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Chapter Six

I banged my door so hard and went straight on my knees to look under the bed.. to my surprise my door opened and a tiny voice said, "Olllllly..."

I turned around to my little sister. She smiled, "daddy said we are going to watch you play soccer tomorrow.."

I furrowed my brows at her and got up to sit in bed, "umhm.. not happening.."

"Definitely happening.. what time are the tryouts, I wanna see my daughter do something that she loves." Sipho said walking in.

I watched as he stood in the middle of the room and looked around. He hasn't been in my bedroom since we got here and I personally made sure of that.

My room wasn't as glamorous as the rest of the house was, it was my bed which had a black and red cover.. a study table by the corner and a closet that led to my bathroom...

"Umh dad that's not necessary... you guys can bond and all that, I'll be fine.."

He laughed, "Don't be silly, we will accompany you and then come back with you." 

"My friend Susan will come fetch me. It's not a big deal.. you guys can come when it's actual games..." I tried to stop him.. He smiled, a smile I wanted to wipe off with my fist, and then he put his hand on my shoulder squeezing it a bit, "tell you what? Since I promised Lizzie, we will just watch you and then let you be with your friends.."

"Pleaseeeeeeeee..." my little sister begged and I sighed, "fine.. I'll tell Susan not to fetch me."

He nodded his head, "that's my girl..." and then he lifted my sister up and walked out with her. Immediately I took my phone out and texted my new friend..

ME: Hey straight ass friend so change of plans, my dad and little sister will bring me to the ground tomorrow and I'll just meet you guys there.. we can all go for burger later..

She immediately responded as if she was waiting for my text.

Susan : alright no problem, my friends are so excited to meet my lesbian friend, you better look the part.. see you tomorrow xoxo..

I laughed at her. So they've never been friends with a lesbian person?

Me: you're crazy.. I'll see you and your straight friends tomorrow.. FYI, since you want me looking gay, if one falls for me, you have you to blame.

I put my phone down and headed downstairs to eat with the family.

Just as I was about to sit down the home phone rang. Mom was next to it so she took it while I played around with my little sister.

"Umh.. Olwethu honey, did you give a friend of yours the landline number?"

Which friend fucken knew that? I mean not even Precious knew it. I gave Susan my personal numbers.. I furrowed my brows at my mom, "Who's that friend mom?"

"She says she's your friend Valentia?"

The fuuuuck...????

I quickly got up and ran to the phone, "yeah I gave it to her sorry I forgot.. I'll take it from here..

I took the phone and walked a distance from the table, "Valentia.. My Friend.."

'I'm sorry I just wanted to know if you're okay...'

"Can I give you my personal number if that's okay with you.."

'yeah sure... but why..?'

"For personal reasons. This is recorded so can I just give you my number.."

'yeah sure no problem...'

"076286.'and why are you still at school at 6pm on a Friday? Don't you have a life?" I asked when I realized that she actually called with the school's number.

She laughed, 'like you said... we will use your personal number for personal reasons... are you okay though?'

I found myself smiling, "I'm fine thanks Valentia... and you?"

I heard her sigh, 'not really sure.. regarding today.. but I'll be okay.. I'm glad you're fine.. so I'll text you now before I leave, just so you can have my numbers.'

"Don't think about that... yeah sure you do that and I'll text you back... and please drive safe home."

She hung up and I smiled and put the phone back to where it belonged to and then joined the family on the table.

"So who's Valentia.. since you only mentioned Susan..?" My dad asked and I sighed, but my phone vibrating in my pocket made me smile.

I took out my phone and smiled when I saw a message saying..

0824....: Hello.. okay it's me.

"Put that away.. we are eating...!" My father ordered and I quickly put My phone away. We ate in silence and when we were done I helped mom with the dishes..

"Honey how's everything at school and how's that girl you got into a fight with?" Mom asked and I sighed shaking my head, "I never got into a fight with anyone mom. How many times should I say that?"

She was taken back my the sudden change in my voice, but I was pissed she'd believe her husband over me.

"Olwethu I'm asking.. you had bruises on your face amd your father said the girl had the ssme bruises.."

I rolled my eyes, "and of course you believed him..."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"That you never even asked me what happened mom... Sipho is the one who gave me those bruises, I never got into any fight..."

My mom looked at me confused, "but honey you were suspended... I don't understand."

"Stacy lied.. because of my sexuality she hates me... so she lied about this and because I'm the unknown kid and she had some stupid video where I was telling her to go fuck herself.. sorry for the language.. then Sipho hit me.."

My mom furrowed her eyes at me and I lifted both my hands up, "my bad.. I mean DISCIPLINED me..."

