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Chapter 3

It's finally Friday and soon the weekend will be here but unlike other students I dread the weekend. Two whole days of being alone with my mother is not my idea of fun. My weekends are just me hiding in my room. At least school is a getaway for me. It's somewhere my mum isn't and that's bliss. I just got to suck it up.

Other than that, I have another problem which concerns Alex. Even thinking about him makes me roll my eyes. Himself and the others have been around myself, Perri and Tori a lot more often and I don't know why or what to think about the whole situation. There has to be a reason he is hanging out with us. We are not popular so why is he always around us? They will catch up with us in the hall, or sit next to us in class and come find us at lunch. It's weird.

It's also annoying that girls everywhere have been glaring at me for hanging out with Alex and the rest of the boys. I don't blame them. I even find it weird that they are constantly around us and Alex always has that stupid smirk on his face when he catches me looking at him.

It's not just the girls though. Guys have been talking to me more often and asking if I'm single since they got the idea I'm up for anything since I'm with Alex. Gross! All they get in reply is a glare and I walk as far away from them as possible.

I really do hate the attention. I really don't trust Alex, he's up to something. Although, there is one tiny little bonus. I sometimes catch Charlie staring and I can see he's angry and jealous. It's the least he deserves.

It's lunch however so I grab myself a banana and water and head towards Tori and Perri at our usual table.

"Hey dumb and dumber" I call out to them setting my stuff down on the table and send them sly smiles.

"Hey Ari- wait did you call us dumb?" Perri replies with a confused face looking from me To Tori and back to me.

"Well that's not nice" Tori mumbles hiding her smile.

I can't help but shake my head in amusement. "It was a joke guys. I'm trying out new nicknames for you guys but I probably won't go with that."

"Yeah, you better not." Perri says shoving pizza into her mouth but soon her eyes widen when her eyes land on something behind me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion when I see her blush in embarrassment and looks away quickly, trying to swallow her pizza without looking like an idiot.

What is up with he-

"Why don't I have a nickname, shorty?"


I sit up straighter at the new voice that appears behind me. I shouldn't be surprised anymore, he has been coming out the blue for the past week.

Turning around in my seat, I come face to face with the one and only Alex Flynn. He stands there, arms crossed and a smirk sitting on his lips. I also notice his friends gathering around too. Unlike the first time where they were uncomfortable now they look as though the enjoy being here. I still don't trust it though.

well isn't this fun?

"Very funny." I mutter. "Plus, I'm not short, Jerk." I reply slightly annoyed. I gaze up at him to see he is staring down at me with amusement in his eyes. Alex puts his hand on his heart pretending he was shot and stumbles back on purpose. I roll my eyes at his antics as I hear his friends snicker.

"That nearly hurt Woods, but you are kinda on the small side... what are you? Five foot?" Alex smirks standing up straight. He knows he makes me angry and annoyed and he takes advantage off that.

He nows how to push my buttons. I don't know if I should be flattered or not.

I stand up annoyed and stand right in front of him but my line of sight is in front of his chest and I Bite my lip. Okay, I accept my defeat...but not to him.

I might be short but I'm not going to admit it to him of all people.

"I'm not short." I stumble out. "You are just tall you... you giraffe." With that said I curse myself for that horrible comeback.

I push it to the back of my mind as I hear Alex chuckle, amused at the interaction. I go to sit back down on my chair for it only to be pulled away by Caleb and I groan in annoyance.

This really can't get any better.

"Seriously guys, what the hell do you want?" I glare.

Caleb smirks down at me. "Oh no. Looks like you have no where to sit but lucky for you, you can sit on my lap and then we can get to know each other." He has the courage to wink at me after he says this. I bite my lip and shake my head at him, trying to avoid the small smile that appears on my lips but Caleb sees it and he smiles even wider.

Okay, sometimes they aren't all bad. They are quite funny.

I gaze up at Caleb to see he is quite tall and skinny. He has brown hair and brown eyes and is quite pale but really attractive. Isn't this the one perri has a slight crush on? Judging by her red face and inability to look away from him I'm guessing I'm right. That poor girl.

