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Chapter Three

A knock on my door startled me. I quickly got up and knocked a bottle to the ground. Thank fuck I had hardwood floors and it just made a weird sound and not of a glass.

'honey are you okay? What's that?'

I wiped sleep off my face, "I'm okay mom... I'll bath and be down."

'hurry up, It's six and your transport will be here in 30 minutes...'

I rolled my eyes my eyes but stood up to fix my bed anyways. I took the vodka bottle and pushed it under my bed then went to my bathroom and quickly ran the shower, I wouldn't have time to bath. I felt a bit dizzy but I managed to finish up in time.

Today was Friday so I had my gray trousers ready and a school golf t-shirt with sneakers. I smiled looking at my messy hair in the mirror, this school was so awsome but had to have bitchy teachers like Ms Louw who I fucken had a dream about. Like couldn't I dream about Mrs Lattimore? She's more nicer...but no my stupid conscious makes me dream about my hot English teacher kissing me.

The fuck did that even mean????

I sighed and fixed my hair, I lifted up the collar of my t-shirt.. I looked badass gay and I loved it. I quickly brushed my teeth since I smelled like alcohol. I mean it's no fun finishing a bottle of vodka on my own.

I hardly slept, I tried to stay up to avoid any dreams but then when I finally dozed off I dreamt about my bitchy teacher. I dreamt her kissing me? God! Did I fancy her that much?

I sighed trying so hard not to think about the dream but I smiled since I didn't have one of those nightmares. This was better.

I looked at my eyes one more time making sure I don't look like I drank blood like Susan said in the dream and then I took my backpack and headed downstairs.

"Oh hey.. your lunchbox is on the table.. you need to eat.." my mom said but my transport started hooting outside. I took my lunchbox and some fruits, kissed my mom and my little sister and then headed out the door.

I ran to the taxi and opened the door, there were already a few students inside, one I recognised as the girl who was sitting behind me in class. I smiled at her, "hi..." already eyeing the seat next to her. I mean it was good I set next to a familiar face.

To my surprise she rolled her eyes and put her bag on the empty space. I sighed and went behind her but the girl sitting there did the same shit with her bag. I was getting frustrated, I went to the backseat and luckily the guys who were seating there didn't do shit, so I sat and prayed to God that this day ends.

It didn't take hours before we got to school and I thanked my ancestors that I was early. At least I won't have Ms Louw bitching to me for being late.

I quickly made it to my first class and sat on the chair I was sitting on yesterday. The class was practically empty.

"Oh hey look who's early..." 

My eyes shot wide open immediately thinking about my dream, "Susan don't fucken do that hey..."

The girl lifted both her hands up, "the fuck did I do?"

I shook my head while leaning back on the chair, "for a second I thought my dream was coming true. You were starting to say shit you said there.."

She furrowed her brow at me, "you talk to me for a minute and then you dream about me? Dude... I'm not gay like you.."

I looked at her, she didn't say the last statement as one homophobic prick, she said it with a smirk on her face as if she was testing me. But I was openly lesbian and wasn't scared of bullies or shit, so I smiled, "darn really? Thank God you're not the one I kissed on my dream, I'd hate having to turn you gay.. as straight people put it."

She laughed, "woow and I thought you were going to kill me for what I said.. but hey I'm glad you're cool man... and welcome to Montgomery High... I hope today is better than yesterday."

I laughed, today was actually going to be worse. Laughter by the door made us face there.. the chick in my transport walked in with two goofies following her and holding her books. Ahh you'd swear I thought this shit only existed in movies or Precious Rosie Gamz's mind.. my crazy best friend... but clearly it was happening right in front of me.

"Ohh the President of the school is here.. and that means the teacher is not far... fix your collar dude.." Susan said before taking out her English book. 

I rolled my eyes and looked at the door waiting for that one woman who kissed me in my dream. 

I silently watched as these students walked in and sat in their chairs, after a long 2 minutes which literally felt like 10 minutes. GOD! Okay I know I'm going insane over her awful beautiful self.

