After my teacher dropped me off I went to get something to eat and then headed to my bedroom. I was planning on doing my school work, a few workouts and then sleeping. Saturday was here and I didn't want anything standing on my way... not even my stupid injured ankle.
I threw my bag on the floor and started eating. But my phone rang immediately.
Shit... I haven't talked to Precious since the incident...
"Hey idiot...." I said trying to be all cheerful but I knew it wasn't going to go like that.
'really ass? What the fuck is wrong with you?'
"Nothing.. how are you?" I said changing the subject.
I heard her scoff, 'don't fuck with me, dude you have been ignoring my texts and calls.. what the fuck is going on?'
I sighed, I wasn't ready to get into this, "Precious..."
'to you it's fucken Rosie and not Precious.. Don't piss me off more than I already am. So talk! What happened?'
"Dude... can we not.. how are you?"
'why did you ignore my calls...'
I was getting irritated now I swear, so I changed the subject, "Because Precious I was just busy.. it's nothing much. I was going to call you now and tell you that even though soccer tryouts happened last week, they allowed me to try out on Saturday..."
'oh really?' She asked fallinh right into my trap, 'are there any girls there?'
I laughed at how stupid she sounded, "no.. I'm actually trying out for the boys team.."
'you're an idiot I swear.. I been missing you and I wanted to know about yout hot bitchy English teacher...'
"Ohh..." I said blushing, "she's not that bitchy after all... she accompanied me home after school."
'oh my God you bitch... kissed her already? And why in earth did she accompany you home?'
I bit the inner of my cheek starting to think about the drive home. God, it was just amazing, "umh... well there's this cute ither cute girl in my class and we share the same transport.. she got me suspended from school yesterday and on Tuesday.. but it's all good.. so I decided to walk and my hot teacher came to rescue and drove me home.."
My best friend squealed with excitement, 'i really can't wait for you guys to start...'
"Nothing.. nothing will start. She's my teacher... rather I go for Susan or this other girl who is always staring at me in class.."
My bestie laughed and we talked about a few other things. I even let her in on Stacy and she hates her instantly.
It was good catching up with her, it made me forget a bit about the shit I was going to. I almost cried when I had to say goodbye. But I internally thanked my bestie for keeping my mind busy.
The family arrived and mom called me downstairs. I sighed knowing I couldn't stay cooped up in my room forever. I had to at some point join the family.
I went down to join them and my little sister was so happy that she ran to me and pulled me into a tight tiny hug..
"Ouch..." I yelped in pain and both my parents looked at me. Mom gave me a concerned look while my dad gave me a death glare. I decided to ignore them both and just picked up Lizzie, "Lizzie... how was school today?"
"We were singing..."
I nodded, "so mom and dad pay R57 940 per fucken year for you to learn how to sing... they should be teaching you to fly planes and shit..."
"Your language Olwethu!" Mom ordered and my sister laughed, "I won't talk bad language mommy. Teacher says I must respect."
"Oh at least they teach that.." I said sitting down allowing Lizzie to go hug her dad.
Mom dished up for all of us and we started eating.
"So.. Olz honey, anything interesting? Extra activities you are taking part at school? Friends?"
I shrugged, "I have one friend Susan, she's really crazy... and well I'm planning on joining Drama..." the I kept quiet but decided to just come clean.. "and I have soccer tryouts on Saturday.."
"Soccer.. soccer, I want to play soccer too when I grow up."
"Right now you should try ballet.. it's really fun."
She smiled, "really?"
I nodded, "yep and I'll buy you a beautiful barbie dress."
"So.. what about dinner with the Lewis family?" Dad asked making my heart sink.
I furrowed my brows, "It's still on? Even after I allegedly beat their daughter?"
"It's at six in the afternoon, we will wait for you.."
Fuuck.. he has got to be kidding me. Why on earth make it later? Did he actually want me in the same roon with that witch!
"It's only fair honey, I mean Mr Lewis told me Stacy has some charity thing going during the day.. then we opted for the afternoon.. it's not a big deal.." he added with the biggest smile on his face.
I was still going to stick to my rules, stay away from Stacy and never utter a word to her...then I'll survive Saturday evening.
We ate and I went to bed.
I refreshed my emails and saw that I have two..
Dear Miss Olwethu Lin
This is Mariah, coach for the ladies' soccer team. I wanted to tell you that the tryouts are taking place at school, this Saturday around 11 am. You just bring you already dressed to play. Thank you and all the best.
My smile was bigger than anything I've ever seen. So I quickly responded..