"Let me guess." I smirk. "You are the flirt? Player?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"In your dreams." I scoff crossing my arms over my chest and I hear him snicker.

"Every night." he replies. I let out a small laugh at his words.

Alex interrupts before things can go any further. I gaze around to see everyone looks amused at my argumentative side. Even Perri and Tori are amused as well. That's when I really notice the boys. There's the ring leader Alex and his player of a best friend Caleb. Then there's a set of twins and I do know them since they are the only twins in school. They are Ryder and Alfie. Then there's one more...tyler?? Tony? I have seen him around. All I know is that he never talks. What a weird group of friends.

"So, Aria." Alex claps his hands together which grabs my attention. "I heard you are quite clever which helps me out a lot. How about you do my homework that is due for next week?" Alex says with a wicked grin on his face.

My eyes widen slightly at his words and I shift uncomfortably on my feet. I can't help but feel....sad?

So that's why they have all been hanging around? They want me to do their homework That seriously hurts. I may not know them well but comments like that hurt. Is that all I am good for? To do peoples stupid homework? For once can someone be interested in me as a friend?

I look over at Perri and Tori to see them glaring at Alex for what he just said but I shake my head.

Instead, I turn around and face Alex and shove him away from me and he tumbles back. "I am not going to do your homework for you! I am not going to be your stupid little slave so go find some other unfortunate girl." I shout at him giving him a glare. "You should have just asked in the first place so you didn't have to hang around with us. Please, can you finally leave us alone now." The sarcasm drips in my voice.

His mouth is slightly open but my eyes soon widen at what I just did.

I pushed and shouted at Alex. Quickly, I look around at Perri and Tori to see them as equally shocked as I am.

That's not me. I didn't mean to get so angry. It was a harmless shove I know but being shoved and pushed around by my own mother isn't fun.

I notice Ryder looking at with a look I cant decipher. He studies my reaction to what I just did and immediately I look away. Why must he always be so suspicious of me? It's been like this the whole week. I don't like all this attention either.

I look back at Alex who stares down at me with no expression on his face. "I'm sorry." I mutter. Quickly, I grab my bag and walk out the canteen as fast as my feet could carry me. I also notice everyone staring at me since I did shout a tad bit too loud. This just makes me walk away even faster in almost a sprint.

I pray that no one is following me. I just need to get away. Weaving through students, I say excuse me as I keep bumping into one after the other until I decide to hide out in the classroom at the end of the hall. It's the old art classroom. We got a new and improved one so this one has been abandoned for a couple of years, just collecting dust.

The door hits the wall gently and I step inside and admire the vintage vibe it goes off. The only light that shines through is the sun through the window, hitting the table and walls. I gaze around some more and spot the fact that its got a lots of books lining under the windows on the right and weird little ornaments scattered all around. There is also single desks, all in lines that look a little battered. Graffiti is on the wall but the original colour was a maroon as I can see it where the fresh paint has chipped off.

Placing my bag on the table, I walk around the room and open cupboards and drawers that release little clouds of dust as i shake it away. There isn't much in them, just old pieces of work that got shoved away.

Someone should clean up.

Something catches my attention on the back wall and I turn my head to see a huge drawing of a sunset over the ocean and it's beautiful. A small smile appears on my lips and I walk towards it. It's gorgeous. Whoever painted this is really talented. I trace my finger over the sketch and my mouth hangs open in shock.

Its so beautiful! The brush strokes are smooth and it blends together very well. The colour choices are magical. There's many shades of yellow and orange to create the sun and many shades of blue and green to create the water. It takes up the full wall and I notice the little details that make the water shimmer and the brush strokes that makes the sun almost fiery.

Who ever painted this has talent. I wish I was as good as this. I have always loved art since I was a little girl when my dad bought me a set of paint and a huge sketch pad. That's when I got into drawing and practiced it ever since. I would say I'm quite good at it but not as good as this sunset.

I love the way it expresses someones emotion through pictures instead of words. Well, I do that anyway. I draw my thoughts and emotions. It calms me down, especially from my mothers beatings and it makes me forget about it even for an hour as all I concentrate on is my drawing.

