You know the shittiest thing about memory is that it linger on something longer than you'd ever want it to. Sometimes that's good because well other things are good to think about but sometimes it's horrible when it stays on the past.
The car parked outside the Lewis mansion a a few roads from our house. Wow! Their house was to die for.
"Beautiful house..." my mom said and Lizzie laughed, "It's hugeeeee..."
We went to knock on the main door and it swung open a few minutes later revealing a very smiling Stacy wearing a black short dress and sandals.
"Hi Stacy.. how are you?" My dad said and the girl smiled making me roll my eyes.
"I'm fine thanks and how are you Mr Lin..? Come on in, my parents are waiting..."
My parents walked in with my little sister in their hand, I trailed in behind then and was startled to feel something hold my hand.
"Wait..." Stacy said to me before turning to my parents, "you can walk in through that door, they are in there... we will join you in a bit."
I watched as my mom gave me a warning look before actually following my dad as they disappeared to the other room.
"What is it Stacy.. what part of leave me alone don't you get?"
"Umh... you look very gay.."
"Really?" I asked looking at myself. I was rocking black skinny jeans and a shirt with sneakers. My dad did complain about my dress code saying it wasn't ladylike.. I told him if he wanted everyone to know what an abusive prick of a father he was then I'll wear a dress... He sooner begged me not to change as I told him maybe it was time that people find out what a monster he was behind closed doors.. then those stupid threats came... those that were going to not only make my life a living hell but also everyone I loved... then I stopped and listened like the good girl I was.
"Yeah and my dad is homophobic... he is the worst." She said looking by the door my parents disappeared in. I sighed, "do you have a long dress that will reach my ankles?"
She laughed, "the fuck! No.. I'm not a nun.."
"Look I have a fucken weave on.. that should be ladylike to him.."
"Please don't swear..."
I rolled my eyes, "wow.. anything else Stacy Lewis?"
She looked at her hands shyly, "I need a favor from you... please.."
I sighed, I think I what she already wanted, me not to say a shit about what happened, "how much are you willing to pay me so I can shut up?"
"Umh... anything..." she said and I furrowed my brows at how quick she was to say that since I was literally joking. So I put on my thinking face, she's a bitch but maybe I'll need a favor from her.. so I nodded my head, "let me think about it.."
She smiled, "thanks..."
I rolled my eyes, "not doing this for you Stacy.. I just want peace and quiet... you lying about what that was shitty and you have to be punished for it.. just not tonight.."
She nodded, "thanks... let's go before my dad calls for us.."
"The best plan is to just shut up throughout the dinner.." I muttered to myself and the girl in front of me numbled a, "I heard that..."
We walked in a huge dining room area, the table was pretty big and beautiful.. wooden.. my mom loved that Shit.. I saw a woman who I once saw in the meeting at school and some guy with blonde hair, he was aging..
"Hi.. you must be Olwethu.. your father said a lot about you.. and that you made the soccer team.. scoring two goals and contributed on the other three.. that was impressive.." the guy I assumed was the father of Stacy said handing me his hand.
I took it and shook it politely, "Mr Lewis... it was really nothing.. anyone could have done that..."
"Except that you're the only one who did... maybe you can teach Stacy a thing or two about sports.."
I watched Stacy move a bit uncomfortably on her seat.
I smiled, "she's book smart..."
"You must be book smart too, Montgomery High doesn't just take anyone..." Stacy's mother said.
I turned to look at Stacy and found her looking at her hands and drawn out of what we were talking about here. She looked left out.
Okay, something odd was happening here and I could sense it.
My parents already were eating.. So I took a plate and poked Stacy, "pass me that chicken please..."
She nodded and did.
"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked after dishing up for me.
"She hardly eats this... she wants your small green food.. I'd ask her to join sports and be active so she can stop starving herself but no she prefers eating like a goat..." her father cut her off and I looked at the table, there was hardly any green food.
I took a bite on the fried chicken as I watched our parents eat and talk while my little sister played with Stacy's bother who I had no idea existed.
The little rant that Stacy's dad made about his daughter not doing sports and just eating greens was a red light too. I felt like she was te opposite of what her father wanted her to be and he wasn't liking that at all.
After a while I sighed and looked at Stacy, "wanna go buy your salads for you?"
"That's actually a good idea Olwethu... honey you can take my car.. I'm sorry we forgot it..." her mother responded.
I got up and Stacy followed. She went to the kitchen and I went out the main door.
