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Desi P.O.V.

"guys!, our lunch is ready!.. tara na!" I call my housemates.

it's sunday and it was agreed that today we will celebrate Anne's birthday since frenzy and Anne are leaving this week to celebrate her birthday together out of the country.

I cooked noodles, cathy's favorite, caldereta, kare-kare and Sinigang, and a veggies salad that will not be lost in anne's dish, she's health conscious but this time, she makes an exemption,.

Even though she doesn't eat much meat, she said she will eat whatever dishes i will make because it's her birthday and also a welcoming celebration for cathy.

And speaking of her, where is that lady?, she should have been here from their Place to get some things she left the other day.

Fortunately, Mr. Narvaez agreed that cathy will stay at the condo temporarily while she handles one of their project near our condo.

cathy and I have been together for two years but I feel, cathy's family still does not want me for her and it hurts for me that no matter how hard I try to impressed them I still can't get their approval especially her dad, Mr. Narvaez.

I remember while cathy and I were in Singapore, her sister-in-law even got jealous of me because she said I was attracted to cathy's brother and that became a big issue for their family.

but I'm just thankful because cathy defended me for everything. She knows the truth, and I have no intention of ruining other family,. especially cathy's family.

yes, maybe frenzy thinks I took cathy from her, but the situation of the two of them at that time is very clear.

"wow!.. It's all looks delicious desi ah!" my sister jossie's compliment as she approached the table with frenzy and anne.

"Here's the Cake!" frenzy said as she putting down on the table a Tripple Chocolate Cake that I knew was Anne's favorite.

"happy birthday anne!" jossie's greetings for anne.

"thanks jossie!" she response with a smile.

"oh where is cathy?" my sister jossie turned to me.

I was about to answer but suddenly the door opened.

"im here!" the opening to us by cathy who is smiling while entering the room..

I looked at her, how lovely she is.. her former short hair has been quite longer now,.. her smooth skin and her no pimples face are getting smoother no matter what stress she went through.. she looks like her mother on her younger days.

why do I seem to miss her today, in fact only yesterday we were not together since she came back here to the Philippines.

when she entered she was next to.. her sister leny? and her parents? she really brought them here?

I was suddenly nervous .. I don't know why when I see cathy's family my chest always throbs with nervousness.

"Leny!, Mr. and Mrs. Narvaez, it's good that you visited, come in!" my sister jossie greeted cathy and she invited them to come inside our condo.

"Hello!" frenzy greeted cathy's parents and showed some respect to them both.

"May God bless you daughter!" said Mr. Narvaez as he smile to frenzy and cathy's mother just smiled also.

"by the way this is Anne.. she also stays here with us and....." frenzy introduced anne to cathy's parents.

"..close friend of frenzy" anne's groan and she also kissed the two in their cheeks.

"don't worry young lady.. we know" Mr. Narvaez smiled to anne and he patted anne on the shoulder who was obviously surprised by the reaction of cathy's parents.

she looked at frenzy and frenzy just smiled at her.

"frenzy!!.. how are you?, we haven't seen each other for a long time, you don't visit the house anymore, because ahmm.." cathy's sister leny greeted frenzy and she hugged frenzy as if she missed her a lot.

"yes leny, sorry busy eh" frenzy said shyly.

"duh, busy.. where or to whom?" leny's foolish question and she laughed at frenzy.

"leny, you are really bully, you know that?" frenzy answer with a reddish face.

I looked at cathy and saw her head moving which was a signal that I must approach her family.

"Good afternoon uncle.. auntie" I said softly. my hand trembled as I reached out to cathy's parent's hand.

"May God have mercy on you my daughter" Mr. Narvaez said with a smile and so is Cathy's Mother.

"Hey desi, did you all cook all the food?" leny asked me who was already near our table.

"ah eh yes leny, I'm sorry if it's not as delicious as you cooked ah" I said shyly.

"gosh, I'm not a chef to criticize your cooking, and I think you'd better cook than me, because I just looks at it, I'm getting hungry!" leny said and she even caressed her stomach.

"shall we start eating, so that we can eat more?" my sister jossie said to everyone.

