"Um... vampire?" I answered but it sounded more like a question. I saw his eyes darken but return to their normal color in seconds. Okay, this is so weird. How did his eyes change color?
"Vampires? Don't you like witches for example?" I looked at him puzzled. Who's talking about witches? Uncle Connor waited for my answer looking at me with a serious expression. "I think vampires are better..." I trailed and once again, Uncle Connor's eyes darkened. We stood in an uncomfortable silence but it was my uncle who broke it.
"Follow me, I will show you your dorm." He said before walking out of the huge library. I followed him as we walked into many halls. No one was in the hall; I think they were in their classes.
"You're dorm is on this story building" I looked around and saw that this hall was different. Instead of having the wallpaper be white, it was golden. I felt like royalty, everything was red and gold.
Uncle looked at me with excitement in his eyes. "The dorms were all full so this is the only place that you could stay at." He flashed me a big grin and opened the door. He ushered me to come inside, he looked like a child who just got his cookie.
I gasped as I saw the whole dorm. It wasn't something I was expecting. I thought the dorm was supposed to have a bed and bathroom but I was so wrong. A huge living room with a big plasma screen T.V. lay there.
I looked at the other end of the dorm and saw a big silver modern kitchen. I heard some noise. A door opened and I nearly fainted, it was Adonis himself. The dude had very light emo styled blond hair with piercing blue eyes. He was tall, about 6'2. The guy was wearing dark blue skinny jeans with a grey button up T-shirt. He's hot.
"Ciao Mr. White." His voice was even better. His deep voice sent chills down my spine, in a good way. My Uncle and the guy shook hands. I didn't realize I was gawking until the dude looked at me and winked.
"E chi e questa bella signora?" (And who is this lovely madame?) The guy that I still didn't know took my hand and kissed it, making me blush. "Il mio nome e Giovanni, e tu?" (My name is Giovanni, what's yours.) I looked at the guy with a frown on my face. The guy, whose name was Giovanni, looked at my Uncle, who was nodding. Giovanni nodded and sent me a smile; he has dimples!
"I'm sorry for that, my name is Giovanni." He extended his hand and I shook it with a smile of my own. "I repeat my apologies; I didn't know that you don't understand Italian." He apologized once again and I nodded. "It's ok. I'm Violet; it's a pleasure to meet you Giovanni." I said.
"Gio, did you see my socks?" Someone screamed and my eyes adverted to a tall guy. The first thing that I noticed was that he was muscular. He had light brown hair with striking green eyes. His eyes shone when he saw me. In a flash, he was in front shaking my hand with a huge grin on his face. "You must be Violet, we've heard a lot about you! I'm Bryson but you can call me Bry." He said enthusiastically. I gave him a smile and nodded. I was about to say, 'it's a pleasure to meet you' but stopped when I saw him looking at me from up to down.
"Hey Remus!" He turned around and screamed for someone. "She is hot!" I blushed when I hear him say that. Giovanni smacked Bryson across the head while glaring, making Bryson mutter incoherent things.
"Dude, Connor's right in front of you." Giovanni hissed making Bryson nod. Bryson looked at me and smirked. "Girl, you're hot." He stated which earned him another smack across the head. Bryson rubbed the back of his head and I shot him a glare. I'm do not look that old!
"Fine, she is cute!." By now, Bryson was clutching his stomach from pain. My eyes widened when I noticed what just happened. Giovanni just kicked Bryson in the stomach. Her Uncle is right in front of you!" Giovanni put his hands on his hips as he glared at Bryson.
"Oh wow." Bryson said then groaned. He looked at me for a second then stared at my uncle. "Then, your niece is hot." He flashed me another smile of his making me blush. Bryson snaked his arm around my waist and wiggled his eyebrows. "How about we continue this in my room." He suggested, looking thoughtful for a moment. I turned my head and saw my Uncle glaring at Bryson.
"Get your hands off of her!" My Uncle's voice boomed making both Bryson and I jump. Bryson turned around and saluted my Uncle. "Yes sir!" He said and lowered his hand mimicking a soldier. I mentally chuckled when I saw him do that. I guess that he's the joker.
My Uncle sighed and rubbed his temples. "I have some things to do." He looked at me and instantly smile softly. "Violet, your suitcase is in your room. I have to go now but I'll check up on you later." He patted me on the shoulder then left the dorm.
"What's going on in here?" Another male voice joined the room but this time it was followed with another pair of footsteps. A guy, about 6'3 entered the living room. I caught my breath when I saw him. His silver eyes bore into mine, making me melt in them. His silver eyes turned cold as he stared at me and I noticed his fists clench.
Someone behind him coughed, making my eyes advert to a golden eyes guy. He had black hair and a scalped jaw. He smiled and dashed to stand next to me. "Hi, I'm Remus. It's nice to finally meet you Violet." I nodded before answering. "You too!" Wait, how does he know my name? Remus must have noticed my confusion because he quickly replied.
"Oh and everyone in this school knows your name. After all, you're the-" Remus started but hissed in pain when Giovanni hit him with his elbow. "Shut up!" He ordered. I looked between both of them not really knowing what to say, they seemed like they're having a discussion with their eyes.
"Leave those two bulls alone, they're always like that." Bryson had his hands in his pockets while having a smirk on his face. "Oh, by the way, this is Eros." He slapped the silver-eyed dude as he grinned.
Eros glared at me before nodding and turning around, probably returning to his room. I stood there confounded as I stared at Eros's back. What's wrong with him? Bryson was staring at me with an apologizing look on his face. Giovanni and Remus just sighed and followed Eros after saying 'excuse me'.
"I'm just going to unpack my bag." I sent Bryson a small smile that he returned with a smile of his own but I knew it was fake. I took a step forward but stopped when I realized that I don't know where my room is. I looked at Bryson with an embarrassed look on his face making him chuckle.
"Follow me." Was all he said before walking. I went after him and stopped when I saw him open a door. "I'll leave you to unpack your things. If you want anything then I'm on the other side of the dorm." He sent me a smile and walked away.
I looked at the room and gasped, it was everything I wished for. The room was violet and white. There was a king sized bed on the left side of the room that was covered with silk violet bedspread. The curtains on the other end of the room also were a violet color.
I gawked at the sight of the room, my room. I still can't believe that. The wall behind my bed was violet and had all sorts of classical drawing on it, the whole room was just breathtaking. I took a few steps forward, still stunned and stopped when I saw a pair of double doors.
I slowly put my hand on the knob and opened it only to see an empty walk in closet. A smile made its way to my face and I saw myself looking at another door, it must be the bathroom. I opened the door and as I thought, it was the bathroom. It was huge. There was a really big bathtub in the middle of it that looked like a Jacuzzi. I left the bathroom and let out a laugh.
I can't believe this is all mine. For the first time in a long time, I found a true smile on my face. I let out a laugh and sat on the bed, touching the silky bedspread. I thought about many things but my mind wandered to Eros and his behavior.
I don't really know what I did wrong for him to behave like that and it really annoyed me...