My bedroom door bust open startling me, making me jump from my bed dropping my books on the floor..
He walked in slowly holding a beer in his hand, he smiled the moment his eyes landed on me..
"Where's...." he left his sentence short and took a sip on the bottle he was holding. He then stumbled further inside and closed the door.. slowly he caressed my face as a tear dropped from my eye. I knew what was going to happen... and as much as I hated it, I couldn't even stop him.
My breathing hissed like a snake looking for food when I felt his hand tighten on my neck choking me as his lips made contact with my skin...
He pushed me backwards until the back of my legs hit the bed and then he laid me down. I closed my eyes.. I knew what was coming. I shut my eyes so hard and silently prayed for it to stop, for someone to walk in, for God to do something... I prayed....
But I heard his zipper and the next thing I knew his hands were pulling down my trousers.
I felt sick and dirty....
I could smell his stinking breath on my neck... his sweat brushing against my already tired body as he hovered over me pushing me against the mattress... The strong smell of alcohol from him could intoxicate me too. My eyes we shut but I could still see his face from the first time he started this.. I couldn't forget how he looked and how disgusted I was with myself after that.
My body felt so numb from fighting under his. Alcohol made him more heavier and powerful. It was like he knew and he'd drink all the time and definitely toxicate his mind before doing this... It was like he never wanted to remember.
I internally wished he'd warn me before you know, like tell me he was going to come so I'd drink too and never have to feel him do this or pay attention to his smell or weight... but he didn't. He'd just budge in and I'd have no say. My tears never stopped him. My sobs never stopped him, even threatening to talk never phased him... instead it made things worse.
His breathing changed and he started groaning too I knew that he was about to finish. I shut my eyes harder and prayed for him to just be done with.. his hand moved faster on him and on me....
'arhh....' he said one last time before laying on me for a while. He got up and stumbled while trying to zip up his pants.
'next time... I'll bring my friend....'
'Noooooooo!' I screamed literally jumping up from my bed and hitting the floor.. sweat on my forehead.. I breathed in and out trying to calm myself down telling me that it's just a bad dream... it was just a dream.
I looked towards the door and smiled when I saw the key there.. it was still locked and no one would get in.
"Mhmm...ahh fuck!" I said getting up slowly and looking at my window realizing that it's actually not that dark at all, meaning it was almost morning. I looked for my phone under my pillow and found out that the time is 5:30 am.
I sighed and went to my bathroom, I knew I couldn't get back to sleep, so bathing would be ideal...
You know, one would think that moving to a new place and leaving everything behind would have you staring afresh and leaving every demon back... but this was different.
My family and I just moved to Johannesburg from a small town in the Eastern Cape. My dad, Sipho.. STEP dad to be exact found a job in Johannesburg and we immediately had to move.. sadly I had no say at all since he is the head of the house. My mother, Julia was dad's secretary at work and then there was me and my little sister Lizzie...
We were a perfect family......... if you were looking from the outside. When you were inside... it was anywhere near perfect. We had our own demons, ones that haunt me almost every night.. giving me sleepless nights until I gave in to alcohol. And yeah that was a bad move for a 17 year old but I just wanted the pain to stop, I just wanted my thoughts to be about something different other that these demons.
I quickly finished bathing and went back to my PJs since it was way too early to go to school. I was si excited to be starting at this new all girls private school here... my dad said he's sending me there so I won't have time for boys.. little did he know that that was the last gender he Should be worried about.
A light knock on my door removed me from my thoughts.. I ran there and unlocked it, "hey mom..."
She furrowed her brows at me, "umh... you're awake.. and you smell nice.."
I smiled, "excited about school and I just couldn't wait.. do you need help with anything?"
She smiled and gave me a kiss, "well, you can go bath your sister and get her ready... I have to go register her since I couldn't yesterday because we needed to put everything in it's place here..."
"Didn't you register her online like you did me?"
She nodded her head, "I did honey but I need to take her there and then go get the staff they'll need and all that.."
"Ohh like I have to do.. okay let's not waste time.. let me go bath her."
I walked down to my sister's room.. best thing about moving was that the housebess bigger and it had four bedrooms compared to the first one that had two and I was forced to share with my seven year old sister... now she has her own room and so do I. It was just amazing.
I slowly opened the door and got in, she was sleeping soundlessly on her barbie bed.. I held her body and whispered, "Lizzie... baby you have to wake up.. Lizzie."
She slowly opened her eyes and gave me a confused Look.
I laugher, "It's time to bath..."
