“No, we haven’t met before,” you answered.
There was a strange pause that lingered on the air for a few seconds and then he answered with his low impassive voice, “Good then. Thought you’re one of the girls I dated before,” he said.
You pushed down a gulp on your dry throat.
Yeah, right.
He eyed you from head to toe and then finally said with annoyance on his tone, “Are you just gonna stand there or what?”
You snapped back to your senses and stumbled your way towards his desk.
Something about the way he treat you made your composure crumpling into ashes in just a split second.
The papers on your hand almost fell,-- good thing you reached the table on time, but that didn’t keep the documents from scattering in front of him adding to the pile of mess that was already present on his desk.
You heard him scoffed, “Ridiculous,” he mumbled.
“Excuse me?” You furrowed your brows on him.
He may looked like your Jungkook, but he’s totally a different person.
This guy is a jerk.
“If your company sent a clumsy person like you,” he looked at you straight to your soul with those dark orbs of his, “then I don’t expect anything good from it.”
You made a fist.
You haven’t even started with the proposal yet.
You were thinking hard for a good comeback when he spoke again.
“You may get out now.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Get out,” he pointed at the door behind you.
“You haven’t even---.”
“I don’t have to--.”
You banged your hand on his desk causing him to flinch a little bit from your bold action.
“You’re gonna hear my proposal first before you decline me Mr. Jeon. That’s a good head of a company should do.”
His mouth fell open as if he’s about to say something but soon enough he closed it while sitting up straight on his executive chair.
He just pushed his lips together into a thin line, closed his eyes shut for a second before letting out a deep breath.
“Fine,” he said and your chest suddenly felt lighter hearing that one word.
“And it’s Jungkook,” he added.
Your breath trembled, how could he have the same name and the same face with the love of your life?
Everything was the same, except for the fact that this one’s attitude could be compared to the clear darkness of the night sky when the moon was out of sight.
It’s not him.
It can’t be when you saw him died in your arms.
When you went on his wake.
When you visits his grave.
And when you took care of your son for years without him.
Evidently it was all coincidence.
Yes, that’s it.
A fortuity.
You made yourself believe.
You started explaining the proposal, not stopping one second to breath. You spoke with such perseverance and certainty that even Jungkook had some events when his mouth would just hang open.
But of course he made sure to close it before you’d even notice.
He kept a poker face the whole time.
But he couldn’t deny that you were good at this and you certainly know what you’re saying.
Anyone could easily say yes to your proposal in no time.
Especially men.
Though he made sure that he was focused on the things you were saying, he still gave himself time to look at you closely.
Your long lashes flickering whenever you bat them.
Your eyes that looked so clear and pure, so invitingly amazing to just look at.
Your lips that would sparkle every time you’d unconsciously lick on them. The wetness from your tongue would cause the tint of your lips to become more rosy red, looking so soft and deli--.
“I’m sorry?” You asked him.
You were at the last part of your report but suddenly this jerk blurting out nonsense.
“You don’t need to finish,” he said licking his lips on the process catching your attention for a second.
“My eyes are here sweetheart,” he flicked his fingers in front of you which immediately snapped you back to reality.
“If you’re going to be a part of this partnership,” he paused, his eyes where making the hair on your whole body to rise up, “you need to go to my social gatherings. Tomorrow, 8pm at the Grand Hall, wear your best dress.”
“Uhhm, is that a yes for the proposal?” You had to make sure so that you could inform your boss right away.
“You’ll find out tomorrow.”
You typed on the search bar of your cell phone looking for the definition of the word.
You’ve heard about this doppelganger thing but you didn’t actually believe it until now.
This has to be the explanation for this.
“Jungkook’s dead.”
“Are you okay Y/N,” Taehyung asked on the other line.
“He’s dead right?”
“Just f*cking answer me!”
You tried your best to be calm the whole day but tonight, as you sat at the edge of your bed.
You could feel your insides trembling.
Your breath was shaking.
The tears that have been mounting on your eyes had finally landed, making their way down to your cheeks as you sobbed relentlessly.
“God! Tae.”
“What happened?”
You told him about this other Jungkook and your best friend listened to you.
He was silent the whole time.
Trying his best to imagine your situation.
Taehyung was so worried about you, especially when your sobs were the last thing he heard when you hang up the phone.
He couldn’t just let you be alone like that.
It’s so damn painful to see the face of the person you love the most on someone who would look at you like you are nothing.
To wish that you could hold him.
Hug him.