She walked in with a laptop in her hand. She was wearing jean shorts that were right above her knees and a pink short sleeved shirt that was written LONDON on her boobs... a black watch on her wrist today and white sneakers.. like did this woman know how fucken sexy she looked.

I squinted my eyes and could see the tattoo on her neck and then there were tattoes on her right hand, they started from next o where her hand joined her arm and went up. I noticed I didn't see them yesterday because she had a long sleeve shirt. Also on her left leg, she had a tattoe..

"Fuuuuck!" I muttered under my breath.

I felt a kick on ny chair, I turned to Susan and she smiled, "dude your gayness is showing.. stop drolling.."

I scoffed at her, "if she had a panis you'd droll..."

She nodded, "heck yeah... I mean she already has thee body to die for.. she's only missing that.."

"Okay guys.. I'm handing out question papers, please answer them while I look at on your assignments... and when I call your name, come see me." Ms Louw said and the class went quiet.

I was so tired and sleepy considering I didn't sleep at all. The only time I got some sleep I dreamt inappropriately about my English teacher.

I heard Susan whisper something and turned thinking she was talking to be but only to find her talking to the President of the school behind me. Yes, the mean girl in my transport happens to be my school president, like why was she elected as president if she's such a bitch...?

I ignored them and took my question paper and then started answering the questions. They were so fucken easy it wasn't funny.

The president behind me laughed a little bit loud and my heart sank when I heard my name being shouted, "Lin....!"

"I didn't do anything..." I said and the class laughed.

"Lin come to my desk please.."

I sighed and got up. I was seriously too tired for this shit.

I sat on the chair right in front of her table, "I can't see your assignment here.." she said still looking at the papers she was holding.

I shrugged, "never received any assignment."

She lifted her head up to look at me. God! Her eyes from this close were just breathtaking.

"Could you fix the collar of your shirt Miss Lin!"

I internally rolled my eyes but fixed the collar anyways.

"..and about the assignment, couldn't you go to any of the students in here and ask if they had homework or assignments... you decided to skip school and that's your problem..."

You're a bitch and that's your problem... I thought in my head before shrugging my shoulders, "I would talked to them.. if they were talking to me.. but well who'd want to talk to some dumb girl from a small school in the Eastern Cape..?"

She was taken back by what I said, "what does that mean?"

"That the only person I got to talk to is Susan and she was gone within seconds. I tried to talk to others and they gave me the same disgusted look I got from my English teacher because I must be some dumb girl from rural areas who knows shit about work."

She sighed, "Lin..."

I shrugged, "It's no problem... So Ms Louw, what did you call me for...?"

She just looked at me and I shook my head, "you thought I was the one laughing didn't you?"

Guilt was written on her face. I sighed getting pissed, "well you already think I'm disrespectful, a late comer and a stupid girl from some small school.. why am I even surprised that you'd think that I would bitch around in your class and have more learners laugh at my dumb ass..."

"Olwethu it's not like that.."

I got up from the seat, "of course it isn't. Just a friendly warning Ms Louw, if you expect the worst from me, you'll get exactly that."

And I left her desk back to mine.

"That seemed intense..." Susan said and I shrugged off.. I wanted this day to be fucken over and done with. I just couldn't wait for this weekend so I can be away from this school.

"I want out of this... it's fucked up."

The class went on painfully slow and when the period ended, Ms Louw asked to see me. I went to her desk like a little good girl I was. She handed me two question papers, "these are the assignments, I'll give you three days.. so I need them on Tuesday.."

Wow, no sly remarks or being bitchy? This was nice..

"Umh.. thanks.."

She nodded removing her glasses, "You're welcome, just please do attend this coming Tuesday.."

I laughed a bit, "Oh my God! are you attempting to joke Ms Louw?"

She shrugged, "I don't joke."

"Of course my bad... see you tomorrow Ms Louw.."

"Wait... why don't you come see me after your classes so I can tell you about the school... I was supposed to do that on Tuesday... but then you decided to.."

"I'm not going to hear the end of Tuesday am I?"

