how great a friend I could be. I'm also not taking no as an answer." Alex states firmly crossing his arms over his chest.
I can't help but smirk. "Really?" He nods and I scoff. "You are very persistent. It's rather annoying."
"You are the only one skeptical of everyone being friends so I have taken it upon myself to change that because I'm just a nice person like that." Alex says with a smug smile while I roll my eyes, shaking my head at his lies that he calls words.
I don't know what makes me do what I did next. Maybe it's the thought that my mum could be back any minute which is actually highly unlikely but not entirely impossible or...I actually want to see if Alex is true to his words. Seriously, the boy came to my house just to hand out with me. Anyone would be curious.
Ignoring his comment, I grab my grey hoodie from behind the door and my money that was laying on the couch. It's not much but it will do. "You have one chance. Don't mess it up."
"Wouldn't dream of it." He winks. He steps aside and allows me to walk past him and in front. He shuts the door behind me and we both walk down the track.
Am I crazy for agreeing to this?
A sudden thought comes into my head and I stop in my tracks. I narrow my eyes as I glance up at Alex and he turns to face me with a confused expression on his face at my sudden change of mood.
"Are we taking your motorcycle?" I question frantically. I glance around but so far I can't see that deathtrap.
"Sadly not, sunshine." He smirks, pulling out his Keys. "We are stuck with the car." Alex states pointing over to his car and unlocks it. His car comes into view as it's parked outside the house. I nod, trying to keep my grin under control. I push past Alex and head over to his car and enter it as fast as I could like it would disappear....or turn into a motorbike.
Alex opens the car door and shakes his head in amusement as he sits down. "Wow. Don't act so sad." He says sarcastically. I smirk up at him as he puts the key into the ignition and starts the car up, making it come to life.
"I'm sorry that I'm a little happy that I'm not risking my life on your motorbike with your maniac driving." I say smiling. Alex lets out a chuckle and for some reason that makes me smile a little more.
"First of all, I do not drive like a maniac. I passed first time on my test and the driver instructor said I drive perfectly well and second of all, Don't worry. Next time I will bring the motorbike for you to enjoy." He smirks fastening his seatbelt as do I.
I'm about to retaliate but the words die in my mouth when I release what he said. Did he say next time? Why is he so sure there is a next time? I smile to myself like a maniac but i don't let him see it. He's very confident in today and that is intriguing in itself.
"I'm surprised you even passed your test, Flynn. Did you hypnotise the driver instructor or did you hold him at gunpoint until he agreed to pass you?" I tease and sit back, bringing my leg up on the seat and rest my head against it, looking at Alex. He sends me a glare at my words but I see the humour in his eyes.
"Ha ha so funny, sunshine." He rolls his eyes. "You are making me sound like I'm in a gang and for your information no I didn't. Is it so hard to believe that I am indeed a good driver"
"Like you wouldn't believe it." I grin. "Anyway, moving on. When you asked me to hang out with you, you didn't exactly say where we are going so...Where are we going, Flynn?" I ask genuinely interested.
We better be going some place good.
"Who says I'm going to tell you?" Alex smirks looking over to me but quickly back to the road. I roll my eyes and turn away to look at the road ahead of me with a glare on my face.
"Mystery." I scoff. "Did you know I hate mysteries?" I groan in frustration and let my head fall back on the seat and you could hear a loud thud.
I hear Alex let out a hearty laugh and turns the radio on. This makes me lift my head up and an idea comes to my mind. An evil smile takes over my lips and slowly turn the volume up.
hmmm maybe it's my turn to annoy him.It's payback for all the times he has annoyed me which is many, many times. I sing obnoxiously loud right in his ear. I don't care how I sound because I don't need to impress him. I've learned to really not care what people think of me so here I am screaming my lungs out.
Alex groans in annoyance and bangs his head against the seat behind him while I shout out the lyrics to the song. Although, I can't help but notice Alex trying to hide his smile which proves he is enjoying this, And that's how it is until we reach our destination.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
"The shop's?" I question looking around the many shops that line up all side by side. You could see crowds of people entering and exiting shops with their bags full of things they bought. At least it's a nice day, the sky is clear and the sun radiates down on us. I look over at Alex to see him nod with a smile at my question. "I'm not really a fan of shopping."
Because I can't afford to.
"Really?" He bites his lip, confused. "Don't all girls like shopping?" He asks.
A chuckle escapes past my lips and I cross my arms over my chest. "Wait a minute. What happened to me being different and interesting?"
"Yeah but...girls and shopping. They just go?" He tries to say this as a statement but when he looks at my expression he isn't quite sure.
"I can tell you don't do this very often." I tease.
