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Chapter Nine

My mind couldn't literally process what was happening right now.  Her lips were still lingering on mine as we deepened the kiss.

I pulled away to get some air. God! Her lips were so soft I didn't want to stop and she tasted so good.

She was looking at me with a small smile on her face, "you okay?"

I smiled and nodded my head, "yeah..."

"You sure?" She asked moving her thumb on my cheek caressing it a bit.

I had a few options then, I could just nod my head or tell her that I'm actually pretty sure that I'm okay.. or I could do exactly what I'm thinking. So without thinking myself out of this, I pulled her head down and reconnected our lips again.

She responded quickly. Her hand holding on tight around my waist. We kissed and then she pulled away.. totally away I felt a bit empty.

I started to freak out.. God what if she regreted it.

"Umh.. sorry I don't wanna stop, but chances of someone getting in here are like 102%...."

Fuck! We were at school still. I nodded my head, "yeah God I'm sorry. I got carried away.."

She bit her lower lip, "I got carried away too... it's okay.."

She went back to her seat and I sat down too. We just looked at each other. She looked like she was debating something within herself.

"What are you thinking?" I asked trying not to freak out because God I didn't want her to regret this.

She shook her head and leaned back on her chair.

Oh fuck she regreted it.

"What's wrong?" I asked and she sighed, "this...." she signalled with her finger from her to me and my heart sank. Fuck fuck fuck...

"I'm sorry.." I said and she shook her head, "hey don't apologize.. and don't get me wrong I... the kiss... you kiss very well.."

I laughed, "wow..."

"Shit... I mean.. the kiss happening is wrong Lin.. I am your teacher.. this shouldn't even have happened... it's... I could lose my job and my teaching license in general.."

Then it fucken hit me. She was fucken right.. God how can I not think about that? She stood a huge chance of losing her job.

"Fuuuuck I'm sorry I didn't think about that... fuck.."

She sighed, "It's okay.. just.. we need to be careful that's all. No one should find out or else"

I smiled at her. Did she just fucken say that? We need to be careful ??? So like this was happening..?

I nodded my head slowly, "yeah I'm pretty good with keeping secrets.."

"Tell me about it.. you are still protecting your abusive father...!"

That got to me. I got up and took my bag, I was out of here.

"Hey wait... you can't just leave!"

I turned before I could reach the door and loaded off, to the wrong person, "oh yes I can.. but you on the other hand can't just assume I'm protecting that prick!... I want nothing more than him to go behind bars or worse die for the shit he put me through. But how will I do that with my mother blinded by him and his ass threatening my best friend and my little sister! How?"

I was near tears now as all this shit came to my mind. I couldn't let him do what he did to me to them. They couldn't handle it!

She got up, "Lin... what did he do?"

I shook my head trying by all means not to go back, "no!"

"What is he doing?" She asked resting her hand on my shoulder and I tried to stay strong and not cry, "no... just no..."

"You can talk to me.."

"I can't... I'm sorry."

She pulled me and made me face her, "yes you can.. look at me,"

I did.

My vision was a bit blurry since I was teary a bit, "I can't.."

"I'm here... just talk to me please..."

"Not here... not at school.." I said pulling away and I walked out of her office.

Fresh air hit me the moment I went out and I felt like I could breath again. I felt a bit suffocated in there...and maybe naked.

I went straight to the bathroom and washed my face.. I was near tears therefore I didn't want anyone realizing that. After washing my face and fixing it I went to the rest of my classes which were just a blur.

During my last clas Ms Louw was waiting for me outside the class.. I was walking with Oscar and Susan getting ready to go to practice.

"A word Miss Lin." Ms Louw said standing in front of me and Oscarine smiled at me, "See you in the field Lin..."

"Cool Oscar..."

The girls walked away and I turned to Ms Louw, "to what to I owe this pleasure ma'am...?"

She rolled her eyes, "you know we need to talk..."

"Like I said.. not here Ms Louw. I don't think I'm comfortable with that... because it's just way too emotional and personal to talk about at school.."

"I understand... and unfortunately we can't be seen in a restaurant or be seen even in a public.. I'm your teacher.. people talk."

I nodded, "yeah... I don't know.. maybe Monday after school we can talk in your office... that would be after practice too..."

She put in her thinking face, "okay then... Monday please...don't try and run, I'm really worried about you and I want to knows what is going on."

My smile was from eye to eye, hearing her say that meant so much to me, "I promise we will talk. I have to go practice now before coach kills me with push ups.."

She laughed and waved me off..

I ran to the lockers to change, I knew I was late already but knowing Ms Louw held me up and Oscer knew kinda eased my heart..

I ran to the ground already geared up.

