"So today, we're going to start with a new lesson. Witches. Witches are part of the supernatural chain. As we all know, there are five supernatural beings. Werewolves, Vampires, Demons, Angels and Witches. Witches play an important role in the supernatural chain because they control elements. We all know what the elements are, water, fire, air and earth. The maximum amount of elements that witches can have is two. Most witches get water and wind as elements or earth with another element but it is very rare that a witch can control fire.
"Most don't know why but it is rare. The witches had a war against demons many years ago. The witches won and the demons lost. Many lives were lost from both sides but mostly from demons. A very important king that ruled was King Louis. King Louis was known for his humbleness. He loved his people and considered them as his family. King Louis signed a treaty with the demons' king to prevent any more wars from happening.
"They say King Louis left the supernatural world because he fell in love with a mortal and at that time, witches and mortal's relationship was banned." I listened to every single word she said. This is the first time I hear of supernatural in literature.
I looked at Bryson and saw him in tuned with the lesson. Are they serious? Do they actually believe in witches and supernatural beings? All these thoughts ran through my head but nonetheless, I continued listening to the teacher.
"King Louis went and lived with mortals and gave his title to his brother. King Louis lived very peacefully but his life ended. Many people were devastated by the tragic news.
"There's a legend that says, a girl, a witch will end all problems. A girl will handle soil, wind, heat, and water, meaning all elements. The legend says that this girl will hold more than the two elements." She said.
I looked at my open textbook and glared at the lines. This couldn't be true. After all, it's just a legend. All too soon, the bell rang signaling the end of the hour. I collected my things then got up. Bryson was still collecting his things when I walked to the door.
Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I turned around ready to shout at the person but stopped when I realized that it was Mrs. Wilson. I looked at her puzzled.
"You are a special girl, Violet." She murmured so slowly that it was hard to hear her clearly. I felt Bryson's presence behind me. Mrs. Wilson pulled back and softly smiled at us. "Make sure Violet's comfortable." She said, looking at Bryson, then turned aroundgoing back to her business.
Bryson looked at me with questioning eyes but didn't ask me anything. We left the class and I was surprised when I saw Remus. "Hey." He smiled making me return it. "Come on, class will start in five minutes." He said taking my hand and running.
Bryson shouted 'bye' which I returned with a wave. Dude, this is the second time that someone holds my hand and sprints down the hall. I ran along with Remus until we reached class. Physics was the same old, boring thing. I nearly fell asleep in the class. The teacher made me introduce myself which I did quickly.
Remus looked bored as hell. I think I saw drool on the corner of his mouth. He was playing with a pen looking at it intently. I thought the pen was going to break from Remus's cruel glare. I was uncomfortable in this class. Everyone was staring at me like I'm an alien from Mars.
After sixty minutes of 'Energy is blah, blah, blah,' the bell rang. Thank God! Remus and I ran as fast as possible out of class. "Man, that was boring!" Remus groaned and I nodded in agreement. "Mister Fisher sucks." He put his hands in his pocket and continued walking.
That was true; he did suck. Mister Fisher is a man in his late forties. He had light brown hair and black eyes. Like most old men, he had a belly. I wanted to cover my nose every time he passes next to me because of his smell. Just like his last name, Mister Fisher smells like fish. I mean he stinks, literally. Can't he put perfume on or anything? Maybe a shower to make that smell go away?
Remus and Bryson walked me to the Biology class. "Here's the class okay?" Remus asked. I nodded with a smile on my face. He smirked the wrapped and arm around my shoulder. "If any of the boys flirt, we're here to kick their ass." I laughed at his joke. My laughter died down when I realized that he wasn't jokingI scratched and shook my head . "You're unbelievable." I muttered under my breath. I looked at both of their faces to see them raising their eyebrows. "What?" I cried out. Both of them shook their head and patted me on the shoulder walking in forward.
I was about to enter the class when I heard Bryson scream, "If they do, then tell us!" I rolled my eyes at his 'joke'. Whatever, I'm not telling them anything. I can take care of myself, I don't depend on others.