A car appeared from the garage and I went in when she stopped.
"So you eat greens...?" I asked trying to make conversation after she drove away. She shrugged, "yeah.. gotta save the animals and stay healthy..."
"Well I kinda feel sorry for the animals but I love me some meat... so where are we going."
"Woolworths food... they have my favorite greens there..."
I furrowed my brows since it was 7:30, "they are still open?"
Man, it was like I sent her on a spree. She started to crazily speed.
"Woaaaaaah dude.. are you trying to fucken kill us or crash your mom's car?" I shouted at her hoping she'd slow down but she didn't.
Instead she smiled and said more to herself, "maybe that will be good if I die... they can get a new car since they can fucken afford it..."
I furrowed my brows at her and said to me, "the fuck?"... Stacy was not okay at all.. by the look of things and how she went and lied about me beating her at school, I'd say she wanted her parents attention and she wasn't getting it.. Instead she was getting all this glamorous shit.
I frowned at my thoughts, so she wasn't a bitch coz she wanted, she was a bitch coz she needed someone in her corner.
"Stacy my little sister needs me more than anything... if I die I'll fuck you up for real.."
"Empty threats Lin..."
I rolled my eyes as the car came to a stop.
"You coming?" She asked and I shook my head, "nope.. you can go.."
I closed my eyes and my imagination immediately ran to some beautiful teacher of mine and how we almost kissed. I debated whether or not to call her. I mean what was I going to even say to her on the phone?
God! Now that just terrified me. What was I going to say to her period. Did she realized that we almost kissed or was I insane. What will she say in class or how will she be.
I started to panic a bit and I wished I hadn't thought about this now. I was scared suddenly....
My phone instantly vibrated taking me away from my thoughts..
SUSAN: so like because you're having dinner with the president of the school you've forgotten about me..?
I laughed, this. Girl was something else.
ME: so you turning gay for me yet?
SUSAN : don't fuck with me.. I love dick...
ME: it's what they all said until they felt my touch.. then they were a bit doubtful whether they love dick or not.
I enjoyed teasing Susan, she was really fun. And I'm sure she was cringing while reading the text I just sent.
She didn't respond sooner and I knew she was either mad at me or whatever. I decided to text my best friend...
ME: hey ass, we almost kissed today.. and now I don't know what will happen in class.. she hasn't called to check up on me and I'm definitely not calling her.
After sending that I looked towards the entrance of Woolworths. Was Stacy getting the whole shop? The fuck did she take so long....!
My phone started ringing and it was my bestie. I didn't want her to call, texting was fine.. but I answered anyways.
'i want you to tell me everything and very slowly so that I don't miss any details...'
I laughed at how serious she sounded but I did as she asked anyways. I told her everything from when I left home until where I was sitting now.
'shiiiiit.. that's just hot... the you and her part.. and I still don't understand why you're sitting in a car driven by a bitch who got you expelled for not doing anything to her...'
"Babe forget where I'm sitting... I need to know what to do. Do I text her or not?"
The door opened and Stacy got in holding a plastic bag. She put it on me and started driving without even saying a thing.
'..are you listening to me...?' A voice on my phone asked and I sighed, "sorry babe what did you say? Stacy just threw me with her food as if I'm some goat made of stone.. but it's cool..."
'oh that bitch...' my speaker was a bit louder and Stacy ached her brows at me because she heard that..
I laughed, "Rosie she heard that..."
'don't give a fuck.. maybe she'll consider being human and having a heart than being a heartless bitch to the new kid..' ohh God my best friend.. I held the volume button and turned it down a bit, "babe can we concentrate on me and her.. not Stacy. Like what should I do now..?"
I heard her sigh, 'now you should play it cool, Don't text or call her.. wait for her to do it.. you guys almost kissed right, and you know with age and all that she's probably asking herself what the fuck almost happened.. so give her time to think about all this and process it...'
She was telling the truth. I nodded my head and ee exchanged a few words before I told her to hang up.
"Is she always that rude?" Stacy asked after I hung up my call definitely referring to my friend.
"She's just rude to people who got her best friend suspended for nothing..."
Stacy nodded, "I'm really sorry for that.."
"Why did you do it Stacy?"
"Non of your business..."
I sighed while internally debating with myself.. should I say it or not..
"For attention.. your parent's attention to be specific.."
Stacy looked at me and then back at the road without saying anything.
So I decided to go on, "you wanted your dad there didn't you..."