Dear Mariah
Coach sorry for responding this late but that you so much for the opportunity. It means a lot. I will bring my best and definitely do my best.
Then I went to open the other email.
Dear Olwethu
Miss Lin, I hope you did your homework, I just want to say bravo on the assignments, you really outdid yourself. If you want to know more or extra lessons do email me back or come straight to my class when I'm free. Again, good work there.
I was smiling like hell, today went from being awful to being wonderful and awful again but wonderful now. At least Ms Louw was realizing that I'm not that dumb kid sge thought I was when I first got to the school.
I put my phone on charge and quickly went to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and examined bruises that were left.. they were only on my thighs, shoulders and the one on my face.. oh and the ankle.. other than that my body was becoming okay..
I sighed washing my face and realizing that this one was totally stubborn, I mean it should have been gone by now, but maybe it's because this time it was a hard punch.
I went to bed and tried to think so hard about positive things.. my best friend, my little sister and my English teacher.. soon... in my advantage, I was in dream land.
I set my alarm for five am. I didn't want shitty trouble with my transport so I was going to walk the 15 minutes distance from home to a bus stop and just take it to school.
After eating and fixing my my lunch I took a piece of paper and wrote down I walked... and then headed out.
It was 6 am, not that dark but I tell you it wasn't safe to walk..but when I saw a few people walking I started following behind them. I made sure I put my phone and earphones in my bag and my money safe in my pocket.
After turning around the corner not far from home I came face to face with the bus stop. I smiled, I made it in one piece. A car honk made me jump. I turned to my only English teacher.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" She asked in a stern voice and I rolled my eyes, "are you trying to fucken kill me?"
"Get in the car..." she ordered and I knew arguing with her would be pointless so I just went in.
She sighed, "Lin don't you have a transport or something...?"
"Stacy is there and if I ask to change the transport my father will...." I stopped myself the moment I realized where I was going with this...
"Your father will what?"
"Nothing.. I just don't want to be associated with Stacy.. besides me talking to her gave her bruises, imagine how the poor child would suffer when I sit in the same car with her everyday..."
Louw laughed a bit shaking her head. She must have thought I was a bit crazy and I wouldn't blame her at all. I took this time to actually take her in, she was wearing black shorts, white short sleeve shirt and white sneakers.. she didn't have a hat on like in my dream but she looked amazing.
I looked at the tattoo on her hand.
"wow, you have a beautiful tattoo... wasn't it painful.." I asked almost touching her hand. She looked at me before turning her head back to the road, "it wasn't painful, but it's not for the faint hearted... what you want a tattoo.."
I shrugged still looking at how beautiful the butterflies were on her hand, "eventually I do.. just not yet.."
"The way you bitched on me first day at school I didn't take you for a coward..."
I furrowed my brows at the woman, did she just say the way I bitched on her? She was the one bitching on mee!
"I hate to be the one breaking your bubble Ms Louw but you happened to be the one bitching on me, I just protected myself and what was left of my dignity.."
She looked at me, bit the inside of her cheek and then looked back at the road as we approached the school.
"There's something about you..." she said almost to herself. I didn't respond to that.. what if she meant there's something off about me..
She drove in and went to park where teachers park and then turned to me. She didn't say anything, she just looked at me.
I smiled, "okay.. thank you for being my driver, what can I do to pay you back?"
She smiled too, "numb you can pass Mr Mphanga's test today with at least a B+ and then get in the soccer team tomorrow.. I promise I'll drive you everytime I see you on the street.."
That was easy, I was pretty smart, so I knew I had the test in the bag.. but I was a bit worried about soccer since my ankle wasn't fully healing. It still hurt like hell but giving up wasn't on my plate..
"You got yourself a deal Ms Louw..."
Her smile faded as she looked at me, "Lin..." she said extending her hand towards my face, "what happened to your eye.."
Fuck! I forgot to put make up on???darn.. waking up early sucks balls.
I backed away before she could touch my eye, "umm I...can I be honest with you... I really got into a fight with Lewis...I been putting make up.."
She frowned.
"I'm sorry.. I have to go."
I got out without even waiting for her response. I couldn't have her knowing what was really going on, so it was better she believed the lie that she believed in the first place.
The day went awfully fast.. or maybe it's because I was dreading being in Ms Louw's class.. but it had to happen. After writing a test I was positive to have passed I met Susan before we made it to English class together..
"How's you..?" Susan asked and I shrugged, "excited tomorrow I have to kick ball instead of Stacy.."
The girl laughed, "yeah what time? My friends and I can come cheer for you.."