The Biology teacher is called Mrs. Allen; she's strict for a teacher. Not once in class did I see her smile. I asked the teacher if I could go to the toilet. She nodded and I stood up. I got out of class looking left to right, searching for the girl's toilet.
I stopped when I saw the sign. Wow, that was so easy. I opened the door and got it. There was a girl with wavy blonde hair fixing her makeup. She was beautiful. I saw her eyes from the mirror, they were misty blue. When the girl saw me, she turned and her eyes instantly lit up.
"Oh my gosh, you must be Violet!" She squealed and hugged me tightly. I looked at the wall in front of me. Who is she? Does she even know me? She pulled away and blushed when she noticed me gazing at her weirdly.
"Oh sorry about that." She smiled a little and fixed her clothes. "I'm Claudia." She extended her hand. I directly took hers and shook it. Claudia seemed nice. She was actually the first one other than the guys that I know in this school.
"Oh and if you're wondering how I know you, well I'm Giovanni's sister. Unfortunately." She added making me chuckle. "Nice to meet you." I smiled back. She Giovanni's sister, he never told me about her. As if reading my thoughts, she started talking.
"I bet Giovanni didn't tell you about me." She sighed then rolled her eyes. Wow, she's the total opposite of Giovanni..[K2] "If you haven't noticed, my brother is an idiot." I laughed out loud hearing her say that, I already like this girl. We calmed down, looked at each other, then started laughing again.
"Why are we laughing?" I giggled as I asked her that. She shook her head saying 'I don't know'. "What do you have right now?" She asked curiously. I shrugged "Biology with Mrs. Allen." I answered looking at myself in the mirror. I heard Claudia squeal and clap her arms making me turn around and stare at her bewildered.
"I'm in the class right next to you, how about we hang out in lunch?" She gushed and I laughed lowly. The girl is unbelievable, so hyper. I nodded and smiled when she squealed. I went to my class and sat in my seat waiting for the bell to ring. C'mon, I wanna eat!
I was about to dance in victory when the bell rang. Food, here I come. I walked out of class only to stop and see all four guys standing there. The girls that stood next to me were drooling. I walked up to the guys with a smile on my face.
"Hey!" I said smiling. All three of them had serious expressions except Eros who always had a serious expression. Out of nowhere, all three of them, Giovanni, Bryson and Remus bombarded me with questions related to guys in class. I didn't understand a thing since they were talking at once.
"Stop!" I snapped frustrated, making them shut up. I sighed and crossed my arms. "No one said anything to me okay!" I raised an eyebrow and they all sighed in relief.
"Get out of my way idiot!" Someone said making all of us turn and stare at the person who was saying that. Not to my surprise, it was Claudia. She was pushing Giovanni out of her way. The poor guy had an expression of disbelief on his face. Sisters. They are always evil. All of us went to the cafeteria. Claudia was talking about 'Glee'. I listened to what she was saying; she is definitely a 'Glee' fan. Lunch passed quickly same as the rest of the day. I have to say that I enjoyed art. Art is one of my favorite sessions, it's amazing and I can express myself in it.
Music went smoothly. We didn't really do anything in music but discuss some notes and the instrument. Right now, I was in my room going through my drawers. Claudia decided to have a girl's night in; she used her puppy dog eyes to pull me in.
The guys said that they had something important to do. I'm not sure but I think I saw Giovanni's hair glow. I think it was my imagination. On top of that, I think I saw him grow wings. I shook my head and sighed, I think I'm going crazy.
Another thing was a tiny bit of blood on Remus's shirt. I'm not sure if it was blood or ketchup. Bryson smelled like nature. His 'earth' sent filled the dorm once he entered it. As for Eros, well, his eyes were unnaturally black.
It was so weird, so unnatural. Someone knocked on the door breaking me from my trail of thoughts. I think it was Claudia. I left my room and walked to the door opening it. Claudia was standing in her place grinning.
Tonight is going to be interesting...