"I'm more used to people doing things to impress me." I roll my eyes at his narcissism and he smirks. "I don't chase or try to impress girls."
"You definitely don't impress them." I mumble under my breath. Alex is about to question what I said but I cut him off. "Okay, I will walk around like two shops with you and then to repay me we can get something to eat."
He groans in annoyance. "This is a terrible start to trying to get you to be my friend."
Alex walks slightly ahead and I thank god for that since a small blush appears on my cheeks at his words. Is he really this serious?
"Well, you know what they say." I grab his hand and catch up to him. "It's the thought that counts." Alex smirks down at me and for a moment I feel my heart rate increase and my body feeling warm at his touch. I can't help but grin at the feeling.
What? I shake the thought out of my head and drag Alex to all the stores I want to go. Hey, since I am here I can look at a few things I guess. We go to a few little shops for about half an hour and but after this one we plan to go get something to eat. I haven't bought anything obviously but just walking around with Alex is okay in itself.
"Hey, sunshine." Alex calls. "This might make you look a little better." He taps my shoulder to grab my attention and I turn to see him holding a bright orange t-shirt with neon pink writing that is absolutely horrible. I wrinkle my nose in disgust and nudge him away from me and give him a hard glare at his suggestion for me to buy and wear that.
"That is disgusting. I'm offended you would think I would wear that."
"Really? Isn't this your style?"
My mouth opens in shock at the insult while Alex snickers. What do I look like? Five? Who makes t-shirts like that anyway?
"Maybe, but I think it will go more with your orange complexion." I smile playfully at him. It's his turn to open his mouth in shock while I snicker but he's just as amused.
I spot a stand of sunglasses and smile towards them. Quickly grabbing a pair, I shove them on Alex and he poses, making me laugh. He wears a pair of bright neon blue framed sunglasses that are slightly tinted and I couldn't stop laughing. He looked like a stereotypical fuckboy in the movies and it was hilarious.
"I think those are definitely your style. One hundred percent." I tease.
I see him Grab another set and shoves them on my face. He smirks while I start to pose just like Alex did. He lets out a hearty laugh while I pull out my phone and we take a few photos. After our giggle fit, we put the sunglasses back and sober up.
"Ready to get something to eat?" He asks.
I eagerly nod and pull him out the shop.
Hanging out with Alex is pretty fun actually.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
We enter Alex's car and i can't help but notice he has a smirk on his face, indicating he has got a plan up his sleeve.
This can't be good.
Alex's ideas or plans are never good.
I narrow my eyes in suspicion. "What are you up to?" I ask like I'm treading on eggshells which I probably am. Alex just keeps quiet and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion while we both fasten our seat belts.
"Alex?" I ask but I still don't get a reply which makes my heart beat faster in anticipation of what he is going to do.
As soon as he drove on to the road he suddenly increases his speed until We are well over the speed limit and I start to panic. My eyes widen once I notice the speed he is going which is way too much.
"Alex! Slow down!" I shout, gripping tightly to my seatbelt and watching everything pass in a blur. "You are proving my point form earlier! You are driving like a manic!" I shout, letting out a yelp as he speeds around the corner. Alex lets out a chuckle and just increases his speed just a little bit more which has me terrified.
"Why?" Alex smirks not even fazed by the speed he is going as to him it's a walk in the park,
"You are over the speed limit! This is dangerous! We could get in trouble." I ramble frantically looking out for cars and police officers but luckily the road is dead, well lucky for Alex, I am forced to endure this so not so lucky for me.
"Ahh you see, you are only in trouble if you get caught." he smirks and I'm taken back at his words and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"Did...did you just quote Aladdin?" I ask, giving him a confused look. He hits a bump in the road and I let out a yelp in fright.
"Maybe, maybe not!" Alex says and increases his speed a little more and I groan in annoyance, terrified for the rest of the ride.
And thats how the journey goes.
Alex scaring the crap out of me.
At least we got there pretty quick.
We enter Greg's and sit in the corner of the diner that is quite hidden. I'm still a little dizzy from the car ride and sit down, relaxing. Alex is still very amused. Soon, Elliot comes over with his new blue hair, making me smile. I just laugh at his hair and how it changes so much but once again he pulls it off really well. He had blue already but I'm glad he went back to it.
"Hey." He calls to me with a smile but then he catches sight of Alex. " hey, person I don't know. how are you both? What can I get you?" Elliot says happily holding his note pad and pen out ready to write down our order. I chuckle at his confidence and the way he addressed Alex, even he is amused.
"Hey Elliot. This is Alex my..." my what? What do I even say? Is he a friend? I'm still not sure but the word tumbled out because I don't want to be rude. "friend." I mumble. "Alex, this is Elliot."
They do a little friendly handshake while I sit and watch.