She opened her arms still looking sleepy and I picked her up taking her to her bathroom.
At 6:30 I was downstairs with the family having breakfast...
"Hurry up Lizzie honey.. we need to go.." my mom said watching her younger child eating noodles.
"Go where? Aren't we supposed to be going to work?" My dad asked staring at my mom..
"We are.. but I need to go check everything at her school and then I'll go to work..." mom responded and my dad sighes, I knew exactly that this wasn't going to end well.
"Lizzie can you go get your bag in your room honey.."
My little sister smiled and ran upstairs to "get her bag" little did she know that it was a way off chasing her away so she won't see the imperfection of this family.
"Julia, you know exactly that you should be at work in time.. how will you explain being late to the new bosses?"
"What do you suggest then? I have to take Lizzie there..." mom said calmly.
Her husband shook his head, "No man no! Olwethu can take the kid... you can't be late at work on your first day."
"She can't be late at school too... you know how strict they are there.. She's starting today Sipho..!"
I kept quiet and watched as they exchanged arguments but I knew that mom would never win, he'd always twist this thing because he was a lawyer and he'd come out well while he was talking shit.
I sighed knowing Lizzie would show up any second from her room.
"I'll take her..." I cut them off..
"Honey no..." my mom said but I shook my head, "you should be at work.. I'll take Lizzie.. I don't mind, I'll go to school aftee."
"See, she will take her.. case closed!" My dad said and I got up to put my dish in the washer. And just as I guessed my little sister came running with her barbie school bag.. God she was obsessed with barbie..
"Here daddy.." I watched and she handed her father her bag and he took her to his lap and kissed her while whispering things to her.
The sight should have made me happy. I should be glad that he's being an amazing father but watching him do that made me feel sick to my stomach. Watching his hands tickle her like that and his lips on her neck.. it was disgusting to me because it took me to my darkest place..
"Olwethu!" Mom snapped at me and I turned to her, "mom.."
"Look you don't have to do this... you can just go straight to school."
"Then who will?" I asked her and she just stared at me.
I sighed and went to take my sister from her dad and walked out..
"Why isn't mommy coming..?" Lizzie asked as we got inside her transport.
"Because she has work..."
"Why does she have work?"
I rolled my eyes, "so she can buy you as many barbie collections as she can."
She laughed so hard and I smiled at her.. I'd do anything to make sure she laughs like that. I'd do anything to protect her.
"But you could have just told me Olwethu.. look now you missed school." Mom said and I sighed tiredly.
I had a long day waiting at Lizzie's school and finally made it home around 4 in the afternoon.. and what's worse is that there's some stationary that we need for her or else she won't study..
Like how did life get so important at a first grade... so much shit needed that also costs a fortune.
I handed mom the list of the stationary, "they need those... so I'm off to bath and sleep.. I have my own school tomorrow.."
"Olwethu..." my dad called for me and my heart skipped a bit, "yes dad?"
"Come this side..."
I left mom in the kitchen and went to join the guy who was comfortably watching tv while sitting on the couch..
"I just wanted to say thank you.. Lizzie told me she met her teacher and she made friends.. so thank you."
I smiled, "It's not a big deal... I'm glad it's sorted. They just need a few staff though, I gave mom the list.."
"Thanks.. and I'll personally take you to school tomorrow okay.. the transport will fetch you later.."
I nodded again, "thanks.."
Then I went up to my room to get cleaned up before hitting bed..
Maybe moving here wouldn't be so bad. I mean I still had the dreams.. but they were the only thing bothering me. Maybe things will change...
"Bye honey.. all the best.." my mom shouted from the car as I got out. I smiled and waved them off, "Bye guys.."
I thought my last school was big but it was nothing compared to this.. I slowly looked around as I made it inside the school.
I was wearing my plaid black and white skirt that was right above my knees and a white shirt.. I had my jersey on my shoulder and my long hair right on my shoulders too. The uniform was really beautiful and I made it look sexier because I knew I was hot.. been told by a lot of people. But I didn't let that get into my head. I just whispered it once in a while while looking in the mirror.
This was a multiracial school and everyone was in their black and white uniform.. it was beautiful. The ladies were just fucken hot if I had a panis I'd be having a boner.. but thank God I didn't.. so my eyes just travelled around eye-fucking a few of the hottest students.
I walked to the administration office to get my shit. I supplied them with copies of my registration and payments. They gave me my student access card and a few books..
"Welcome to Montgomery Girls High Olwethu.. we hope you love it here.." the woman behind the desk said and I smiled biting my inner cheek, "thank you.."