I smiled, "really?"
She rested her hand on my shoulder as we came in view with our hot English teacher. Man this woman made my heart skip a bit and that scared the living out of me.
"There is your girlfriend.."
I rolled my eyes and pushed her off, "Don't talk shit..."
She laughed and I pulled her as we. Got inside while I avoided eye contact with my teacher.
I sat on my chair and closed my eyes. I hoped today's lesson was just going to be fast. I wasn't in the mood to watch the hot woman give me looks about earlier.
During the lesson I felt a kick on my chair.. I turned and Stacy handed me a paper. I furrowed my brows at her and she mouthed a "just take it.....please.."
I was surprised she said please.. I took the paper and read it..
"I couldn't help but notice you haven't been in the transport... and you've been limping a bit... adding on having a blue eye. Are you okay?"
Oh so now she cared? I felt like punching her and giving her a real blue eye. But I kept my cool and took my black pen then responded under her writing.
"Wow Lewis you have a heart after all? Read here and read very carefully, what I do and how I do it is non of your business, so you can go fuck yourself and I hope this letter doesn't give you a blue eye like me talking to you la s time did... can't afford to be suspended again......"
Then I gave her the letter back. After a few seconds she kicked my chair again. I took the letter nack..
"I am so sorry Olwethu.. I know I messed up by lying about that... look my dad told me about the dinner tomorrow...and I think we better start getting along."
I almost laughed my lungs out when I read that. Did she just flippin suggest that we get along? She told the whole school I'm that dumb lesbian chick from a small school in the rural areas and I should trust her when she says we should get along...... over my desd body.
"Like I said... go fuck yourself Lewis.."
I wrote back and handed her the letter.
I was getting pissed by just thinking about it and it hurt to know I went through all that trouble because of a lie she told ..
To my surprise I felt a figure next to me and it was my teacher.
"Give me that..." she said.
"What Ms Louw?" Stacy asked probably stalling.
"Give me the piece of paper that you and Lin have been excanging to each other.."
"But Ms Louw..." Stacy tried to argue but the teacher sighed, "Lewis we are not doing this now...."
I felt the girl fondle behind me and then saw Ms Louw go past me with the paper in her hand.. ahh fucking great. Now she was going to see that I lied about this fight.
I turned to look at Stacy and she mouthed a sorry... I rolled my eyes and ignored her..
After what felt like forever the final bell rang signaling that the school was out.
"Everyone is free to go... Lewis and Lin stay behind..."
I turned to Lewis, "You're doing the talking... and then after that you're leaving me alone."
I watched as everyone left the class. I had no idea what was to come but by the tone of her voice she sounded pissed..
After everyone was out she slowly got up walking straight to us and sat at the desk in front of me.
She held out the letter, "wanna explain this?"
I kept quiet and so did Stacy.
"Is anyone going to talk or should I take this to the principal...?"
"Please Ms Louw don't take it to the principal.. I'll talk.." Stacy said and Ms Louw kept quiet waiting for her to go on.
"I.. well you see what's there and it's as it is."
"So you lied and had Lin suspended for something that didn't happen?"
"I'm sorry..."
"Your sorry isn't going to get Lin the lessons she missed out on because of your lie Lewis!"
"I know but I'm sorry, if it comes out then they'll tell my parents and I'll probably lose the presidency and then my parents will flip.. just please don't..."
"That's the only thing you care about here? The presidency and your parents?" The teacher asked and I laughed, "You're surprised?"
"This is not a joke Lin!"
I rolled my eyes, "to me it is a frikkin joke.. every fucken person here believed her ass because I'm that stupid girl from a small school in Eastern Cape and can't tell the truth. The only shit I'm here for is beating people I don't know up... right Ms Louw.. that's how low the school thinks about me right..?"
The teacher in front of me could tell how hurt I was, she sighed, "Olwethu... you should have..."
I immediately got worked up, so now she was going to blame me for this! I got on my feet, "should have whaat? Should have what Ms Louw when no one was willing to even listen to me... you people already finished that I was guilty.. you for instance Ms Louw.. you didn't even wanna hear my side if the story.. you just shut me up and sent me to the principal's office.. so don't do this to Stacy... she fucken lied and you believed her... she never asked you to!"
I took my bag and put it over my shoulder, "if we are done here I'm leaving."
And I left..
I was so sick and tired of people being hot and cold towards me.. if this is how shit was going to go down.. I was going to be ice cold.. and they'd not appreciate that. But I knew I had to do it. To protect me from them... I shouldn't get close to anyone. So being cold was what I'd do.