Suddenly,a pair of strong arms are put on each Side off me on the wall and a steady chest is pushed up against my back. My eyes widen and my breath hitches in my throat at the contact. I swallow a huge lump in my throat, my heart is in overdrive and tingles shoot through out my body.

"I found you." He whispers in my ear huskily as a shiver goes down my spine at the tone of his voice while his head is literally beside mine.

Turning around slowly, I am met with huge brown eyes gazing into mine. I can even see little golden flecks in then and I hate to say it but I'm mesmerised. I shake that thought out of my mind and let out an awkward cough at our situation.

"You weren't meant to follow me." I mutter, backing my whole body against the wall so I don't touch his. "I think I should go." I look away from his eyes since I suddenly feel nervous and I don't know why.

Why is he making me nervous?

"I followed you to make sure you were all right." He tells me. "What I said was a joke. I didn't mean it." Alex keeps his distance close since he doesn't bother moving at all. I slowly nod at his words in understanding. The sun shines though the window in both of us, illuminating our features.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying sorry since I did push you and shout?" I ask. Alex chuckles and shakes his head.

"No need. Trust me, I have had worse." I don't know whether to laugh or not at that so I instead just nod my head.

Alex clears his throat. "I also wanted you to know that myself and the boys have been hanging around you girls is because you guys are fun. We didn't intend to hang out with you, it was meant to be a joke but you guys are fun. Plus, when you bumped into me that morning I couldn't help but want to get to know you." Is he serious? "I'm sick of the same boring people. I can't help but want someone like you to keep me on my toes since I never know what's going to come out your mouth."

That's why? Because I say what's on my mind? Either he is heavily babied or he has a few too many fake friends.

"You are different." He adds.

"G-good I hope."

Alex smirks. "Do I make you nervous?"

I staighten up to try and show he doesn't affect me one bit even though he may do.

But why?

"No y-you don't why would you? now get away from me." I reply with a tiny stutter but i quickly recover as I act like I didn't even notice it. Alex smirks and I notice his eyes Travel to the wall behind me and back to me.

"Sure..." I can hear the sarcasm in his voice. "This was a nice chat. I will see you around." he says leaning in so that we are nearly touching. My breathing becomes more heavy and I blush even deeper. With that being said, he steps back and looks behind me and notices the painting and has a little smile on his face and he walks away leaving me speechless and shocked.

What just happened?

For a few minutes I just stand there thinking about the incident that just occurred. I am not going to let Alex talk to me like that like I'm a hormonal teenager that will jump his bones as soon as I can. I would never do that. I am repulsed by him. He does not whatsoever make me nervous. I was just....caught by surprise.

Plus, am I getting this straight? Alex and the boys actually want to be our friends? Has the universe shifted?

Soon I recover and take slow breaths in and out then head to my next class because I'm probably late.

I'm starting to make a habit of being late all thanks to Alex.

Clearly, Alex won't be leaving me alone any time soon. This is going to get interesting.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Soon, its last period and I'm just finishing my work when the bell goes. I gather my stuff and leave the classroom then the school and begin my long walk home. Glancing up at the sky I notice grey clouds hovering above town. Great. I quicken my pace so I can get home before it starts to rain.

Just when I wanted to prolong my journey home. I just hope my mother is sleeping or out because I really don't want to bump into her tonight.

Halfway through my walk home I notice a motorcycle stopping beside me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and turn to see them taking their Helmet off and I groan in annoyance to who i see before me.

Alex Flynn.

"Hey, Aria. Want a ride?" Alex asks casually putting his helmet behind him and sends me his famous smirk.

I wrinkle my nose up at his motorcycle. "No thank you. I don't want to die today." I reply sarcastically. I don't bother waiting around for him to answer as I begin to walk away once more.

It hasn't rained yet and I don't have far to go so-

Damn it.

Rain soon stars pelting down on the ground, already soaking me from head to toe. I curse stupid Mother Nature and already feel my pride dented. It doesn't even matter. I can still blow off Alex and continue to walk home. Plus, If I go on that death trap with him I'm still going to get wet anyway. Although, there's that nagging voice at the back of my head saying it would be faster and that the less time I spend outside the less of a chance I will get sick.