Right after that my heart sank, I wasn't in the mood anymore.. I wiped my hands and turned around to leave.

"Where are you going now?"

I sighed, "to bed.. one of these days he'll kill me... and I want to know if you'll really say he was disciplining me..."


I shook my head stopping her mid sentence, "no mom.. next year I'm turning 18.. I'll be old enough to fucken leave here and do any shit I want... so it's 10 months to go..."

And I left her there.

My life was something I sometimes failed to understand. It was perfect and then fucked up... I had everything needed materialistic but the only thing that I needed I didn't have it... love. But I didn't mind at all, I had so much love to give because didn't know how it feels to be loved.

My father made me hate men.. not as in 'oh I turned gay because I hate men' we all know that's just stupid. People love who they love.. and I happen to hate men who think they can do everything because they have money.

I wanted out of this place before I could kill him. I wanted out so that I can find something and be able to take care of my mom and little sister...

I got to bed and remembered that I had a text from my teacher. I felt lazy to respond so I decided I'll just text her in the morning...


The following day started well.. well it started with me texting my hot English teacher..

ME: Good morning Valentia, I hope you slept well and sorry for not responding sooner. Have an amazing day.

I then got ready for my tryouts.. I was a bit nervous. I mean I have never met coach, I saw the girls on friday playing on the school ground.. but not a sign of the coach.. and I was internally praying that my ankle doesn't disappoint me.

I put on tights and then my soccer shorts on top. I still had a few scars on my thighs from the belt so I needed to cover that. I then put on my sports bra and a white shirt on top.

I said my goodbyes to my mom and took my bag that had my proper jeans and soccer boots.

Dad and Lizzie accompanied me like they promised. When we reached the school grounds there already was other soccer playes..

I smiled getting out of my dad's Audi S7, people looking at me.

I been told that I'm good looking, I wasn't cocky about that, in fact I was shy about it.. but today I told myself that I'll use it. I had on my cap And my hair was right over my shoulders.. I took my sister's hand and walked to where I was seeing a group of players and a lady wearing an adidas tracksuit.

"Hey... you must be Lin.." the woman said approaching me.. everyone turned to look at me..

Fuck I was now nervous as hell.

"She's black? I was expecting Mr Hun's grand daughter and I was ready to learn Karate.." one girl said and they all laughed.. I laughed too trying to loosen up..

"Guys shut up.... her name is Olwethu.. please take the Red shirt and join this team..." coach said and I let go of Lizzie, "break a leg..." after my sister said that they all laughed, "just not literally okay..."

I laughed too, "hey guys..."

"And she speaks English..." that same girl said and I laughed.

I think I was going to love it here.. I really needed to work my ass off..

So coach put me with the team that was red but she gave me white pants So that they can put much attention to me since everyone else was already in the team.

Susan ran to me and pulled me into a hug. She was followed by three girls and one guy.

"Heeey babe.. God I couldn't wait to see you again..." she said pulling away, "this is Nancy, Okuhle, Lucy, and Lucas.. these two are twins..."

I hugged them and I swear I heard Lucy asking why my surname is Lin but I'm not Chinese.

I laughed, "my dad's father was Chinese. He was adopted.. that's how I got to he Lin.. y'all should never bring this up. I'm a black Chinese..."

"Oh Susan also failed to mention that you're hot..

"Oh my God Susan stop your friends..." I said blushing.

They laughed and coach called me..

"Yes coach..?"

"You guys are going in.. I'll be watching you... oh and don't disappoint Valentia.. she's kinda spoke well about you.."

Gosh! Talk about pressure...

I nodded though and went in the ground and started talking to my teammates. I told them I play forward and they made me a striker.


Okay, let me blow my own horn as I made my way to everyone outside the ground. I was fucken amazing. I didn't only score two goals I also contributed in the other three that my team scored resulting in us wining 5-2..

"Woooooow.. coach we all have a say and I'm voting her in. She's not only hot but she's pretty good at soccer.. She's in."

Everyone agreed but coach pulled me to the side, "so... I don't even think I have a say. Like you were amazing out there... is your ankle okay?"

I nodded, I might have gotten kicked a few times, "yeah I'm fine... it's cool.. and thank you.. means a lot from you coach.."

"So we have a game on Friday with Rosemary High.. so you think your ankle will be better by then?"

My mouth dropped, "what? Does that mean...?"

She smiled, "you know it yourself.. you were amazing.. welcome to the team.."

I pulled in for a hug, "thank you so so much coach..."

She introduced me to the team.. I gotta say I was surprised that everyone was actually happy that I joined in... maybe they weren't as bad acter all..