"Lin.. you're late.. drop and give me 20!" That was an order from coach as always but I smiled, "coach.. it's not my fault.. Ms Louw was...."

"I said on the ground and give me 20... now!"

She sounded a bit mad. I went on the ground as instructed but talked still, "coach Mariah you can ask Oscar... I was walking with her when Ms Louw asked me to..."

I stopped talking when I heard her talk right above my head, "I do not care what Ms Louw wanted... practice is at 3:00 to everyone here.. so unless you had detention I suggest you do this and not waste my time. You have wasted enough already by asking me to move the match because of you..."

I was on 17 when she hit me with the last words... moving the match because of ME? the fuck!

I stopped doing push ups and looked at her, "I never asked you to move the match for ME.. I told you strictly that I cannot play due to an injury..."

She sighed seeming frustrated, "okay then... this coming Friday the match will go on with or without you playing...should you get injured just know that... this team ain't about you only."

That stung but I pretended as if it didn't. Like what the fuck was wrong with her? I was only kate for five minutes and she acts like I missed 30 minutes of real game.

"Now.. get back on the ground and give me 20!" She ordered sternly and I sighed going back down again.. this was going to be fun.

Okay so the rest of the day went on with Mariah shouting on my ear every fucken time. I had no idea what was wrong with her..

"Is she on her periods?" I asked Ingrid but she laughed at me, "maybe. Or maybe you did something... she can't be down your neck like this for nothing.."

I sighed. This went back to Wednesday. I didn't fucken do it on purpose to be hurt.. I now even wished I hadn't mentioned this.. I wish I'd just told her today when she was about to put me in that I couldn't play.

I tried not to mind her and worked my ass off. When I was done a few people asked what did I do to coach for her to be like that and I joked saying I probably killed her cat..

I smiled when I saw a familiar figure waiting next to her mom's car..

"Friday meetings... I thought I should just wait for you and give you a lift back home.."

"Aren't you the sweetest..." I said opening my arms for the girl. She tried to run but I caught her and forced her to hug me.

When I pulled away and lifted my head up to see Ms Louw going to her car. She was looking at us.. like looking. I waved at her and she did a bit too.

God really!

"Woooow so you're squashing me with your forced hugs..." Stacy said getting inside the driver's seat and I rolled my eyes going to the passenger's side.

"I didn't force the hug.. you wanted it."


I laughed as she started driving.

We talked about little things to pass time and suggested we set dates for her being my teacher..

"Well.. tomorrow we both have to be at school, I can teach you after practice.."

"Why are you coming on a Saturday..?"

She snorted, "I'm hating being president... some kids are going to pitch a fucken midterm idea to me for the school and I have to agree or refuse..."

"Sounds like a fucken great thing... and I'll get a free ride from you.."

"Right.. maybe you should start paying..."

I laughed as the car came to a stop in front of our porch, "haha president the only thing I can afford is giving you a kiss.. I'm too broke to pay you with money.."

"Wait.. if you kiss me, only you'll benefit.. I'm not gay..."

I winked at her while closing the car, "I'm glad you get it. See you tomorrow.... say at 10..."

"Make it 9"

I waved her off and walked back to the house. My parents and I weren't really on talking terms.. more especially my mom.. I literally was giving less fuck about her because she failed to protect and even to listen to me when I was younger.

I went to the kitchen, made something to eat and went upstairs to my room.

I took my phone and looked at it. I was hoping to have gotten a text from my teacher but then maybe she wasn't home. So I decided to be bold and just text her..

ME: Hey Valentia... hope you're home safe..and i kinda well.. honestly.. I miss you..

Immediately sent that before I changed my mind.

VAL: hey can we not text now.. we will talk on Monday.. xoxo..

The fuck! On MONDAY?????????? Did she have work or staff to cook? I sighed and decided not to bother myself with her. I had an angry coach and driving lessons tomorrow to worry about.


Saturday was sunny and fucken beautiful it made me happy. After my bath and getting all mushy clean I ran downstairs for breakfast. Of course mom was up with Lizzie, this girl was so used to waking up early that she did it everyday. 

"Hey... who's.."

"Lewis.. so I'm good..." I cut my mom off realizing what she was going to ask, I looked at my little sister and kissed her, "hey Barbie..."

"Hey umm... who's that girl...?" My sister asked looking like she was in deep thoughts. I furrowed my brows, "which one?"

"The one on the wall in your bedroom, you sometimes dress like her..."

I laughed, wow she was observant, "really? Ruby?"

She smiled, "Yesss.... hey Ruby.."

"You're an idiot.. oh hey if you can finish this in like two minutes I can go bath you and take you to practice with me."