"It's nice to know that you agreed that cathy will stay here with us for a while" said my sister jossie to Mr. Narvaez while eating. then Mrs. Narvaez is happily chatting with the frenzy next to her.

while leny and cathy are next to me while anne is on the other side of frenzy, sister jossie and mr. Narvaez sat next to each other.

"Can I do anything with cathy's decision? eh ever since she made the decision in her life" said Mr. Narvaez seriously.

cathy's family knows that my family does not know my relationship with cathy. there are one instances that Mr. Narvaez want to talked to my family about the two of us, just to be fair to everyone, but I begged him to give me time to admit to my family what I really am.. but until now I still can't really tell them. I was still afraid that my family might get angry with and will reject me.

"Where is your mother desi, why you didn't invite your mother here so we can at least talk?." Mr. Narvaez ask me.

"ah, eh, because she can't travel far, she gets tired quickly" was my shy answer. I heard my heart beating fast. I still don't lose my nervousness while cathy's family is here.

cathy held my hand under the dining table, she squeezed it. I turned to her but she was not looking at me but looking at what she was eating.

"frenzy, try again to visit to our house sometimes, I'm bored especially since cathy won't stay at home for a while, I won't bullied her anymore" said leny while laughing.

"really sister, bullied?" cathy's serious turn to her sister.

"Just a joke" said her sister and she even signed peace with cathy.

"What now, frenzy?, you can go along with anne.. tour her around our place" said Leny while insisting frenzy to agreed with her.

"sister,.. she is a busy person, don't force her okay?" cathy said.

they all looked at cathy, including me.. why is cathy talking to her sister leny. I looked at frenzy who was also looking at cathy but when she saw me looking at her, she quickly removed her gaze from cathy and faced leny instead.

"Okay leny, sometimes I visit you, when I will go home to my parents house.. actually anne hasn't been to our hometown yet, since her teaching schedule is hectic" frenzy said while looking at anne.

"good, I'll take care of you two when you go,.." said Leny who looked excited when Frenzy agreed to visit at their place soon.

"are you okay?" cathy whispered to me.

I gasped but I tried to smile in front of cathy. I nodded to her and squeezed her warm palm that had previously been holding my hand.

"why you don't sing for us frenzy, I miss your singing" leny suddenly said to frenzy.

We are here in the living area and eating cake after we sang Anne a happy birthday.

"oh, are you singing frenzy?" the curious and startled question of Mrs. Narvaez to her.

"ah eh, not much Mr. Narvaez" frenzy said blushing and bowed slightly.

"yes she sings, actually desi and frenzy have singing talent" cathy suddenly groaned again.

I know,.. and I feel that cathy is building me up with her family, but I don't want to look like I'm competing frenzy. I know that the day will come when cathy's family will receive me.

"that would be great, ou two sing for us, please!" Leny insisted.

"frenzy can sing for us, I can't, my throat hurts a bit lately" I reasoned.

"agree, sing for us frenzy... We haven't heard you sing for a long time" was the encouragement of my sister jossie.

"I didn't know you were singing frenzy, I thought you were just making a poem" said anne.

"because, I erase that from myself long ago." frenzy's awkward smile.

"go ahead young lady, for the old time sake," Mr. Narvaez requested.

"yes sir" was Frenzy's shy response.

Why when Mr. Narvaez spoke as if we were all folded?.. The strength of the authority power of his personality, I know now why he is so good at handling their business.

Frenzy got up and went to their room to pick up the guitar. the pain inside me that it seems that they like frenzy more than me. and why do I think that. I know that cathy loves me now and hopefully one day, cathy's family will accept that.

I looked at cathy, she turned to me and smiled. I looked at my sister Jossie next to me and busy eating cake., how can I tell to my family about cathy and me. maybe that's the only way for cathy's whole family to accept me. I will introduce their daughter to my family as my partner... but how.. my family's mind is very closed-minded.. I know them.. very well known.

"Please forgive me if I'am not prepare..." frenzy said shyly as she returned to the living room.

She sat in front of us, near the TV.. adjusted the guitar and smiled awkwardly at everyone then started to play the guitar...