Rolling my eyes, I walk up to a smirking Alex and yank the helmet from his grasp and send him a glare as I put it on my head. I watch as he holds back his laughter and crosses his arms over his chest, smugly. I fumble with the strap and I can feel my face burning in embarrassment but I manage to get it and get on the bike.

So much for staying away from him, Aria. I should really listen to myself more often.

I call out my address but keep my distance away from him. He just chuckles in amusement. "Sunshine, you will have to wrap your arms around me if you want to stay on the bike." he shouts. I could tell he was enjoying this way too much.

What's with the nickname sunshine? When was that even a thing? Reluctantly, I wrap my arms around his waist and clear my throat awkwardly. This is not how I expected my day to go.

Alex starts the engine and drives off way too fast. I let out a little squeal and start to freak out. Involuntarily, I wrap my arms around Alex even tighter and bury my face behind him. The wind and rain hit us but strangely enough I'm enjoying it. After a few minutes in hiding I eventually get some courage and look up past his shoulder and surprisingly I find myself smiling. I notice Alex gazing at me in the mirror but I don't really care. Everything goes by in a quick blur and it just makes me feel free.

Although, as thrilling as this is, the only downside is that Alex knows where I live and it's not the nicest place. I watch as he turns in my street and point to my house and he comes to a slow stop. I get off the bike awkwardly and give back Alex's helmet, turning to face him. "Thank you for the ride." I send him a small smile.

I guess his gesture was really nice of him. It does give him a few brownie points.

"You are welcome." He smiles, surprisingly a genuine one. "See? Proof I can be a good friend."

I'm about to retaliate but notice my mum's car is parked outside. My eyes widen in shock and feel my throat go dry and tighten. Great. She is never home this early. Usually, she is drinking her life away.

I freeze on the spot. There is a chance she could be passed out on the couch, well it's what I'm hoping.

suddenly, I'm brought back to reality when Alex asks a question breaking me from my trance. I forgot he was even there. "You okay?" He asks.

Quickly, I nod but then shake my head. "Actually, no. I don't trust you, Alex. Someone like you just doesn't decide to become friends with someone like me."

"What's that meant to mean?" He seems very amused by this.

"It means that I find it weird that after one conversation you suddenly want to be my friend even though I clearly don't want to be yours."

He innocently shrugs. "What can I say? The mind is a curious thing." I raise an eyebrow and it seems that he finally realises I'm going to need more than that. "Okay, truth is that I recently broke up with Jade because I came to the realisation that she along with mostly everyone else were fake only the boys were honest with me. They were always saying things they thought I wanted to hear but then I bumped into you and you said whatever was in your mind. I won't deny that I'm the type of guy that likes to be kept on his toes."

He's the one who was with Jade! Now I'm starting to see it. Popular girl and popular boy equal popular couple. How the hell didn't I know that? can't really blame him for wanting to get away from that but fate chose me? That sucks.

"Do you think I'll keep you on your toes?" I ask.

"Well, you have been for the past week. Best week so far." He winks and places his helmet on his head with the visor up. "Also, you are a hot girl who keeps me on my toes. What guys wouldn't want that?"

My mouth falls open in shock as he flips the visor down and speeds off down the street. I just know he's wearing a smirk because he's pretty much left me speechless.

Wow. Well, I can't exactly blame him for wanting to find some new friends that are fun. I just didn't expect it to be me, Perri and Tori. Do we even want them as friends? I can't really answer that because even if they are infuriating at times they are fun. Although, making new friends is definitely not part of my plan. I don't have time for any more friends or people or whatever Alex and his group are. He can't just interrupt my life. I have it all set out and I did not see his name or any of the boys' name there. He really has the audacity-

Wait, did he just call me hot?! Suddenly, my cheeks feel warm and I know they are a bright red. That I definitely did not expect.

Why couldn't I just have been sweet and kind to him that one morning. Maybe then he wouldn't be annoying me right now. With that I head inside and back to normal life.

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