Her eyes were wide open, "mommy can I go.."

"Yes honey.. but only after you finish your food.."

She nodded and kept on digging in. Around 9 my sister was wearing her pink shorts and a white tank top with sandles walking downstairs with me.

"Hey.. here's some cash for food.." Sipho said holding a R200 note in his hand.

I took it, said thanks and my phone vibrated..

LEWIS: come out...

"Okay little Barbie lets run.." I said taking my sister's hand.

We slowly walked out the door and Stacy smiled when she saw us.

"How did you know?" She asked and I furrowed my brows confused, "know what?"

Lizzie opened the back door, "hey Theo..."

I looked and realized her little brother was there. I laughed, "I didn't, I just wanted to give my parents them time, they hardly get it.."

She nodded and started driving.. "hey by the way and my parents are going to England on Monday.. some business thing. They'll leave with Theo and dad is looking for a tutor for him.."

When she said the last part her voice broke a bit. I looked at her, this was really affecting her a lot. Her father wanted sons or whatever...

"You'll be okay.."

She smiled sadly, "I'm always okay, maybe I should fucken throw the biggest party ever.. what do you think?"

"I think if we beat Rosemary High we fucken deserve a huge ass party in a mansion like yours."

She smiled, "then win.."

I rolles my eyes, "yes president."

She parked the car and laughed, "stop with the president shit..."

I got out of the car pulling my sport's bag with me, "Theo, Barbie, follow me and leave the President to go be one.. you guys will chill with me and watch how soccer is played..."

Theo and my sister jolted out of the car and ran to the soccer field. 

Stacy walked next to me, "thank you for taking them, I was still asking myself what room I was going to lock then in."

I laughed, "you wanted them to kill each other? Kids their age should be out in the field, anyways you know how to thank me... will see you later okay."

She just stared at me as I walked away with my bag over the shoulder... my sister and her friend were already playing and chasing each other. We were here an hour early so the ground was pretty much empty.

I changed into my soccer gear and took my extra ball and started working with these monkeys.

"Theo can't kick... he's playing like a little girl..." my sister said laughing and I gasped in shock, the fuck did she just say? I watched as Theo frowned and went to sit down. I turned to my sister,

"Hey hey Lizzie, we don't talk about others like that. Be nice. Theo is playing like himself okay..."

She smiled, "what?"

"That was mean, Theo is now sad.. look he is a boy, you can't suggest that he played like a little girl. He played like himself because only he kicked that ball.. so go to him and apologize..."

She sighed and went anyways, I watched them as she said she's sorry and she didn't mean to make him sad. He forgave her and they started playing.

I smiled..

"You could make a good mom you know..." Oscar said throwing her bag, "and you're early, let me go change..."

Theo and Lizzie got up to come kick with me again.

"You guys will be great soccer players in the future.." I encouraged then making them laugh.

"I want to be a Lawyer not a soccer player," Theo said and I high fived him, "You'll be a lawyer okay.

"And I want to be an architecture when I grow up.. or an astronaut..." my sister said.. wow, she just had to go big. When I was seven I had no fucken idea what I wanted to be. All I knew was that I wanted food and to play more.

"Wow you guys are ambitious hey.." I said and my sister put on her thinking face, "what is ambitious?"

I laughed, thank fuck she was still a kid, "well if you know Astronaut and Architecture.. you must know ambitious.."

"You do know that kids aren't allowed here right?" That voice.. God I swear this woman hates my guts. I swear!

"Hey guys can you go sit on the chairs over there... thank you for helping me get ready.." I said to the kids and they ran to the banches on the side.

"Why did you bring them?" Coach..

"Because I couldn't leave them at home on their own." I said in a fucken duh tone. I swear if she kept on with this she was going to make me burst.

"Isn't that Stacy's bother.. don't they..."

I lifted my hands up, you know what coach I'll just go put them in a secluded place so you won't see them or ask me these questions.."

I didn't even wait for her to respond, I motioned for the kids to follow me and they did.

I knocked on Stacy's office and she shouted, "It's open..."

We walked in and I pouted, "please tell me you're done.. please..."

She smiled, "I'm actually done.. I didn't know it would only take an hour..." 

My smile grew wider, "thank you babe because coach is chewing me with these kids.. so I will see you in two hours..."

She nodded, "yeah.. so in 30 minutes I'll go get us food.. what should we get you?"

I took out my R200 note, "whatever you guys will be eating is fine with me..."

I kissed Lizzie and then left to go to the field. While I was on my way I decided on something. I realized that coach and I fight a lot because I give her a hard time when she asks me to do it by complaining. I mean let me be honest, she's all up in my business and punishes me even for the slightest thing. So now I told myself that I won't argue. I'll just do and never complain to save time and me being bitchy.