"Stop saying shit you don't know... and I advice you to leave this... now!" She snapped and I knew I was telling the truth.
I kinda felt sorry for her. I mean if she'd go to this extent to try and get her parents attention then maybe she didn't have it at all and that was just sad.
See how fucked up life was and how differently we dealt with shit. Stacy and I were the same age, going to the same school, from totally different backgrounds... we've both been through different shit but it was destroying us the same.
She felt alone in this big mansion because she was neglected, and I felt alone in that house because I was neglected too.. It sucked honestly...
The car came to a stop and I realized we were in her garage. She held the door handle and I held her hand, "you don't know me, not even one bit but I am going to say something very personal about me, not for your pity but to let you know that you can't fucken lie about shit like that and think there won't be consequences for some of us at all... I assume by the look of things you didn't get anything you wanted, but I on the other hand got way more than I wanted.. I got suspended and..."
"Got beat up at home... is that why you was limping and had a blue eye? Did I cause that?" She asked in a trembling voice and I sat there just looking at her. At least she got the picture.. and since she assumed it, I wasn't going to admit it.
"No family is perfect.. my life is anywhere near what you think... so if you pull a stunt like that again, I won't hesitate to fuck you up...." I said looking right at her and then turned around to open the door leaving her there.
The car door closed behind me as I shoot in front of a closed door. The girl came from behind me and opened the door, she then turner to look at me, "I'm sorry... I regretted it the moment I saw what I had done.. I'm really sorry."
I went past her and poured me tap water in a glass. I suddenly felt hot and naked. She knew about this... she knew... hopefully she doesn't find out the other thing.
The evening went quiet well after that.. Stacy and I went up to her room.. it was so big and beautiful.. had a TV too I felt a bit jealous... but this girl seemed like she didn't want all these things.
We ended up doing Math homework together since we both didn't dare talk about our fucked up lives.
"So..." I said after putting the math paper in my pocket, "I now know what you can pay me with..."
She frowned, "I said I was sorry..."
"You got me suspended for two days then hated by the whole school Stacy.. ohh and I heard that sorry doesn't cut out anything at Montgomery High... so I suggest you listen or else I'll tell and your dad will be disappointed."
Something in her face changed, "he's already disappointed... so you'd be wasting your energy..."
That hit deeper because I felt it and I could see in her eyes how it affected her.. but I was going to say this either way..
"As I ignore you... so you'll have to teach me how to drive.. that's your punishment..."
She furrowed her brows, "really?"
I rolled my eyes at her, "what did you expect? Me to ask you to kill someone.."
"To actually ask me to walk naked at school..."
"Let's get two things straight Stacy... I'm not straight and I most definitely am not a bitch like you.. so will you teach me how to drive?"
She sighed, "whatever.. but I'm not your friend.."
I laughed at her last statement, "oh honey I have friends and they aren't bitches like you.. at least not to me."
'Honey... we are leaving...' mom's voice screamed from downstairs.
I got up, "bye Stacy.."
"You can join transport tomorrow... I'll be less of a bitch..." she said and I nodded getting out of her room..
I said bye to her parents and her father invited me again suggesting we maybe go watch soccer at the stadium when big teams are playing. He specifically told me about one that was playing last Saturday of March. I told him I'll think about it then we left.
"Well.. that went well.." my dad said during the drive back home.
I mentally rolles my eyes thinking it went perfect.. Stacy and I realized that our lives are both fucked up.. hence we were acting the way we were.
"They didn't even mention the fight..." my mom added making my heart sink, she still believed the stupid fight existed! My little sister jumped in, "what fight?"
"Nothing honey..."
I looked outside the window and wondered if Stacy's father asks her to join her for soccer... maybe he does... or not since Stacy was hardly into sports.
I diverted my mind to Valentia.. why didn't she call or text.. Oh God! What if she realized that what almost happened was a bit mistake and wanted nothing to do with me....? Shiiiiit!
Thinking about this was draining me.. I just wished she'd call or text or anything to show she wasn't mad...
When we got home I went straight to bed. I wasn't in the mood to chit chat..
Sunday went well... okay not so well since Valentia Louw didn't call or text. It was so frustrating how I was trying to forget about this but it was nowhere near being easy.
I couldn't deny that I was attracted to my teacher and it was now driving me insane.
After a painfully slow Sunday, Monday was back to school and I honestly had no idea what to do.
Transport arrived in time and some girl was sitting next to Stacy leaving space for me. I sat down and we headed to school.