She shrugged, "So? How's 2:30..?"

I put on my thinking face.

"..besides, I think we started off on the wrong foot.. so I'd love for us to maybe get along a bit worse since you're in my class and I need a 100% pass rate from all my students.."

I nodded, "2:30 then.. and I don't even know where your office is. GOD!"

"Ask Susan or Stacy..."

"Who's Stacy?"

"The girl who was laughing behind you..."

Ohh the bitchy president.. great, this was just amazing.

"Oh... naah she's the last person I'd ask.. I'll stick to Susan or any other person."

She furrowed her brows at me, "what do you mean by that? She's president of the school, she's bound to help you.."

I fixed my bag well on my shoulder, "It's okay Ms Louw, I'll find another person. So see you after school.."

"See you." She said putting on her glasses. I smiled. She was one sexy confusing person but at least she was being nice now.

I got out the door only to be met by Susan, "hey dude.."

"Should I plan your funeral...?"

I laughed, "no.. dude I need to know everything about Ms Louw, starting with her office."

The girl smiled and took out her phone, "well, let me just bail out on the gang and let you in on who's who here at school.. after this, you owe me..."

I winked at her, "I can always give you an orgasm..."

"I am not gay..." she screamed making us gain a few glares from people walking around us and I laughed pushing her off, "well I'm fucken gay..." I also said in the same way she said it. She looked at me and then after a while pulled me into a hug, "I think I'll like you..."

I smiled, I think I just scored myself a friend...


If I could tell you how slow the day drag on, you'd literally fall asleep. It was like the time knew jow excited I was about seeing Ms Louw later on and just listening to her talk.

I just wanted to look at her inked smooth skin.. and maybe travel my eyes to hers.

I slowly walked towards the office that Susan showed me earlier. The more I came closer the more I was getting nervous. This crush I had for this woman was driving me insane and I had to keep me intact so that I don't make an idiot of myself.

I knocked at the door and it was quiet, I knocked again and I heard her shout, "I'm coming..."

I waited a bit anxiously and the door finally opened aftera minute, the office was pretty big, had a couch around the corner, a wooden cabinet, a table and her chair.. oh and two other chairs on the other side of the table... and some beautiful down lights.

"Hi... taking a good look at your surroundings I see? Don't worry this isn't the last place you'll see today, I'm not a murderer..." she said taking off her glasses and sitting on her desk. GOD! I wished I could just take a picture, she looked like a model.

"So still not trying to attempting to joke Ms Louw?" I asked with an ached brow and she smirked, "if I was attempting to joke, you'd be laughing.."

I put my school bag on the couch and turned to look at her, with a smile on my face, "or maybe you're just not funny..."

She looked at me for a while, as if trying to get me.

I smirked because I knew that was going to be hella hard to figure out. I wasn't an easy person to read. I could be dying but be able to plaster the biggest smile on my face, ONE of the reason why I was a writer and wanted to do acting too. I could act.

She shook her head after a minute, "you know I don't get you.."

I shrugged, "no one ever does..."

She sighed, "noo... I mean you're the first student who had balls to actually tell me what you said earlier... and somehow it's..."

I laughed, "what? Was I supposed to smile at you while you treated me like small trash Ms Louw?"

She opened her mouth, "You're just intriguing it's so fa...." she stopped herself mid sentence and went around her table to seat, "come sit down... I have a lot to tell you.. starting with the dress code..."

"I know I know.. Susan let me in there, trousers for Thursday and Friday... I got that.."

She licked her bottom lip, "I was actually going to talk about the collar of your shirt.. what's wrong with it? Can't it lay down like the rest?"

I laughed, "that was funny.."

"So we dress properly and by that I mean everything has to be in tact... your shoe laces.." she said getting up and looking at my shoes, of course my laces were tied, she walked towards me and stood in front of me, "...the collar of your shirt..." she said fixing it. Her cologne was killing me because I just wanted to lick her.

"..and umh.. the bottom of your shirt... needs to be inside your pants.." she said and before I could register what was going on she was doing what she was saying.