When I arrived two girls were already doing push ups for being late. I smiled internally knowing I got here an hour ago.

To my surprise coach pointed at me and the ground, "join them!"

My jaw dropped and I looked at her shocked.. meeeeee?, "Lin are you just going to stand there and waste my time?"

I sighed, she was pushing me. But I tried not to blow off. I went on the ground and did as I was asked.

The day went pretty good or should I say decent because I was not talking but doing.

"Whatever you did yo coach it must be fucken huge. I don't know what is her problem." Sandra who's the captain said walking next to me.

I shrugged, "let me go ask her."

"Do that.."

I walked towards coach who was on the phone..

"No.. no Valentia.. bye... no I don't want to talk to you right now... bye." 

I managed to catch that before she hung up..


"What?" She asked turning around, "what do you want Lin!"

She seemed like she wasn't interested in what I was going to say, she just seemed off like I was irritating and annoying her.

I shook my head a bit, "nothing. Sorry I bothered you."

I turned around.. she tried to call for me but I didn't give in. I had no idea what I had done to her and frankly I was done trying to figure out what I did wrong to the woman.

Practice went on and I literally kept quiet even the players noticed.

"What's wrong dude?" Oscar asked when we were done and I shook my head, "nothing I'm good. See you on Monday okay.."


"Bye guys..." I said and walked to the President's office.

"Ollllllyyyy..." my sister ran to me holding a burger..

I picked her up, "well this is great timing."

"Yeah join us..." Stacy said. I went to brush Theo's hair and then sat down as we all ate.

"So how was practice..."

"Like hell...."


"Coach hates me.. and I don't know why?"

"She probably doesn't.. guys hurry up we need to leave okay..." Stacy said and I nodded finishing up my food.

The rest of Saturday was just a blur.. but Sunday was a bit cool cos I talked to my bestie and told her about the kiss and the coach.. she dismissed the coach thing and kept on talking about the kiss.. asked how it was, how she tasted.. I know I know.. I have a weird friend.

On Monday I got ready for school. I just couldn't wait to see Val and tell her that the coach hates me....and maybe that I missed her so much.

Classes started well.. and during break I met Ms Louw on the hallway as she walked towards her office.. I took the books she was holding, "good day ma'am.."

"I'm not your ma'am, How are you?"

I laughed, "I'm okay Ms Louw and you?"

"I'm okay.. still seeing you after practice right?"

Man that was music to my ears, I smiled, "of course.. and by the way coach hates me.. I don't know what I did.. she just hates me so much and she's been making it pretty obvious.."

Val looked around and said hi to a few students passing us, then she turned to me, "no she doesn't..." she unlocked her office and we walked in, "she's probably going through some staff..."

"Yeah? But she's just doing this to me. I thought it was about moving thr match since she mentioned it, but shouldn't she be over that by now?" I asked setting the books I was holding on her desk. She sighed, "do you want me to talk to her?"

I shook my head, "no.. God no.. I'll deal with this.. I'm a big girl.. but now I am so hungry.. so see you in a bit."

She smiled, "see you in a bit."

I walked out and headed straight to the cafeteria, I needed to eat...

The day went pretty fast for me because to be honest, I wasn't ready to go down my memory lane. Kinda sucked going back there and it only made me sad and a cry baby....but it had to happen.. I mean I was developing this crazy crush.. so she had to know how damaged I was before she fell right in.. if it was possible.

So after another dragging practice and coach giving me a hard time I made my way to Ms Louw's office. I was a bit nervous now.

I stood next to the door and knocked... I opened the door and walked in. She lifted her finger to shut me up..

"Yes.. alright, I'll see you..."

Then she hung up and I smiled at me, "sorry about that... so how haas your day been?" She asked the last part walked towards the couch and motioned for me to join her.

I sat down and she held my face and wasted no time in connecting our lips. She deepened the kiss making my heart skip a bit as her tongue ran on my lips asking for an entrance. I allowed her. 

I felt her hand on my neck and her lips then trailed down there. I pulled away, "Val... I'm sweaty.. soccer.."

She bit her lower lip, "sorry.. I got carried away."

I nodded, "yeah.. so how was your day.."

She shrugged, "okay.. just long.. ready to talk.. and by that I mean start from the beginning.."

I sighed...

"Yeah the beginning is horrific...but I should.. just promise me you'll.. you'll not look at me differently or feel sorry for me or whatever..."

She pulled my head and connected our lips, "just talk... or I'll keep on kissing you and I'll have a hard time stopping."

I smiled... I was fucken liking her more each day.

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