"Now go.. you are already late for your first class.."
I nodded my head getting up and held the map in my hand. Where the fuck is class C1..
"C1 is on the second floor on your right.." the admin lady said and I mumbled a thank you before following her directions.
I read my time table.. I had English, Math, History, Biology and music class.. great I might as well leave at 6pm if I have so many classes.
I found the class and opened the door without even knocking. I quickly walked in and all eyes were on me.
Word of advice.. starting a new school on a Thursday sucks...
"Excuse me?" A voice that immediately sent chills down my back said from behind me.
I slowly turned and met with her eyes...that soon consumed me.
"Who are you?" She asked and I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't. I was just mesmerized by her eyes and how beautiful she was.
"Excuse me.. can I your name? Or are you lost?" She asked and this time around the whole class laughed kicking me back to reality. I was in class.. fuck...
I cleared my throat, "Olwethu.. I'm Olwethu Lin... I'm new.."
"And late.." she added a bit dryly. Did she have to be so bitchy? I calmed me down and decided to apologize, "I'm sorry for that ma'am... I started at the administration office to get my staff..."
She ached her brow at my a bit and titled her head to the side, revealing a neck tattoo.. oh God can this woman get any hotter than she already is?
"Weren't you supposed to do that yesterday.. in fact weren't you supposed to be here yesterday?" She asked a bit harshly.
I frowed, "..umm I was ma'am... I'm sorry."
Her expression remained blank, "Look.. you see here in Montgomery, sorry doesn't cut us and most definitely will not get you anywhere.. I suggest you find a sit right now and let me resume my class before you waste another 15 minutes of my time... oh and I am Ms louw, not ma'am.."
The fuuuck! She was just so fucken beautiful to be uttering such rude shit and sly sarcastic remarks.. Like why God!
I didn't want to argue further or make me a laughing stock. So I walked to a chair in the middle that had no one. I sat there and muttered a "what the fuck did I do to deserve this..."
"Nothing... She's probably on her periods..." the girl next to me said and gave me a wink, "and by the way, Thursday and Friday we wear trousers... skirts are for the first three days of school.."
I nodded my head and showed her the paper I yet had to read about rules and shit, "thanks.. I still have to read this..."
She extended her hand to me for a shake, "I'm Susan...."
"Miss Lin... do you perhaps have something better to talk about other than what I'm trying to teach?" She snapped at me and I shut mouth quickly. She was staring right at me and I felt maked under her stare.
"Thank you..." she said after I was quiet for a minute.
"Now, take out your text books and turn to page 53..."
I zoned her voice out and actually took her in. God she was beautiful. She had on a white shirt and dark blue formal pants and no tie. Her hair was cut shot and had a long line on her left, right above her ear. She wasn't your skinny person hack no, she waas a bit thick and I was now stupidly noticing how fit she probably was under that shirt.
I looked at the paper I was holding and it said Class teacher : Valentia Louw
I sighed, great, now I have to go talk to her about my classes and shit. Couldn't it be someone else who's maybe less cute and less bitchy like her.
"Everyone is dismissed except for Miss Lin..." Ms Louw said taking me away from my thoughts and Susan laughed at me while she got up, "good luck..."
I rolled my eyes and slowly put my books back in my bag. I then walked straight to her desk.
"Yes Ms Louw..."
"I expected you to report to my office yesterday as your father informed. What happened?"
I bit my inner cheek nervously, I couldn't tell her that the same person who informed her that, told me to go register my little sister and again I couldn't apologize because she already said sorry wouldn't get me anywhere. So I silently stood there looking at how beautiful she was.
"Are you planning on talking any time from now Miss Lin or am I just going to talk alone?"
I sighed, she was being rude, "I don't know what to say..."
"Tell me why you were not at school yesterday as expected..."
"I can't..." I said in almost a whisper and she sighed, "fine just so you know, this isn't some small school in Eastern Cape where you do as you please and disrespect teachers... Now, get out of my class, you'll come back when you are ready to talk.."
My eyes shot wide open in shock. Did she just fucken say that... I shook my head a bit, "you don't know me at all Ms Louw... but then let me tell you what I took from my small previous school... respect goes a long way and both ways too. You don't know why I was late but because I'm from some small village in the Eastern Cape you assume they don't teach respect there? Oh they teach it, you just have to earn it!"
Her jaw was on the floor when I finished talking. I couldn't take her bitchiness anymore... I stormed out like she instructed..
This was going to be the longest year ever...