I quickly sucked in my breath when her fingers grabbed the hem of my trousers as she put the shirt inside my pants..  my heart was beating at a rapidly high rate I thought it was going to pop out of my chest. My breathing has changed, the small contact I had with her, it was driving me insane.

When she was done she moved a few feet back and examined me. She smiled a bit showing me thag darn dimple, "well, It's pretty obvious I'm good at my job. I mean look at you.... and I'm sure Susan didn't tell you this did she?"

I opened my mouth trying to say something but nothing came up. I slowly closed my eyes trying to calm my hormones down.. I was feeling very weird and I have never felt this way before. I wanted her to continue touching me.. and that was weird because I have never wanted that before...  I was awfully getting attracted to her sexually and that was the most scariest thing ever.

Thing about me is that I used to fuck around alot like I said but difference is I'd do the fucking and not be fucked.

I mean with the fucked up shit that happened when I was 12 I never and I mean never felt sexually attracted to someone, I never yearned to be touched... but then Ms bitchy now nice Louw dresses me properly and I stupidly wanted her to keep on... 

"Olwethu!" Her voice brought me back to reality, "I... no.. she didn't."

"Are you okay?"

"I think so..."

"Good... because I don't want to see you dressed the way you were when you walked in here... I'll punish if I do."

For some twisted reason that punishment in my head was her touching me. God I needed to control my mind. It was going off the radar.

"And Miss Lin... we have school emails, I created yours and sent you a few notes that you missed from the end of January to the beginning of February..." she said sitting down and pressing on her conputer.

I slowly went to sit down too and she turned the computer head so that we can both see, "you come here and just type in OlwethuLin@Montgomerygirlshigh.com and then your password which at this moment is Lin321.."

"God you love this surname..." I said and she laughed, genuinely laughed, "God I've never seen a black Chinese.. so forgive me."

"Hahaha NOT funny Ms Louw.. you're black but your name is Valentia Louw..."

"Thank God I'm not Valentia Mohammed.. would have definitely confused people since I'm not Indian."

I rolled my eyes because she was enjoying this.. "fine.. I'm half chinese.. I mean look at my eyes.."

She laughed again and went back to the computer, "so this email should be visited every three hours.. unless you're sleeping. My point is everything about the school, every update it's here.. that's why you don't see a notice board anywhere.. because emails..."

I nodded, "yes ma'am who's making fun of my surname..."

"And there's other activities that you can join.. like the drama class and the writing one.."

I ached my brows at her, the fuck she knew I wanted that?

"Don't be so shocked, with jow beautifully you write I'd expect you to take part in at least one."

I nodded, "I'm thinking I join them both and then add soccer too.. if we have it."

"Yes we do and try outs were last week... you want to play?"

"Yes please... can't I try out on my own.."

"If you really want to, I can talk to Mariah... she's coach..."

I smiled excitedly, "please that would mean the world.."

She nodded with a smile. We finished up the talk and then I left.

This day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. And my bitchy teacher isn't so bitchy anymore. Well this was worth a tweet...


Saturday came soon and we went out shopping for Lizzie's stationary and then some of the few staff we needed.

"What do you want..?" My dad asked and I shrugged my shoulders, "nothing..."

"Everything at school okay, you don't need anything there?" He asked and I shook my head, "I'm good..."

We went on back to the car.

"Ohh while I still remember, I met with Marcus.. he said his daughter goes to school with you.. Stacy Lewis.. you probably know her.."

Oh God that bitch!

"Yeah dad I know her, we are in the ssme class...."

He smiled looking at me in the rearview mirror as we all put on our safety belts.

"That's amazing.. the girl is the President of the school, so keep her closer.."

I rolled my eyes, "Stacy is the President at school.. not of the country, in 10 months she'll literally be nothing like me.. so there's no need to keep her closer."

"Okay, maybe you can be friends, her father invited us to a family dinner next Saturday, so I suggest you start keeping her closer."

I sighed, there was no way I was going to befriend that bully bitch.. no way.