Coach smiled at me, "your father and little sister are waiting there.. so I suggest you go tell them some good news.. ohh and Valentia is in her office marking some assignments.. go tell her you actually broke a leg.. she'll be happy.."

I bit the inside of my cheek, "thank you so so much... means a lot.. I'll go tell then..."

I walked to my dad and sister with a smile on my face..

"You got in?" He asked and I smiled, "yeah.. I got in..."

He pulled me into a hug. My body flinched a bit but I let him touch me. I pulled away after a second and then hugged my sister.

"I love you Olyyyy...."

"I love you too Lizzie..."

"You tell mommy I love her. I'll hang out with Susan, she'll bring me up later on..." I said the last part looking at my dad and he smiled, "I'm proud of you okay.."

I nodded, he meant that, I smiled, "thank you, means a lot Sipho..."

"You're going places kid.. trust me. You are."

My smile grew wider, "I would like to think so..."

He nodded his head and took my sister's hand, "we will see you home... we still have dinner at seven with the Lewis family.. so be back by six please."

Did he just say six? Heck so my curfew moved from 4 to 6.

I kissed Lizzie excitedly and walked to change and then gave them my bag..

"I smell like sweat..."

Nancy laughed, "you look hot.."

"I thought you were straight..." Lucy said to her friend and Nancy turned to me.

"Jesse Suntele is fucken hot... that guy is good to look at..." I said and Nancy hugged me, "I'm definitely going to love her..."

I laughed, "careful Nancy, Susan said that and now she can't live even a day without me..."

They all laughed hugging me and congratulated me in joining the team.

"So guys can I meet you in the car in about 15 minutes.. I need to rush to the school now..." I said remembering that my hot teacher was there being an amazing teacher.

"You know you could have just said you wanna take shit and we wouldn't mind. You're our friend now, be comfortable.." Lucas said and I showed him my middle finger before running towards the classes.

I reached the office level and took one deep breath and then I knocked. There was no answer so I knocked again.

"It's open.. God Mariah how many times should I tel... Oh Lin.. I didn't expect you.." she said when she realized it was me instead of my coach.

I smiled shyly, "hey.. yeah it's me.. I was.. I mean... I wanted to come and... it's okay I can just leave if you're busy..."

"Can you breathe... please.." she said getting up from her seat and I did breath..


"Don't apologize... it's good to see you honestly...." she said standing in front of me and I blushed.. my cheeks hurt like hell.

"So... you done tryouts, usually they tell you results on Monday."

I smiled like a stupid idiot, "oh really.. I was told I made the team..."

She ached her brows, "for real?"

I nodded, "yeah.. I'm in..."

She opened her arms and I immediately went in for a hug..

"Wow I'm.. wow, I expected you to get in but I thought they'd wait till Monday like they usually do... you must be really good.."

I laughed nervously on her neck, "well it's nothing big... I can play.. and I maybe scored two goals and contributed on three others.."

She poked my head, "listen to you being modest..."

God this woman.. she smelt so nice I felt like licking her. My body was pressed against her and it was the most arousing thing to ever feel. Her body was so soft and warm.. I wanted her to hold me for a while.

She slowly pulled away just a bit for us to be facing each other.

I smiled, "not modest..."

She smiled too..

We stood there in each other's arms looking at each other like it's nobody's business. Her eyes were so captivating that I forgot about everything and the only thing I could see and think about was her. I wanted to kiss her so bad.

Her eyes darted on my lips before they came back to mine. If I could read people well, I knew she wanted to kiss me too. She slowly leaned over..

My heart was beating so hard on my chest I wouldn't be surprised if she could actually hear it too. I wanted her to close the gap between us.. I wanted her to kiss me..

I wondered if her lips are as soft as her grasp was around me. She held me so gently as if I was something out of this world and she didn't want to break me. I felt a bit scared of this feeling but her hold made me feel so safe.

Our lips were an inch from each other, I could feel her minty breath on my face. When our lips were about to touch my phone started ringing making her jump away from me.

I looked at my phone and Susan's name was there. I sighed, "It's Susan..."

She smiled, "you can go... umm and congratulations again for making it to the team.. you must be really good.."

I didn't want to leave, I wanted us to finish what was about to start. I wanted to kiss her and know how it was like. But I couldn't... it was wrong and illegal.. for all I know she could also be married.

I sighed and said thank you before answering my phone, "I'm on my way.. can't a person just take shit in peace?"

I heard the team laughing...

I hung up and made my way downstairs. My knees felt a bit Jelly.. I was shaking and my heart was still so high... not to mention that I was a bit wet...


What the fuck are you doing to me Ms Louw!

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