Kiss him once again.
But you just couldn’t do that because he’s a different person.
F*ck it!
You miss him so much!
And seeing this other Jungkook’s face only made you longed for your Jungkook even more.
"Know that my love for you is undying, and that it’ll last forever, until end of time.
’Till we meet again my love.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I love you forever,
Without any due.
You were a crying mess as you hugged his last letter for you.
The piece of old and worn out paper that you treasure so much.
Imagining him writing those words as you laid sleeping beside him, not knowing that he was already preparing his last words for you.
You wish he’s beside you right now.
Hugging you.
Kissing your eyes filled with tears.
“Jungkook,” you cried out for name as if to make sure that he really did existed, that he was once yours and you’re his.
“I love you forever,” was the last thing you mumbled as you let your weary self drift to dreamland.
You looked at yourself on the mirror.
The make-up sure did a great job for covering the redness on your nose area from all the crying last night.
You looked presentable.
With your hair let down freely, light make up on and that elegant looking black dress hugging your body just fine.
You totally looked alluring.
So when you entered the Grand Hall, some eyes were on you.
And by eyes…
That includes Jungkook’s.
When you saw him looking at you, you voluntarily bowed and he did as well.
He started to walk towards you and you held your breath for a few seconds as he got closer.
He was breath taking.
“You look stunning Ms. Y/N,” he said when he was close enough that you had the chance to get a better look at him.
He was wearing a black coat with these delicate butterfly details on them.
You never expect butterflies to look so manly.
Not until now.
He had contact lenses on this time, which enhanced his strong aura even more. Giving this unearthly tenor around him.
Though his dark colored hair balanced the strong vibe he was projecting.
“Thank you,” you answered.
Following his gesture, you joined the other group of people talking about business and things you couldn’t care less.
You’re eyes were wondering around when a man spoke words that caught your attention.
“Are you ready for the announcement later Jungkook?”
Your eyes immediately looked at the middle aged man who asked Jungkook the question. And as you turned your gaze on the man beside you, you could definitely saw the negative change on his mood.
“Not here Uncle,” Jungkook said with his jaw clenched.
The rest of the evening you just roam around the area, talking to random people, eating delicious food--
And keeping an eye on Jungkook.
Who obviously had a bad mood after awhile ago.
He was on the bar counter, ordering unlimited glasses of tequilla, gulping the hot liquid down his throat one after another like it’s water.
You bit your lips.
Nobody seemed to pay attention to the guy, and if this kept on. You sure things won’t end right tonight.
With heavy steps, you approached him and swiftly snatched the glass of liquor he’s about to drink.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked irritably.
“You’re getting yourself drunk Mr. Jeon.”
He stood up from his seat slowly and reached for your wrist, gripping on it tight causing you to whimper silently.
Nobody was paying attention to the both of you since Jungkook was surprisingly acting normal.
At least if someone’s looking at him from a far.
But the fact that the smell of alcohol seeped through your nostrils was telling you otherwise.
He pulled you closer so he could whisper to your ear.
“It’s Jungkook.”
And you hadn’t even had enough time to breathe before he pulled you out of the hall, into the lift and up to his floor.
“What are you--.”
He slid the key card and pushed you inside the room, making sure to lock the door behind him.
“Mr. Jeon,” your breath was getting as uneven as you walked backwards, trying your best to keep a safe distance from him as he walk towards you.
A gasp escaped your mouth when the back of your knee bumped onto the sofa causing your body to slump down onto it.
He was fast to hover over you, adjusting your body so you were finally laying on the sofa bed.
You felt his muscles flexing as he tried to restrain your actions towards him, pushing him off you the best you could.
But of course he’s stronger.
He leaned down, planting kisses on your neck, groaning on the process whenever your bodies collide.
“God,” you let out feebly, shutting your eyes as the tears escape from them.
You held tightly on his shirt as you feel him suck the skin near your collarbone.
“Jungkook,” you cried, calling not for the man on top of you.
But to the man who sent you corny letters of poems he’d made just for you.
For the man who sang to you on your school program.
For the man who kissed you in the middle of the crowd.
For the man who asked you to marry him right away.
For the man you’ve love unconditionally.
And for the man who’s the father of your son.
“Y/N,” the way he whispered your name sent shivers down your spine.
Something about the way he left soft kisses on your bare neck gave you a familiar sensation that you’ve been craving for three years.
It’s not him.
You let out a shaky breath.
“I miss you so much my love,” he mumbled on your skin.