"Well, it's nice to meet you but I have to say it's a shock to see Aria have more than two friends." Elliot smirks.
I send him a playful glare while he blows me a kiss.
"Well, I'm trying to be her friend but she won't have any of it." Alex leans back in the booth.
I roll my eyes. "Could I please just have a hamburger with chips and a coke?" I ask. Changing the subject quickly.
Elliot nods and writes it down and turns to Alex. "I'll just have the same."
"I'll be right back with your orders." He rips the sheet from the pad. "Not too quickly though." Elliot sends me a wink and I send him a glare back, knowing exactly what he meant.
This isn't a date! Luckily, Alex looks completely oblivious to what he means. Men am I right?
"Thank you, my blue little smurf." I tease him.
"That's meant to be an insult but I think it's kinda cute." He replies and I can't help but agree.
"Okay." I admit. "I love you, my blue little smurf."
"And I love you, my little gremlin."
My mouth opens at his words but before I could say anything Elliot is already walking away, chuckling to himself and even Alex joins in.
"That was mean!" I call out after him but he vanished into the kitchen. Okay, that was actually quite funny.
I smile to myself and turn to face Alex who is just as amused as me. "So that's Elliot."
"He seems great." Alex leans forward, interested. "How do you guys meet?"
"He's a childhood friend. My first friend actually." I smile at the thought of me and Elliot as babies, messing around while our mother's gossip.
Crazy too think she was ever normal. I shake the thought from my head.
"Who knew you had more than two friends? I feel like you have even more secrets." He teases. I know it's a joke but I can't help but feel uncomfortable about the fact it's so true.
"Me to know, you to never find out."
Alex smirks at my words as he leans back and crosses his arms over his chest. I stay quiet as he almost studies me and fiddle with my fingers.
A minute passes until he finally speaks up. "So? I'm your friend?"
I groan in annoyance at the fact he heard that. I don't know why I said it? Maybe because it's true...I guess he's not all bad.
"Shutup." I mumble.
"No, I need my answer." He smirks. "Considering I put in a lot of effort today."
I scoff. "What? Shopping and something to eat?"
"More effort I have ever put in for a girl. like I said, I don't chase."
His words shut me up and a faint blush appears on my cheeks. Alex notices this and his smirk just broadens, almost proud of the fact he was responsible for making me nervous.
Well he is.
"Well." I begin. "It was a good day."
"Great. So your answer is yes." My eyes widen and I shake my head
"I never gave a yes or a no." I tell him. Alex shakes his head amused.
"We all know the answer is yes."
Damn you Alex.
"Whatever the answer was going to be, you would have taken it as a yes." I roll my eyes.
Maybe it was going to be a yes, or maybe even a no. Truth is I wasn't sure. Yes, Alex put in effort and for him that was a lot but he's still Alex Flynn, some random popular guy and I'm still Aria. Just Aria. I'm still going to be skeptical. Maybe he does want to be my friend and escape the toxic, fake environment he was in. Although, there's the voice in my head reminding me that he's not part of the plan. I can't afford to get close to people to only have to leave them in a year. The plan was to buckle down, not get distracted by Alex and his friends. I know I should stick to the plan and just dump Alex right now. Even when I was happy with Charlie I was never going to make an exception for him so why am i here with Alex? I feel as if he's going to mess things up and I don't know if I'm going to stop him.
Silence consumes us again but it's comfortable, however it doesn't last long. I look over at Alex who is smirking smugly which distracts me from my thoughts and I raise an eyebrow in confusion at his expression.
What is he thinking now?
"Did you like the ride?" He asks trying to hold back his laughter. I roll my eyes and lean down on the table with my head hidden in my arms and let out a groan.
"It was bloody fantastic" I mumble sarcastically and he starts to laugh and its contagious because soon I join in.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
It's late at night and once again I let the night pass too quickly. I actually stayed up for an hour or two in the living room and watched some TV but it felt weird and I couldn't stop imagining my mother bursting into the room. That's when I escaped back to my room. It seems even when my mother is gone I still find comfort in my room and that's how I spend the rest of my evening. Right now Im getting ready for bed and I go under the covers and go on my phone to check if I have any important messages or phone calls but soon enough a text comes through.
Unknown: Goodnight sunshine have sweet dreams about me ;)
I smile because I know exactly who its from. I quickly Set his name to "Flynn" and reply to him almost immediately.
Me: How the hell did you get my number?
Flynn: I have my ways.
By that he means Tori and Perri.
Great. What are they trying to do?
Me: still so damn persistent.
Flynn: Only for you.
I smile goofily to myself at his text and we stay texting until I fall asleep.
Alex Flynn texted me. I'll need to get used to that.