"I heard you joined the team on Saturday... you must be badass.." the transport guys said as I got off the transport and I shrugged winking at them, "you have no idea.."
As I walked down the corridor everyone was looking at me, today it was different than last week though, last week they were laughing and lokked disgusted by me because of what their president said... but today, they were smiling and a lot of girls were flirting..
The fuck? I was so confused. Maybe it was because I was very tomboyish.. the collar of my shirt was up again and the school tie wasn't fully tied, the shirt was also on top of my gray trousers.. I was the opposite of what Ms Louw wanted me to look like...
I sighed in relief when I saw Lucy standing with Okuhle, I went to them, "guys... what the fuck is going on...?"
Lucy took my hand and walked me towards the cafeteria..
"I'm not hungry..." I said but she pulled me in either way. I looked at her, "I don't want food..."
Okuhle laughed, "turn around..."
I turned around and almost got a heart attack when I saw me scoring goals on the big screen TV.. and a caption LIN JOINS THE TEAM... SHE SCORED 2 GOALS DURING TRYOUTS...
"Your tryout footage will play until after lunch..."
"What's the big fuss about this.."
"No one has ever scored during tryouts... you're the first.. like our school is pretty good at all sports but soccer is the only sport that doesn't have a trophy, we always come out 3rd.. Rosemary High 2nd and St Marry High always becomes first.. so they now have hope with you.." Lucy said and I frowned, "So much pressure... heck no ain't winning you any trophy..."
The girls laughed, "we should go to the library.. Susan is there with her stupid boyfriend.."
"Are there boys here? Isn't it Montgomery Girls High.."
"You're funny.. well the boy is from St Marry High and since he's doing matric he has access to the school's library.."
"Wow... I have a lot of shit to learn about here..."
We made our way to the library and Susan came running, "you guys just missed Max.. and how's my favorite celebrity.. man I'm glad I'm friends with you.. the school literally loves you now."
I laughed, "let's go to class before they eat me alive.."
We said bye to Okuhle and Lucy then went to our class.. English class..
"Shouldn't you fix yourself.. Ms Louw won't be impressed with how you're dressing."
"Fuuck.." I said putting my bag down and tried to fix myself.. as Susan went inside the class leaving me there.. some friend she was!
A few girls smiled at me, "you look hot Lin.."
"I'd be hotter with you pinned against the wall..." I joked and they laughed before the girl I pointed at said, "meet me after school before soccer practice in the locker rooms..."
My jaw dropped, was she for real? I was just joking.
"Lin... you have detention after school..." Valentia fucken Louw said walking past me.
"But I'm not in class yet.." I said fixing my collar.
"These rules applies when you enter the school premises Lin.. and for the last time.. do not test me..."
"Ms Louw.."
"Detention Lin!" She snapped and I frowned. What was wrong with her.
She hardly looked at me during the lesson and that just fucked me up. I felt like I didn't exist at all. I know I was wrong to dress like that but.. she shouldn't be this mad at me. She'd ask questions and I'd lift my hand up and she'd pick other people.
That just pissed me off.. I felt invisible.
The school went painfully slow unti I was sitting in detention.. soccer practice was in 30 minutes and I was going to go there whether she says yes or no. She treated me like I didn't exist this weekend and it was okay I understood maybe she was busy, but to do it face to face.. it just fucken hurt..and I was now pissed.
I got up with a piece of paper in my hand and went to her desk..
"Ms Louw.."
"Not now Lin!"
"When then?"
"Can't you see I'm busy.." she seemed pissed.
"If you don't wanna help me now.. then when will you help me Ms Louw?"
"How does after school before soccer practice in the locker rooms sound...?"
I furrowed my brows in confusion at first and then it hit me. She heard those girls and probably thought I wanted that.. and it was just me stupidly joking.
"Valentia it's not like that..."
"Ms Louw... Lin! It's Ms Louw to you.. and I don't know what you're talking about.." she said sternly.
Like did she know how sexy she was when mad or serious. Worse with these glasses she had on. It was driving me insane. But what confused me was the way she said that. Was she jealous of those girls.. girls I didn't even feel tiny attraction towards compared to her?
Without even thinking this through I blurted out, "are you jealous?"
I saw her face turn fifty shades of red...
"Get the fuck out of my class..."
It was so cold it made my heart sink..
"Take your bag and get out of my class... now!"
I sighed went back to take my bag and left... this was fucked up.. she was hot on Saturday and now she was ice cold!