You with the sad eyes

Don't be discouraged

Oh I realize

Its hard to take courage

In a world full of people

You can lose sight of it all

And the darkness inside you

Can make you feel so small

I can see the comfort of cathy's family with frenzy while she sings, anne is amazed while looking at frenzy.. it looks like she was even more in love when she heard her girlfriend's voice.

But I see your true colors

Shining through

I see your true colors

And that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show

Your true colors

True colors are beautiful

Like a rainbow

I looked at cathy, she just bent her head down and looked at her cellphone, as if she's texting. Is she still affected by frenzy's singing? does she miss her voice?

Show me a smile then

Don't be unhappy, can't remember

When I last saw you laughing

If this world makes you crazy

And you've taken all you can bear

You call me up

Because you know I'll be there

I looked again at frenzy who really sung well. She just looks at Anne almost every time she raises her head. perhaps it is to her that she draws courage during these times.

And I'll see your true colors

Shining through

I see your true colors

And that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show

Your true colors

True colors are beautiful

Like a rainbow.........

"thank You!" the last said of frenzy and she immediately stood up and approached Anne.

"that's was.... amazing frenzy" anne was so excited said to frenzy and I think if there was no one else here, she would probably have hugged frenzy.

"Gosh, what did you say amazing, can't you see I'm nervous while singing?!" the blushing still says frenzy.

"You're still good at playing guitar,.. nothing faded and changed,.. Mitch and the band actually misses you already, sometimes they look for you to me" said leny.

"singing and playing instrument is not my hobby nowadays" frenzy said.

"It's getting a little dark, you still have a long way to go for travel going back home" said cathy and she got up from her seat.

"Well, you are right, anyway, I still have a hard time driving at night" said Mr. Narvaez.

"Cathy, won't you sent them home?" my question.

"nope, they brought a car, we had a convoy earlier going here." cathy explained to me.

at the same time cathy's family stood up and said goodbye to us one by one.

"Thank you so much for the delicious food desi" said cathy's Mom with a smile.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm really shy that I only cooked a little, cathy did not told me that you will be included today" I was still embarrassed to say this to cathy's mom.

"Oh, no.. it's okay and we don't eat well anymore.., you know, getting old, can't digest too much food,.. anyway, sometimes you and cathy visit us when you are free, okay?" she added.

"You too frenzy, we have not been able to talk for a long time" she said facing frenzy for a while.

"sure, I will, when my work schedule was not tight, I'll go for a visit" said frenzy.

"I expect that ah" she assured.

"okay then, we're leaving.. thank you very much young lady.. please be kind ah, cathy.. what I told you" was the last word of Mr. Narvaez.

"i will never be good enough to your parents!"

we are already here in the room, frenzy and anne presented that they will take care of the food and clean the tables and keep all the left over food while my sister jossie is already in her room also.

"What are you saying there desi?" cathy asked as she put on her panjamas.

"It was obvious earlier that they miss frenzy more than me, they prefer frenzy than me..." I said softly and I took an Indian seat in the middle of our bed.

cathy turned to me, the expression on her face was blank.

"My family is not like that desi, whoever I choose, they are there,.. if they miss frenzy it is because they often see frenzy before." cathy explained as if the tone of her voice was irritated.

"Are you mad at that?" my question.

"no... just annoyed because you think that,.. you're being unreasonable and insecure with your friend,.. desi, look, it's been 2 years.. and she already has anne." said cathy and she lay down on the bed.

"and if frenzy doesn't have anne, will you still love her?" my question. I don't know where my brain came from and I asked that.

cathy looked into my eyes. and I read here the annoyance when I asked her.

"You can't be with me here in your house if I still love her" said cathy and she turned her back on me.

"Go to sleep.. you still have work tomorrow" cathy said coldly.

I just gasped. I lay down next to her and back-hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I love you so much cathy.. and I can't help but be afraid that I might lose you from me,.. I can't help but think that I am not worthy in the eyes of your parents and I can't help but think also that you were just forced to love me" I whispered to her.

I do not know if she heard them because she did not even face me. but I felt her deep sigh. she suddenly grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"I will not leave you desi.. and I will do everything to make my family like you.. iloveyou.." I heard her say without facing me.

as what she said, that was enough to allay my fears and anxieties. i hugged her so tight and i fell asleep in the heat of her body.

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