We went back home. I refreshed my e-mail and found out that I have two new emails. An assignment from my math teacher Mr Crooner and a very interesting one from Ms Louw.

I opened the email.

Miss Lin..

Good afternoon, I hope this finds you well, I am really happy to be the one telling you that coach Mariah agreed to let you try out for the team this coming Saturday..

I wish you the best..

Ms Valentia Louw.

I was so happy to hear that and what made me more happier was that it was on the same Saturday that I was supposed to go play happy at Stacy's home.

I quickly texted my best friend and she was happy for me too. At this moment I wished I had Susan's numbers so I can tell her.. but I smiled knowing Monday would soon be here.


Monday arrived in no time and before I knew it I was looking for a seat inside my transport.. I sighed when I realized that the only empty seat was next to the President of our school..

I walked next to her and she did same shit by putting her bag on the seat. I wasn't in the mood for her shitty things but I tried to be nice, "dude.. can you remove your bag so that I can seat.."

"My bag is here.. why can't you find another seat..?" She said with one stinking attitude.

"Stacy I'm not dumb and I think you aren't too, the taxi is full and the only space left is this one.. so please."

She rolled her eyes and flicked her hair, "my bag is here I suggest you find another seat like I said or...."

I took her bag and threw it on the floor then sat there. Everyone in the transport gasped in shock but I gave no shit.

We arrived at school in 20 minutes and I got out getting ready to look for Susan so I'll tell her good news.

I was about to turn around the corner when a hand gripped tight on mine stopping me in my heels.

I roughly pulled away, "what the fuck!"

"Olwethu Dumb Lin! You don't pull the stunt you did in the car and expect me to just let it go.."

I ignored my new middle name and answered, "What are you going to do about it? Bully me?"

"Do not test me Lin because I can make your life a living hell in this school..."

I held my chest right above my heart, "wooah I am so scared... bring it on bitch I'll fuck up your face..."

She smiled, "this will be easy.." and just like that she left me confused. What was going to be easy and why was it going to be easy?

I took out my phone and sent an email..

Dear Ms Louw

Thanj you so much this means a lot. I honestly know I won't disappoint. They didn't call me Messi for nothing at my previous school.

She quickly responded.. making me smile.

Dear Miss Lin

I am happy to hear that... I hope you worked on my assignments, looking forward to seeing drafts.

I smiled like an idiot. This was just amazing.

The day went well I submitted what needed to be submitted and looked forward to my last clas since it was english.

To my surprise, it arrived in no time.

"Someone is happy..." Susan said joining me as we walked to english call. I took her phone making sure I text my phone with it.

"That's my number. You are officially friends with this gay person." I said and handed her phone then watched those brown eyes staring at us from the door. Today she was in a simple black and white suit.. still looked fucken hot.

"Thanks, I really needed your numbers and You need to stop drooling over our teacher..."

"And you need to stop drooling over me.." I said earning a push from her and we got inside the classroom.

"Hey Ms Louw..." Susan said walking past the woman and she got a warm smile, "hey Susan.."

"Morning Ms Louw.." I said excitedly when I reached the door only for her smile to vanish as she stood behind me, "you just never stay away from trouble do you?"

I frowned, "what did I do now?"

She showed me a picture of Stacy, she had a blue eye, "hitting Stacy? Lin what the hell is wrong with you?"

"I didn't hit her.."

"Don't lie to me..."

I shook my head, "I swear Ms Louw I didn't even lay a hand on her. She said she'll make my life a living hell.. now she's faking me beating her up!"

She started going to her videos and to my surprise I saw a 12 secons clip where I was threatening to fuck up her face.

I shook my head and so did Ms Louw.

"I swear I didn't beat her.. I swear."

"Don't bother coming in..." she said closing the door as we stood in the hallway, "Stacy reported this and you need to be disciplined for it."

"But I didn't do it." I said in almost a whisper.

She shook her head, "your dad is on his way to talk to me and the principal.."

My heart at the mention of him. No! No! No!

"No.. please.. not my dad.. no please.."

I felt like dying.. This was it.. They just woke the demons

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